Reviews from

in the past

fixes problems with the first game but makes changes to the second that feels unnecessary. Overall it's a fun platformer but it's something I'll never come back to.

Solid level design and humor. If you like this style of game and/or avgn, you'll like this one.

A really fun game on top of being a genuinely funny homage to the OG internet reviewer.

Funny how I played the original two before knowing anything about the Nerd, got to watch most of the show in the past 6 years, and then replayed this understanding every reference.

(played AVGN adventures 2 + the bonus chapter)

now this game has enough meat on its bones to be worth the price point lol

A good collection of 2 solid games with the added dlc. A good purchase to get the games physically and support cinemassacre.

Always wanted to play these, been an AVGN fan since I can remember and I loved playing these games!

Normally I split up individual games but these two aren't different enough for that. They're alright. Some fun ideas, nice homages to retro games and the Nerd, some good jokes. Idk just didn't hit for me much.

Both games have been retooled a little, and certain cameos have been stripped out, but otherwise the games are just as great as they were before, perhaps even more so. The bonus chapter is a nice test of your skills, although it was also slightly underwhelming too. But you still have some great value here; two intentionally bullshit hard games in one package.

Drenched in "SO RETRO"-isms to the point of being indistinguishable from 99% of other budget indie 2D platformers, but the self-incestuous use of gamedev shortcut design feels totally appropriate to AVGN's doltish comedy language. Borderline gamedev tutorial tiers with how often its challenge boils down to cycle-based killboxes on sines and orbiters. Incredibly analogous to Rolfe's own B-movie practicals and direction choices, though the charm doesn't translate to gamedev and the player experience as well as these choices to do a motion picture audience. Exactly the kind of game an AVGN tie-in aught to be, nothing more or less.

Hard as hell and a bit repetitive.

Arguably the second best Mega Man clone I've played, behind Shovel Knight. Solid level design. Solid humor. Nailed the difficulty (hard and unfair enough to pay reverence to what it was inspired by but never got frustrating)

surprisingly actually pretty fun even though its the game bout the guy who screams ASS and has his kids name characters in earthbound

I've played the first game before but never the second, then I found out both games were available on Xbox one so I had to check it out. I say they updated the game to make it less challenging, but that doesn't mean its still not hard. It's a bit different from its predecessors in terms of certain characters and gameplay mechanics, but its still fun for AVGN fans like myself.

The game is pretty and does have a lot of charm but lot of the times I feel like it goes half way. I would have liked quips and jokes in the level from the nerd like he does at the start. The games are pretty short and i find the difficulty balanced so I can't complain too much but it doesn't have the lasting appeal that I wanted it to have.

Platinum #149

A pretty damn fun love letter to the platformers we grew up with.

An ideal amount of shit, ass, and shitty ass.

idk how much of the original difficulty was maintained on the re-release (at least on normal) but coming from some duche that is obsessed with hard 2d platformers, i must say ist not that big a deal, even with infinite lives some setpieces can be done easily with attention and some good platforming skills, and with that this games are a really enjoyable bytesized experience, similar to a megaman game.

AVGN 1 is my favorite out of the two since it feels more polished and interesting, 2 is not bad, but in the upgrades has the same problem as x1 on completely fucking your freedom of choice if you dont play the board world first to get the glove to get the rest of the items with no backtracks for 100%, and has more visibility issues, some of them i assume come from this remaster in particular spaming fucking bright colors on your fucking screen every second.

Only finished the first game and have started the second game.

This game is pretty overrated by a lot of its fans, much like the Nerd himself. The level design is boring, and the game itself is obsessed with that lame brand of zoomer gamer type of humor that I hate. I'd skip this one. It's a very uninteresting game.

I was gonna put these as different entries, but I feel like there's not a whole lot of difference between the two. The games aren't super deep so it's gonna be hard to go into detail as I had before with other games.

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 1 Deluxe

I had just sat and watched like more than half of the AVGN Seasons a week prior to playing this game and I'm really glad I did. I had seen the whole series for years, but now that I refreshed my view on it, it kinda made the game really fun as a huge callback to all the episodes, each episode having representation somewhere and just felt like a novel comeback to something long forgotten.

The platforming is pretty tight as well as the shooting is pretty good, it's no Contra yet closer to Mega Man, but it feels great. The difficulty REALLY ramps up if you play the stages in orders from left to right, kinda goes from a fun romp to my god why is this so precise? since this is a remaster, some things were adjusted such as bosses and collectables just to name a few, but mostly for the better.

The music is actually extremely good for most of the stages, it really reminded me of old NES jams but slightly modernized.

Something I may find myself repeating in the second game review, but the best part about the game is The Nerd's dialogue, it reminds me of how funny he once was without effort and was skirting the line of being over the top, while now he feels like a parody of himself...ironic since this game is a parody of the show, but the dialogue is prefect.

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 2: ASSimilation

So if the first game was supposed to be a parody/representation of the show, this this game was the same but for James Rolfe's other shows and personas and I gotta say it was brilliantly done, it still has the level feel of the first game but with a bit of a slight twist, while the first game played VERY close to Mega Man, this game feels much like Metroid to the point it has a VERY slight Metroidvania feel to it. The levels are much shorter but there are more screens and puzzles to go through.

This game is a bit more about going through puzzles and platforming so it doesn't feel AS tight due to how the control for wall jumping isn't quite perfected, but it's nothing game breaking. The game does play well all-in-all, but some of the power-ups you find needed some tweaking here and there, but the attempt was done decently well.

This game has actually better dialogue than the first and I think it just points out even more how the show is a parody of what it once was, I still like the show, but this game kinda confirmed to me that the show is getting that seasonal rot that shows go through if they've existed a while with not enough changes.

To conclude, these two games were much better than I thought, the Deluxe came with a third...not really game, but extra chapter that ends the saga, but not enough to call it a game, more like extra DLC, which was pretty decently challenging as it was using the second game's engine. Great collection, but I think it's only for AVGN fans, I can't see someone who's never heard of him enjoying the game much.

I actually don't have too much to say about this game, it's fairly average (tho very charming) with a lot of references that AVGN fans such as myself will get a kick out of it. Being two (and a quarter) games in one makes it have a ton of meat on its bones, tho it is very annoying at some points, and not in the intended way. Overall, not bad at all, but it doesn't exceed at anything as a game (except the music, that is REALLY good)

Man this is absolutely amazing

A throwback to old school games with a modern twist.

The writing is hilarious and entertaining while the gameplay is fast, brutal and an absolute awesome experience.

The death blocks, laser sharks, lava pits and just genuine fucking assholes make this game everything there is to love about avgn just that much more fun.

As a fan of his YouTube channel I couldn't think of a more perfect game.

Every level and boss is a throwback to an episode and it's just great to see all the Easter eggs

The final boss being ridiculous and over the top really brings it all together.

To whatever asshole made this diarrhoea dump of a shitty buffalo fucking turd game you're aaaaassss.

And we thank you for it

Love letter to classic NES/SNES games, good and the bad ones. AVGN II has a lot more content and the Super Mario Bros. 3 overworld board. Decent Platformer and quick if you play on easy or normal. Don’t dare take on Fred Fuchs on a harder difficulty.

As a fan of the Nerd i really wanted to like this game, but i found it to be just an average plataformer with some nice fanservice.