Reviews from

in the past


It's not the story that has resonated with me the most, but it is the most 'perfect' story I've ever had the pleasure to experience. The visuals are unrivaled in its medium and its soundtrack doesn't carry the VN as much as it is the VN. Everything about Mahoyo is just so finely-crafted and beautiful that it it frankly impossible to describe it in words. Very glad that more people will be able to experience it with the upcoming arrival of the english translation.

Honestly what more can I even say. Mahoyo is just a 'perfect' visual novel, in the sense that it is one of the more finely crafted and attuned pieces of its genre. The visuals, the music, the plot, the characters, everything works in perfect tandem to offer a truly compelling and beautiful experience, and I honestly can't praise it enough.
I also have to mention the wonderful cast, especially the main trio, and the different dynamics that are developped throughout the story between them. Alice, Shizuki and Aoko are amazing characters on their own, but its the strength of their relationship that truly carries an otherwise quite simple plot.
All in all, this was a genuinely great read, and if there ever comes a sequel, I will have great expectations from it.

Fans of Among Us are in for a treat with this one

A very high budget production: whether in terms of CGs animation (Takeuchi chara-designs + Koyama art style + Tsukuri Monoji innovative techniques = enchanting aesthetic), syncronization between them, or even the sublime compositions of Fukasawa, everything is here to create an extraordinary level of immersion. The only technical weak spot would be the lack of voice acting.

The plot is quite similar to Kara no Kyoukai's, that is to say, an urban conflict between magi. The latter are more inhuman and frightening than ever. And yet... Where Mahoyo truly shines is during its more relaxed moments. Through the atypical everyday life of Soujuurou, Nasu tackles topics such as the second phase of (urban) modernization that Japan went through in the 20th century, the individualization of men in modern cities, the financial struggles of young students in precarious situations, but also more abstract themes such as facing your destiny, up to which point you should "submit" yourself (to betray your identity, to give up what defines you) in order to correctly integrate into the world of adults, of work…

The confrontations are of course not lacking in intensity since the animation and the music know how to make them lively and exciting (which unfortunately happened much too rarely in the previous vns I read).

All in all, a deeply inspiring and comforting work. The characters will live on in me for a long time. NOW RELEASE THE SEQUEL NASU ENFLURE

I would marry this visual novel if I could

aoko minha amada minha linda

Esperando a que terminen la traducción buena. Lo que he podido leer... bastante bien

Nasu VN experienced peaked

adam aynı ben elektrik ne bilmiyor

One of the best visual novels ever


Nasu enflure sors la suite, je veux en savoir plus sur Eiri.

☑️ My grandma could play it
🔲 Easy
🔲 Hard
🔲 Dark Souls


🔲 MS Paint
🔲 Bad
🔲 Meh
🔲 Graphics dont matter in this game
☑️ Good
🔲 Beautiful
🔲 Masterpiece


🔲 Bad
🔲 Not special
☑️ Good
🔲 Beautiful


🔲 This game has no story
🔲 It's there for the people who want it
☑️ Well written
🔲 Epic story
🔲 You choose your fate


🔲 Free
🔲 Underpriced
🔲 Perfect Price
☑️ Could be cheaper
🔲 Overpriced
🔲 Complete waste of money


☑️ You can run it on a microwave
🔲 High end
🔲 NASA computer


🔲 Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
🔲 Short (3 - 15 hours)
☑️ Average (15-50 hours)
🔲 Long (50-90 hours)
🔲 Extremely long (90-110 hours)
🔲 No ending

~ FUN ~

🔲 I'd rather watch paint dry
🔲 Hard to enjoy
🔲 Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
🔲 Ride of your life


🔲 It's a one-time experience
🔲 Only for achievements
☑️ If you wait a few months/years
🔲 Definitely
🔲 Infinitely replayable


☑️ No
☑️ Wait for sale
☑️ Yes

This embodies pretty much everything bad about Kinoko Nasu's style. Boring, meandering, obnoxious characters, worldbuilding unimpressive, etc. Sou is kinda neat but the rest of it is so dry and monotonous that it's not worth even reading to get to his parts.

Aoko prob the worst heroine Nasu has ever written and that's saying something

This thing is largely carried by the production, without it it would be incredibly unremarkable and not worth a glance

This review contains spoilers

Read though the Chapter 1-8.5 English patch so take that into account while I gush about the series.

Really excited for the second half to see where the story goes from here as I really loved a lot of the chemistry with the main trio. Chapter 5 and 8.5 being my favourite parts at this moment in time, soujuurou and aoko especially so fun and I'd like to see what they do with alice moving forward.

Probably the best paced VN in my eyes too with an amazing soundtrack, tracks like alice's theme and finality hit. Production is out of this world too, the best in the select few VN's I've read. Fights GO HARD, it's insane to think that tsukihime remake might be just as good or even better in this department.

Atmosphere is everything and this game does is superbly

crazy how mahoyo two is going to be announced tomorrow !

A magnificent Visual Novel and undeniably the best Type-Moon work in my eyes. The story isn't necessarily complex either, it's simple to understand and it only gets better if you've read previous Type-moon works before it. On top of that it has a phenomenal cast but the ones that stand out the most for me would obviously be the main trio. So many fun dynamics within it's setting with an outstanding presentation that feels downright cinematic at times, and it's incredible to know the second half of the Tsukihime remake will have the same if not better visuals than this

soujurou çay koy amınakoyim
hollow moon ananı sikeyim

anneannemin cocuklugundan kalan o gencin hikayesi