Reviews from

in the past

very excited!!
rest in peace mohammad....

Gostei bastante desse segundo game.

Once again a beautiful story with interesting new characters and old acquaintances!

Like a cup of coffee, this game made me feel so warm. Better than the first. SUCH A CUTE TIME. The achievements are a bitch though.

Jogo gostoso do caralho puta que pariu
Cada detalhe dele foi feito com muito carinho
Fahmi estaria orgulhoso

It's Coffee Talk, but better. It remains nice and cozy, but it definitely stood out to me that all the conversations are profound and very deep. Not a criticism, just an amusing observation.

RIP Fahmi

Uma narrativa simplesmente maravilhosa!

A atmosfera que o game traz é relaxante. É satisfatório servir os cafés numa Seattle pixelada em 2023 (Num mundo os humanos convivem com os “não-humanos”, uma sociedade moderna muito similar à nossa).

Se no primeiro game de 2020 o jogo brilhava por sua narrativa, "Coffee Talk: Episode 2 - Hibiscus & Butterfly" conseguiu SUPERAR a boa dose de tramas e arcos narrativos. O que eu mais gostei na narrativa é a presença de críticas sociais que revelam mais a fundo detalhes sobre o mundo em que o jogo passa (e obviamente fazendo paralelos com o mundo real).

A gameplay melhorou muito comparada com o primeiro game, principalmente no quesito intuitividade. Agora é mais simples saber qual bebida exatamente o cliente quer (Também curti a adição dos itens que os personagens esquecem no estabelecimento ou pedem para você entregar para outro personagem).

As bebidas por si só também estão mais legais. Em comparação com o jogo anterior, Episode 2 traz mais variedades de bebidas (legal a adição do hibisco e Blue Pea como novas bases alternativas além de café, chá, leite e chocolate).

Os gráficos do jogo continuam com uma estética linda e a trilha sonora lo-fi também ajuda a dar uma vibe relaxante ao game.

Apresentando uma narrativa melhor que o game anterior, "Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly" acerta no arco narrativo tanto nos novos personagens como nos já conhecidos.

- Personagens carismáticos e bem desenvolvidos.
- Trilha sonora e ambientação relaxante.
- Boa diversidade de bebidas para descobrir.

- Rede social meio inútil e mal desenvolvida.

Secondo me, purtroppo, meno interessante del primo gioco nonostante l'entusiasmo che vedo qua su Backloggd. Inoltre, mi pare fin troppo facile sbagliare diversi degli ordini da preparare per i vari clienti, e l'aggiunta della possibilità di consegnare agli stessi degli oggetti a fini narrativi è implementata troppo male. Almeno, l'atmosfera lo-fi-beat-ass-sex-pop è rimasta, i personaggi son comunque tutti carini e abbastanza ben scritti ed è un piacere poterla rivivere

Hmm. I’m on the fence about continuing this one.

Coffee Talk 2 has some great points, there’s really an interesting conversation simulator here if you really pay attention to the story they’re laying out here, but I think you can’t go haphazardly discussing serious topics in a situation like this. Don’t get me wrong, the game tries its sincerest but I feel like trying to describe systemic racism and discrimination with.. fantasy characters and quirky meme writing doesn’t work. “People are scared of me because I’m a banshee” and “Our love is always struggling and arguing because we are two different species” is handled really fucking weirdly and it becomes apparent at times that most situations are direct stand-ins to real life problems we as a society face, which makes it, ehhhh worse?? It hurts itself even more at times as it tries to stereotype some of its characters with “unique characteristics”, some embedded through pop culture (vampire likes red) and others… yeesh. The first game did this as well, and I feel like the devs have run this through the ground enough (unintentionally) to justify wherever or not I should continue.

The gameplay is also just, alright as well. Some of the instructions are practically cryptic most of the time and getting locked out of best story sections because you didn’t hand someone the right item (even when the game tells you sometimes it feels misleading in when it wants you to) make the game justifiable.

The orc lady’s still cool though.

Although the original creator of Coffee Talk sadly passed away, they still captured the charme and vibe of the first episode.

Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly takes what I enjoyed about the first game and improved upon it just slightly while retaining the immaculate vibes.

