Reviews from

in the past

i'm bad at the game but this one is still really good

Psychedelic, funny, and truly unique, this game has become a fav of mine in the past few years. The King of the Cosmos is truly crazy, with his huge bulge and penchant for getting blackout. I get Que Sera Sera stuck in my head constantly....I wanna wad you up into my life

I always wanted to get into Katamari but never owned any of the games. After picking this up in what I believe was a really good sale on Humble (I can't keep track of my gaming purchases to save my life), I finally gave the game a go, and completed it in one day.

I freaking love this game; once you get past the admittedly awkward controls (they take time to get used to but are super satisfying when you nail them down), you'll more than likely have a blast with this short and sweet adventure. The whole game is just rolling progressively larger objects into a super sphere of destruction, all with an adorable pastel color pallet design and charming PS2-era 3D models. The visual spectacle is amazing, and the sense of progression feels so real in a super satisfying way. The sound design is rather good, but the soundtrack is just phenomenal, and the gameplay is SO amazing. If you're in the market for a short game that'll be a total blast to play, then this is for you, most definitely!

To just briefly mark my issues with the game, yes, the controls take time to get used to. If you're playing the PC port, for the love of god, use a gamepad when playing the game, for your sake. Although it takes time to adjust, the gameplay becomes super satisfying, but it takes time to do so. Besides the controls, I ran into strange performance issues when playing the game, nothing all too game-breaking, but still minor issues. You'd expect a PS2 game ported to newer hardware would be a simple recipe for a smooth experience, but later levels which have you scale to enormous lengths can easily tank the performance, at least on a mid-range computer like my own, at least when using VSYNC. I'm not sure about the Switch port (which I'm inclined to buy now because I would love to play this game on the go), but the PC port is solid, but not specifically perfect.

I mean, that's really it for complaints; nothing all too serious. Man, this game is a total blast, and I'm itching for more Katamari goodness...

My, this game really is full of things.

This game is SO. FUCKING. GOOD.

It's funny in such a silly, light-hearted way. It's extremely original and engaging. It's just plain fun. But above all else, it is an experience that could not possibily be done in any other medium, not even close, not even far away from it.

It's a masterpiece.

It's a shame the controls are still uncomfortable, because Katamari Damacy is still just as incredible and impressive as it was.

I went in to this expecting a crazy game and got a game that was even crazier than I expected. There are so many things here that I absolutely loved! The gameplay is incredibly satisfying. It just feels right to roll up everything in sight. Another thing that helps with the satisfaction is the fact that the soundtrack is pretty damn great. Lots of short, but catchy tunes here that contain some pretty sick production. I loved how the game felt so relatively relaxed. It feels like a game that doesn't punish you, but in this case this is absolutely not a negative at all, because it helps making the experience amazing! I also loved that it showed everything you collected in a collection, something that most players probably won't find interesting enough to look at, but for me it was just a very nice touch. The thing I struggled with the most was the controls, although I did get used to them after a while, and when I figured out that I could turn a lot quicker by using a specific command, the game began feeling a lot more nice! But at the end of the day, any game where you can roll up everything from small fruits and animals to hilariously oversized walruses, octupi and even huge buildings, is going to interest me at least a little bit. Luckily this game turned out to be everything I hoped for and even more on top of that. I am probably gonna play this a lot more and have an absolute blast with it!

Katamari Damacy is video games.

Faithful remaster, soundtrack still amazing

It was really nice to have the original Katamari on a portable system! I love everything about this game, from the music to the gameplay to the aesthetic, and I love discovering funny little scenes in the levels. I really hope We <3 Katamari ends up on the Switch at some point as well!

My one complaint is that the Joycons don't feel like they play too well with the dash controls. I seem to remember the PS2 Dualshock being more responsive in that particular area, though I don't know if that's legit or just rose colored glasses. It makes dashing a little harder to pull off, but not impossible.

Este juego cumplió mi sueño de ser un escarabajo pelotero.

Katamari Damacy tem uma premissa bem comum: o rei dos Céus despirocou e chutou todas as estrelas pra fora do céu. Cabe à você, o filho dele, a tarefa de ir para o planeta Terra e rolar na sua bolinha (katamari) várias coisas, criando as estrelas de volta. E esse é todo o jogo: você anda por aí rolando uma bolinha difícil de controlar enquanto sai grudando todo tipo de coisa e somando elas ao monte que cresce exponencialmente, começando com algumas tachinhas e pedaços de queijo e terminando com as casas e ilhas em que essas tachinhas e pedaços de queijo estavam. O jogo se deleita no próprio caos e fornece todo tipo de situações absurdas em formas de piadinhas que você pode rolar em cima, o que me provocou várias risadas bobinhas: seja uma vaca andando em cima de outra ou um professor dando aula na praia pra uma sala de aula vazia - tudo lá está apenas para ser rolado em um transe caótico ampliada pela trilha sonora genial do jogo, que vai de bossa nova à glitch japonês, todas dando alma inigualável para todo estágio. O jogo não abusa de sua premissa, e não para seu crescendo até o final, terminando em seu ponto mais alto. É um clássico muito bem humorado que valeu a pena demais ser jogado.

this game is an experience everyone should play at least once. A killer soundtrack, addicting and satisfying as all hell gameplay, and plays with perspective and size in an amazing way.

A fun, happy game with tough controls and physics that uses it's goofy humor to mask the fact that it is about existential anxiety; how fast it takes your mind to go from thinking of something small like a teapot to thinking about the endless cosmos. A great visual allegory for feeling smaller and smaller as your worldview expands the older you get and the more you know. A beautiful game.

It is a remaster of the first Katamari game on the PS2. Short game but super fun. A bit clunky controls but I think it's just brought about the era of the game. Also, it's super cathartic and satisfying to roll random things.

The only negative I can think of this game is the somewhat frustrating level design closer towards the end of the game. Other than that; it is a cute, incredibly fun, and vibrant masterpiece with a novel and unique control scheme.
The dialogue, graphics, soundtrack, and gameplay are all iconic; rolled up into a lovely package that will have the player smiling 90% of the time

limp bizkit is the best band ever

Very close to the original to the point of being an upscaled port but they remade the entire game's engine wouldn't you know it? (You probably wouldn't, it lives up to my memories of the game and I've played KD a lot.) Almost wish it did change more, I want to use Dipp in singe player.

fuckin ruled, give me more Katamari

better then damacy technically due to graphical updates, but i mean i still have a soft spot for the og

What a good game! Already have the theme stuck in my head!

I will roll up to make a single star in the sky

funny low-poly ball goes nananana :)

A perfect game. The rolling mechanics are simple, but very very satisfying. The way that the levels progress as you get bigger and bigger culminates in an amazing final level. The art style is also very simplistic, but that lends itself to easily recognizing what items are at a glance. The city pop influenced soundtrack is lightning in a bottle.

10/10 would kiss The King of all Cosmos on the mouth.

Este juego es la cosa mas japon de la era 2000 y me encanta

i have played this game through many times and I have still never gotten all of the cousins. this is one of my favorite games but the king of all cosmos still scares me

Better soundtrack than "Beautiful Katamari"