Reviews from

in the past

Preciosa y cortita historia cooperativa para un solo jugador ¿Qué cojones? donde seguimos a dos hermanos en busca de la cura a la enfermedad de su padre.
El juego basa su jugabilidad en la cooperación entre hermanos pero que por desgracia no termina de sacar todo su potencial por lo fáciles y cortitos que son los puzzles.
Lo que menos me ha gustado es que los personajes hablen como los sims. Le quitan mucha potencia y seriedad a la historia.

Nota final: 8

I'm usually into those la de da ooooh feelings game but this one doesn't really do it for me.

Game is super innovative for the time. Controlling each brother with their respective analogue stick is an awesome idea. And the way it tricks your mind into getting comfortable with it is awesome. The areas you explore are cool too. A nice fun fantasy journey.

Just play life is strange 2

Very fun, with a fantastic story and great character development. Unique control scheme that pays off so well.

slow, boring, no voice acting

Simples e encantador!

Uma deliciosa jornada nórdica que mescla puzzle com ação e aventura apresentando uma mecânica inovadora, ao controlar 2 personagens ao mesmo tempo, proporcionando uma gameplay criativa e prazerosa.

É um ótimo jogo como sempre, o único problema é um "Bug" que ocorre na metade do capítulo 2, ne acontecer precisa reiniciar o capítulo do início. Tive esse problema nas versões de PS3 e PS4. Mas o jogo dispensa comentários, um dos melhores indies da sétima geração e atual.

É um dos meus jogos preferidos, muito bem feito, cativante e consegue te prender do início ao fim. Tive a oportunidade de completa-lo em todas as plataformas, um excelente jogo, recomendo. Pra fazer os 100% somente com guia, pois pode terminar o jogo sem se quer pegar um troféu/conquista. Consegue terminar o jogo entre 4 e 5 horas.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Two boys on an adventure to cure their dad. The journeying of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons makes you want to explore the world to see all its wonders.

It's a surprisingly good game, specially the music probably the highlight of the game. Controls aside (and actual finger pain) it is a pretty enjoyable game that starts slow but after it picks up the pace it grabs you until the end.

Simplesmente uma experiência fenomenal, é perfeito para jogar com uma pessoa em uma madrugada virada, no começo confesso que o controle deixa a desejar um pouco, talvez alguns movimentos muito travados, mas logo vai acostumando pois a história salva a gameplay, final simplesmente fantástico pras pessoas que tem apego a personagens, mesmo eles não falando nada, eles dizem muita coisa com o companheirismo dos 2, recomendo demais dar uma chance pra este! <3

Josef reyiz sen bu işi biliyorsun sadece iki kelime konuşan karakterlerle böyle duygusal bir tecrübe yaşatmak bambaşka bir yetenek.

I've been meaning to play through this game since it came out and finally got around to it. I certainly can't say I was dissapointed! It's a puzzle game where you use each joystick to control a different brother through an adventure to save their dad. The story is by far the best part, but it's also just a really solid puzzle adventure game. I'd been told it was a masterpiece in storytelling through mechanics, and damn if that ain't true.

Verdict: Highly recommended. I don't really have much to say on this that hasn't already been said. If you want a game that blends its story and mechanics like no other, this is it.

Первое игровое творение Юсефа Фареса. И тут неприменима пословица "первый блин — комом". История вышла запоминающейся, механики и их реализация необычайны, а сам визуальный стиль игры приятный. Некоторые даже умудрялись проходить игру в кооперативе, хотя изначально она была рассчитана на одного игрока.

Хороший дебют для индустрии, но мне всё же чего-то не хватило. А вот объяснить, чего именно, сложно. Могу сказать с уверенностью, что игра врезается в память и стоит потраченного времени. Впрочем, как и A Way Out, It Takes Two

Sometimes short adventures like this are needed.

İki karakteri yönetmek dünyanın en sinir bozucu olayı olabilir, ama kardeşlerin birlikte çözdüğü bulmacalar keyifliydi. Ancak zevk almak yerine acı çektim. Onun dışında göz yaşı sıkma oyunu.

An incredible achievement in non-verbal storytelling. It will move you.

the controls of this game! loved controlling both brothers together, gave the ending an extra punch - i love when game mechanics elevate the story!! (also had fun controlling the other transport like the glider and the boat.)

The game is fun and I really like to play with friends when we don’t have a few days but want to play something. BUT some aspects of the game are almost unplayable on the PC, and I hope that the studio will fix it in remake. But still the game is very cozy and nice, I enjoy it every single time.

This review contains spoilers

Uns dos jogos mais diferentes que eu já joguei, controlar 2 personagens é bem desafiador mas depois a gente acostuma, a parceria do Naim com o Naimee para salvar o pai é muito bonita, o final travou pra mim várias vezes, demorei pra ver a última cutscene.

PS: A mulher que atrai eles e vira aranha vai sempre me atormentar kkkkkkkk

Solid little story with simple puzzles and some nice vistas.

One of those games that often comes highly recommended in indie game terms, I think perhaps Brothers is the victim of its own hype to some degree. Set in a medieval fantasy world, Brothers follows its eponymous characters on their journey to find the one plant that can heal their dying father. The story isn't the initial star here though; instead one of the big draws is the unique way in which you control the game as each brother is controlled by one half of your controller. Unfortunately I think this works against the game in some ways as it makes it harder to play than I'd have liked. Wrestling with the controls is the primary challenge in the game as it takes you through a series of neatly designed puzzle-platforming rooms, but it's neither a genre I'm especially invested in nor an experience good enough to make the control juggling entirely worth dealing with. There is, admittedly, a phenomenal marrying of gameplay and narrative towards the finale that I suspect makes the entire thing worth it for some, but I can't say it hit well enough to get past my misgivings personally.

Em 2013 jogos plataforma coop eram muita novidade, Brothers a Tale of two tem uma importância especial pro gênero, um jogo super modesto e objetivo

They didn't hit eachother for the whole game, unnacurate siblinghood

Review EN/PTBR

A short and beautiful game with a very well-made universe around the path of your journey within the story.


Um jogo curto e lindo com um universo muito bem feito a sua volta durante toda a jornada dentro da história.