Reviews from

in the past

Axl design fucking favourite

This game is balanced like a game of Jenga

Pretty fun though

Fighting con musicon increíble y buen gameplay.

It's not KoF that you have to press 500 buttons to make a combo, so it was pretty fast to adapt and...Justice go the hell

It's not very well balanced and a bit janky but if you're inexperienced with fighting games like me going through the campaign mode can make for a fun afternoon.

This was my first experience with a fighting game, and I had so much fun with it! I struggled with mechanics and combos at first, and I'm definitely not great overall, but ultimately I really enjoyed my play-through and really liked the design and backstories of all the characters. Testament and Justice were both great fights and I learned a lot about fighting game strategy. Super fun, would recommend!

Sol Badguy literalmente dijo "yo soy el Engranaje Culpable"

Jesus fucking Christ...

deus nos perdoe por nossos pecados

this does not include bridget; therefore it's soul shall be damned

okay but for real, despite how choppy the controls are (those special controls feel like trying to play along to meshuggah lmao), i can't deny that it has a really cute appeal! while there are definitely better fighting games on the playstation, it's clear that the team were trying to extend the language of the genre to other places! in obvious ways, they did it too well, not giving a lot of room for improvement (the training room was a decent time, but contrastingly too simple as a ground for its purpose), but even then, it's also what gave me the biggest thrill playing it! the adrenaline rushes as you try to think fast and go beyond motor skills was as fun as it was insanely frustrating. it's definitely a case where the best things about it are best scattered around instead of forced on ya in the same place, but for what it is, i respect what it's going for

now if i can only manage to get to bridget once i have the means too..


Rating: Z
Genre(s): Anime fighter

I hope whoever designed Justice burns in hell

one of the worst fighting games i've ever played. i feel bad making such a hyperbolic statement, but this is just terribly executed. making every single character have access to an instant kill move that has no cost and can instantly win the set if it's not blocked in time is just frankly bafflingly bad game design. it's antithetical to fighting games as a genre as well as the concept of fun.

the IKs and spamming of the same moves by the cpu makes me want to end myself
other than that it's kinda fun

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Não é possível que... O protagonista é o Guilty Gear 🤯🤯🤯

Sure, it's not balanced super well and there's a bunch of completely busted mechanics, but there's such a kinetic energy to this game and a distinct lack of polish that just makes this game such a vibe. Add on a lot of really wild and well thought out world-building, and an amount of style that really seems like someone thought street fighter could be cooler, and honestly the fun factor is just towering. Wouldn't recommend for tournament play (not that I'm even remotely that good), but just for fun? I'm not sure you can do much better

jesus fucking christ what the actual fuck

i always forget how scrappy these early entries are for fighting games from around this era. it's no tokidensho angel eyes, ill tell u that much.

A good start to a great series that shows its age. The balance is off which makes it extra fun, but maybe not for healthy reasons. The jumping and movement tech are not well defined making it much easier for certain characters to dominate in the corner. The most basic GG game, but still worth playing.

it was kinda fun and I finally beat Baiken, but for the love of my mental health I don't think I can beat all chara and I don't want to hear Justice screaming over and over and over again

GOD SCREW THAT FINAL BOSS THE SINGLEPLAYER AINT WORTH IT FAM but probably fun with friends. I got a lot of the same vibes from this game towards fighting games as something like a maniac bullet hell shooter to shmups. Feels like it was made by enthusiasts of the genre for enthusiasts of the genre and as such is tuned to a maniac degree. The characters are interesting and the games visuals are very impressive, but idk the gameplay just isn't for me, as someone who has the reflexes of a sloth and plays SNK fighters casually.

Personagens e música carismáticos, uma gameplay decente, apesar de algumas peculiaridades esquisitas e uma IA muito mal balanceada (especialmente no chefe final).

Honestamente, eu terminei apenas para dar nota (o que, no meu padrão arbitrário significa 1 estrela), mas admito que há certa diversão a ser obtida tentando descobrir um jeito de vencer os personagens de IA mais complicados enquanto tento fazer combos variados.