Reviews from

in the past

I love this game. I used to watch my dad play it for hours cos i was too young to play it, but when i finally did never really stopped. As a kid, is just screamed cool. Dual guns, massive sword, spooky looking enemies that you can beat the shit out of. Perfect.
I attribute my love for the PS2 and the hack n slash genre to this game. It looks dated now, but the atmosphere of the castle will never be matched.

It has aged like milk but it's still pretty fun as long as you take your time to learn how to play this bad boy. The hd collection has some minor audio issues tho, just so you know why it sounds weird on some parts.

This game kicks ass but also kicks your ass.

Absolute gem of a game, can really tell this started as a Resident Evil game.

Absolute banger of a game. Just a few shortcoming in terms of combat design but that's just because of age.

i don't like this game please don't ask me why

Digito isso depois de 4 horas seguidas jogando essa porcaria e um banho bem gostoso tomado depois disso tudo, vale citar que não comi nada além do almoço hoje e tive de aturar esse jogo com uma fome fodida, a cabeça estourando, os meus olhos queimando, digo isso para justificar o motivo da minha resplandecente raiva. São 3:30 da manhã no momento.

Joguei junto de um amigo na call, só assim pra eu aturar a história, vou longe para dizer que o único momento bom dessa estória clichê e merda foi o início. Que a Trish ( puta loira odonto vagabunda ) quebra a porta da agência do Dante, eletriza ele com magia eu sei lá essa porra de poder nem explicados são, taca a moto nele e como contra-ataque, Dante enche de chumbo a moto, explode ela e taca na vagabunda. Pois é, o resto inteiro foi um filmezinho cúbico clichê do início dos anos 2000, por isso nem é ruim, mas ao mesmo tempo nem é bom.

Devil May Cry não é reconhecida pela história e sim pelo seu combate, esse é o próximo tópico que vou entrar agora.
As mecânicas são revolucionárias para a época, apesar de ser bem limitada em muitos aspectos, o 2.5 é totalmente dado à diversão que tive enquanto fazia as marionetes voarem.

O maior problema é a porra da câmera, como DMC foi ideia tida durante o desenvolvimento da beta de RE4, o jumento enchido de bosta na cabeça invés de um cérebro decidiu que a câmera deve ser igual à dos RE clássicos. O único momento que ela fica decente é durante a batalha no coliseu e nem por ai você pode conseguir jogar sem ter um derrame.

Eu não aguento mais escrever. Pois, minha enxaqueca está fazendo meu cérebro num suco bem mexido no momento, quem sabe no futuro continuo essa review que nenhum macaco abusado vai sequer ler nesse site de merda abandonado, isso se eu não tiver me atirado de uma janela depois de ter enfiado uma faca na minha faringe por ter desperdiçado 4 horas jogando essa porcaria.

Edit: repensando eu fui mt viado jogo mt bom

The initial difficulty is super punishing but fighting through it was absolutely worth the trouble. I love the contrast between the hollow ambiance of the castle and the high-stakes enemy encounters.

I see a lot of mixed responses to this game, but I genuinely think it's really good. It's got a lot of jank - it is the first of it's kind - but it makes up for it in it's charm. Dante is absolutely amazing in this game. From his amazing dialogue - "Woah, slow down babe!" - to his fun as hell combat, he's the star of the show. Strong boss fights that test your ability in constructive ways, a well balanced difficulty curve and a bunch of ways to experiment with your gameplay style all make this game a solid first entry. It provides a bedrock for what the series is so well known for, and as a result, remains a fun game in it's own right.

This is similar to KoF 94 to me. Where the jank and limitations are part of the charm and it is so fun to see where the series goes from here. It is fun to revisit from time to time too! It's just a great foundation to a fun series

The PC port sucks, but the game is probably one of the best PS2 titles if you excuse/cheese the final Kamiya shmup part
It's a game that rewards your knowledge of the game mechanics but also of the bosses/enemies
The music is pretty sick

As far as Dante's first outing goes, this is a perfectly solid action game with a straightforward yet fun combat system. The narrative isn't anything to write home about, but remains fairly enjoyable outside of some real groanworthy dialogue near the end of the game. It's presented well thanks to nicely animated cutscenes and voice acting that is (usually.) pretty good. Visuals have a lovely creepy gothic atmosphere that certainly adds to the experience.

I wouldn't say it's flawless, however - personally I had many gripes with the fixed camera, and found myself getting lost in some of the maps. There are also strange nonconventional gameplay segments, like the underwater portions, as well as the dreaded Kamiya Space Harrier section, but despite my initial concern, none of these lasted long enough to be bothersome or annoying. The combat is fun, and likely more involved than that of other brawlers at the time, but still somewhat lacking in depth and flexibility.

All in all, a fun experience that I think aged decently.

Enemy design is just perfect. As long as you get that you've got like 90% of an action game done right.

man its cheesy as hell and a little clunky and definatly dated, but if you dont mind the strings that come with playing older titles this is definatly worth a playthrough

It's like a classic Resident Evil, but with good combat

A novel start to a legendary franchise, has it's own charm and aspects I wish the sequels would bring back.