The gameplay remains the same as last time, serving drinks based on their specific requests and every so often some latte art. The game adds more beverages to the table with new ingredients such as Blue Pea and Hibiscus, which I guess explains the title. I love experimenting with the new beverages I can create, and it makes me want to try more coffee flavors in real life.

By far the biggest improvement comes with its story. The game lasts 15 in-game days compared to 8 in the first one, and thanks to its extended length, it gives more time and energy to focus on fleshing out the characters, new and returning faces, and having conversations about their own motivations and struggles. It includes a banshee who has aspirations of becoming a singer but was affected by social media due to the social prejudice of her race, a social media influencer who wants to do right by people while trying to break through and be someone different in an algorithmic world filled with views and likeability, a couple who wants their marriage to be something special but can't decide on what can be suitable for each other, or an average person who wants to live his best life, attempting to find love while also trying to escape his past. These are just a few examples, but each and one of these characters have something people can resonate with, even more so with its predecessor. Not saying the first game's story is bad, I just think the sequel makes a much stronger connection with its characters.

You can't have immaculate vibes without some chill music to set the ambience, and Andrew Jeremy killed it once again. I'm gonna enjoy listening through all of this on Spotify I can tell.

Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly is a great sequel to one of the most coziest visual novels you can find on all modern platforms. With its new features and refined story, combined with its chill atmosphere, this is the perfect game for those who want to sit back, relax, and enjoy the game with a coffee in hand.

Rest In Peace, Mohammed Fahmi

Comfort game with a nice story, really cozy and enjoyable. Like the first one, doesn't get boring at all, it's just some time spent in a happy, perhaps sometimes nostalgic, mood.

this game is very special to me. it is just such a cozy experience and everything about it is just so wonderful. like a good cup of coffee, its very soothing to get through. i recommend to everyone in the world to be honest

Continua tendo uma vibe muito boa assim como no primeiro jogo.
Na minha opiniao ele melhorou praticamente tudo em relaçao ao primeiro,os personagens novos sao legais e os novos drinks q vc pode fazer sao muito bonitos.
Soundtrack continua muito boa e a arte do jogo tbm continua linda.
Fico triste quando lembro q o criador do primeiro jogo,morreu tem poucos anos por causa da covid.
Entao comprem(tem no gamepass tbm) e joguem,pq é um indie muito bom.

It should be forbidden for a sequel to be so good!

Rest in peace Fahmi. :(

Even better than the original, every character was handled amazingly here, even if not all my favorites got the most time to shine

Muy agradable de jugar aunque me parece un poco obtuso a veces.

I've always adored the Coffee talk series. A bar sim visual novel set in Seattle with mythical beings being the patrons was always a great setup. You hear many stories from each of the patrons, and it's nice to just chill, hear to a smooth soundtrack, and listen to a banshee talk about her day. The pixel art is great, with a wide variety of colors, and the ost has a lot of variety. A great game the team should be proud of!

shit slaps even harder than the first, sip sip, hooray

Sure the dialogue occasionally turns into a pretentious philosophy major’s rant, but goddamn if this game doesn’t have some of the most at ease vibes and calming effects I don’t know what does

Loveed it. It resonated with me even more than the first one. The visuals, the relatable characters and their interesting dialogue, the amazing soundtrack, everything about the game feels so warm and cozy.

Pretty much just more of the same, but considering how charming Episode 1 was, that's hardly a complaint.

