Reviews from

in the past

fun and interesting way of changing up each run, i dont really get how it works tho

Люблю я смотреть как жидкости двигаются, знаете ли


Roguelike RPGs are my favorite type of games but I couldn't enjoy this one, it felt like Risk of Rain but worst; Your character is really small and the runs are very repetitive.

To be honest, the game is not bad, I'm looking for excuses because I didn't enjoy it and because I hate games with tiny characters on giant screens and I hate bad pixel graphics. And yes, I think that's bad pixel graphics, I don't mind pixel graphics, I love GOOD pixel graphics, they tried to "innovate" make some some effects look really "creative" but they are not, it looks like some pre-school art proyect on paint gone wrong, and even if there are some small elements that look good it's only because the rest of the background, the character, the walls and all the objects look like crap, you can't even tell them apart. But I hate to bash on a game because I don't like the graphic design, the gameplay is good enough, not really good, not bad, just good.

Fun pixel time but too hard for me!!

I completed my first run at 6 hours lmao

Noita is one of those games where the incredible mechanical depth look attractive when you watch experts discuss or play it, but it's absolutely impossible to get into.

The best game of the 2020’s and it came out in 2020

noita is a very special game.

it takes the physics based interactivity of the numerous 'falling sand' web games and combines it with a roguelike dungeon crawler.

it really feels like anything can happen, you will die a lot from a myriad of different accidents.

The definition of a knee-slapper

One of the only neo-roguelikes to really capture the feeling of the classics like Nethack and Angband. The physics system opens the door to lots of bizarre and creative strategies that really give it the feeling of a world where anything can happen and emergent, unexpected strange things constantly occur.

Como que está muy guapo pero me abruma mucho, además de parecerme difícil pero no difícil en plan complicado si no injusto

Yeah, it's wild and feels like possibilities could be endless. Has that terraria feeling but it's a roguelite.

I can't figure out the appeal of this game beneath the graphical style. It's really nice looking, how everything (barring some manually in-engine rotated (gross) objects) is simulated, but the gameplay is really... Nothing, it feels like. I don't know how long the game is or what my goal is other than "go down." I like the interactivity some things in the environment have, like various liquids and gasses, but I feel there's no point in interacting with any of them as I'll just get myself killed, so why bother? Maybe someday I'll find out where all the depth is, or if there is any at all.

epic mage shenanigans, didn't capture me much though

A VERY difficult roguelike with full customization over the random weapons you encounter and a TON to explore. Spoke deeply to my creative soul and my desire for chaos the very first time I saw it.

The deranged mechanical apex of the roguelite. The wham-line of "every pixel is simulated" kind of implies a gimmick game, but Noita's fusion of spellcraft and chemistry makes for a very compelling experience. The "spell programming" system is insanely opaque, but also incredibly powerful. The interactions between materials, attacks, and enemies are unpredictable and have to be carefully observed to be understood. The map is absolutely gargantuan and the game adamantly refuses to explain anything, relying 100% on the intuition of the player.

It's probably the most willfully obtuse game I've ever played. It has the highest "entry cost" for learning that I've seen in any roguelite. This is a tricky design space and many will hate it, but the reward for careful observation and reckless experimentation is one of the deepest, most surprising and just pure fun roguelites of all time.

Combat Design: 7/10
Level Design: NA
Sound Design: 7/10
Narrative Design: NA
Art & Animation: 7/10

Overall: 7/10
A good game, just not the game for me. Definitely for those who like games that feel like they could have been made by Terry A. Davis.

the concept of all pixels being simulated makes it sound gimmicky, but it is anything but. you are also more likely to be killed by your own weapon than by anything else in the game

very difficult and the mods are great

this game is humongous and badass its like a sandbox but instead of getting ring worm you get mad and hit your desk when you die to fire

Miserable. Not for me. I don't even remember buying it.

Wow so satisfying to learn and understand the knowledge of the game and to finally put everything together for a victory run. Super creative game, that is so deep it kept me coming back for hours