Reviews from

in the past

Who knew fighting aliens in aquariums could be so fun?

honest 2 god one of my most cherished games ever. i love this shit so much but the bonus pets and personal aquarium upgrades are a major major chore 2 get

I played the crap outta this game as a kid.

I was 11 when I first played this and I beat it the same day I forced my dad to buy it for me.
My hand fucking killed for the next couple days

if pop cap had made insaniquarium 2 we'd be living in the good timeline utopia rn


The ending is one of the most emotional moments in any game

this game needs a switch port yesterday. i'm not even joking

Loved this as a kid but got halfway through the third tank before my unrefined child brain decided it was too hard.

This is an interesting one to say the least... The levels get very long and hectic. Insane, if you will. I was enjoying it at first but I was only halfway through when the gameplay started to feel a bit stale and repetitive


i thought this was so fun as a kid that i bought it on steam, but i still haven't brought myself to install and actually play it again.

one time my friend asked if i wanted to go play with him and my mum made me go even though i just wanted to play Insaniquarium and i remember being mad and bored the whole time because i wanted to get back to Insaniquarium. anyway game kinda sucks.

My finger is broken from all the clicking.

Manooo, esse jogo é muito divertido, dá pra passar horas jogando, proposta muito diferente

one of popcap's best. absolutely engrossing to me as a kid and still pretty fun replaying it as an adult. the lil virtual tank sidefeature also makes for a cute screensaver.

though, if you plan on replaying this, get yourself an autoclicker. your finger will thank you.

what if a clicker game had levels and bosses

total y absolutamente el S kitana, asi de INSANIAQUARIUM me volvi

Kinda fun and cute, but having 5 levels per tank is just annoyingly grindy. The way you play through a tank doesn't really change at all, so it's just resetting you back so you can do it all again each time, but now it costs even more to advance.

its like an aquarium screensaver except you have a gun

I loved this game when I was younger. I would sit at my computer and play for hours LOL

It was literally so fun to just click the screen and feed fish. Why? How? I have no idea. I might hate it if I try to go back and play it now, but I'm not gonna do that.

infancia, lo mejor de PopCap antes de PvZ

how many people were down bad for the pregnant fish please reply