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That was a very unpleasant experience lol. From the terrible characters, Voice Acting, story, Level design to the bugs and glitches I question why I even made the effort to beat this game lol. I can maybe see this gaining some sort of cult following but I highly doubt it so with that being said stay away from this one.

If I remember correctly, this was initially a resident evil 2 remake gutted by capcom. Good thing developers didn't rage quit to cry on twitter and nurtured their own project instead. It's good thing, right?

Well... definitely not perfect. I want to give credits for couple of things though. The game actually looks good. Not character models, they are horrendous to look at. But the environment is awesome, especially houses. I do believe that somebody is really living or working in those places we went through. But, for fuck's sake, why did you, developer dudes, crammed so much bloody references in the game? It's not like there is any subtlety about it either, it's just there giving "LOOK GUYS WE REMBER" vibe. Someone please punch the dude who inserted all this shit into environments and pay his salary to the other guy who made interiors.

The gameplay is... ok? I have more issue with enemy placements rather than gameplay itself. Developer here loves to spawn enemies right behind you or behind corner making it almost impossible to avoid getting damaged and enraged. It's not like the game reward slow checking of every corner and instead relies on "HAHA GOTCHA" moments. That's the opposite of enjoyable gameplay for me. But, I want to say here, the game gives you enough resources to kill every single enemy and enough healing items on easy and normal difficulties. On hard you will have to suffer in second chapter, but then you'll have no problems stomping every zombie on the way. Surprisingly, I encountered little to no bugs at all. I even purposefully tried to throw a magazine onto moving elevator and even when the magazine dropped through texture in sewers, it reappeared on the floor when I exited the elevator. Yeah, couple of times hit confirm was nonexistent but it was not an issue for any of my playthroughs.

Now let's talk about reload mechanic. It's shit. It feels clunky and unresponsive. I have no issues with magazine management. But why did you make inventory-dependent mechanic in game where you need to look at 10-second animation to access the inventory? You know who did nice bullet and magazine management, along with fast and responsive working inventory? Tarkov. Make a research on it next time you try to do it yourselves.

Oh yeah, the dialogs and voice acting is garbage. Sam isn't even trying to act. Voice lines and subtitles telling different things and please kick the one responsible for voice acting and saying it was good enough for your game in the ass. Thanks.

Overall it wasn't a pain to play through gameplay-wise, but definitely was game design-wise. And fuck those references. And the guy who made them. I'll still play second game though, in hopes of some progress.

If you like Resident Evil and can tolerate a super low budget it does kinda scratch that itch. At least in the gameplay department. Story and characters are rather bad, but holy shit this game has some of the worst voice acting ever. Shit is actually worse than the original RE and it came out in 2019.

Platinum #138

DAYMARE: 1998. Sucesor espiritual de Resident Evil con muy buen diseño de niveles y banda sonora. Constante tensión y escasez de recursos que lo hacen un genial survival plagado de referencias al género. Aún así he visto varios bugs y combates finales algo decepcionantes.

An enjoyable survival horror with flaws. Controls are extremely clunky, terrible voice acting and characters, inventory menu is weird and hard to get used to, an okay story but overall it was fun, pretty much a low grade hybrid of RE2, 3 and 4. Survival horror fans will enjoy it but Tormented Souls is the better homage.

This game is like ALMOST really good, but it's constantly buckling under the weight of it's ambition and it ends up being just a very scuffed experience.

It's like an alternate universe Resident Evil game and it's surprising how close they got in a lot of ways. The game has some pretty cool and strong ideas with the reload and healing mechanics or even a short lived infection meter. It looks fantastic visually (mostly). Hell they even tried to have full on cutscenes and voice acting.

But again, that ambition ends up really knee capping this game. There's some very lackluster enemy variety, the placement of save rooms are incredibly sparse and poorly placed, enemy placement is incredibly cheap (seriously why the fuck did anyone think it was a good idea to hide enemies RIGHT around corners where you can't see them?), the voice acting is insane in how inconsistent and usually pretty bad it is, things just sorta happen in the story, and the english translation is incredibly awkward. Like I said, super fucking scuffed.

I respect what the game wants to be. I really REALLY want to see what more this team can do. I love seeing games like this punching far above their weight class. Just not a true hidden gem like I hoped it would be.

eviten jugarlo, resident evil wannabe malo

If you want Resident Evil but fuckiing boring here you go!

Pep's Season of Spooks - Game 9
Oh, dear dear dear. Where do I start with this?

No one can accuse the developers of Daymare 1998 of not being ambitious; the stylish cutscenes, multiple protagonists and expansive (if unoriginal) story prove that. But sadly this is all marred by some absolutely baffling design decisions.

Why are half of the in-game documents locked behind a real website that you have to go to to read them? Why is every scene of dialogue at least twice as long as it needs to be? Why is the reloading system so frustrating? There are other complaints too, such as the lack of enemy variety, poor writing/voice acting and the annoying inventory system. The developers use the “zombie hiding around corner” trick way too many times.

The levels are incredibly linear compared to other survival horror games, which usually have one central location but you’re constantly backtracking and unlocking new areas. The gaps in the game’s story are filled out in a long, slow exposition dump post-credits. What’s more, Daymare just feels so slow and sluggish compared to other games of its ilk.

This game also commits two of the absolute biggest crimes to me in video game design: mocking players who want to play on easy mode, and dialogue/subtitles not matching and saying completely different things. The latter is especially aggravating to me. For example, in one voice log the voice actor pronounces the word “hubris” as “hurbis”. In another log, the voice actor says the name “Ronald” instead of the correct name “Roland”. I noticed several other times where the dialogue the character was saying was completely different to what was in the subtitle, along with a lot of spelling mistakes in in-game documents. It just really gives the feeling that the developers didn’t care about what they were doing when it came to writing and acting.

It’s obvious that this is supposed to be a love letter to the Resident Evil series as a whole, trying not to come off as a simple rip-off. But the ways in which Daymare tries to be different just make me wonder why I couldn’t just be playing Resident Evil instead.

There are bad games out there that still have entertainment value by being unintentionally funny. But Daymare 1998 is worse - Daymare 1998 is a boring bad game.

Scary Rating 4/10 - Overall Rating 3/10

This game has probably the worst acting and English localization I think I've ever witnessed. It's a game inspired by Resident Evil, so I suppose I should not be surprised, as the earlier games especially were not really known for their amazing dialogue. However, the acting for nearly every voiced character made me question if they were actually just doing impressions of Americans, which was intriguing but not goofy enough to be enjoyable. What did keep me playing was that this may be one of the only games that you had to load your gun clips and keep bullet count. If you reload a clip when you had five bullets left, you'll have to pick up the clip again if you want to recover those bullets. I liked this challenge, until you get to the end, and it just turns to shit. I'd rather just play a resident evil game. So I did.

