Reviews from

in the past

evil autistic michael cera en contra de las masitas de tiktok

Cool paranormal story wrapped up in shitty external elements with secrets too archaic to actually be fun to find on your own. Many such cases!

(This also deeply draws from concepts explored better in DDLC and multiple SCP Wiki articles, particularly SCP-2747. I struggle to imagine this was made without knowledge of either of those. Mildly disappointing that it veered away from the main plotline for that.)

One of the most unique experiences I’ve ever played, and a massive inspiration to any artwork I create. I’d do anything to play this game from the start not knowing what’s ahead of me.

Who's Lila is yet another Twin Peaks inspired project, with an interesting twist.

While I was traversing the school's boiler room, I couldn't help but remember the moment in the last episode of Twin Peaks' S2, where Cooper is running around in circles, as he finds... something inside there.

And to be quite frank, this was the entire experience throughout this game. Who's Lila nails the vibes of David Lynch to almost a fault, bringing the beauty and the horror behind his works to the front of the screen.

The biggest (and most interesting) aspect of the game is dealing with your character's emotions, by literally modeling his face. It's bizarre and strange, and yet it works really well. As for gameplay... this is a point and click game, with a LOT of secrets inside and outside of the game itself. Like, I'm not even joking, this game has endings for days. I played like 5 hours or so and I don't think I got even half of them yet.

Overall, what I can say is this needs to be played as blind as possible, just looking around for what the game shows you. As in, the game's website, the steam page, since those things hold some secrets you can use inside the game. If you're a fan of Whodunits (or in this case... well...), you're definitely gonna enjoy figuring out Who's Lila.

Que videojuego mas raro y mas interesante, esto si es la definicion de Indie. Un juego raro, diferente, llamativo.
No soy fan de los juegos que me hacen sacar varios finales, pero toda su historia es tan interesante que lo voy a intentar, como resumen, es un videojuego del que no vas a saber que esperar.


What makes us, us? What makes us conscious beings living in this world?
"I think, therefore I am", is the popular principle of Rene Descartes that one generally points to as proof of their existence, but aren't one's thoughts, by definition, entirely imaginary?

Our memories are in the past, our futures uncertain, only thing we have for the present are our thoughts and our personality, things that have no physical interpretation and exist in the grey area between biological functions and consciousness. But this is undeniably a real thing, humans aren't philosophical zombies, there's an unique, subjective aspect to one's experience that is tied to a singular point of view. As soon as we try to take this experience and move it to something understandable for others we abandon that point of view.

We don't tend to think about these things unless we question our own self, our ego that we made up and the body we inhabit. When we fear losing control, we think about what it is to control one's self, one's own mind.

One of the creepiest things that can happen to us, is feeling like we have something other than ourselves vying for control in our own mind, but the reality of the situation here is far more terrifying. We play in the body of William overtaken by the being Lila, an entity/consciousness with inscrutable goals. What does it want in this body?

The game is a fascinating journey, we control Lila, push it towards different objectives, some making much more sense than others, and some random ARG shit which while annoying gives a certain feeling that the game is crossing boundaries in the real world. We change our behaviour, our expressions and our actions. In a sense we are playing around in this world, as we try and find an answer to the question of. Who's Lila?

I don't know if I was doing it wrong but some endings were overly convoluted to get, particularly Strength I was messing around a lot with the confidence level in the interrogation to no avail only to have to look it up and find out your expressions in the tutorial affect what ending you get, which I don't think is fair


This game is spooky, the contorting face mechanic is fun and original, the story, ARG elements, and meta references are cool. I liked learning about the characters and getting endings was satisfying. I also really enjoyed the soundtrack. It's worth playing.

You replay the game to get different endings, each with a different tarot card's name. The game overstays its welcome with some of said endings being hilariously contrived and I personally would not be bothered to figure out how to get them without a guide. Maybe that's more of a testament to me than the game, but needing to sit through that interrogation scene 3+ times was tiresome.

I like how the game is stylised, but the dithering makes certain scenes with high detail (ie. a burned out house, a theatre) look like boiled shit. Also there's a couple chase scenes that are ass.

- Weird, Interesting, and actually intriguing to play.
- Hard to actually understand what the game wants from you at the start but gets more clear as you play.
- The style was unique but got hard for me to look at the more i played, i had to take breaks to play this.

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oughhhhh i love games with immense and incomprehensible lore. this game is so fun and as per i looove a game w tons of endings!!!! esp when theres a completionist ending... had to edit my save file to get both hierophant endings and 100% the game which is frustrating but i didnt mind that much! i love the stuff it does w ur computer such as needing to corrupt the save file, needing to check tanyas twitter, looking at the carrd... very arg-ish, its super cool!! i have so many theories and questions and i cant decide whether i want to KNOW the answer or not. im also generally really good with horror but this game genuinwely frightened me - not because of either jumpscare, or the murder, or anything, quite simply Just the unsettling atmosphere had me shaken and looking over my shoulder. really impressive!!!! i HAATED the scenes where u used wasd (/pos) the break in point-and-click felt really offputting and made it all the more scary. altogether really great and underrated game!!! only part i didnt enjoy was trying to escape strepnov, i found it rlly hard and got stuck for ages, but thats prob more user error LOL

Juego curioso. Mola ir descifrando el misterio poco a poco pero la mecánica de hacer manualmente los gestos de la cara (el principal atractivo del juego) aunque es original se podría haber aprovechado MUCHO más.

Ignorando eso, como juego de terror está chulo. Por momentos se siente casi como un escape room.

