Reviews from

in the past

A more feel-good take on Stray, and if you can play as a cat wielding a samurai sword in its mouth chasing down the general public you've already won me over.

Honk your heart out Untitled Goose Game... this cat is already the most badass character in gaming history.

Lovely game for a cat lover to explore and play as a little furball. Loved all of the realistic cat movements and dressing "Charlie" (my cat's name) up in funny hats. Worth playing and I hope to see a physical one day.

The achievements can be a little tedious and some people have complained about a glitch with one of the collectable missions.

Every pet you speak with keeps going on and on, taking an eternity to get to the point. And the humor is extremely hit-or-miss. But hey, it does what it says on the tin: you run around a big city as a little kitty, getting into all sorts of trouble. It was at its best when we were doing our own thing, ramming pedestrian's legs to make them drop their phones or attempting ill-advised jumps. It's a good time! Just...yeah. Way too much talking, and this is coming from a visual novel fan.

Dopamine from completing objectives
Lots of side content
Some characters are likeable, even if they speak too much

Too much dialogue, the characters can be entertaining but they take so long to get to the point, especially the dog and the duck
Lack of unique humans, in Untitled Goose Game every human has multiple different methods to troll them, 99% of the humans in this game are mindless drones you can only trip over
Having to collect 100 cans was so tedious it makes me thing the devs added an extra 0 to the collect 10 cans objective by mistake
Very buggy, at one point I had to edit my location in the game files because I was stuck under the map, I got stuck a second time but I managed to glitch back out
Bit pricey, I don't feel scammed but it should be cheaper

Verdict: If you look past the fact that Untitled Goose Game does everything in this "small animal trolls humans and completes a checklist" genre better, Little Kitty, Big City is a good game, the main story and most of the post game are fun, it only gets tedious when you only have a few annoying objectives left. I was on track to 100% it, but I can't find the final nest and steam forums say that task is bugged and the final nest doesnt register even if you find it. I haven't watched a guide to confirm but I have a bad feeling I'm locked from getting 100%. I've never seen a game release less than a month after its reveal trailer and perhaps there's a reason for that because this game is riddled with bugs that need to be fixed asap.

Petit jeu mignon et chill. La ville est vraiment belle, c'est apaisant d'y jouer

The cat can wear a mushroom hat.

Very cute! Still a little buggy and the controls are a little wonky. I am, however, in favor of many more games where i can play as a cat and this scratches that itch that is so often neglected.

When I first saw this game, I knew I was gonna end up playing and enjoying it, and just as expected I did not fool myself. Little Kitty, Big City will most likely go down as 2024's cutest and most adorable game (And also totally the most realistic cat simulator ever made) if nothing else better comes, and I quite liked it!

The game is very simple in all aspects, including the premise: You're a little kitty napping in your home's window, when you suddenly slip off and tumble down into the city below, now you must find your way home... eventually! Since you're down here, why not explore the neighborhood and meet the animals that live there? As you can see, there's not really a narrative behind the story, only the final objective of returning home, and you can theoretically finish this as fast as you want to (Glitchless speedrun WR as of writing is a little over 6 minutes!), but then you'd miss out on all the fun parts of this game.

The gameplay loop's concept is something akin to Untitled Goose Game, but much more innocent and harmless. Geese are hellspawn craving for death, destruction and despair, a chaotic evil entity. In this, you just wanna help your animal friends and get back home... and maybe break a vase or twenty. This game is a 3D platformer, there's lots of climbing and jumping (As expected of a cat game), and I've seen people describe the controls as clunky but I'm not sure I'd call it that, it plays like I expected a cat game to play, and never had any issues. The map isn't very big, but there's a decent verticality to it, and shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to explore completely.

As mentioned, there's only one real objective for the story: To go back home. But in your explorations, you'll meet other animals that will need your help, and these little sidequests are great motivators for you to explore and make mischief. In fact, if not for them and the achievements you can get while going around town, there would be no reason to play this game for more than an hour. Every character has their quirks, and just as expected they're also cute. Some people have said that they talk too much, but that honestly came as a surprise to me, most interactions were nice and never felt dragged out. Humans are present too, but you don't interact with them much, you can get some pets, make them angry, get the things they're carrying by tripping them, so on and so forth.

The more technical aspects of this game, such as visuals and sounds, are basic and do their job just fine. I like the art style, everything is colorful with no complex textures or geometry, the music is like elevator music/bossa nova to compliment the cozy vibes, and the sound effects/jingles have the same purpose. There were a couple of bugs though (One that stood out was chopped audio and sound artifacts when trying to use any audio setting that wasn't stereo), which is kinda weird for a game that seems so simple technically speaking.