Melhor que RE3R

Eu esperava joga rum Resident Evil de baixo orçamento e encontrei um Resident evil de baixo orçamento com o coração no lugar certo! Considerando que o investimento do game foi uma coca e um salgado esse jogo mesmo com muitos problemas mais dá passos na direção certa do que o contrário!

Eles poderiam ter acertado ainda mais diminuindo o escopo do game, ao contrário do RE3R que faltam partes aqui aumentam partes sem propósito. A ambientação e gráficos são decentes mas ele faz um leva e traz de corredor entre os cenários que não tá bem feito, acho que faltou direcionamento ou experiência mesmo.

A jogabilidade funciona bem, o que mais gera estranheza é o combate, praticamente 3 inimigos o jogo inteiro e eles não são bem programados. Eles poderiam ter diminuído o tamanho do mapa e ter focado nisso!

A história é muito boa, os plots são legais, usou a história do RE de base e fez uma coisa até melhor, eu adoraria que esse estúdio fizesse muito dinheiro pra um dia fazer o remake desse jogo, essa história merece ser contada com um investimento de AAA

Minha nota é 5 mas me diverti bastante com o jogo, pra quem espera um RE de baixo orçamento e acha que vai gostar vai fundo, pra quem quer um jogo super redondo vai pros RE mesmo, tem muitos na franquia

Sei lá cara, eu testei o início do jogo e achei tudo tão desengonçado. Preferi largar do que perder meu tempo com algo que claramente não era para mim

Daymare 1998 started off as a Resident Evil 2 fan remake before becoming its own thing. So it is heavily inspired by older Resident Evil games and survival horror, but plays like something a bit more modern, and is crammed full of 80s and 90s references. It is very ambitious but also unfortunately very rough and doesn’t come close to what it is trying to copy. I kind of like it though, maybe even love it a bit.

Jank, awkward and occasionally frustrating, Daymare 1998 is in severe need of more time and polish. The environments and objects look good but they are let down by everything else. The zombies stumble towards you, limbs passing through things they shouldn’t, with weird rubber necks causing funny and unpredictable reactions to head shots. That’s if these zombies figure out which direction to move in, as they regularly spin on the spot and struggle to navigate doorways. And that’s if they’re not quietly hiding right behind a corner ready to try and jump scare you for the 20th god damn time when it didn’t work the first time. The best scare in the game came when I killed a zombie in a doorway and then as I walked through the doorway the zombie somehow got caught on the door and dragged upwards to become face to face with the character. The tougher zombies, who I think are known as Correct Form, just look goofy in movement and appearance. The Melted Man is generic and the bosses aren’t much better. There’s not much enemy variety here and none of them are intimidating or scary. The whole game isn’t scary or atmospheric either. The humans in this game aren’t a whole lot better. They just look low budget. Things get worse when you hear the dialogue and voice acting too. Anything emotional or dramatic falls flat not that these characters and their choices could be taken seriously anyway. Sadly the game never achieves a charming style of bad. A lot of it is just subpar and bland.

The gameplay has problems too. Exploration is often very straight forward. It rarely has that satisfying survival horror experience of slowly working your way deeper into a location by finding keys, solving puzzles and backtracking. Daymare 1998 is more linear but with roadblocks, there is nothing here that comes anywhere near close to the mansion from RE1 or the police station from RE2. The hospital is probably the area that comes closest to this except it still feels rather simple. Things are made worse by how long and tedious the game can feel at times; some of those chapters just drag on. It has a limited inventory, inventory management and its own brand of save rooms and items boxes but they don’t feel well implemented. Save checkpoints plus a small number of save rooms? Just pick one and do it right. There’s limited item space but not limited enough that I cared. It has a very basic hacking game that requires an item that will break if failed. It is pointless when you have checkpoints to abuse not that you’ll fail the hacking often anyway. There are pointless items and crafting and trading that don’t really add anything or get used well.

Shooting enemies doesn’t always go well because of the enemy issues I already described and other weird little things like a shot will go off but then there is a strange delay before the enemy gets hit. The enemies grab attack is a very long lunge that is a god damn homing missile that pretty much always requires sprinting to avoid. Don’t even get me started on the three stage tedious final boss that can be completely broken and silly in stage one and three if you take advantage of the pathetic enemy AI. The game never feels natural to control and this is coming from someone that loves tank controls and thinks they are excellent. There’s more to go through (bugs, technical issues, animations, gameplay issues) but I’ll stop here. You get the point – Daymare 1998 is not a completely awful, broken mess of a game, it’s just not very good in many ways.

However, I never once considered dropping it. Not only that I actually played through it twice. It’s rough, low budget, not great and was Invader Studios first game. On the other hand it is a likable game that is so ambitious, overflowing with passion and has good ideas. Imagine making your first survival horror game and not just focusing on a single location and character. Imagine going, nah we’ll have a few playable characters, multiple locations and shoot for something as good as our favourite game series. This is where all the problems come from. A tiny team shot for the moon on their first try and I can’t help but love and appreciate that even though Daymare 1998 ended up like this.

I really liked a bunch of the puzzles. I loved a lot of the ideas in the story and loved the effort put into the lore and documents. I liked the reveals at the end and the way things came together. I liked the environments and the zombies (when nothing is going wrong with them). I enjoyed the references throughout and that it is set in the 90s. One of the characters has a condition that causes hallucinations, which means getting attacked by false enemies. I loved that it’s viable and encouraged to try to dodge enemies and run past to save ammo. There is even a little melee attack that lets you clumsily bonk zombies, pushing them back and stunning them so you’ve got time to shoot or get away. I like that one type of the collectables and the secret rooms are found by sound. I like that they offer multiple difficulties and two modes. There is a classic mode and a modern mode that is a bit simpler and doesn’t use the games ammo management. Ammo and reloading is interesting as it requires you to combine bullets with the magazine, then when reloading there’s a slow reload and a fast one. The fast reload will drop the magazine on the ground and you need to pick it back up. It’s a cool idea that can add tension and could add to inventory choices and it feels like it belongs in survival horror.

These good ideas, and the ambition, the passion and that it is a type of game I like was enough to carry this experience for me. Daymare 1998 isn’t a very good game but it’s worth playing and there was more than enough here that I am going to purchase Invaders Studios follow up, the prequel Daymare 1994. Don’t let my score or the many other less than impressive scores this game has received scare you off. While I wouldn’t recommend this to everyone I would say that if you like survival horror then you should give this a try.


Sometimes my brain thinks this is Hunt Down The Freeman.

The Sacred Heart Hospital... he's going there... and then he'll be there...

Daymare is the ultimate Resident Evil tribute to date, but it's hard to overlook a number of issues.

