Reviews from

in the past

As a rhythm game fan, the gameplay loop itself is cute and fun. And the visual style is pretty adorable, too.

The problem is, this is a live-service game, which means it got next-to-no content at launch and its future success will hinge on how much gets added to it in the future. Ugh.

Too much downtime between games. Kinda wish the minigames were more rhythm oriented than just general sound based.

Half the minigames seem to make it harder by hiding the screen or taking the sound away, which is kinda cringe for a rhythm game, but other half are fun.

would go so hard if it didn't cost money

A few charming mini-games but honestly the whole "battle royale" element is really lacking because you're walled off from the other players for most of the mini-games. Also a lot of them just aren't fun.

Given that it's hard to fill a server even on release week, I think this is DOA in short order.

Idc this game is fun as hell

it's a game.

I love rhythm games but dear god is this one annoying. It definitely should've released as free with some sort of payed battlepass because it takes forever to get a full lobby, if you get one at all. The rhythm games themselves are just not that good and clunky.

Its alright. Concept has potential but the execution is rather boring. Its like Game Pass filler you play for 2 days with your friends max and get bored then.

Rhythm game battle royale is a great concept but...this game doesnt do it well....a lot of the mini games are sound-based rather than rhythm based. And the fact that this isnt free has me flabbergasted a bit. Luckily, I played via game pass but you're telling me this should be $20??? This game is literally on the same tier as fall guys, it should be free considering what it is. After just a few games, I found myself getting bored so...L

i dare not wish HeadBangers: Rhythm Royale upon my worst enemy

My blood pressure is 300. This game is made for the tiktok generation of kids, there is 0 chill.

Esta bien, ideal para 3 tipos de personas:
- Gente que piensa que fall guys ya no es lo suficientemente casual para ellos
- Pajeros del osu que quiere destrozar a la gente
- Gente que se lo quiere pasar bien jugando 4 partidas y poco mas
Por lo demas, es sencillito, la musica esta bien, las pruebas tienen buena curva de dificultad y hay disfraces graciosos para las palomas

Imagine Mario Parties rhythm games but worse. Now apply all the low quality assets from Fall Guy and a crappy cosmetic shop.
Now you have Headbangers.
Not only does this game have no couch co op it also has no players. From the games I played almost all the were full of bots, which isn't ideal specifically for a battle royal.

I'm not really giving this game a score because how good this game is entirely depends on whether or not it's around in 3 months. I know I'm not the only one who was very interested by the concept but stayed away because they assumed that the game would be dead on arrival and have no players. The few matches I've played have all had bots and the future doesn't look too bright for this game despite it being pretty solid. It's a fun time but I don't really want to invest time into clearing the battle pass when I absolutely get the vibes that this game is not surviving 2024.

I had a good time with the game briefly but its gameplay really doesn’t have legs. The problem is that your only reward is cosmetics and frankly the costumes just don’t look that cool to make me want to earn them. The gameplay fundamentally just isn’t that varied though, leading quickly to irritation and boredom. Most of the time the minigames are variations of simon says, which aren’t that fun. The final rounds are usually the most novel gameplay-wise, with rockband-like rhythm minigames that are challenging.

I think the fundamental flaw is that the minigames are too similar and don’t allow very much interaction. The pigeons stand in one place and you follow button prompts. You can dance, but rarely anyone does. There’s no interaction between you and your fellow pigeons. I wish at the end of rounds you could send emotes to your opponents or if there was a simple chat box to say “gg” or something. It just feels sad when you’re playing with other humans and there is no communication. Just mindlessly following button prompts. Get in, get out.

That’s a big problem with multiplayer games in general for me. Everyone feels faceless. There’s no room for conversation or interaction. I miss the days where you could find transient friends in your teammates. Yes, that opened up the pandora’s box which easily led to the chat being filled with racist/sexist comments, but the alternative is emotionless and routine.

I do like some of the music of the game, but it quickly becomes repetitive like everything else.

Yay it's pigeons!

Quite fun! I appreciate the effort put into this game but I wish I didn't suck so much because I end up not completing a fuil game most of the time since this is supposed to be a battle royale and such. I guess you can play with your friends if you press start together but talking and playing this game at the same time sounds like a nightmare honestly so I understand this isn't how you should play it. It's still interesting to try your best while playing solo though. It is a challenge.

The shop is weirdly empty, I hope we get a lot more items because it feels a bit limited at the moment. There's only one game mode, I understand this is supposed to be really casual but come on I'm sure they have some ideas (and hopefully they won't be behind DLCs).

How them New York pigeons be acting when you feed them bread

Esse é o melhor jogo de ritmo que saiu em anos.
A quantidade de minigames e as variações entre eles são maravilhosas, dificilmente você vai repetir o mesmo jogo, eu nunca tive essa sensação e já joguei +20 torneios.
Os minigames variam desde jogos de memória, reflexo, diferenciar instrumentos e estilos de música e até "estilos Guitar Hero".
O jogo mantém a energia "Party" com as caixas de itens, Buffs e Debuffs, dando a oportunidade até pra jogadores mais fracos ganharem.
Eles tem algumas coisas pra aprimorar, por exemplo, é raro ver um Lobby fechar nos 30 e isso parece ser algum tipo de errro, dando que é fácil achar outros jogadores. O tempo de espera entre Lobbies é alto, mas nada que um celular não resolva.
Jogão, tava com alguma expectativa e fui apenas surpreendido positivamente.

Ничего такой ритм рояль с множеством интересных мини-игр. Надеюсь что в дальнейшем там будет больше игр завязанных на чувстве ритма, а не рандомной ерунды в духе стрельбы по клавишам.

I like the idea of it, a rhythm based little party game. Problem is some of them are memory games. You still have to do the stuff to a rhythm, but you have to remember which buttons to do so its not reactionary. I suck at these ones, but the actual stuff where I have to press buttons to the rhythm I do well at.

The main problem with this is that it is a Battle Royale. I feel like if you fuck up once or twice 2nd round and up you will get put at the bottom of the pack because everyone else is playing better than you. At least this is my experience at 2am (probably not a good sample time for this but whatever).

Headbangers: Rythm Royale (2023): Reconozco que me divertí mucho...durante veinte minutos. Entre la simpleza de sus minijuegos, que la mayoría son de memorizar y que se hacen repetitivos...Quizá en un futuro sea un gran juego, pero hoy día no pasa de una anécdota curiosa (5,30)

it’s a cute idea with a lot of variety in minigames, most of which i suck at. also it is extremely charming in its theming and animations. my big drawback is jesus you need a strong internet connection to make this work. you can turn on latency as high as you want but latency actively puts you at a disadvantage in some games, making particularly the 1v1 games a wifi battle

I have negative rhythm but it’s still a decently fun experience with friends.

The greatest pigeon rhythm game of all time

Less to do with rhythm and more to do with aim. Overall mediocre game