Reviews from

in the past

The dialogue is amusing, and the game is pretty creative. Very fun game, a lot of good variation and for having RNG based equipment, it was not so bad since using an equipment a lot increases the chances of it being spawned also you can do pretty good without any items at all since you improvise a lot with the equipment in the levels. Also it is more important you have a good level with your co-workers since their upgrades are consistent so you do not have to be at the mercy of RNG. However some of the coworkers requests you need to do to are a bit lame, but I maxed out the flavor guy and his drinks are fun to use and are very good.

I don't know how I feel about being old enough to be pandered to this effectively.

Qué mejor manera de representar la ridícula gamificación del progreso laboral y el cielo al que se nos exige aspirar que con un dungeon crawler.

Adoro que no tuviera tiempo para metáforas, es un juego sobre el ridículo mundo del start up y lo sabe.

Un roguelike muy ligerito que compensa su falta de profundidad jugable con una identidad muy propia y un derroche de carisma y personalidad por todos los poros.

Funciona muy bien aunque le falte quizá algo de la complejidad que caracteriza al género, eso sí. Es más un beat 'em up/dungeon crawler que otra cosa, pero es muy divertido de jugar y tiene jefes (especialmente cerca del final) tan intensos que he acabado casi sudando.

Recomiendo echarle un ojo porque es muy divertido y su crítica a las startups y el mundo laboral es súper aguda y no se corta ni un pelo aunque lo esconda tras una capa de humor y colorines.

A very light roguelike that compensates its lack of gameplay depth with a very unique identity and an overflow of charisma and personality in every aspect of it.

It works really well, although it maybe lacks a bit of the depth that you'd expect in this genre. It's more a beat 'em up/dungeon crawler than anything else, but it's really fun to play and some of the boss fights (particularly near the end) are so intense I ended up almost sweating.

I recommend giving it a shot because it's a lot of fun and its critique of startups and the job industry as a whole is super sharp and it's straight to the point even though it hides it behind a layer of comedy and colors.

Going Under is a Dungeon Crawler about Jacqueline, an inturn at a shitty job that's in the process of being bought out by a billion dollar tech company. Roguelikes/Rougelites/whatever can be difficult to get into for me, but I enjoyed this game a good bit.

Aesthetically, it draws a lot from the very same corporate marketing it pokes so much fun at, with the visuals taking inspiration from that whole soft and round google-type artstyle as well as the somewhat sanitized electronic beats that make up most of the soundtrack. While this might sound like it would be grating (and admittedly, it kinda is at the start), its done tactfully enough where the joke lands without actually feeling as soulless as the stuff it parodies.

Its a pretty nice game to look at overall, the artwork for the character portraits is gorgeous, and the in game models are really cute and silly. A couple of the NPCs even have that one Chowder effect on their clothes, which is wild to see in a 3D setting, but its super cool. However, it can get really awkward how they all just stand there without any real idle animations, it just feels unnatural. In that same vein, it also bothers me that there's no looping default conversations when the characters don't have anything new to say to you. They basically just become statues. Its especially bad with the shopkeepers for each dungeon, they're pretty much done being characters after you've exhausted all their unique conversations. It's not a huge deal, but it does put a damper on things in an area that could've been a lot better.

The gameplay in the dungeons is somewhat basic affair, but its executed really well. Jacqueline feels great to control, and her attack animations communicate the weight and power behind the weapons in a way that feels super satisfying. The main draw, though, is the personality of it all. Jacqueline can pick up literally anything lying around the offices within the dungeons to use as a weapon, which can result in some really fun and chaotic moments where all your good weapons break and you're flailing around grabbing stray office chairs, waste baskets, whatever you can get your hands on while desperately trying to avoid taking even more damage. They sneak a bunch of really cute jokes with some of the weapons too, such as a parody of Cloud's Buster Sword from FFVII wielded by a corrupt manager that's called the Union Buster, its all tongue in cheek in a way that feels really earnest. Not every joke lands, and not every character makes the strongest impression, but it manages to be a solidly cute fun endearing experience throughout.

This game oozes charm and personality, I loved almost everything about it, though I think it needed more added incentive inbetween runs to keep the player going - like another reviewer said, I also got to a point where I wasn't having much fun and had to put the game aside, though I eventually came back to it after a while and beat it.