The Good:

Plays a great game of Resident Evil, hitting all the right notes - Fun combat - Mostly creative puzzles - Valiant attempts at innovating ammo management - Good audiovisual presentation

The Bad:

Baffling safe room placement causes inventory woes - Magazine management is a pain - Limited enemy roster - A short list of irritating bugs - Awful characters and terrible, invasive story - Super zombies can be irritating - Excessive reliance on easter eggs isn't funny and overstays its welcome


Ever since 2017's Resident Evil 7 has reinvigorated the franchise after the flop of 6, fans of the series have been spoiled and pampered with modern remakes for both Resident Evil 2 and 3, along with a well-received 8th entry and a remake of fan-favorite 4 in the works. In a climate such a this, a tribute game like Daymare 1998 feels somewhat redundant, as it would find far more fertile ground with the target audience without the aforementioned bounty of an offering. The differece lies in the history behind it: starting its life as a fan remake called Resident Evil 2 Reborn, it was praised but later shut down by Capcom, who in the meantime had begun work on their own official remake. As suggested by Capcom themselves, the small Italian team repurposed the game into their own original IP, with mixed results due more to inexperience with game design than lack of technical proficiency.

The game surely does look and sound the part: while character facial animations are quite poor, everything else looks very authentic. The city and zombies look suitably ravaged, and the lighting is excellent thanks to Unreal Engine 4 and flashlight casting dynamic shadows. It also runs very smoothly, without any kind of slowdown or other issues. While moving around you will hear flames burning away in the distance, electrical cables zapping in puddles, light fixtures flickering in and out, along with the growls and moans announcing the presence of the undead, which will keep you on your toes. You will often get scared by your own footsteps when turning in place, so much is the reliance on good sound design. The game even uses sound to locate secret areas, which is an added bonus as it keeps the player listening closely.

From a gameplay standpoint, Daymare plays exactly like a budget version of Resident Evil 3 Remake: it is in fact definitely more arcadey than the remake of 2, lacking the need for careful consideration as to which zombies to kill and which to avoid or cripple, allowing the player enough resources to easily dispatch every enemy in the game, at least on the normal setting (there are two more after that). The action is indubitably fun, at least playing on a mouse and keyboard, which allows for very precise aiming. Not so much turning, as the sensitivity for rotating in place is low even on the hightest setting, requiring a couple swipes of the mouse to perform the action. Luckily there is a quickturn button in case of necessity. The weapons all feel punchy and the zombies respond properly to being damaged, staggering and falling over as one would expect.

The game sees you play as three different characters, though one is only used in the introductory chapter, while the others get two each. The player finds different weapons depending on which character is being controlled, which highlights the first of many odd design decisions by the developers: the game features four weapons, consisting of pistol, shotgun, magnum handgun and MP5 submachinegun. While the two main characters get the former three, the MP5 is limited to the introductory character, and it's never seen again after his departure from the game. It would have perhaps been better to give that weapon to the player and present the choice of which ones to carry, like in the vast majority of games of this kind, but here it isn't so. Daymare reserves three dedicated inventory slots for pistol, shotgun and magnum respectively, meaning they will always be available and won't take up any inventory space, making their use much more readily accessible than having to retrieve them from a storage box in case of need. The tradeoff is knowing you will never find a fourth weapon, which is mildly disappointing.

Ammo management is one of the most original aspects of the game: while other games such as SWAT4, Insurgency, Ground Branch and the still upcoming Ready or Not feature separate physical magazines in place of simply magically refilling the gun like in most games, Daymare requires the player to manually fill a number of spare magazines in the inventory, by combining them with reserve ammunition boxes. These magazines can then be swapped between, even toggled between to choose which one to insert, in case of having filled one with a different ammo type. The interesting part is that the player can choose to hold down the reload button to perform a full reload, placing the spent magazine back in the inventory, or a short press, which will drop the currently inserted magazine and its contents on the ground and quickly insert a new one; in that case the dropped one will have to be manually collected later or will end up lost when leaving the area at the end of a chapter.

This is a creative feature that makes ample nods to realism and aids immersion and is definitely an initiative worthy of praise and which would benefit many games, especially in the military genre. Unfortunately it is ruined by a variety of design problems big and small, which make it a complete chore. For one, handgun magazines are a rare commodity and only contain ten rounds, bringing the total ammo stock of a fully loaded pistol to 11. That's fairly low, and tends to run out really quickly during intense combat encounters. This means that after each shooting segment the player will have to stop, very slowly open the inventory with its unnecessary animations, scroll to the ammo box, select it, scroll down to "combine", then go to the empty or half-empty magazine and confirm to top it up with ammunition, then repeat that for each one that needs it. Reloading the weapon directly is even more annoying, as it requires switching to another tab to do so, which isn't super responsive and requires a certain insistence.

If that weren't enough, this is the only method to reload a weapon if you don't have a spare magazine for it, which makes using the magnum a complete pain, since magazines for it are rarer than hen's teeth and very easily missable. Add to it that the menu does not pause the game (which is tense, but means you can't conceivably refill your magazines in the heat of combat) and that each magazine takes up a whole space in your very limited inventory, and you'll see how this system can become very aggravating very quickly. Fortunately, in a tacit admission, the game allows for a modern gameplay mode which removes the feature entirely. This can be selected when starting a new game and is recommended, since the magazine management is simply not fun at all.

Inventory woes are further compounded by the absolutely absurd placement of safe rooms. These are often hidden (you'll need to listen for a beeping sound and then press action on an unmarked, unprompted bit of wall) and once found are recognizable by the trademark placid tune, but often don't serve their intended purpose. You'll frequently find a secret wall and expect to head in and find the computer terminal needed to store and retrieve your items, but it simply won't be there. Sometimes these hidden rooms only contain some dispensable items and not what you really need, which is the storage container. As a result you will often find yourself in need of discarding items (not a tragedy since some of them are quite useless) that you'd rather store, and with the magazines taking up a large chunk of your inventory, this will happen more frequently than you'd like.

Enemy variety is also fairly lacking: you have your standard zombies, which come in many visual flavors depending on the location but are all functionally identical, barring for the super zombies, lifted straight from Resident Evil 2 Remake. These are completely indistinguishable from normal ones, but have four to five times the health pools, which means they will often tank a full magazine of standard ammunition and shamble towards you for a snack. These are particularly aggravating since they tend to be spawned in close quarters, typically as downside for going for a tantalizing ammo pickup. The only other non-boss enemy types aside from these are two special zombies: one which is very quick and very resistant to damage, and another which is slow but has a ranged attack in the form of an acid spit, and can tank an absurd amount of damage, making it advisable to avoid them when possible. There are no dogs, no licker or hunter equivalent, no birds, no spiders and no Nemesis-like stalker enemy: it's a bit barebones in that regard.