Redefined for me what horror can be. I only wish the mystery had unravelled more slowly and the face modification mechanic had been more core to the gameplay

seriously the coolest shit ever. i do wish the game gave you some sort of pointers so that discovering all the endings wasn't something that either requires a guide or takes way too long but everything else is so fantastic that i can forgive it

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Esse é o tipo de jogo que te prende cada vez mais, pois cada resposta gera mais e mais perguntas sobre sua narrativa, universo e conceitos.

Tenho que dizer que seu final me deixou um pouco decepcionado, mas ele FAZ SENTIDO com o que foi construido narrativamente.

Belo jogo, Lila.

Really interesting story with a cool way of presenting it, along with added comedy from messing with Will's face and making an abomination only for it to say "Neutral". A couple of the endings and achievements are really frustrating and monotonous though

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Few games have left me so uncomfortable and unmoored. Who’s Lila is captivating and at times will make you feel like a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Its sense of progression and how it reveals its mysteries is something all developers should take note from. If there is one complaint to be made it’s that it could have benefited from fewer endings as you have to replay the same section too often if you want to see all of them.

Wen't into this game expecting a slightly supernatural investigative thriller and left with a phd in philosophy. Also the best representation in gaming of how my dreams play out.

Love this demon. Hope they work with more games in the future 👹

¿Qué es Lila?, dices mientras clavas
en mi pupila tu pupila azul.
¿Qué es Lila? ¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
Lila... eres tú.

Let me tell you, "Who's Lila?" is one hell of a quirky game that'll make you say "What the fuck?" more times than you can count. The whole gimmick here is pulling your dude's face around to make expressions, which sounds bonkers, and buddy, it is. Imagine trying to look sad and accidentally making a face that screams "I just farted and hope no one notices." That's the kind of gold you can expect. The gameplay is as bizarre as a three-legged dog wearing sunglasses.

Now, don't get me wrong, this game is as entertaining as a clown at a funeral. You spend half the time laughing at the absurdity of yanking your character's face into a grin that could scare a baby. But holy shit, does it pull you into its creepy little world effectively. Every creepy smile and furrowed brow pulls you deeper into the mystery of who the hell Lila is. It's like playing charades with a ghost – somehow fun and unsettling at the same time.

But here’s the kicker: it's not all rainbows and freaky smiles. Sometimes the game feels like it’s trying too hard to be weird, and you're left sitting there with your thumb up your ass, wondering what to do next because the puzzle logic is more twisted than a pretzel. Still, "Who's Lila?" earns a solid four out of five stars from me. It’s not perfect, but if you’re looking for something as weird as a singing fish trophy and as engaging as watching drunk people argue, give it a whirl. You won’t regret it... or maybe you will, but at least you’ll laugh your ass off.

Kind of disapointed me, to be honest? But its still good. Hoped it to be more psychological, over than mystical, but well. Still creative, still fun

I really love this game, puzzle solving with a philosophical mystery. One of my favourite games and developers, I hope Garage Heathen produces more games in the future.

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Honestly, a little disappointed, which is really weird to say. This sort of meta-mystery would be RIGHT up my alley it feels, and while the ideas are really fun, idk why, but it just doesn't click that excitement in me. Which again seems crazy, because I'm SO for "Game is a commentary about the meaning of consciousness, tulpas, the birth of an idea", the meta-bullshit, the fact that Lila is simply the game, the thought of her, a creation made to be furthered and to live inside each of our minds. But it's like, I've seen this before. I've pursued games and movies and stuff like this to where I've seen all the tricks it pulls already, which is very much a ME issue. I think this will be a game that occasionally comes up and I go "oh yeah, I liked the first few hours, but getting some of the endings was a slog". Idk, weird that I'm saying this. I'm definitely happy that I played it, and I'm almost frustrated with myself for not liking it more. I think I may come around more on it later though

Who is Lila é o mais próximo que posso descrever de um jogo pós moderno, que aborda tópicos existenciais e filosóficos de maneira fantástica. A minha única crítica ao jogo é que certas partes, como a de perseguição ou de procurar a sala da Martha, são chatas em segundas jogatinas mas fora isso nenhuma parte do jogo foi chata para mim. Alguns dos melhores momentos que eu já tive em um jogo estão atrelados a Who is lila, desde o final do hierofante inteiro até o segredo de quem é a Lila, esse jogo é uma obra de arte.
Porém, devo temperar esses elogios com uma crítica. Algumas das conquistas do jogo são extremamente obtusas, uma exigindo que você corrompa um arquivo e, pra platinar, você precisaria resetar seu save pois uma conquista é mutuamente exclusiva com outra. Sim, isso faz parte do estilo do jogo de certa forma, especificamente o aspecto de não platina e devido às conquistas “get tricked” e “Clever One”, porém o fato que eu estou criticando isso mostra o quão bom o jogo é em te fazer querer ver tudo que ele têm disponível.

No debería ser obligatorio tener que sacar todos los finales para el true ending porque pasa de ser un juego fresco y divertido a un tedio.

For years, I have had this gut feeling that at some point the other shoe is gonna drop and everyone is gonna realize I'm a total fucking fraud. Luckily no one has yet, but this game really spoke to me!

Super atmospheric. It's Lynchian but instead of being total nonsense Lynch schlock there's some halfway interesting things about tulpas and memes and personal identity.

The meta stuff kinda misses the mark for me and honestly I think the game would be better off without pulling you out of the game for any of it. Similarly, if the draw of continuing to play this game is getting every ending, you're probably not going to have much fun just trying every single branch in the narrative, but looking up a guide kills it a bit too... I'd definitely recommend just making a ton of saves at points you find interesting and trying different things from there.

Extremamente intrigante e filosófico, virei três noites jogando isso e penso no jogo até hoje. O único problema é que, para fazer alguns finais, você precisa de um guia porque é muito específico.