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MASSIVELY OVERPRICED but fun little DLC starring Yagamis cool as fuck partner Kaito. Was suprised how good of a main character he was this go around and the twist and turns in his personal story are really solid. His gameplay as well feels incredibly well done with Tank being so fun to mess around with in mob fights.

All of that sounds nice and dandy until you realize the story and combat is all you're getting out of this THIRTY DOLLAR STANDALONE EXPERIENCE. Kaito gets no new substories or substantial activites to call his own which is a massively missed opportunity for him. The only real optional stuff has to do with his dogshit new detective mechanics which feel so much worse than LJs (which is definitely saying something). Also lots of moves are locked behind memory points which might be the worst new collectible I've seen in an RGG game. Also while I do like the story some elements definitely feel rushed (there's no real main villian until the final chapter).

Can't say I was really dissapointed with the Kaito FIles but feels like a lot of missed opportunities to give the gorilla a chance to shine. Only pick up at a low LOW price and go in with the expectations of incredible combat and a solid story.

Final Rating:6.5-7/10

Biggest complaint is that it's overly priced. Other than that Beefy Kaito Dummy Thicc and shirtless moments

praying that johnny's kills this series so i never have to do a 20 minute tailing mission again

it was nice tho :)

Kaito was already one of my favorites from both Judgement games, so to see the guy get a tale all his own, one that's got some heart to it is all it needs to do to make me smile.

Also Kaito kind of a GOAT, ngl

On the one hand you have a 20 minute tailing mission, on the other, you have the greatest final boss in any RGG game ever made.

Peak fiction.

The Kaito Files is a fun story expansion that falls only a bit flat due to some possible budget reasons? the story was really good in my opinion and way better than the Majima Saga from Kiwami 2 as it actually builds Kaito's character and explores some more of Judgment's world, the Antagonist is probably the most sinister yet and the final boss I don't want to spoil but it had me rolling on the floor with how insane it was

the combat is alright but definitely not as good as the main game considering how blatant some of the reused movesets are in the DLC. Bruiser and Tank are reworked versions of Brawler and Beast from Y0 albeit with a few new moves for Kaito, they're also absolutely broken. the bosses are fun outside of the secret boss who is a complete rehash of a boss fight from the main game but with a bigger health bar

side content is pretty bare though exploring for items was kinda fun but no side cases is kinda disappointing.

overall it's a fun DLC especially if you are a fan of Judgment but $30 is a lot for majority of people to ask for with 8 hours of content (how long it took me to 100% this DLC)

this is way better than i expected it to be length was honstly great and its production values are bearly noticable going down, kaito feels so good to play as honestly wish this game had an arena.

Gigachad: The VIdeo Game was very enjoyable

might have the best final boss in the series and the ending is 100% top 3 Yakuza endings

Honestly, this is what I hoped Lost Judgment's main story would be like. A brief but fun DLC that explores Kaito's backstory. He works extremely well as a protagonist and I found the mystery surrounding his predicament to be way more interesting.

Solid. There's a certain moment towards the end that I wasn't a fan of, but it was great to finally get a fleshed-out backstory for my guy, Kaito.

Kaito Masaharu is the greatest ever

It's a bite-sized RGG story with the very likeable Kaito so what's not to love. Admittedly, I do really like side content in these games which this DLC is lacking. You can still play the minigames but there isn't much point and there isn't any substories. The combat is really fun and Kaito has a reasonably sizeable movelist. I feel like they're at a place with the Dragon Engine where they can do a game with multiple protaganists now. I definitely would not mind a potential Judgment 3 going in that direction. The story is compelling if a little predictable. It being so much shorter does make it feel like it races through the reveals and twists at a break neck pace and gets dark pretty quickly. If you like Lost Judgment, it's certainly worth playing.

Short and sweet, Kaito feels really fun to play and the combat encounters suit his moveset. The story is really nice and tight with no weird plotholes or inconsistencies and a great antagonist (with an even greater final fight). I just wish there was more to it but for what's there, it's fantastic.

I was a bit skeptical about this DLC's story while playing it as I had immediately guessed the major antagonist plot twist at the very beginning (previous Yakuza entries have traumatized me) but the ending for the DLC was so heartwarming I just couldn't help but love it. My only criticisms with this is that they do quite an amount of info dumping, especially near the end of the story, that felt like it was just drawing out the story.

With that aside, the music was absolutely stellar, going between Kaito's two styles was nice as it felt like very similar to Kiryu's styles in his games while still making it unique to Kaito, and the length was twice as long as the Majima Saga.

Extremely fun, although it might be a bit too pricey for how long it is, I really hope Judgment continues since my faith after Yakuza 7 isn't that high

It had a weak start, but became infinitely better as it went along

Final boss was great too

Kaito's a chad, a dad, and has a woman that's kinda bad.

Very good and fun DLC. Have really liked Kaito since the first game and always wanted to see more of him so this was a great opportunity for that. With it running about ~8 hours its a short but heartfelt story that explores his past. As you'd expect with the length the villains aren't any of the series best but they are effective and much better than in something comparable like the Majima Saga. Gameplay he is similar to Kiryu and Saejima but still feels original. Hopefully this opens up a potential dual protagonist between Kaito and Yagami in Judgment 3 (if that ever happens, RGG pls make it happen).
The ending is great and feels very deserved for our boy. $30 is maybe a bit steep I can understand, I think $20 would've been perfect, especially with their being no substories in this (which I wish their was that would've been very fun) it is very worth your time.


for 30 dollars, you get to experience parental issues and the greatest final boss fight of all time

kinda mid, Kaito is fun to play with but this 30 dollar DLC is 5 hours long with no side content at all.

Good DLC. Reminds me of the old Yakuza games how they could give you a complete mystery in 10 hours. Really nice story with Kaito at the center, hope some of these characters are relevant in the next Judgment game.

My only critique is that I wish they’d play with Yakuza storytelling conventions a little more. Felt a lot of fatigue with Lost Judgment and a bit less fatigue here, but still.

Man that self-defense arm twist pussy hits kinda different huh

One of the franchises' best characters fronts his own 9-hour adventure that has some of the best storytelling in the series. Introducing really well rounded characters to the already extensive universe as well. Has one of my favorite endings in the entire series and also has one of the most satisfying beat downs as well. The only gripe I can think of is the price, but even then, that can be justified. Also, there are lots of cats, so peak gaming.

the dudes over at RGG studios put the arson desk part of l.a. noire and a substantial amount of umineko episodes into a blender and hit the "kino, full speed" button. as batshit as always for a yakuza story (and gets unexpected gruesome) and the ending is almost a little weird, but honestly i think it totally works. also the music goes hard as it it usually does.

Expande sobre un juegazo, explorando más a profundidad la personalidad tan carismática de uno de los mejores personajes secundarios del estudio. El combate se siente suficientemente distinto y sigue siendo bueno, la historia, enredada y sorprendente como siempre.

The series is at its best when the stories they are telling are small scale, centered around a few people and their interpersonal relationships. This DLC is the best version of that

Probably the most pure and simple Yakuza since the very first game and kind of sweet for it. Kaito has good honest fighting style and the story hits some absolute highs. Wraps up in a way that I'm frankly not used to in a Yakuza title.

Considering this was RGG's first story expansion, they knocked it out of the park. The story is solid, the new fighting styles really fit well into the Yakuza style, and the climax is brutal. Probably one of the most raw climaxes in the whole series. If you own Lost Judgment, you should definitely pick this up, full stop.