Even the bosses lack variety: this is a 10-12 hour game and it only contains two boss fights (three if we're being generous) and they recycle the enemy model without any variation, which betrays a certain lack of resources. Speaking of bosses, one of them has a second phase that is incredibly frustrating. Not only it's a chase sequence that instakills you if caught and requires to dodge the boss in close quarters at least twice, but it also entails not one but three quicktime events which, if you're a mouse and keyboard player, will have to be done following WASD prompts on screen, which is anything but intuitive. These were pretty much the only deaths in my run and they were absolutely aggravating, though the rest of the bosses are quite easy.

It wouldn't be a Resident Evil game without its share of puzzles, and Daymare definitely delivers, at the very least in quantity, if not always in quality. They range from sinple things like guessing the name of a greek god from a description or turning a few valves, or the obligatory pipemania section, to more complex ones like memorizing morse code or balancing the content of coolant vats, which requires a bit of maths. One puzzled bugged out for me, requiring a a load from a previous checkpoint to fix: in essence the solution was correct but the subsequent cutscene simply refused to play. Even after reloading it was still not working correctly at first, though your mileage may vary greatly on this. Ultimately puzzles are nothing special or original, but they are more than fit for purpose.

By far the weakest aspect of Daymare though are the story and characters. Without spoiling anything, it's practically impossible to care about any of these people. Not only two out of three playable characters work for the bad guys, which is established right away in a fairly creative use of a control tutorial, but the third character's motive is nothing but brutish lust for revenge, which is hard to relate to considering what he needs to go though in search for it, which would make anyone reconsider. This guy is, simply put, a complete idiot and everything from his stubborn honey badger-like fixation on vengeance to his dialogue reflects it. It doesn't help that both voice acting and writing are amateurish at the very best, with only one or two actors even attempting any kind of emotional delivery of the stilted, often poorly translated lines that the script is comprised of. To play devil's advocate, it can be argued that the hammy delivery is intentional in order to preserve the original feel of the PS1 classics, but Capcom had the right idea in not going down that road with its remakes, and so should have Daymare, even assuming it was deliberate in the first place, with lines such as "The Sacred Heart Hospital... he's going there... and then he'll be there..." casting serious doubts in that regard.

There is also so much to read in this game, and you won't care about any of it. Chances are that after the third 5 page document you will start simply glossing over them just to see if they contain a locker combination, and then ignore them. To add insult to injury, about half of the files are "encrypted", which simply means you will have to tab out of the game or get your phone, log on to a website and enter the code of the document to be able to read it. Not only this is an extra step just to access more boring copy about lore you likely don't care about, but odds are that website will go offline some years down the line, rendering much of the game's text entries inaccessible. It's another original yet bizarre decision that we'd all have been better off without.

Lastly, a word needs to be spent on the easter eggs. Nothing is more entertaining than a well-place humorous hidden reference, but Daymare clearly didn't know when enough is enough. You won't go ten steps without tripping into some (generally unfunny) reference, like a Die Hard parody poster titled "Die Soft", or "Dependence Week" instead of Independence Day, or yet again Full-Life 3, which you can easily guess what it is. There are dozens of these and it's just too much and very little of it lands as humor, which will make you wish the developer had shown a bit of restraint.

Criticism aside, Daymare 1998 is still a fine game because it nails the most important thing: the gameplay. You can forgive a lot to a game that's lacking in many areas, if only the gameplay is done correctly, and Daymare delivers where it counts. It isn't likely to disappoint and it even features replay value via hidden collectibles, higher difficulty settings and a mercenaries-style extra mode with multiple stages. Resident Evil fans have absolutely no reason not to give this game a go: it's made by fans for fans, and despite some problems it will please its intended audience.

At first it seems like a new triple A "Resident" from an indie studio (game from fans of Rezik 2, btw), but then everything becomes somehow very monotonous.

RE-ისგან ინსპირირებული ყველაფრით ბიუჯეტური თუმცა შემდგარი თამაშია, მივცეთ შანსი დეველოპერებს და იმედია გაგრძელება გამოვა

They call it Daymare, but it should be called Nightmare, because ya know most of the game takes place during the night. Also, consider it a nightmare with the last two absolute dog water encounters at the end of the game. If you are looking for anything like the RE2 or RE3 remakes with similarity then this will grab your attention, however, it is a notable downgrade. Loved all the references and easter eggs! GG Babyyyy!!

cara eu vejo o esforço nesse jogo mas infelizmente ele é mto ruinzinho tadinho n tem jeito som buga direto os gráficos no começo achei q estavam bem bonitos analisando melhor são bem fracos n tem uma trilha sonora e um enredo totalmente esquecível no fim é um jogo que tinha uma ambição mto grande e n conseguiu atingir nada

This review contains spoilers

Daymare 1998, a survival horror game developed by the indie italian game studio Invader Studios. This is a game that I’ve had a decent bit of history with, a game that came out years ago but had even more years in the oven. It originally started as a fan made Resident Evil 2 remake, something that made me excited back in the day. I’ve always been a fan of survival horror, even if I sucked at it completely due to its mechanics, and the idea that someone was remaking RE2 in the third person had me a bit excited. Back then and even now, I tend to dwell into the indie scene of unknown and rising star video games, videos often made by Youtubers who have only a couple hundred to a couple of thousand subscribers. I’m not sure how I saw this, but I saw footage of this remake and got excited. However a little bit after that, the mod was shut down and everything surrounding it seemed to be wiped.

I don’t really know what had happened, but I figured it was a case of copyright infringement. All I remember was that the Resident Evil 2 remake rumors had popped off, and having followed Invader Studios for a bit I had learned of a Kickstarter campaign that I contributed to, whose link I’ll post down below. In this campaign, I had learned that Capcom had invited the group to their offices to show off their work on the actual RE2 Remake while also imploring them to cancel their remake and use their work to create their own property. This was the result of that, with the support of numerous gaming industry veterans like Kazuhiro Aoyama (the director of Resident Evil 3 OG and now Production Associate), Satoshi Nikai (a Code Veronica enemy designer now working as an enemy designer for Daymare) and Kenichi Iwao (a writer on Resident Evil OG as well as the director of Parasite Eve 2) among others. Features potentially promised for this game on the website revealed a fixed camera system, a telephone book with names of backers next to save points, special outfits and more. However the Kickstarter failed meaning not a lot of it (as far as I’m aware), didn’t make the cut. I had gotten the 14 dollar “Life Was Cheaper 1998” tier, which included a credit, a special outfit and a digital copy.