A rogue-like made for people that don't usually enjoy rogue-likes (rogue-like me!). A ridiculously charming aesthetic, fun dialogue, simple mechanics, short runs and a plethora of assist options made this an extremely enjoyable experience for me.

This game does style, art, dialogue, characters all good. The skills can combine into some really awesome synergies, and the Mentor system is also fun. I was also enjoying that it was a pretty easy/casual rogue-like.... until the second half where the game gets harder and I do not feel the gameplay is nearly good enough to facilitate it. The dodge doesn't immediately cancel what you are doing so you just get hit when you pressed the button on time. You also can just get juggled if you don't have any skill to prevent that (not fun). Turned on assist mode to prevent this game piggin me off.

A solid rogue like with a fun setting.

This just really isn't the genre for me.

If you buy into it's surprisingly vicious satirical take on entrepreneurial egoism and unregulated startup culture, then the game's design and narrative goals amount to a satisfying experience.

While the dungeons can be too small for their own good, particularly when the action becomes ever more demanding, the combat exhibits notable nuance with a range of weaponry at your disposal. Sometimes the game cherishes its satire so much so that it muffles clarity on the multitude of skills you can acquire; descriptions of what you earn sometimes are not helpful.

There is also a bit of an issue with difficulty (assuming no assistance is used - which is still a great feature). The game seemed mildly difficult until a certain point. From then, it spikes it a way almost too jarringly. It still is fun, but your patience needs to be realigned with those new expectations.

In general, the economical storytelling allows those confined worlds to be saturated with witty details of a world on the brink of self-destruction in its own delusional success. Between the dungeon walls lives a toxicity that is constantly palpable in today's connected, hyper-convenient world.

A cute rogue like that gets frustrating in the second half.

Soulslike dodgy combat with roguelike elements. And you can use nearly everything you see in the room as a weapon.

Cute concept and art style, I wish there was more dialogue

It's pretty fun and I love the art style. The concept around the startups is nice and there is some very clever and funny dialogues. A lot of bangers in the soundtrack!

There was a lot of potential for new content (something roguelikes kinda need) but sadly the devs said no more updates.

Really fun dungeon crawler with fun character, neat aesthetic, everything is just really fun. I guess my only gripes would be the lack of more than 3 dungeons and you have to play through them 2 times each, and the combat can get a little repetitive, and the ending feels a bit underwhelming. Overall a really fun game.

Cute, charming and the corporate satire really speaks to me, but the gameplay itself is very repetitive with little depth. Repeat the same dungeons, killing the same enemies with the same weapons that break way too quickly. Could and should have had a shop where you can buy durable equipment with your cubits or whatever.

A really tricky action rogue-lite - some of the action feels 'off' in a way I can't quite put my finger on, it often gets so hectic that it's really hard to understand what's happening - losing health simply feels unfair in those situations. Otherwise, this game has a great sense of humour and is chock full of well realised characters, enemies and encounters.

I might pick this back up again sometime, but it's taken a backseat to some other games I'm more excited to play. It's very cute, and the parody of modern silicon forest startup culture is so accurate that it physically hurts me. The humor is great. There just hasn't been a ton of mechanical depth, from what I've seen. I'm a good bit through the second dungeon area, I've done some sidequests for mentors, I've unlocked a handful of items for the dungeons. It doesn't need massive amounts of depth necessarily, it's solidly fun as is, but it can only hold my interest for so long before I feel like I'm just going through the motions, not making too many moment to moment decisions or going for a particular build or anything.

Still, I can't bring myself to give it anything less than a 3 - I love the aesthetic and music, the writing, the sound effects. It's a very cool world to be in. I'm rooting for this game and this team, it's just not quite what I'm looking for.

It's incredibly charming: from the very believable cast of characters, to the art style, to the interface itself, everything has that sleek, modern corporate feel. It's incredibly well-done parody and I just wish the gameplay was as good as everything else.

