Reviews from

in the past

What an absolute trash game, it's a very blatant rehash of FFIV with worse characters, ruining past characters and when they run out of rehashed plots points and boss fights, they throw the un-used bosses into a long gauntlet dungeon that's a chore to play through.

Final Fantasy IV's embarrassing, mentally challenged spawn. A terribly paced, boring, padded and overly long experience that fails to add anything to players of the original. Its gameplay additions are easily ignored at best and the storyline fails to hold up to standards that aren't from 1991. With how often the game reuses content from its predecessor, you're better off playing the original again.

Absolutely awful. It really feels like a cash grab, and the game just feels cheap. The story parts are all pretty boring and feels like a greatest hits album of FF4 characters with some remixed characters and new ones than an actual game.

There was potential for this to be great but instead the story is very filler heavy and a bit repetitive.

Pros: A "sequel" to what I consider the best RPG ever made, Final Fantasy II/IV. Same cool characters (plus their kids), same great gameplay, same awesome soundtrack.

Cons: The story is kinda dumb. I REALLY dislike the "moon phase" mechanic, and wish they'd left that out. I found myself using a LOT of Tents to get back to the phase I preferred.

Worst Con: Squaresoft grifting us poor Wii owners so hard. This game should have been ONE release, ONE download, costing no more than like $15-$20, TOPS. Instead, they made us download "Chapters", having to wait weeks in between to continue the story. AND it all cost $37. For a game that 100% just re-used assets from FFIV on SNES. Talk about a goddamn ripoff.

Final Verdict: I MOSTLY enjoyed playing this, outside of that idiotic moon phase shit. But as stated, the story was pretty dumb, especially at the end, and this SHOULD NOT have been episodic, nor cost nearly $40.

Boring and doesn't respect your time as a player.

It has a dull first half and a tedious ending, but that third quarter is excellent. It's a shame to see a Final Fantasy entry I love have such an unnecessary sequel, but it was nice to see some of the characters again. The first half of the game has you spend a long time playing the same period from different character's perspectives. In theory, this is fine, except when there are nine to get through before you start progressing the story meaningfully. I always find it weird that a King must pay to use the Inn inside his castle.

A bad sequel to a great game. Tried some decent things (like multi-character skills) and some really bad ones (like selling this game on a per-chapter basis).
The only thing I remember after playing it, is grinding money so I can buy a BDSM set for my black mage trainee.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is unequivocally one of the worst games I have ever played in my entire life. You'd think that's hyperbole and yet it isn't. I get that the game was designed for a bite-sized FF experience for mobile, but that kind of cope is reserved for before a title gets a release on other platforms. The PSP version inside the FFIV Complete Collection treats this game like a game on the same level as FFIV proper, and if that's how it is then this game gets the bullet. There is so little content in this game that I would call original because 99% of it is just FFIV but again. It even steps further and has the entire final dungeon completely waste my time, reusing boss fights from across all pixel-based FF games in an overly long, monotonous, and shitty final act.

Let's start with gameplay changes because boy are the ones here fucking awful. The two big things are Bands and Moon Phases. Bands are interesting in concept and maybe could've been cool but unfortunately, it is ruined by being locked behind specific character interactions. If two characters can work together, they can use a Band, which requires them to both have ATB and a good amount of MP to deal massive damage together. However, since it can only be used on specific characters between other specific characters, finding a Band between characters is a complete waste of time. The only part of the game where the system is remotely fleshed out is in the final tale where you are basically thrown Bands like they are potions. Though in the end you won't end up using most of them. Next is Moon Phases, the worst mechanic someone has ever come up with. Whether it's from performing a specific amount of actions or by resting in an inn/tent, the moon phase will change, which will change how specific core mechanics perform in battle. For instance, one moon phase will up the damage on black magic but worsen the damage of regular melee attacks. There are four different moon phases the game rotates through and each affects only two types of mechanics at a time between melee, black magic, white magic, and...throwables? I think? One will be upped, the other will be destroyed. It completely sucks to play around because it either requires hoping for the moon to randomly change or wasting precious items so you can have the correct moon phase for specific fights. And I say correct instead of best because a lot of fights are built around extremely specific fighting conditions to an obscene degree that many times over I wanted to rip my eyes out.

Oh yeah, remember all of the cool characters and story beats that FFIV went over? Ever wonder what it would be like if they were ripped away and spit on? No? WELL HAVE FUN BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED! Not a single character was spared from this shitstaining system. It's not funny. At all. The combined ballbusting talents of the writing, storyline, and game design combine together to ruin characters that had been finalized and had their story told. I can't even begin to explain why it is so bad, just know that it is not worth giving a single shit about any of this game's characters. Even the new ones aren't really that interesting or great. If I had to pick maybe ONE character who I think had a glow-up it would be Palom. Seriously, that's it.