Since it failed however, they kept working on it to the point where it actually got teased and released in September 2019 for Windows and console ports for Playstation 4 and Xbox One in April of next year. However, I didn’t really pick it up and play it when it came out. Surprisingly, I had forgotten about it and had just moved on, only remembering it when someone brought it up here and there. It sat in my wishlist for a while, until eventually GOG came out and gave it for free to people for a short period of time. I removed it from Steam for that reason and sort of bided my time. However, this year I had a goal: beat one game for each console/platform that I own. By the time of writing this review, the only ones I haven’t done were Shadowman for N64 (which I’m working on), and trying to find a Gamecube game to play; that and having been streaming games for a friend and having failed to have fixed/played The Suffering on GOG (because the port fucking sucks), I decided to give this game a spin. I played around 10 hours of the game, and here is how I felt playing it.

The plot opens to a group of masked special forces flying to a secret base named Aegis Laboratory. This group is a part of an organization named H.A.D.E.S. (or Hexacore Advanced Division for Extraction and Search), a private military section in the Hexacore Biotechnology Corporation. What is their mission? Why to rescue samples of biological weapons named “Castor” and “Pollux” from their lab whilst also eliminating all traces of Hexacore involvement. Right off the bat I like this idea, I love the old survival horror games but sometimes I want to play the evil bastard and right off the bat it gets the vibe right. This is the first chapter, and you play as HADES member Liev, a real douchebag of a soldier who doesn’t hesitate in killing all witnesses and following through with his corporate overlord’s wishes, or so it seems. While here if you pick up and read certain documents, you also learn of the origins of these viruses. It goes that it was originally founded or created during World War 2, specifically by the Japanese military as a weapon (named “Shujin”) against the United States. However, the dawn of the war had led to the Japanese losing, and as a last ditch effort by the Emperor led to a group of soldiers grabbing the virus and committing themselves to spreading it across U.S. soil, hoping to wipe them out in revenge. However, something went awry and the submarine carrying the virus crashed off the coast. Eventually, Jellyfish got into the sub and experienced enhanced healing properties before the biological agent spread into a nearby fishing town. Having heard of a strange outbreak, Hexacore (or the military) sectioned it off and a cover-up was ensued, and experiments were done in a Hexacore/U.S. Military collaboration to create…drum roll please…super soldiers!! However the result was obviously the zombies, and though it was explained in a way that was actually really interesting and unique to me (through these super soldiers needing to feed on human hormones in order to survive), the wiki doesn’t have much in the way of information on this to really help other than “This was a biological weapon”.

Regardless, Liev does his job diligently and manages to acquire the viruses as well as finding out certain bits of information. The outbreak at this lab originally happened not because of an accident, but that an outside party named “K” had bought out one of the researchers to sabotage the entire facility and steal the Castor samples in exchange for money. Of course with this in mind, Liev assassinates the technician who told him this and escapes with everything, including the sample of Pollux and the chemical canisters containing the “Castor” gas. However, things don’t go well on the ride back. See, Liev’s characteristics are that he’s a really convincing douchebag, and through a series of camera angles and long winded threats, a fight breaks out on the helicopter and someone ends up shot. What we see is Liev holding the pilot and squad leader, Sandman, hostage and a dead body right next to him. The implication is that Liev has decided to betray the company, and that the vial of Pollux was smashed into Sandman’s face. Liev goes off on a long tangent about Sandman and his hatred and it’s hinted that this tension was going on for a while due to mentions of “Groom Lake”. Sandman gets shot repeatedly, the co-pilot Raven gets thrown by Liev from the helicopter, Castor gets dropped onto the streets below and the helicopter proceeds to crash. Their location to head back to was Keen Sight, a town firmly under the grasp of their employers Hexacore. Liev survives the helicopter crash and crawls out of the water to find that the town of Keen Sight, Idaho has already been overwhelmed by the Castor gas, of which he fights through. Having escaped into a warehouse, Liev proceeds to call up HQ to presumably frame Sandman for bungling the mission (you’ll see why I say presumably).

The second chapter revolves around forest ranger Samuel Walker, who is taking a shift guarding one of the many towers in the Vermillion Forest. However, the helicopter flying overhead of his tower makes his medication fall off the tower and down below into the forest. Sam proceeds to contact his wife Sarah to let her know what had happened, and after an argument of sorts goes to sleep. However, waking up everything goes wrong literally as well as mentally. See, Sam has a condition called “Daymare Syndrome” (which will be explained later), where he experiences hallucinations (in a reddish hue of course) and migraines amongst many other symptoms. Having made it back home after realizing his replacement didn’t wake him up, he goes to greet his wife in his cabin in the woods only to find her without an arm and a mutated and very much angry Major Sandman choking her to death. Sandman knocks Sam out of a window and escapes, and having taken off after hearing Liev contacting HQ through their D.I.D. device (their radio/inventory management device), Sam resolves to take down the bastard that killed his wife. Why did Sandman kill Sam’s wife? My guess was that Pollux made him bloodthirsty for the chemicals inside of her blood but there are other things that lead into this, and other theories I read were that she was actually a zombie and that Sandman put her out of her misery. Regardless, things don’t look good as Sandman stole his car and after overhearing that he’s going to a nearby hospital (where Liev escaped to call for a helicopter), Sam goes after him through the forest (after comically telling his dead wife to stay put, even though she’s dead Sam where the hell is she going to go?) and onto a cable car sending him to the city. Having gotten there, Sam witnesses Sandman murder Liev after Liev’s big mouth leads to his downfall, as well as having his arm chewed off and fed upon. Both Sam and Sandman escape into the hospital; however Sandman has been captured by a doctor in a facility having drugged Sandman and uses Sam for favors. In exchange for revenge on Sandman, the doctor sends Sam on numerous errands throughout the hospital, mostly destroying evidence on Hexacore’s experiments on the town of Keen Sight. Sam discovers that he’s been a part of these experiments in the hospital, having been born and raised in Keen Sight and that the company is responsible for Sam’s Daymare syndrome, named the “Truman Project”. Throughout the games there have been hints to all sorts of experiments from water supply tampering to mentions of an MKUltra successor named MKNaomi. They’re both experiments in real life from our fabulous government, and in all honesty they’re fascinating to read up on so if you don’t know about them then read up. Regardless I like how the real life conspiracies tie up into the game’s plot, it definitely gives a bit of a 90s atmosphere to it.

In fact, before moving on with the plot, I want to mention how this game is a series of nonstop references to 90s culture. The first survivor that you kill as Liev in Chapter 1 is a black guy named Al Powell, a reference to Die Hard. You’ll find numerous X-Files “I Want to Believe” posters everywhere. Posters parodying and referencing movies from Tremors to Die Hard will pop up everywhere in town, and certain files will reveal names like C. Ryback (a reference to Steven Segal’s character in Under Siege). Numerous advertisements show a parody of Windows 98 named…Doors 98? I don’t know, it’s a strange thing but regardless the whole game is a whole fucking tribute to that era, though as much as I respect a good homage or two I do feel like at some point it does get a bit stale. It’s a whole pastiche that while I can’t always explain it properly due to the fact that the wiki isn’t updated properly and going in game and re-reading everything would be time consuming and painful, it makes for a unique sort of vibe. Regardless however, Sam gets back to the doctor only to learn that the doctor is dead and that Sandman escaped out of the hospital. Sam resolves to kill Sandman yet again and walks off.