The abilities are interesting! The weapon variety is surprisingly large! The dungeon environments are just as fun as the hub area. It's mechanically interesting (although not very deep) and the wit and jokes from the hub area extend below too. It just really, really sucks the wind out my sails when trying to hit anything with most weapons becomes one of the Labors of Hercules. I suspect this is primarily due to the stiff way your character moves around. This control scheme is jank enough to turn the game as a whole into a chore, which is a shame given how perfectly executed everything else is. I want to know more about swomp! I want to see what happens to the Flavor guy whose passion for what he does gets ignored or exploited, depending on the day! I just don't have it in me to fight the game itself - although I guess it's kind of fitting to have the game show off a shiny, polished exterior while it wears down my will to go on.

It's like Hades if hell was the Soylent HQ

Un roguelite simpático con una divertida sátira al mundo de las start ups de hoy en día. Peca de algo simplón y corto pero se hace bastante agradable de jugar.

This is a great roguelite, with a super creative theme. Visuals and audio are on point and the tech startup jokes/parodies are simply AMAZING!
Has a nice storyline, good progression, lots of stuff to do (EXCEPT the overtime mode, that shit is unfair as hell).

Overall, very fun, would easily recommend.

O estilo visual, a história e a trilha sonora me agradaram demais. Mas o gameplay... putz, não funcionou pra mim at all. É ruim de controlar, o que faz o esquema roguelike se tornar frustrante pra caramba.

It's a shame that Going Under and Hades came out the same year, because I really feel like this rogue lite deserves its own fair shake!

Of all the silicon valley satirical bits I've seen in games, I feel like the folks on this game were able to land all of the swings they made at just about every ongoing shitty thing in these industries right now and going forward.

I really just like this game's entire vibe. Well worth playing on Game Pass right now!

How about 'Going Under' some hoes my man?

that corporate kitsch intentionally made to be as ugly as possible to (A) demoralize you by inundating your life with even more ugliness (B) see just how much they can trick the others into loving it. these horrific inhuman blobs are icons of capital, and they made a game out of them. subtle.......... DO NOT play unless you want to be Positived

introducing my new startup:

"tappi please have sex with me"

goals: tappi having sex with me
target market: tappi (human)
management: me - ceo

Going Under pega toda a frustração millennial com o mercado de trabalho moderno e a usa como fonte para seu senso de humor. Incrivelmente, isso funciona muito bem. Muitas das piadas são trocadilhos visuais - por exemplo, a blockchain é literalmente um bloco pendurado numa corrente -, mas o humor não se resume a trocadilhos baratos. Toda a narrativa é uma grande sátira à cultura corporativa moderna, o mundo de startups e a sofrência de entrar no mercado de trabalho.

Grande parte desse humor se deve à Jackeline, a ótima protagonista. Ela tem consciência de classe o suficiente para saber que o sistema é fodido, mas é ao mesmo tempo resignada o bastante para apenas querer que a fodam com vaselina. Muitas vezes eu não sabia se estava rindo das reações dela por achar engraçadas ou de nervoso por simpatizar completamente com ela.

Não tão divertido é o processo de percorrer as dungeons. O game tem certos problemas de balanceamento. Inicialmente ele é um roguelike extremamente fácil. Na metade do game, entretanto, há um considerável aumento na dificuldade. Gosto de roguelikes difíceis, mas Going Under aumenta sua dificuldade da forma menos satisfatória possível: multiplicando o número de inimigos, abusando de stun locks e te deixando com poucos recursos para enfrentar as hordas em seu caminho - às vezes nem armas, já que elas quebram praticamente toda hora. Talvez tudo isso seja proposital, servindo como uma grande metáfora para a exploração diária dos trabalhadores modernos. Infelizmente não sou inteligente o suficiente para apreciá-la em toda sua plenitude.

O jogo vale só pelo humor e narrativa? Não, e você não deveria jogar só por eles, e não dá para separá-los. As próprias dungeons estão intrinsecamente ligados aos temas do jogo e você só vai encontrar muitas das piadinhas (principalmente as visuais) explorando-as. No mais, antes do aumento da dificuldade a experiência é bem livre de estresse. Felizmente o jogo tem uma boa solução para o caso de você achar difícil demais ou ficar de saco cheio na forma de várias opções de acessibilidade. Minha recomendação é jogar normalmente e, caso sinta que está esmurrando faca, fazer uso dessas opções sem dó. A vida de estagiário é um inferno, mas a sua não precisa ser uma também.