This game is no GOTY contender. It takes some time to get used to the controls, it's a little too short even thoroughly exploring, and even more so if you don't feel like doing it (I explored as much as I could and was done in 5 hours), and can get a little grindy if you wanna get all achievements. But it does what it proposes very well: It is a chill, fun and cute experience, a perfectly cozy comfort game, and a great pick for when you need a break. I feel like people will generally rate this between a 7 and an 8, and I thought about giving it a middle of the road 7.5 given my enjoyment despite its shortcomings, but it's been nice enough for me to bump it up to the upper end of the scale.

SCORE: 8/10

This is so cute. Super short, but lovely little game.

A super short but solid enough game. Little Kitty, Little City. There's like 5 simple quests to do and some achievements. If you really want to 100% it you can drag it out from the 2 hours it is all the way to 6 hours.

Seems to have worked a lot better for other people, but its just not a whole lot to grab onto.


in little kitty, big city, you play as a little kitty in a big city

i softlocked myself out of the construction area and had to do unintended stuff to get back in


Very cute, really great dense world/level design. The controls are pretty rough for a game that relies on climbing, however I had the same issue with stray. Cats move in a way that is kind of like tank-controls.

Cool kitty simulator. Controls are nice. It's way too short though, I finished it in 2 hours.

From the cover alone, you can probably already tell what you're in for with Little Kitty, Big City, and yes, it is exactly as charming, delightful, and obnoxiously cute as you want it to be.

That said, as ridiculous as it sounds, I did have some slight apprehension going into this, given what kind of game Stray was (or, in this case, was not).

Thankfully, underneath all the sweetness, there is a fun lil platformer to be found in Little Kitty, Big City and it's not merely a cute cat simulator where you run around doing cute cat things. I mean, it is very much that as well, but it's also a half-decent collectathon with some simple but engaging puzzles and side quests for the titular little kitty to embark upon.

Really, 'simple but engaging' is perhaps the best way to describe this game. It doesn't try to be anything more or less than it needs to be. The entire thing can be finished in less than 6 hours, and outside of some wonky catforming controls and animations, it holds your attention the entire way through.

With fun platforming, endlessly delightful little touches to the cat's behaviour and animations throughout, an upbeat, jazzy score and a delightful sense of humour, it's exactly the kind of game you need to take a break from the 50+ hour narrative-heavy, live-service AAA games that inhabit the space.

Sometimes you just want to reject modernity and embrace kitty.


Reminds me of a short hike. Loved it nice cute little game and cute little cat

Following in the strange unnamed genre seemingly incited by the likes of A short Hike, Haven Park, Untitled GooseGame and more, this game does what stray did in a decidedly more down to earth sorta way.

get home but be a cat while doing it...

loved my time with it

Enjoying the game so far, has a lot of charm. Only point of frustration for me so far has been how much dialogue there is between our Catagonist and the fellow animals.

The little open world is enjoyable to explore, and it has a solid progression of new areas unlocking. The NPC characters are chattier than they need to be, and some of the platforming is a bit clunky, but this is a nice little adventure.

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I named Little Kitty after my dearly departed black cat, Rascal. I like to think this is what she spends her days doing in the kitty afterlife 🙏

Simple, mignon, relaxant agreable.

Je ne m'attendais pas Ă  passer au travers en 45 mins LOL

L'idée est bonne, toutefois les contrôles et mécaniques manquent un peu de précision pour vraiment voir le plein potentiel IMO.

Better than Stray!

Short, very cute, and funny. The controls were a little clunky at times, especially when climbing back up at the end, but I really liked it nonetheless! I didn't even do all of the side stuff, so I'm very excited to dive into all that!

I LOVED IT! This game was super delightful and consistently put a smile on my face the entire game. I've always wanted a kitty cat game like this and it delivered. Only issue is that the game is a bit buggy at the moment and you can get softlocked, I narrowly avoided this luckily other than with one side quest.

An adorable, light-hearted escape where you romp through a city as a curious kitten, tackling simple but engaging challenges. It's charming and perfectly uncomplicated—ideal for unwinding. The game may not revolutionize anything, but its cute factor and straightforward play make it irresistibly enjoyable.

HLTB says this game is only about 3 hours. I played until I got the first climbing upgrade and I'm so disinterested. The jumping controls are clumsy. I wish this leaned more into comical than open world cat game. Stray is way better.

They're asking ÂŁ20 for this? Christ above.

Cute bordering on insipid at times and the humour seems to go down the "A Dog's Life" route with animals who are too anthropomorphic in their mannerisms (including a beetle that runs the social media campaign for a famous cat....wat?) and CANNOT shut up yammering.

Platforming is somehow extremely clunky with too many cluttered ledges getting in the way of some precision jumping sections.

I'll admit I kind of ran through this pretty briskly but aside from getting to the end of the game there's VERY little else going on here unless you're achievement hunting.

It's nice I guess but I didn't really enjoy my time in this game.