Chapter 3 starts as Raven, who surprisingly survived his fall and landed straight into Keen Sight ...into Invader Studios’s office building and no radio signal. That’s right, another meta reference of sorts. Regardless, Raven’s wondering what the hell is going on and fights through Keen Sight and the numerous undead with the goal of making his way to the crash sight to find out if Major Sandman died while also cursing Liev. He makes his way through the town and even through the sewers (yay, a sewer level…), where he learns that a lot of the people who disappeared investigating Hexacore ended up dissolved in acid barrels and dumped in the sewers mafia-style. Regardless, he makes his way through and eventually finds the remains of the helicopter, which alas he learns that Sandman is in fact, not dead. However, he does fight off two boss creatures named Castor Hades. It’s later learned throughout the game through documents and later exposition that Castor Hades is a special strain that infects members of the HADES division only, due to the fact that members of the division mess about with H-Additives (a special booster of sorts) and that genetically tampers with them enough to make them extremely resilient. After the fight, Raven fights his way to the nearby Keen Sight Dam in order to make contact with Sandman, which he does and they agree to meet up there and get a helicopter to make their way out of there.

Chapter 4 consists of Sam overhearing their conversation on his D.I.D. (which he stole off of Liev’s corpse) and fighting to make his way over to the Dam. Honestly that’s literally it as the final two chapters are also the shortest, but you do learn that Hexacore had a system for cutting Keen Sight off from the rest of civilization, as well as working with the government to suppress evidence as well as take down all the undead by force which didn’t work out for anyone involved. The final chapter however contains the most revelations even if it is short. Raven can discover an email from Sarah Carmichael, Sam’s wife, that reveals that she was heavily involved in Hexacore experiments as well as the fact that she was potentially planning on exposing one of her closest friend’s acts of potential terrorism to the Hexacore HR department. However this is only a draft, and she didn’t go through with it. The name of this friend isn’t revealed however, and Raven makes his way through the labs where he’s ambushed by a mutated tentacle creature who I can only describe as this game’s B.O.W. (Resident Evil’s version of a special creature intent to kill you). After a boss battle involving trapping this creature in a cage of electricity, it’s revealed that this creature is a mutated Liev and he’s very intent on not dying. Raven meets up with Dr. Mason in the room above, where Mason reveals that in certain individuals that Castor and Pollux flourished together into a new abomination entirely. Raven makes his way to nearby elevators as Mason starts a self destruction process, but runs into mutated Liev and nearly dies making his way to the elevator. A final boss battle against mutated Liev leads to Sandman brutalizing his old nemesis offscreen before being injected by Raven with something called “Golden Fleece”, an antiviral agent that I forget where Raven picked it up from. Regardless, they’re both okay until Sam arrives and holds them both by gunpoint. Sam demands retribution for his dead wife while also suffering hallucinations from her, while Sandman tries to explain that he was friends with his wife and tells him to “fight off the hallucination”. The tense encounter leads to everyone holding each other hostage and a bullet going off before a fade to black.

That is until the final epilogue, where a mysterious man goes over the plot entirely in chess terms. What I forgot to mention was that in between the chapters that this mysterious man is hinted at playing everyone from the beginning to start this incident as a plan to destroy Hexacore from the very beginning. The identity isn’t revealed, however several things are. One of those things is that Sandman was the traitor and that he originally started the shootout on the helicopter by shooting the other guy before Liev hit him in the face. See Liev was a bastard but he was actually following orders, and I actually liked this little misdirection as you’d never really think that Sandman was the one who planned to do everything due to Liev’s behavior. Whether others think that’s a good twist? Who knows, but I enjoyed it so I guess I can’t complain. Another reveal is that Sandman became the traitor because his daughter was dying from a deadly disease, and that his employers at Hexacore wouldn’t pay for the experimental treatment. However, “K” (aka Kuronusu Enterprises) promised that they would help save his daughter’s life and from then on, Sandman worked under them secretly. However, having developed a friendship with Sarah, he warns her to leave Keen Sight with her husband and escape the outbreak that’s going to happen. Another piece of evidence that pops up is a recording from Sarah to her husband, who reveals that while she was truly in love with him, that she was placed in charge of Sam as his handler to report back all the data of the Daymare experiments to the company and that they’ve been experimenting on everyone since the 40s and that hundreds of people have this disease. Finally, there’s Sarah’s I.D. as well as a bunch of diary entries that reveal that she was a willing participant in refining the Truman Project. She also fell for both Sam and Sandman at the same time but chose to focus on Sam after he proposed to her, and that Sandman’s daughter seemed to have died and having thought to have given up on his plan and caring for her friend, she didn’t sell him out to HR. However, after this man (named “The Cleaner” on the Wiki) wipes out all the evidence and permanently framing Hexacore for the tragedy, a little girl appears in a liquid container behind the computer showing that Sandman’s daughter is actually still alive.

I like the plot here a lot, the 90s conspiracy collaboration between the pharmaceutical companies and the government, pretty much everything I do like. There are some plot holes, like if Sandman’s daughter supposedly died then why did he continue with his plan anyways? That could’ve been a result of him willingly giving them over to Kuronusu but who knows. I love the origin being a Japanese bio-weapon that they don’t explain at all, and the fact that Keen Sight is under the complete control of the company. It all makes for a fascinating lore, one of which I’m interested in seeing further. HOWEVER, I do feel like sometimes it’s not delivered in the best ways, specifically the whole website intel thing but I’ll go on to gameplay for that. The misdirection with Sandman and Liev is cool, though I can understand if people don’t like it due to the fact that Liev is comically an asshole. However, this does get frustrating when Liev could’ve just as easily had told Raven on the helicopter that Sandman attacked everyone; however whether or not he would've been believed due to his demeanor, who knows? It’s also interesting how many differences there were between the Kickstarter campaign and the final product with cut points like Sam and Sarah having a kid being one of the more prominent differences that I wonder what could’ve been. Regardless however, I just know I came out of this enjoying the plot they had gone with here, it’s not perfect but I’m interested and I want more.

