Reviews from

in the past

A rhythm game specifically for musicians who play by ear, expecting you to hear a rhythm and/or melody and immediately repeat it back

It's very clearly a Fall Guys ripoff (the menus may as well be copy/pasted) with a little more WarioWare in the games, but I had a lovely time finally using my music degree for something 🎵🎶

Got 3rd overall the first time, then 2nd five matches in a row before finally winning.

Was initially really into this but that feeling faded as soon as the games repeated themselves. It's not that they're bad, there are just too few of them and the emergent nonsense you get in games like Fall Guys (which is a clear inspiration here style-wise) doesn't exist as you're pretty set in what you can do in each round.

That said, I think these pigeon characters are more fun and charming than the Fall Guy beans, and the challenges to unlock costumes is pretty neat. I haven't played Fall Guys since Season 2 so maybe that's already a thing there, but I appreciate that attempts were made to make getting some of these costumes a bit more interesting than just buying them in a shop.

I like the idea of it, a rhythm based little party game. Problem is some of them are memory games. You still have to do the stuff to a rhythm, but you have to remember which buttons to do so its not reactionary. I suck at these ones, but the actual stuff where I have to press buttons to the rhythm I do well at.

The main problem with this is that it is a Battle Royale. I feel like if you fuck up once or twice 2nd round and up you will get put at the bottom of the pack because everyone else is playing better than you. At least this is my experience at 2am (probably not a good sample time for this but whatever).

this was a lot of fun to grind out my first win, but there's this feeling with a lot of battle royales where the gameplay isn't as fun and addictive to me as something like fall guys, or fortnite where once i get that first win and the high of that feeling is past me i lose almost all drive to play again. it isn't helped by the player base being pretty dead, and a lot of the people that are there are way too good for me to have any sort of shot against them. that being said most mini games are pretty fun, and like i said the high of winning was great! just not sure i see myself coming back after that.

I had a good time with the game briefly but its gameplay really doesn’t have legs. The problem is that your only reward is cosmetics and frankly the costumes just don’t look that cool to make me want to earn them. The gameplay fundamentally just isn’t that varied though, leading quickly to irritation and boredom. Most of the time the minigames are variations of simon says, which aren’t that fun. The final rounds are usually the most novel gameplay-wise, with rockband-like rhythm minigames that are challenging.

I think the fundamental flaw is that the minigames are too similar and don’t allow very much interaction. The pigeons stand in one place and you follow button prompts. You can dance, but rarely anyone does. There’s no interaction between you and your fellow pigeons. I wish at the end of rounds you could send emotes to your opponents or if there was a simple chat box to say “gg” or something. It just feels sad when you’re playing with other humans and there is no communication. Just mindlessly following button prompts. Get in, get out.

That’s a big problem with multiplayer games in general for me. Everyone feels faceless. There’s no room for conversation or interaction. I miss the days where you could find transient friends in your teammates. Yes, that opened up the pandora’s box which easily led to the chat being filled with racist/sexist comments, but the alternative is emotionless and routine.

I do like some of the music of the game, but it quickly becomes repetitive like everything else.

It brings me no joy to say that HeadBangers, a game which is functionally "Rhythm Heaven + Fall Guys", something that seems extremely up my alley, reeeally kinda sucks a lot. I really do get the impression that this game has like no conception of what makes a battle royale game good OR what makes a rhythm game good.

As far as the battle royale half goes, matches consist of a random selection of minigames in sequence, each of which knock out about half of the remaining players (very much like Fall Guys). However, most of the minigames are either point-based (i.e. top 10/20 scorers continue onto the next round, with your ranking so far being indicated by a tiny little HUD element in the corner) or endurance contests (i.e. if you make a mistake you're out, whoever stays in the longest wins), and these suuuuck for invoking that sense of competition BR games are best known for. With something like Fall Guys, you're constantly knocking into other players, you really feel like you're competing against everyone else. But here you're mostly just playing subpar rhythm minigames by yourself, a feeling further emphasized by every lobby being filled with, like, at least 75% bots. Add to that ridiculous lobby times which constantly break up minigames with what're probably minute long breaks of 15 seconds after a minigame, 15 seconds picking the next minigame, 15 seconds showing a tutorial screen for the game, ANOTHER 15 seconds once you get into the minigame to let you figure out the controls... I legitimately think I spent more time on my phone waiting for shit to start than I did actually playing the game.

And when you do get to the actual game, it's not even a good rhythm game! Basically everything here falls into "memorize a sequence" (often not even to a rhythm) or "play the notes as they come", which I guess isn't terrible (you sure as hell don't need a long-ass tutorial on all of them, every time they come up, though), but the games which work the best are still the ones most obviously ripped directly from Rhythm Heaven. There's one that's basically just Built To Scale which is fairly solid (although it doesn't really feel battle royale-y since it's graded by points) and there's a rapping one which is extremely similar to Love Rap, but it's the only one I came across that actually pairs you up against an opponent and eliminates whichever of you have the lowest accuracy, and it's really the only time I felt like I was actually competing against anyone. Compound that with a soundtrack which is unremarkable at best and annoying at worst, and yeah, not really a great rhythm experience either!

