Reviews from

in the past

dont even talk to me abt this game i will cry

Too sad for two players, and not fun enough for one player.

Cara, me impressionei com esse jogo.
A história é simples, porém trás um peso muito grande com a interação dos dois irmãos, e o final é de chorar.
Eu gostei muito desse jogo, por mais que a mecânica seja simples, é desafiador pegar o jeito dela.
Estou rumo ao Mil G nele, recomendo.

It is such a journey to play all three games directed by Josef Fares. Even more so to play them in reverse order. Funnily enough, I think I spotted some recycled animations here, or they may be just very similar.

Anyway, this is a very basic experience, akin to the cinematic platformers boom around its time, except there is no platforming here. This is an adventure first and foremost, with very basic puzzles and almost no dexterity required. No puzzle will take any time at all to be solved.

There are, however, many hidden interactions all over the story progression, which is something that has prevailed in Josef's games, and it may be because of the shorter duration, but said aspect felt more prominent here. It is a lovely touch, though it is unfortunately a shallow one as it provides zero depth to the gameplay. The interactions consist on aproaching an object or an NPC with a brother, then pressing their button to interact, then you can have a different interaction with the other brother.

The story was unexpectedly graphic at some points. I did not bother to read the rating of the game though, it was just surprising to me. Nothing too bad, of course. The story is okay, and that's it. Some twists came from left field and were genuinely shocking. It is still, however, a very simple premise.

It is impressive to see just how far the ideals of Josef and his team have come when compared to these very humble beginnings.

I was able to play this game in co-op, even though co-op is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version, thanks to the Copilot function available on Xbox. We could have played it by sharing a single controller at the same time, Copilot just made it more comfortable.

Played for I don't know how long, for some reason there is no playtime shown in this game for me, through Xbox Game Pass on an Xbox Series S.

This is a small game that you can finish in one sitting. Considering it's from 2013, the game doesn't look bad at all. While the premise is a bit weak, the gameplay is very unique, I don't think I've played anything like it till date. The puzzles, however, are somewhat straightforward and don't really present much of a challenge.

Slow and boring. Interesting gameplay, but it would've been great if it could be played co-op. The holding the buttons to sit was so bizarre and unnecessary. Holding buttons should be for effort things (like holding on to ledges). There's no effort on sitting. I ended up just googling the story cause I had heard so much about it.

While I ultimately liked A Tale of Two Sons, it sadly falls into the common "Games Are Art" indie game trap where the great graphics, artistry and atmosphere are all directly in service of a narrative and gameplay that is nowhere near as impressive. The battlefield filled with the fresh corpses of giants and the man with the music box are definitely going to tickle my brain for years to come. The narrative that feels like one of those dreary coming-of-age Newbery Medal winning books you had to read in grade school as the two boys operate levers and shuffle along narrow ledges? Decidedly less so.

The downside for me is that, once I took a step back and ruminated on the game after beating it, I find the story a relatively weak progression of the two boys - one confident older brother, one wimpy younger brother - running into random events that may or may not be sad and may or may not feel a bit contrived while the puzzle part of the puzzle-platformer peters out in complexity after the troll mines. Once the environments and their masterful use of negative space and forced camera angles stopped dazzling me, the cracks began to show.

One part that bothered me in particular was the whole gryphon plotline. So the two boys save an abused, bloodied gryphon from a giant's home out of the goodness of their souls. They ride on the back of the gryphon, only for the gryphon to seemingly perish from its injuries, causing the two boys to have a moment of silence, a funeral, and a flashback to their dying father. This same gryphon - Sike, it wasn't dead! It just needed to curl up and lay on the ground like it was dead to heal its injuries! - then shows up at the end of the game to explain how they got back to the sick father in a way that feels less "narrative payoff" and more "wrote the characters into a corner and needed a method of fast travel" and doing this made the previous sad death scene feel cheap.

When the sad plot beats land, they really land. Unfortunately, not every weepy part feels necessary and there's a small amount of bloat.

I guess I can't complain too much since it's a three hour game and, at the end of the day, I did like it. The music in particular, which makes heavy use of Swedish kulning, does a lot of heavy lifting to make some of the sadder moments feel like a real gut punch. I just expected something a little...better. Especially from a game with such a high Word of Mouth pedigree.