The gameplay has the usual survival horror stuff: conserving ammo, limited inventory space, third person over the shoulder stuff, etcetera and the like. If you’ve played any other survival horror game that’s third person over the shoulder then a lot of stuff will be familiar. However, Daymare has some stuff in it that’s different, sometimes to its own detriment. Starting out on the main campaign, the game doesn’t have an overall hub world with different paths but functions more as a Chapter structure. The first chapter honestly feels like the perfect pace, introducing Liev as he heads into a secret base to steal a virus. It’s not overly long, it helps introduce mechanics and brings the rest of the conflict ahead. The playtimes for the next couple of chapters are a little different though. Chapter 2 feels a bit longer but plays well enough, while Chapter 3 is the full course meal with the entire chapter taking a couple of hours for me to play on the first try. Chapter 4 and 5 on the other hand feels shorter and more to the point, and the truth is I don’t know how to feel about this in relation to the chapter structure. Instead of feeling precise, it kind of feels stretched out a little bit and it makes me wish it took on a structure more like the original games where things loop back in on itself. It never feels like safe rooms are put in accessible places because the game’s structure naturally feels like a constant state of moving forward, so to me it always felt like a drag running all the way back to certain safe room stuff (of which I never felt like there were enough anyways) that eventually I just stopped running certain items back and just dropped them for the most part. Some of these safe rooms are secret Hexacore operative shelters hidden behind walls in public spaces, only able to be found due to the D.I.D. on your wrist beeping near them and some of them you kind of have to go out of your way to find. The safe room issue isn’t helped by the auto save system, which is great for the most part to have but it kind of feels like it relies on it as a sort of crutch kind of? I say kind of because if you have an auto save, I feel like you should have the checkpoints be semi regularly and sometimes it didn’t really spread it out for me though I only noticed it in Chapter 1.

Another thing I’ll add to the differences is the healing/crafting system. You don’t craft your own ammo as far as I’m aware, though there is a sort of mixing feature they put in for health and other benefits. In order to do this however, you have to find a needle called an H Additive and you have to mix it with different items like energy drinks or mental drops. Different effects you can have are the obvious health boost (which you can also take the energy drink by itself or eat an energy bar for small increases), a boost where you can have infinite stamina for a short period of time, or a “mental” boost, which I assume helps you aim more precisely. I didn’t really end up using or mixing anything with the latter two and I ended up being able to just play the game only using the health stuff. Some of these injections can be found in your surroundings, and very rarely they’ll be mixed together to provide some combination of both attributes. You can also trade in certain ingredients at the save room computer in exchange for items, though I don’t personally feel like you get enough to actually make that worth your time. However, ironically enough, if you play the game in the usual survival horror way, you’ll be flushed with ammo and health stuff for the most part. It’s a strange mix, I’ll never complain about the game letting me off easy myself, but the disparity between the amount of stuff you get and the trade-in system not feeling balanced is a strange one so I ended up ignoring it entirely next to using the mental drops or the stamina boost. They also have a system where you can “overdose” if you use too much of any injections but truth be told I never overdosed once, and you kind of have to try to overdose on purpose to actually do it.

The puzzles for the most part are pretty solid and simple, with the answers that you need for the most part existing within the area that the puzzle takes place in. Chapter 1 had at least two that were so simple that I looked back while struggling on them and actively face palmed. Chapter 4 had one which had me turn valves, the answer of which was right above the valves themselves on a diagram. You’ll also find hidden lockers around the city which require a combination of sorts (which can be a bit more difficult, requiring some collectible stuff and backtracking) for items or alternatively you’ll need some hacking tools (which are kind of finite and is required to get it right on the first try) to break into some lockers. The hacking pretty much just has you clicking one bar onto another bar while they both move, and while I make it sound more confusing than it actually should, once you know what you’re doing you can get the hang of it and get it right for the most part on the first try. The only puzzle I can genuinely say I can’t get the hang of is one at the end of Chapter 4 that involves some sort of morse code tapping bullshit, and I hate these because I personally never understand how the fuck I’m supposed to find out what the hell to look for so I just looked up a guide answer. Not saying that anyone else can’t do it of course, maybe I’m just a simpleton but I also had issues in Penumbra doing the morse code puzzle.

Collectibles consist of three different kinds: there are deer bobbleheads that you can shoot throughout the game hidden in certain places that reference certain horror and action movies and even a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure reference (one which I didn’t understand until the person I was streaming for explained it to me). As far as I’m aware, you don’t really get anything for shooting these bobbleheads other than a trophy so for that I just followed the guide I linked down below for help on that. Now comes one of my main problems: most of the collectibles you find have a website link (which I’ll post below) and a password to the corresponding collectible. In order to read certain bits of intel, you have to actively get on your computer or phone, go to this website (which says it’s “Not Secure” on my PC by the way) and type in the password for each individual document. I’ll be honest, I respect the whole metanarrative thing they’re going with but this fucking blows. I’m not interested in logging onto my real life device to look this stuff up when I’d rather be playing the game. Some of the documents you do get that you can read in game on your arm tablet, and while that’s fine I would’ve rather had them bring back the original document pop up then read small print on the in game phone. There’s a similar thing they do with the dog tag collectibles, only found in HADES Dead End (which is PC exclusive apparently) and is basically this game’s Mercenaries mode from what I understand. I say from what I understand because I didn’t play it, nor am I going to right now, but I’m glad they have that mode for players who like the game and want more.

Another thing I want to follow up on is Sam, who has Daymare syndrome whose characteristics include hallucinations. This also factors into gameplay and I like the idea of how they integrate his condition in game. The main way they do it is by having certain zombies be hallucinations within the game itself, such as attacking zombies. Not every zombie is a hallucination of course, but some of them are and when they grapple you they don’t do any damage. I like the idea of having to tell the difference between both of them and choosing whether to spend ammo on something that’s potentially not real, though I wish they gave a more telltale sign (even if small that I’d have to keep a lookout for) that something IS a mirage, especially considering that Sam points out something that’s one hundred percent a hallucination (though that one was kind of obvious). Other than that, it’s an interesting feature that makes for some tense scares during gameplay.

To bring up one more difference that I can remember, there are two different modes (other than difficulty). There’s Old School and there’s Modern Day. I played on Old School, and I’ll say that to me I personally think that it’s the best way to play the game. You can’t skip puzzles (which are easy for the most part), and you have to balance your weapon ammunition more. For example, there are two reload types: Fast and Slow. Slow switches out your current magazine for another one with current ammo while fast is mostly used for on the move against the undead and drops your current magazine on the ground which you’ll have to pick up later or possibly permanently lose it if you forget about it. You’ll have to reload it all in your inventory screen manually, which makes encounters tense and you can potentially flub up if you don’t know what you’re doing. The modern take mode you don’t have to worry about most of that stuff and you can skip puzzles, which if that’s what you prefer is a perfectly valid way to play the game if that’s what you want to do. I’ll put a wiki link that could explain it better than I do, but overall I like the tension of the old school system and I feel it’s the way that this game should be played. This only counts towards pistols though, so you won’t have to worry about shotguns. In fact, if there is one thing I’d love to mention is that I wish there were more variations of weapons like they promised in the Kickstarter. The most you get is different pistol types like a Beretta, a revolver, a desert eagle, and a shotgun just to name a few. There aren’t any assault rifles, grenade launchers or anything big or crazy and it’s kind of sad but understandable I suppose. Only other piece of advice I have for this is that for the magnum in chapter 3, collect as much ammo as you can and get the magazine for it around the gas station. Trust me, you’ll need it for the boss and it’s one of the only places to get it in the game and you could potentially fuck yourself if not done right.

