Reviews from

in the past

Actually a gem, don't be fooled by the fact that it's a licensed game. Consistently entertaining puzzles and a hard mode that actually switches up the design of the game instead of just fiddling with numbers!

This was made by Mikami before he went on to create the Resident Evil series. I haven't played any RE game, but this is better than all of them.

You can see bits of what eventually becomes The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords in this. Best played with 2 players.

A simple puzzle and action game where you go through five stages trying to rescue your friends from pirates. Pick up and throw things in the environment to fight enemies, kick blocks, and make use of pick ups like a grappling hook, distracting bell, shovel, etc. Not much changes as the game goes on and it is a fairly short playthrough that is clearly made with co-op play in mind where you would each carry around one item instead of two like in SP and could help each other with distractions or throwing things to one another. Not a terrible time alone but would need a second player to elevate it to remaining fun the whole way through.


lindas memorias , nostalgia pura

jogo bala

Simplismente um dos melhores jogos co-op do super nintendo

Cada segundo jogando isso com meu cunhado foi horas e horas de felicidade.

Assim como muitos brasileiros, um game que fez parte da minha infância. Como presumo também ser o caso de muitos conterrâneos, nunca zerei — isso é, até hoje. É basicamente o que eu lembrava: bem bacana, com uns puzzles simplesinhos mas divertidos. Mas jogue com um amigo, você se divertirá muito mais, vai por mim.

divertido demais me senti big brain passando dos puzzles. Joguei com meu mano ZicVitor

The best co-op game I've never been able to convince anyone to play with me ever despite numerous years of trying. It's still perfectly playable solo, but even then you just know it's meant for two.

I've seen other compare this to Four Swords and I think that's pretty accurate. Puzzles are fairly simple but really fun to figure out, and the game never takes itself too seriously. Even when you're griefing player 2 it still feels like it's all in good fun. There's not much of a story to this (why would there be?) but what's here is just the right amount of silly, and the sprite work does a great job at capturing the style of the show. The soundtrack is terrific too. Given how good both this and Four Swords are, it's surprising to me that there's not a bunch of indie clones.

It can get a bit dull in singleplayer, there's obviously something missing from the experience when you're going at it alone, but it's still fun enough if you want to waste away a Saturday afternoon.

Really fun when co-op, meh when played solo.

Complete playthrough. Reading that it was one of the inspirations for the superb UNSIGHTED was what brought the SNES classic Disney's Goof Troop back to my attention, an overhead-perspective 2D puzzle game starring Goofy and Max from the 1990s animated TV series. Gameplay here is fairly slow-paced, as Goofy explores a series of five maze-like environments, solving puzzles primarily by block-pushing, hitting switches and defeating enemies with thrown barrels. It's all nicely satisfying on the whole, albeit at times with the potential for frustration from the lack of an in-game map.

With only five stages taking perhaps 15-20 minutes to play through, it's all over very quickly. A key selling point or the game, though, is the well-implemented co-op mode, albeit not one that I used. There were, though, a handful of puzzles that could have been tweaked a little for the single-player mode, primarily where a very tight time limit was in effect that would be fairly trivial to overcome with two players. These were, though, mercifully rare and don't have much impact on the overall enjoyably satisfying gameplay.

Zerei com o meu primo, recomendo pra krl. O game é curtinho e dá para se zerar numa tarde, claro, se quem estiver jogando manjar de puzzles.
Um dos melhores jogos para se jogar no multiplayer.

Um clássico que dá pra jogar numa tarde. Bom pra introduzir pessoas ao mundo dos jogos.

In an age where so many multiplayer games are endless, battle pass-laden live services, it's refreshing to go back to something like Goof Troop. No filler, just non-stop fun co-op level design for a couple of hours with charming SNES art and sound. Hard to go wrong with that!

Goof Troop é daqueles jogos que resiste ao tempo e se mantém maravilhoso até os dias atuais.

Um dos primeiros jogos com campanha completa em cooperação, ainda é uma joia de design com muito a ensinar para multiplayer cooperativo.

Seu tempo curto torna quase dispensáveis os passwords, apesar de que uma criança provavelmente precisa de mais tempo pra compreender os quebra-cabeças e passar de setores mais difíceis, sendo necessário o uso dos passwords na falta de save game.

E é respeitando todas as limitações que se pode extrair o melhor de Goof Troop.

Masterpiece of a co-op game. Like how did Capcom nail all these Disney games so well.

fuck resident evil and killer 7, this is mikami's magnum ops

also, The Last of Us is a plagiarism of this masterpiece

Apesar de divertido, ele é bem curto e os puzzles são bem medíocres.

Nunca cheguei muito longe mas era muito legal jogar co-op.

muito boa a obra que inspirou portal 2 e warcraft 3, grande título e must play

One of the best 2 player coop games for the SNES.

master piece do super nintendo, joguei muito com meu primo e tive que pedir ajuda meu pai no puzzle final do navio

Some of the best co-op fun the snes has to offer. Loved it

And the award for most excruciating soundtrack goes to...

Joguei e adorei! Teste 06958, continuando em 5 dias.

Jogo bem gostosinho de jogar local co-op. Um proto-resident evil de Shinji Mikami com elementos de backtracking, chaves, stealth, e puzzles. Uma pena ser tão curtinho.

Grande jogo pra introduzir iniciantes ao hobby.

Éste es uno de esos clásicos que no muchos videojugadores conocen. Basado en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre nos pone en el papel de Goofy y Max quienes tienen que rescatar a Pete y PJ que se encuentran cautivos en un barco pirata. Es uno de esos juegos que se disfruta mejor en compañía, ya que sus mecánicas y su estilo de juego, lo hacen el cartucho perfecto para unir fuerzas y resolver enigmas con la ayuda de un amigo. Si lo anterior no es posible, de igual manera es un título que se disfruta gracias a su divertida temática y su buen concepto. Capcom hace un buen trabajo con este cartucho para SNES antes de dedicarse a su franquicia de zombis estrella. Recomendado para aquellos videojugadores que quieran jugar un clásico poco conocido.

A fantastic 2 player action puzzle game that got the recognition it deserves. It is not a "hidden gem" since everyone knows this game now. The levels are fun with uplifting music and some tricky puzzles, but nothing that will make you give up out of frustration. The boss battles are fun and it has that classic disney capcom feel. Buy it if you dont own it already, but lets be honest you already own it.