Reviews from

in the past

Really good coop game that you actually can play alone, nice gameplay and puzzles.

Très court mais très bon.
J'ai adoré de bout en bout le jeu.
Chill, beau, dans un univers fantastique.
Petite vibe team Ico par endroit, un plaisir.

Jeu excellent que je recommande évidemment.

very beautiful, very heartbreaking. major waterworks at the end but the story never really feels manipulative in that sense which is a breath of fresh air. lovely art style and the functionality of the controls is really unique.

i completed it by myself so the gameplay was challenging , with 2 people youre just holding a button

This was a rather unique experience. At it's core, it's a gimmick game--you control two characters, one with the left half of the controller, one with the right. And it has a bunch of puzzles to compliment this. It's a fun gimmick and the game isn't long enough for that gimmick to overstay it's welcome, which is nice. The visuals and story are amazing as well.
Ultimately though, the gimmick of the game can make it a little bit finicky sometimes, especially with object collision and stuff. It's definitely worth a play though.

este lo regalaban con el ps plus y estuvo re bueno

tell me what other game lets u ride goats with ur brother. dont worry, ill wait

Me lo pasé bien jugándolo, pero la historia es normalita.

⌚ Time to finish - 5h (100% complete - one trophy was a little tricky and i did not understand it the first time so I "wasted" 45 minutes trying it a 2nd time)
🤬Difficulty - easy.
🔊 Soundtrack - pleasant.
🌄Graphics – Nice nothing to write home about
🌦 Atmosphere – great.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Not ground breaking but its a sweet touching tale of love and bond between a family. Definitely worth hearing.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Definitely worth exploring to 100%. They add to the story and the world and I thought were very fitting except for one, which I think went against the main brothers personality. Its at the beginning.
🚗 Movement/Physics –no issues. Some puzzles were cool how the brothers worked together. Nothing ground breaking. It does take a while to control 2 chars at once. However if you keep left char on left side of screen, right char on right screen its easier.
📣 Voice acting – They made up their own language for this game but they perfectly convey everything on screen. BONUS! Watch the hour long developer playthrough, he adds so much commentary that helps you appreciate the behind the scenes. The main dev did all the voices and motion cap cuz they had no $$.
🥇 Best thing about the game - A touching story.

💡Final Thoughts:

Play it if you want a nice small game coming off a larger game and need a break. If you miss it its probably ok, but I will still suggest you play it. Especially if you plat it its a nice achievement.

Lurking beneath the bright and beautiful art style of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a much darker fairy tale containing the trademarks of all great fantasy—giants, rivers of blood, and supernatural nature! The game’s title pretty well summarizes its plot, and the novel gameplay mechanic of controlling one brother with each hand frustrates at first, but eventually becomes integral to the story. This game journeyed far beyond my imagination of what its narrative would be based on the prologue, conveying emotional depth with simple grunts and panta-miming; the affect cut deep for me. Nevertheless, I’m not sure how much of this game will stick with me in the long haul as its puzzles never engaged my mind enough to make it memorable.

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Se o irmão mais velho não fosse GADO não estaria morto ;-;

Its a little annoying to get used to the controls but, after a while, it gets playable and the dose of emotions hits real hard, especially in the last half hour. Fantastic game

Great story game about troubled brothers.
Controls were a bit iffy sometimes.

+Einzigartige Steuerung
+Auch heute noch schön anzusehen
+Immersion durch Gameplay
+tolles Environmental Storytelling

Brothers is about two boys who travel across their land to find a magic sap from a very special tree. They need this sap to heal their father who has come down with a life-threatening illness. That’s pretty much all there is to the story. However, that’s not the touching part. Brothers don’t really start hitting your feelings until the end. Brothers have a unique gameplay mechanic where you control each brother with an analog stick. It takes some getting used to, and you never completely get used to it, but using both brothers at the same time is a unique way to play a game.

The game consists of simple puzzles. They aren’t anything complicated and don’t take much thinking to figure out. Some puzzles only certain brothers can solve. There may be a gate that the smaller brother can squeeze through so he can lower a bridge for the bigger brother. Sometimes they have to work side by side such as in water. The smaller brother can’t swim so he needs to hold onto the older brother. The only other buttons you use are the triggers. One assigned to each brother for grabbing stuff.

There are some boss fights in the game which are a lot of fun. One early on consists of fighting a troll. The little brother needs to lure him into a cage while the older brother closes it with a lever nearby. There’s only one way in so the little brother has to slip through bars to escape. It’s moments like this that make Brothers shine and make you smile. Later on, in the game, it gets darker and grimmer. Puzzles involve dismembering dead corpses of giants. The gameplay ideas change throughout the game like when they have a rope tied to each other and you use it to swing each other around cliffs. The game feels like a grand adventure, but it’s short-lived. You can beat it in 4 short hours wanting so much more.

The game looks really good, while not technically impressive the art style is great and the game has many beautiful vistas. The story is lacking any depth, but it’s the adventure that counts here. If you have a free evening of gaming, Brothers is one of the best indie games you can buy this year.

The somewhat awkward dual joystick controls are effective toward its emotional ends. I also like that the story's pretty much all non-verbal, and the adventure treks across a lot of different fun areas to explore.

A deeply affecting story that weaves Norse Mythology with a tale of two brothers. It is a very good game in many respects, especially the story and music. However, at times the gameplay itself is lacking and never blows you away. Additionally, it feels like it could be longer.

A bit on the overrated side. It does have the ability to get you to shed a single tear, however it's still a basic puzzle game at its core and it's just not that interesting.

I once read, regarding story length in any medium, that your tale should not be too long or just the right length, but ideally too short - keeping the story churning in the mind of the player. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons does exactly this. I wanted to learn more about several areas you journey through; the game shows a lot but tells very little, leading you to imagine your own lore. One of the most delightful and beautiful games I've played in a while.

Ein großartiges kleine Spiel, das erzählerisch das Medium perfekt ausreizt <3

It felt refreshing when I played it.

"It Takes Two" 's grandpa.
Original concept and beautiful art direction. The story is heartbreaking.

An alright game about steering two brothers through a well realized world. Said world is very cool with a lot of good mythological stuff to see. There's also some solid storytelling, including a big emotional ending which has a lot of weight. However, the part where it's a game is kind of bad. I never got the knack for controlling the two boys at once, and it was always a pain in the ass right to the end. Parts of the game are worth seeing, but controlling the two boys is just way too annoying.

Neat little game with an original game mechanic. You play as two brothers using the joysticks. Each joystick is dedicated to a brother. It takes some getting used to, but once you get it you're introduced to some fantastic level designs. I like how they require the brothers to work together; it really adds to the visual storytelling. The progression to various landscapes is great. Love me some snow worlds, but the mountain stuff is great as well. I kind of wished there was more abilities that you had control over. It made the game pretty easy to figure out puzzles when the left and right triggers are simply "action" buttons that do everything when the situation calls for it (jump, climb, pull, etc.). The ending drags; at that point the gameplay is stripped back to its rudiments to tie up the story which is really boring. This is worth playing, but at a discounted rate.

Best Parts:
• Swinging with your brother
• Fantastical turtles
• Hangman puzzle

Replay It? - Maybe