Overall though, I want to add that while I have my criticisms towards certain aspects of the game and how it does stuff, I like the fact that they tried some new things while also keeping a lot of the old survival horror aspects together. I want to emphasize that they didn’t do a bad job here, in fact that’s where I feel like the game excels in for the most part despite a few ups and downs. I had played the game on Old School normal difficulty and didn’t die once except for a late game boss fuckup, in which I exited and reloaded the manual save and still got the GOG achievement for it anyways. There is the “Daymare” difficulty, which is the highest you can possibly go if you’re a masochist but I’m also a scared little bitch boy so there’s no way in hell I’m going to do that.

The sound design is pretty solid for the game too: the weapons feel like they have impact, footsteps sound good, doors creak creepily, I mean everything that you think that the game should do right, I feel they did right. I felt like the environmental sound design could’ve come straight out of Resident Evil 2 so that’s pretty solid. What helps add to everything with the actual sound design is the soundtrack as well. While it’s not the most unique, it does have some tunes that I could remember being decently catchy. The main theme song has a sort of dramatic and dark string vibe that’s tragic and ominous both, while “Safe Place” harkens back to the safe room themes of old survival horror. I’m not sure of the track that plays during infected Liev’s boss battles in Chapter 5 but they’re mad stressful and do a good job and put tension out there. For the most part, expect to hear your dramatic strings and some electronic stuff here and there. The composer was Alessandro Galdieri and if I can say one thing that I felt he did a good job here is capturing the survival horror essence, again it specifically feels like it could’ve came out of the other Resident Evil remakes and seeing as this is definitely a homage game, it hits the mark perfectly.

The voice acting however, is something that could’ve been a tad bit better? Truth be told, I’d say this is more of a translation/subtitle issue than something really on the voice actors. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be a homage to old Resident Evil’s campy style of dialogue, but I didn’t take it as such especially considering that the subtitles are sometimes straight up false. Sometimes the Apple Blossom Fair is mistaken for the Cherry Blossom Feast, one line delivery from Sam had him awkwardly saying “He’s going there…then he’ll be there..” in a line that straight up made me cackle and brought me out of the moment. There was one part where one of the characters is ambushed by a guy with a wrench, but is told by the other character to “Drop your gun”. Subtitles are misspelled sometimes or awkwardly phrased, and while I wasn’t really bothered with that because the developers were Italian and cross translation is hard work, it did sadly pull me out at some moments.

The graphics of this game looks pretty decent for the most part; the environment work is stunning with the town of Keen Sight being an interesting and lively place with a history dating back to the Lewis and Clark days. Keen Sight as a town looks phenomenal, though while it’s a town ruined and destitute by undead, conveys a familiar and homely yet abandoned town at the same time. I would say that walking through the town is where the game shines the most from its pride in its history with their monuments, taking shortcuts through back alleys and into buildings with tight claustrophobic spaces. It feels like a real place, a sort of maze that truth be told I wish was the whole game. That being said, I don’t hate that the game has secret government labs or forest sections or whatever but they pale in comparison to the town itself. I would even dare say that this town, to me, feels like it belongs up in the pantheon with the most interesting settings next to Willamette, Colorado or Raccoon City, ironically both being Capcom games. I don’t really have much criticism to give with the environmental stuff other than they look how they would in a Resident Evil game otherwise, and that’s what the developers were looking for I feel, so mission accomplished there.

If I were to give any criticism in regards to graphical fidelity, then I would say it’s the models themselves. I know it’s an obvious indie budget thing, and I’m not going to disrespect the effort put into making these. However, there are a lot of models (at least the human ones) that feel sort of…artificial. Like I can tell these were made with a limited budget, it reminds me of the Friday the 13th counselor models. That’s not to say they’re inherently bad, though I’d say that sometimes they don’t really look…human? Especially in the animation department because by god, the lip syncing isn’t great and the facial movements could be a lot less stiff with the human characters. Maybe it was a sort of budget thing with them being an inexperienced indie game studio however, and with that in mind I don’t want to judge too harshly because it does add to a sort of campy charm, even if it’s inadvertently so. To finish off, the only other things I can really point out are that there were points where if I wasn’t following the story that I would get Liev and Raven mixed up, looking nearly identical wise and being bald as hell so they could’ve differentiated them a bit there. That, and while streaming me and my friend noticed that Sam’s got a pretty nice bulge LOL. Ironically enough however, the enemy models such as the zombies and special infected look pretty damn creepy and look the part in playing a foreboding atmosphere for the game. Between the “Hunters”, the Melted Men, Castor Hades or even the regular zombies, they all look all sorts of fucked up with jaws missing, looking skinned alive or severely deformed that they’re pretty damn effective in the intimidate department.

In short, I came out of this game pleasantly surprised and kind of ashamed that I forgot about this. It was a bit janky in some places, sure; but I had really enjoyed my time playing this title. Invader Studios didn’t create a perfect game, but I felt they had made a fun one and sometimes that's all that really matters. There were only a few places where I truly rolled my eyes out of dislike, and that was mostly towards the second to final boss in the game running towards the elevator and the website intel system. Otherwise, if you’re willing to put aside some of the more imperfect aspects and you’re really itching for a survival horror homage filled love letter then I would suggest trying this title out. In fact, there’s a part of me that questions why this has so many mixed reviews, although logically in the back of my mind I KNOW the reasons why. However, since the release of Daymare: 1998 they had also released a prequel to the game: Daymare 1994: Sandcastle, on August 30th which I also didn’t know about and/or forgot about. Maybe it’s a recurring theme of sorts? Who knows. Maybe I’ll give the prequel a go here someday soon and be hopefully pleasantly surprised again with potential quality, though the reviews aren’t looking that great either, but time will only tell.

Links: (Guide I used) (Soundtrack) (Intel Website) (Certain Gameplay Aspects) (Old Kickstarter Page) (Passwords included for the Hexacore Website)

They tried to make an RE2 remake, but it just didn't work.

It's a very generic resident evil. I can understand, as it was previously a fan remake of Resident Evil II, that it changed course at the last minute, but the product is what it is.

Uma cópia interessante de RE, só faltou desapegar de muitos elementos do RE7

I think this game could be a great showcase for understanding what works for Resident Evil and what doesn't. Taking the entire gameplay and putting it in a random contaminated underground lab should work in theory, but it doesn't.

RE2 Remake clone that can be enjoyable but often feels very unpolished and clunky. But kudos for trying.