Also this might be the only game I've played where the spear-waving, bone-wearing death cultists chanting and dancing in a river of blood and preparing a death sacrifice on a stone altar were actually the good guys. I owe you an apology, cultists. I wasn't really familiar with your game.

x3 جوزيف فارس انا احبك
طبعا جهاز اللعب اكس بوكس سيريس

The control scheme is very new and unique, and definitely the greatest strength of the game. However, most of the sections are boringly straightforward and don't require you to control both characters at the same time. There are two sections where the controls shine, though, and those are the rope section, and the last one. I wish the game was more like that and less like pulling a lever with one character so that the other character can pass.
Another quality of the game is the way the story is told, allowing you to understand the whole story without a single word being said.
Overall, a comfy game, but not much more than that.

the idea is very good ,but during the 3 hours i never actually mastered the control of the 2 brothers,would be nice if it was a co-op game.but very good to see the evolution of Josef Fares' games.The world is also very interesting and dark.

Первое игровое творение Юсефа Фареса. И тут неприменима пословица "первый блин — комом". История вышла запоминающейся, механики и их реализация необычайны, а сам визуальный стиль игры приятный. Некоторые даже умудрялись проходить игру в кооперативе, хотя изначально она была рассчитана на одного игрока.

Хороший дебют для индустрии, но мне всё же чего-то не хватило. А вот объяснить, чего именно, сложно. Могу сказать с уверенностью, что игра врезается в память и стоит потраченного времени. Впрочем, как и A Way Out, It Takes Two

Sometimes short adventures like this are needed.

Eu diria que Brothers é mais um projeto experimental do Josef Fares do que um jogo de fato consistente. Mecanicamente da pra se enxergar conceitos que seriam aprimorados em jogos futuros do diretor, mas aqui tudo é muito simples e pouco engajante. E o mais importante é o fato de que o jogo parece querer passar alguma mensagem pro jogador e no fim é tudo muito previsível e superficial. Com tudo isso de lado eu diria que o jogo não chega a ser ruim ou cansativo, apenas limitado no que se propõe.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons' mediocre plot and gameplay is elevated through its use of its controls as a representation of the relationship between its two protagonists, culminating in a single moment that perfectly combines mechanics and narrative.

The adventure these brothers go on is really fucking cool this game deserves mega rep

Jogo lindo, bem dinâmico tbm... Obrigatoriamente você precisa ter uma boa agilidade e coordenação motora maravilhosakkkkk pq o jogo te obriga a ter bastante condenação e também agilidade, ter inteligência e tudo mais, um jogo completo, recomendo

Es un juego con un pixelart maravilloso y una historia que amerita jugar solo por eso a Brothers: A tale of Two Songs. Ademas es un juego corto y de muy facil rejugabilidad. Recomendadisimo! Le falto el trofeo de platino, pero así y todo lo complete al 100%. Corto y de logros sencillos!

The early work of Hazelight and it is very good, although the characters do not speak and the game is very short, i beat in 2 hours. the game has beatiful scenes and the graphics were decent. The controls take some time to get used to but once you do the puzzles are great and it is very fun, the story is great.

The great differentiator of this game is that you have the challenging task of controlling both brothers at the same time (one for each side of the controller). You might take a while to get used to this, or maybe never get used to it like me, but the fun and innovation it provides, along with the beautiful and fantastical visuals throughout the adventure, make it well worth it.

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Video games are Art, as exemplified by this game where nothing happens and the characters are stupid and unlikable for no reason so you can be sad and cry, which is what makes a video game Art. The characters can't communicate in any language we can understand because that would take away from the Art, but the audience is also clearly too stupid to understand any real narrative with actual stakes this way, so the barebones story has to be written like someone describing their creative writing class draft with charades. And as with any Art game, the gameplay and narrative are seamlessly blended, because nothing gets you more attached to a video game character than having you wrestle with the controls to do finicky puzzles about rotating pillars.

Such a bizarre example of the medium's desperation to be taken seriously that I'd assume it'd came out in 2009 if it wasn't for the release date above this text box saying 2013.

Preciosa y cortita historia cooperativa para un solo jugador ¿Qué cojones? donde seguimos a dos hermanos en busca de la cura a la enfermedad de su padre.
El juego basa su jugabilidad en la cooperación entre hermanos pero que por desgracia no termina de sacar todo su potencial por lo fáciles y cortitos que son los puzzles.
Lo que menos me ha gustado es que los personajes hablen como los sims. Le quitan mucha potencia y seriedad a la historia.

Nota final: 8

I'm usually into those la de da ooooh feelings game but this one doesn't really do it for me.

Game is super innovative for the time. Controlling each brother with their respective analogue stick is an awesome idea. And the way it tricks your mind into getting comfortable with it is awesome. The areas you explore are cool too. A nice fun fantasy journey.

Just play life is strange 2

Very fun, with a fantastic story and great character development. Unique control scheme that pays off so well.

slow, boring, no voice acting