Reviews from

in the past

it really feels like they decided to fuck this game up on purpose

Capcom suits hid themselves while they wanked themselves

its fun in a cosmic sort of way, also the ost goes harder than it should

i think most people who vehemently hate this game are just parroting J's reviews tbh, really the game is just mediocre.

Out of all the Mega Man games out there, I hate this one the most. I remember getting this after it came out, and I could tell even as a 12-year old that Capcom was losing it.

Worst Megaman game? Probably. X7 plays a lot worse but at least with that its like comical how bad it is. This is just bad.

they released a fucking game boy color game a few months before this that was miles better. jesus christ

Enjoyable on some very rare occasions but ultimately feels like it's attempting to fight you every step of the way. It may not be as much of a slog as X7 but it sure as hell goes out of its way to frustrate you as often as possible. The bad taste the final levels will leave in your mouth outweigh any of the interesting ideas this game has.

much like MMX5, this is a game with a lot of neat ideas, but the horrible, horrible execution ruins most of the fun. you can tell they barely had a year to put this together, and it shouldn't even exist to begin with (X5 was supposed to be the final X game)

don't even bother playing this one if you're not going to patch it (look up Mega Man X6 Tweaks), you'll probably find yourself incredibly frustrated and/or disappointed otherwise

When describing parts of Megaman X6 to my friends in voicechat, my friend was playing the level where you fight 5 donuts that aren't animated in a row in different arenas with varying levels of annoyance. During this conversation, I just remember that one of my friends who was mostly quiet said something along the lines of "this sounds like a bad game someone would make up for a joke".

That speaks volumes.

The closest thing I've ever played to an officially licensed Mario Maker troll level pack. Feels like it's deliberately made to be bad and I sometimes wonder if that was the development team making a protest against Capcom.

It was full of annoying mechanics.
Almost every stage has a game breaking bug.
The story (or lack of) was completely uninspiring-
Yet it was my favorite Megaman title growing up, and the incredible soundtrack alongside a stunning pixel art will be a fond memory if mine until the day I cease to be.

MMX6 me deu aquela puta sensação de mais e mais do mesmo. Experimentei e coloquei de lado, sem muita vontade de prosseguir.

Stupid difficulty, overly long stages, and horrible level design make this easily one of the worst games I have ever played. Mega Man x6 is garbage. Do not play this game ever. One stage in this game took me 27 minutes to complete because of how much I died and had to reset. The checkpoints in this game were the only things that made me continue, but I eventually lost it once I got to a stage that had less checkpoints. I hate this game so much.

overly hated. level design has some inexcusable hiccups but it's still generally solid and has the best gameplay of the x series

"Yo, what if we made a Mega Man game that just isn't fun to play? Make sure it has boring yet frustrating level design, braindead bosses, obtuse systems, multiple unwinnable scenarios, and whatever terrible design decisions you can throw in. Oh but make sure the music is good."


I don't have to explain myself to you

if you've played it you know

Everything about this game is extremely frustrating and unfun. The first legitimately bad game in the X series. Still, it has a good soundtrack, and I think the Sigma fight is neat.

on purely mechanical terms it's bare-bottom-terrible in every way, almost as if it was intentionally designed to be as awful and grating as possible,

and yet

it's kinda fun because of that??

doodoo batter frfr

music raw doe

A má reputação do jogo me fez ignorá-lo por anos. Bem, taí uma prova pessoal de que nada substitui uma experiência de primeira mão: achei melhor que o X5 e no geral um Mega Man X bem competente! A história foi completamente pro brejo, mas o level design, chefes e músicas estão bem melhores do que no jogo anterior. Não posso pedir muito mais de um Mega Man para me deixar feliz.

It's real. It's all painfully real.

this game is fucking asinine in almost every way except that x's base gameplay is still kind of intact and still sort of fun when the game lets you and the music is good
playing with ultimate armor sure does make it ok and not completely intolerable and is how i beat it because fuck this game

The music is incredible but the game is fucking atrocious. There's a romhack that fixes some of the more glaring issues but a lot of the level design is just fundamentally flawed.

Worst game, because i didn't played x7

everytime i replay X6 i go through the painful process of going "hey x6 isnt that bad i should replay it" and then when i replay it i remember why i dont like x6. rinse and repeat.