Tengo una cafetería de especialidad en Barcelona al que suelo ir. Es un sitio que me suele relajar mucho, y sirve cafés a buen precio y excelente calidad regentado por un matrimonio de una brasileña y un argentino. Sin embargo, una parte por la que me quedo, precio aparte, es porque muchas veces acabo entablando conversación tanto con los dueños como con la otra gente que está por la zona. Es una conversación fluida, que a veces se vuelve muy superficial, pero otras veces más profunda, algunas divertida, pero es puro caos agradable en un entorno tranquilo en el que nadie te va a incomodar salvo que sea un íntegro gilipollas.
Coffee Talk es un juego que a través de sus minijuegos de simulación de barista te permite explorar la atmosfera y simular esas conversaciones. Es un juego que ya desde su música lo-fi y sus elementos minimalísticos pretende generar ese espacio de confort. Para eso, es importante escuchar y experimentar con los ingredientes para dar con la bebida que se te pide. Si fallas, a la tercera ese personaje desaparece y ya no hay historia que seguir, pero incluso en eso hay intentos, e incluso cuando se falla a saco tampoco es un drama exagerado. El juego, además, expande sobre su primera parte, y se ambienta no solo tres años después, sino que coge su base y le añade los objetos y varios ingredientes. Sin embargo, su fórmula apenas cambia, y es porque pretende seguir en ese espacio de confortabilidad que muchos jugaron durante su primera parte.
Para mí, sin embargo, hay muchos problemas. Coffee Talk episodio 2 es una novela visual continuista, pero una cosa que ya me venía irritando del primero es lo antinatural que me resulta. La literatura millenial reciente, la experimental (pienso en todos los que nominaron a los Granta, pero también en voces como las de Irene Solà en parte, Andrea Genovart con su "Consum preferent", o varias novelistas de fuera como Eimear McBride o Claire Louise-Bennett), en una fluidez que viene de representar la voz de los personajes y su flujo de pensamientos. Coffee Talk pretende representar esto: intentar simular que ves a personajes que quieres, voces y temas y carácteres distintos, y que haces eso como si estuvieras viendo y escuchando tras una cortina. Ese voyeurismo, este juego de conocimiento cómplice o vigilante, pero, es más falso de lo que parece, y quizá esto me escama porque, tras leer el texto de Marta Trivi en Anaitgames (, me di cuenta (aunque intuía ya) de lo irritable que es eso: de cómo hay un orden, una cautela excesiva y un script que te explica los problemas y te los espeta. Había ya ese punto incómodo en su primera parte en el cual las cosas se explicitaban demasiado y eran demasiado ordenadas, y aquí a la pulcritud se nota la torpeza.
Dicho esto, no quiero decir que este sea un mal juego. Creo que es un juego con ciertos continuismos que funcionan bien, y hay algún añadido que funciona (las stories me gustan bastante), pero hay otros que me restan como los objetos, y creo que hay algunos temas que se exhiben de forma demasiado abrupta incluso para lo que yo sé cómo son estos sitios. Lo he disfrutado, pero ha sido al darle un par de vueltas cuando también las incomodidades que me producen este juego también han ido saliendo poco a poco. No sé cómo explicarlo, aunque sí puedo decir que lo recomiendo a quienes disfrutaron la primera parte.

Coffee Talk: Episode 2 is another ridiculously cozy masterclass from Toge Productions, a game that exudes the mantra happy and healthy. Pretty much the same gameplay loop from the first title, featuring most of the same characters, you steam, press, and serve your way into their hearts and lives as the best late night barista in Seattle.

The gameplay loop remians the same, albeit a little bit ambiguous in the way directions are given, by serving your patrons based off their vibes and specific requests. Of course, this is a pretty elementary endeavour as you're combining three ingredients (sometimes with foam art!) and nothing more, but man if it doesn't make you want to brew some coffee/tea and get funky with your beverages, I don't know what else it'll do! Seriously, after playing Coffee Talk 2 I made it a point to start writing down ingredients that require hibiscus, butterfly pea, and green tea so that I can get my own Coffee Talk going. I'd like to think thats a big part of the game, making you as the player at home with their emotions through the art of brewing.

Music is again a beautiful lo-fi hip hop hodge podge of comfort, and the pixel graphics play a tremendous part in making you feel at home and in love with the simple goings ons. I live in a major city in the middle of the desert in the United States, and I'll be damned if the night-time raining backdrop didn't almost convince me that there was a nice downpour outside.

I strongly recommend the Coffee Talk series to anybody looking for some shorter games to unwind and hang out with some chill customers.

It's more of the same, but with QOL improvements!
One of the best comfort games out there.
Lots of chill vibes and subtle rain in the background♥

A must play if you enjoyed the first one and/or enjoyed VA-11 Hall-A

i absolutely love this game and the one before it. it's a very cozy and comforting game with a charming cast of characters. this sequel keeps the vibe the first game had while building on it with unique storylines for both new and returning characters. i would play the first one before this, as there's some lore bits that won't make sense/will be spoiled if you don't go in order

Had more of the better characters and more of the worse ones, overall leading to a similar experience