DMC1 is rough around the edges, but is still a fun, stylish time. Also you can REALLY tell this was originally a Resident Evil game.

It's a pretty fun action game that hasn't aged too gracefully but the combat still mostly holds up.

A revolutionary game that spawned the entire character action genre. Hard to go back to after playing any other entry in the series, but there's still some fun to be found here.

Also Dante seems like he wants to fuck his mom which is kinda weird

Controls can be painful at times.
Best example of that could be boss fights requiring to attack certain marked spot in order to be able to damage enemy.
The result is going between – trying to hit the wall, but attacking in direction of the monster – and – trying to attack the monster, but attacking in direction of the wall.

Final fights were one of the easiest in the game.

Well jeez, that was a ride. Devil May Cry is a pretty cool proof of concept for the "Character Action" or "Spectacle Fighter" genre of games. As far as I'm aware, Devil May Cry was the first of its ilk to bring this genre of games to life, bringing a mixture of cinematic presentations and aracde-influenced combat which gels surprisingly well.

For as much praise Devil May Cry can receive, it's certainly not without faults. Like Super Mario 64, just because you were the grandfather of a genre, it doesn't automatically make you the best, and Devil May Cry shows that. While the gameplay structure and pacing of DMC are largely fantastic, severe issues are surrounding repetitive, overused music, confusing difficulty spikes, terrible platforming, a largely forgettable and stupid story, bad voice acting, and the obnoxious reuse of bosses throughout the game. There's a slight aura of budget constraint issues floating around DMC, but for what it is, it's great, if not a bit poorly aged as time has gone on.

Yes, DMC is indeed tough as nails. Even playing on the "normal" setting you have to play your first time through, DMC will kick your ass, and it will force you to get good at it. DMC is not a game that you can cheese through; you'll have to learn combos, unlock new attacks, go out of your way to find new weapons, and constantly expand your knowledge of the combo system to get anywhere in the game, or else it will beat you into the dirt; hell, even IF you learn its mechanics, it will still beat you senseless. I understand if anyone decides to bow out of the game because of its insane difficulty, but if you think you can stick it out, it's certainly worth playing.

Lastly, I should note I played the PC version, which is rather poorly optimized. It took me several hours to get it running at a constant 60 FPS, but when I did, oh boy, it was a fluid gameplay experience unlike anything else. DMC is certainly worth picking up, but I'd say for the sake of ease, pick up the original PS2 version, and I also hear the Switch port is pretty good. If you're going to pick this up on PC, be forewarned that it's a poorly optimized nightmare that'll take a lot of patience to get working properly.

Damn cool game! Despite being the first of its type, it managed to nail so much right. Like first of all the style meter is such a genius idea and adds to the action way more than you'd think. In my case it lead to me wanting to do a lot more riskier and cooler looking shit just so I could show off to myself despite it just being a letter on the UI.

Action feels great, the move set on both the weapons feel good, bosses are a lot of fun (especially on Dante Must Die), enemies are well designed (Shadows are one of my favourite enemies in games), the locations are likeable, the OST fits the appropriate mood effectively wether is be spooky mansion or intense hell battle and don't forget that cheesy dub and sometimes unintentionally hilarious writing! It's all about the charm, man!

Only negatives I would give this game is that you fight the same bosses too many times and that I wish there was a middleground between Hard and DMD mode, so that you could play with the intensity of DMD mode without having to also worry about enemy devil triggers and insane boss health.

That's it though. Game rocks.

The first two levels are a bit rough imo but once the game gets going it really gets going and doesn't stop going.

Mind boggling puzzles, fun combat, enemy variety, and a pretty satisfying final boss to wrap it all up

Devil May Cry 1 is pretty kino, and I'm really glad I finally gave it a play.

it sure is an early ps2 game

DMC1 rips it's so clunky and weird, you can really feel them breaking into a new genre and also all these weird vestiges of resident evil. It's not what it's going to be but it's cool how well-formed it all is, like the game feels great to play and it feels great to get good at it. The checkpoint system is the worst thing I've ever experienced in my entire life but I love the game a lot, real good

wild. the RE/gothic atmosphere has been missed ever since, even though everything else got better.

Skip to the very last line if you want to know if the game is good...or you can just look at the score so never mind.

I feel like I've been sleeping on this era of gaming for far too long. Although DMC isn't perfect, especially it's the first game to strive for this type of action-orientated combat, I can't help but respect the hell out of it. Luckily my praises don't stop at respecting it, but I had a great time with it. I'll admit I am not an expert in the way of executing insane combos and the such. But no matter your playstyle you'll feel comfortable here since the game is easy to learn but hard as fuck to master. However, the combat is the main course here since the rest of the game centers around it which gave presented plenty of encounters to test out new abilities and practice. The locations you fight in and the arenas the bosses take place in are claustrophobic, which ideally would be an issue for an action game of this caliber...and it kind of is. Most of the time it worked because the camera utilizes a fixed system. But when the worst possible storm of weird camera angles and cramped spaces destroy your sense of anything then it's hard not to get frustrated. I have other praises and flaws such as how hilariously campy the story is (which is a great thing) but I don't want to keep rambling. It's really really really really really good.