Reviews from

in the past

no lo terminé todavía así que no puedo decir mucho pero se me hace bieeen chistoso asdksad las mecánicas de las artes marciales estan un poco raras pero es un juego divertido dentro de todo

I really feel like this is the world's reward to us for sticking with this franchise through all three feature films, the anthology film, and Enter the Matrix. It really feels like the culmination; the epilogue.


um jogo que retrata muito bem o filme, mas depois que vc se torna o escolhido, as missões ficam meio entediantes e saem dos trilhos do objetivo de seguir o filme...

o combate é bem bacana, podendo usar o foco pra realizar ataques especiais, movimentação +/- mas é um pouco suave e o parkour muito legal, mas uma pena que aproveitaram muito mal.

Talvez o meu jogo favorito baseado em filme, abordando a história da trilogia inteira, com alguns extras. O combate é bom, sendo possível executar vários golpes, alguns até são os mesmos dos filmes. O sistema de tiro e esquiva é bom também, permitindo você de executar a famosa esquiva de balas do Neo. Bastante horas de conteúdo e diversão garantida.

I played this game when I was like 12, and it blew my fucking mind. Looking back at it, it's a pretty wacky abridged game for the three Matrix movies. Though surprisingly, it adds a lot of extra bits that really make it fun to go through(fighting ants in a weird illusion scape? LIKE HUH?). It's gameplay is pretty jank but good fun, the shooting has jank lock on but it's still alright. I'd honestly play this for how insane it all is. If you're a fan, then that makes it better too.

it was better game in my memories

Eu vou ser sincero e gosto bem mais de Enter the Matrix pelo exagero, mas também gosto bastante do que tentaram fazer aqui com as habilidades e sistema de combos, fora que tem uma variedade bem legal de fases. Um clássico do meu PS2.

I have no clue how I got this game but one day I decided to play it and was blown away this is one is a pretty cool vibe.

Mediocre game with clunk and janky controls. The graphics are super ugly but... I can see some people enjoing it somehow... But for me , not good.

All three stars are for the opening tutorial section, which is highly memorable, re-playable, and homages badass hong kong action flicks like Hard Boiled and Legend of the Drunken Master. The rest of the game doesn't leave much of an impression beyond being weird and clunky

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I still can't believe the Queen song for the credits.

stone cold classic. only fools dont like the tutorial levels. playing as keanu reeves fighting through a haunted pagoda with an original photek composition in the background? only the wachowskis could Ever. Icons

Wild stuff. Pure unadulterated PS2 era jank.

Ambitious from a technical perspective - normal mapping on PS2, gosh - but to the point that it becomes quite ugly. They ask way too much of the console here. But I kinda Iove that. It's fascinating to see what they were able to do, regardless of whether it works or not.

From a plot and visual design perspective It is totally off its nut. Mecha Godzilla Smith being a highlight.

A messy, janky game for a messy, janky franchise. There are so many interesting ideas here that are held back by 6th gen hardware, and that hardware is getting pushed to its absolute limit. Not a perfect game, but the perfect Matrix game.

one of the more audacious movie tie in games i have played, visually very impressive and has great levels unfortunately the actual kung fu is kind of boring

I still think about this game. This is how you make a Matrix game.

An incredible game, which is not afraid to innovate, although it fails in some parts, in general it is a very enjoyable game even with its old mechanics very inspired by those of PS2

it's funny and insane but also very jank and clunky

A good game representation of the movie and a decent one.

não sei quanto a versão de ps2 pq eu nunca joguei, mas matrix path of neo no pc envelheceu mal em alguns sentidos, checkpoints mal posicionados, as vezes fazendo você voltar uma fase inteira, os comandos nem sempre respondem direito, a gunplay é terrivel, varios problemas que qnd criança não havia notado, ele é divertido, tem animações excelentes de combate corpo a corpo principalmente e eu adorei as re-imaganiações de what-if do filme, como trecho do inicio no trabalho neo escapando dos agentes smith, mas isso não segura o jogo, nem os adicionais, por isso estou dropando, jogar um jogo com comandos zoados tem um monte mais divertido que esse.

I loved this game. Need to try it again.

well it’s better than enter the matrix

El doblaje es genial, en Matrix Path of neo, tanto en VO como en Español, son la de los actores de las películas, cosa que es muy de agradecer.

Mi plataforma es Pc, tengo entendido que varía según plataformas; no os puedo decir si es cierto o no… Si lo es o queréis aportar algo, los comentarios están más abajo.

Lo que si os digo, es que lo he jugado más de 5 veces COMPLETO y cada vez encuentro más “Maletines bonus” que amplían los extras, con comic y cinemáticas, cosas raras (como los archivos de Sion) o trucos para el juego (munición infinita, modo dios…).
Reseña completa:

Weird but cool Matrix game with a ton of extra stuff and an absolutely insane ending to an otherwise standard action game.

I really wish I could've beaten this one because I was actually enjoying it quite a bit early on. I love it's weird obtuse combat that does a surprisingly good job replicating the movies, and the janky translation of Matrix visuals to 6th generation hardware. But fuck man, it really throws a non stop stream of the same missions at you midway through. Just stopped being enjoyable at some point and became really grating. I think a lot of this comes down to how I feel in the moment though, when I have a bit more patience I'll pick it back up. Still a pretty cracked video game regardless.

Su final es mejor que el de la pelicula

in the matrix: path of neo, you are asked "you do still claim to be the ultimate gamer right?" it is truly an amazing game