While I'm at it let's talk about the tale system. Awful. I get that the game was released in chunks for mobile but in retrospect, they shouldn't have been ok with it back then either. NOTHING about this system is good in any way. For seven of the first eight tales you are basically repeating the entire same chunk of story but from a differing perspective each time. This does nothing but lead to the most abhorrent and unenjoyable slog through what is essentially "recap: the video game" for over fourteen hours. The ninth tale is also basically completely pointless and explains exactly one tiny thing for the final tale. And the main issue with the final tale is well, now that you have all of the previous tales done, use your save data in this last tale to progress the story. Bad news though, if you are under-leveled, KILL YOURSELF! And oh yeah, there are like twenty fucking characters to make a party from and oh yeah, you probably need to get at the very least six to seven of these characters OVER THIRTY LEVELS HIGHER THEN WHERE THEY MIGHT START. My characters started the final tale at around 20-25 for most of them. From what I could gather, the required level to start the final dungeon is around FOURTY. AND TO FINISH THE FUCKING TALE YOU NEED TO BE OVER SEVENTY!?! Like I said, KILL YOURSELF.

The antagonist sucks. Like I literally have nothing else to say, they are just fucking terrible. They have zero presence and all of the endgame reveals feel completely vapid and soulless like they just needed some justification to wrap shit up. Throughout the game, the antagonist just mocks the player for wanting to give a shit, and then in the ending, it mocks you even more for giving any shits because the whole thing flips on its head to reveal that nothing fucking mattered in the end. That this whole story was pointless.

For the third official sequel to a Final Fantasy title, but the first in terms of game chronology, this was such a complete step backward from anything and everything that made Final Fantasy IV even remotely decent as a video game. Instead of getting a helping of new characters and a unique and interesting plot, all I got was over thirty-five hours of hoping and praying that someone would give me a goddamn out so I could stop playing. Nothing happens, nothing is worth any fucks, and clearly, the developers didn't give any either. As of writing, I have never played a video game as blatantly fucking terrible as this, even within this series of games. I hope every person who worked to make this colossal fucking failure wakes up every night in a cold sweat crying to themselves and begging for forgiveness. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck this game. and fuck Final Fantasy.

Lamest FF sequel ever. It is supposed to happen 17 years after the events of the original IV, but instead of creating interesting situations it drags for the same stuff we have already done previously.

Also Rydia x Edge is not a confirmed ship, so automatically 4/10.

Final fantasy 4 is almost a masterpiece, but this sequel is a waste. It doesn't tell anything interesting and the gameplay with each independent character is boring.

I liked this game enough, but only cause I really like FF4. I never finished the final story, but this game is certainly very derivative of the original.

Just a slog to get through. Any interesting character moments are brought down by the repetitive story and boring gameplay.

Meh, the game wasn't that great. I might finish it some time, but probably not.

Pretty mediocre set pieces with lots of rethreading of the original game, only someone in dire need of final fantasy 4 fanservice should play this.

That being said if you want to play this probably stick to the 3D version instead of the PSP one, because it's better balanced and has less grinding, and don't bother with Interlude, it's a waste of time and tells literally nothing.

Core gameplay is solid, classic Final Fantasy turn-based battling, and the story does have some interesting twists, but this game suffers in a few respects. Its pacing is way off, with the mid-game largely being a retelling of the same story ad infinitum as you play through each character's perspective. There's some interesting story beats to be had, but it's largely scraps. The encounter rate is also astronomical, which is exacerbated during the game's final (eternal) dungeon, putting Final Fantasy III's final dungeon to shame. Overall a solid, but flawed, entry in the series.

Review in progress:
The worst JRPG I've ever played. Feels like a bad fanfic. It cheapens the original and contributes nothing of value from a story or gameplay perspective.

I don't think this was needed. It was interesting, but it really didn't add much.

this sucks complete ass lmao the only reason it has half a star is cuz it reuses assets from ff4 (a decent game) and i like a lot of the new party members but thats it

Brilliant use of the concept of constantly repeating cycles established by FF1

what if we tried making both ff4 and live-a-live but both are WAY WORSE and you need to buy each chapter individually as well

Brilliant commentary on our circular universe.

Maybe would have felt less boring and dumb if I hadn't played it right after IV but damn, this felt like work. Three "chapters" in and I'm just not enjoying it at all. I turned on auto-battle and I fast-foward the rom to speed up cutscenes (why does every couple word sentence have to remain on the screen for five full seconds before you can advance?) and it still feels like a waste of time. Calling it quits, watching the rest of the story as highlights on YouTube so I at least know what happened.

A rare Final Fantasy direct sequel, The After Years follows the adventures of Cecil and Rosa's absurdly named son, Ceodore. Just like in IV, the second moon rises and a grand threat is launched against the elemental crystals that maintain the balance of the world. Yes, history is repeating itself and not just in-universe; much of The After Years is an iteration on IV in a damning and unsubtle way and winds up feeling like a weak imitation of its predecessor. Entire plot points, dungeons, and bosses are repeated with zero variation from IV, rendering a vast swathe of The After Years pointless.

I suppose the main draw is that we get to meet the old cast again? Most of them are still functionally identical to how they worked in IV, but our party is supplemented by the new kids, who are... well, they're basically often so close as to the regular lot as to be the same. The thing I liked about The After Years was its episodic chapters, a holdover from its original mobile release, but it's not worth the price of admission at all. I don't think The After Years is dreadful, but it's certainly pointless and that's as big a crime to some.

this game broke my psp 👍 
enjoyed it while it lasted tho

Just did not need to exist.