Just really the worst of every world coming together here. They also made all the characters even more Minion-esque than the fall guys from fall guys by giving you a joystick entirely dedicated to saying "bee-do". There's a lot that could be fixed here, cut down some loading times, rewrite minigame instructions to be quicker to learn so you don't have to linger on them so long every time you play them, slot in some better music, but at what point are you just making an entirely new game? And it's not like they're gonna toss out the really annoying presentation, or the season pass, or what have you.

I'm just saying, it sucks so bad that the first Rhythm Heaven inspired BR is such a boring and annoying waste of time, man.

can more people play this game its so fun but ive only been paired with bots OFKDOPFK

My blood pressure is 300. This game is made for the tiktok generation of kids, there is 0 chill.

Rhythm Game Fall guys, fun concept but only fun for as long as that concept allows... which isn't long.

Headbangers: Rythm Royale (2023): Reconozco que me divertí mucho...durante veinte minutos. Entre la simpleza de sus minijuegos, que la mayoría son de memorizar y que se hacen repetitivos...Quizá en un futuro sea un gran juego, pero hoy día no pasa de una anécdota curiosa (5,30)

It's fine for a few rounds, but the joy drains out after a handful of turns.

+ A rhythm royale is a concept that can work.
- 90% of the games are simon says, and have nothing to do with rhythm

A fun rhythm game that's unique on it's own way. I found some bugs and the game crashed way more times I would like to admit, but it's very playable overall. Great game to complete some Microsoft Rewards quests

This is a pretty fun game with lots of variety. I enjoyed learning the games and watching myself get better. My internet isn't quite cut out for live play so it often frustrates me when the game lags and I wind up out because of that, but when it's working I have had a great time playing.

The new dance battle mode is a fun challenge but ends up quite repetitive after a while. Also, people have majorly dropped off playing it seems, so I now wind up in rooms alone with bots frequently which is much less fun than playing with others.

Also I wish the game varied what minigames you get more but I don't know how that works so I won't complain too much. Overall, probably more worth it when it was new and more people were playing.

another battle royale that bites the dust not even a year after its release..
it's a shame bc the game might have been fun with more than 4 actual people per session

I have negative rhythm but it’s still a decently fun experience with friends.

Imagine Mario Parties rhythm games but worse. Now apply all the low quality assets from Fall Guy and a crappy cosmetic shop.
Now you have Headbangers.
Not only does this game have no couch co op it also has no players. From the games I played almost all the were full of bots, which isn't ideal specifically for a battle royal.

The greatest pigeon rhythm game of all time

Esse Ă© o melhor jogo de ritmo que saiu em anos.
A quantidade de minigames e as variações entre eles são maravilhosas, dificilmente você vai repetir o mesmo jogo, eu nunca tive essa sensação e já joguei +20 torneios.
Os minigames variam desde jogos de memória, reflexo, diferenciar instrumentos e estilos de música e até "estilos Guitar Hero".
O jogo mantém a energia "Party" com as caixas de itens, Buffs e Debuffs, dando a oportunidade até pra jogadores mais fracos ganharem.
Eles tem algumas coisas pra aprimorar, por exemplo, é raro ver um Lobby fechar nos 30 e isso parece ser algum tipo de errro, dando que é fácil achar outros jogadores. O tempo de espera entre Lobbies é alto, mas nada que um celular não resolva.
JogĂŁo, tava com alguma expectativa e fui apenas surpreendido positivamente.

Super fun rhythm game. Really suffers from low player count and latency issues.

Played until I got my first win (it only took two rounds). Honestly clever and more varied than you'd expect, and would be pretty fun as a budget party game good for a couple evenings. Unfortunately because its 2024 it's instead a live service season-pass thing and I've never seen a game of that ilk more absolutely doomed.

I see a lot of people complain about how this isn't a rhythm game. As a musician, I couldn't disagree more. This game is designed to test EVERY ASPECT of being a musician. Its not your typical game, it tests memorization, pitch, timing, and rhythm. Its not what people expected, but it absolutely is a rhythm game

Kurzweilig, aber durchaus unterhaltsam.

Not a fan of the memorizing games and a lot of the games have more to do with your familiarity with kinds of music and sounds, which I like those ones but for very young kids and people who might not know what the symbols mean then it would be frustrating.

sĂł tem Simon Says nessa bosta

it’s a cute idea with a lot of variety in minigames, most of which i suck at. also it is extremely charming in its theming and animations. my big drawback is jesus you need a strong internet connection to make this work. you can turn on latency as high as you want but latency actively puts you at a disadvantage in some games, making particularly the 1v1 games a wifi battle

Yay it's pigeons!

Quite fun! I appreciate the effort put into this game but I wish I didn't suck so much because I end up not completing a fuil game most of the time since this is supposed to be a battle royale and such. I guess you can play with your friends if you press start together but talking and playing this game at the same time sounds like a nightmare honestly so I understand this isn't how you should play it. It's still interesting to try your best while playing solo though. It is a challenge.

The shop is weirdly empty, I hope we get a lot more items because it feels a bit limited at the moment. There's only one game mode, I understand this is supposed to be really casual but come on I'm sure they have some ideas (and hopefully they won't be behind DLCs).