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in the past

Full review here (Dutch):

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has earned its legendary status within the RPG genre for good reason. Even after twenty years, the gameplay remains rock-solid, and the additions of the partner wheel, a Dutch language option, and the visual enhancements are warmly welcomed. It is unfortunate that the game's framerate has been halved, diminishing the splendor of the animations, but this does not detract from the overall enjoyment. The Thousand-Year Door was a must-play twenty years ago, and it still is today.

booting up this remake for the first time felt like being a little kid during christmas again. paper mario the thousand year door is a game i have a very long history with. it was one of 3 console games that were in a set of the first home console games i ever owned alongside super mario sunshine and luigi's mansion which i got for my 4th birthday. afterwards, the thousand year door was my favorite game of all time for my whole life up until my late teens. in that time, i've played this game front to back upwards of 20 times with a few 100% runs sprinkled in there as well.
needless to say, i have a lot of history with this game and it's very special to me, so a remake like this is something i was going to keep my eye on, even as someone who's usually disappointed when a remake actually comes out. this time is different though. it feels like it harkens back to the super nintendo and playstation 1 days of when remakes actually cared about the art direction and intent of the originals, with the art direction finding a beautiful middle ground between the originals texture and sprite work and the papercraft aesthetics that were only hinted before on the gamecube but brought to life on the wii u and switch, and with that middle ground sitting very firmly closer to the original gamecube side. npcs are actually expressive this time around as well, making the world feel just a bit more vibrant and alive and i couldn't be happier. other than some indoor locations not having the best lighting and some screen rotations that were seamless in the original going to black screens instead i have absolutely no complaints about this game visually, especially when there's already 60 fps patches. audio wise might be a different story, though.
the music in this remake is redone, given a more "origami king" esque jazz band flare to it which i don't feel fits the game well at all. the soundtrack definitely leans into the more "boingy" sounding ost ttyd and super had and the redone ost is definitely better than the poor showings we got in trailers, but i still prefer the original soundtrack. there is a badge that restores the original soundtrack, but i've yet to test to see how it reacts to the new songs added for the remake and to be honest i'd really like to hear them this time around so someone else will have to let me know about that eventually lol.
even with its few minor flaws ttyd for the switch is a truly a masterful remake of a classic, and i can't wait to reexperience this cornerstone of my history with video games with this loving remake going forward. the new localization that makes things more accurate to the original while keeping much of the 2004 localization in tact alone makes me prefer this version until someone inevitably patches it back in to the original, but even beyond that they took a world near and dear to my heart and miraculously brought it back to life again more vibrant than ever and that is always going to be deeply special to me. this game is still a very entry level jrpg and the remake doesn't change that so i definitely can't recommend it to everybody, but to anyone who loves the mario series at all or wants to get into rpgs with baby steps this game, and especially this new version, is a must.

Dialogue speed legitimately makes me want to kill myself. I love TTYD but I really can't bear that the dialogue crawls at ~0.25x my reading speed. I'll replay the original on Dolphin, where I can press "B" to have all the text appear (WHY was this option removed?!)

Make sure you play and enjoy this one as quick as you can, god knows the Vivian discourse online is gonna be an endless nightmare.

The half frame rate is noticible and I won't lie: it doesn't feel as snappy as hell because of it. Dialogue speed isn't an issue since I can be a real slow reader at the times, but for fast reader it can be slightly tedious.

Beside that: this is a mr. remake alright in every way you can see it and hear it: graphics and soundtracks are completely new for the occasion, don't listen to those idiots that treat this like it's a 60 dollars cash-grab low-effort remaster, because that's bullshit.

Solid remake of a classic GameCube game. Paper Mario 2 is a retread of the original with some interesting twists on the story even if it is mostly adherent to what happened the first go around. The WWE segment is a highlight.

Sadly this game is also the “beginning of the end” for the series, introducing goofy paper gimmicks that would eventually lead to Sticker Star and the series’ gradual downfall. The game’s combat is more complicated than the original but also less satisfying, with the badge system offering less interesting power ups and featuring a distracting audience system. These small complaints aren’t enough to ruin the strong blueprint set by the original Paper Mario.

The Switch port is not the best way to play the game due to the noticeably bad frame rate which distracts from the otherwise stunning visuals. The text speed is also quite slow, even slower than the original. With any luck the existence of this release brings down the price of the GameCube version.

I genuinely cant imagine a better remake for ttyd, from the tiniest of QOL changes like the partner wheel to all the knew graphics, character faces, and remastered sound track. i still have my orginal ttyd disc from when i was a kid, and i feel like a kid again. I know the game is a bit slower, but to be honest unless your a brain rotted ipad kid who cant sit still for 5 seconds it really doesn't matter. Hopefully the (so far) amazing reviews and feedback will keep paper mario afloat for future games, and praying we just go back to normal turned based combat (looking at you origami king)

great game but i just found out there's no new content so i don't rlly feel like replaying💀

edit: my bad there are 2 new bosses still not enough to get me to replay but if u haven't played this before ever def pick it up i will say tho the framerate on the switch sucks ass so would recommend playing this on pc

The Thousand Year Door sigue siendo un juego increíblemente entretenido, si bien algunos aspectos no envejecieron de la mejor manera... Pero en definitiva, puntos extra por haber tenido un personaje trans en la versión japonesa original en 2004. Me da gusto que para la localización de esta nueva versión la hayan dejado ahí.

Los personajes son muy memorables, la historia es muy entretenida, el sistema de batalla es algo adictivo. Me habría gustado que subir de nivel pasado el nivel 20 no fuera tan difícil, pero bueh.

Creo que algunas de las misiones que requieren que viajes de un lado a otro son algo molestas (hay al menos 3 o 4 en el juego).

Aún no derroto a los dos jefes extra, y me voy a tomar mi tiempo para subir mucho de nivel porque uno de esos jefes es brutal.

Sigue siendo uno de mis juegos favoritos, y en muchas ocasiones me vi de niño jugando la versión original. Muy recomendado; pero si pueden adquirirlo en físico de una tienda local (no de un conglomerado), e incluso usado, mejor.

This is gonna sound harsh, but it's because I care. Know that what I say comes from a place of love. I love Thousand-Year Door. It's one of my favorite GameCube games. If you look here, you'll see that I named the original release my Eastern RPG of the Year for 2004:
That being said, what a shitshow of a remake.

The more I play of this game, the less I like it compared to the GameCube release. Everything is so much SLOWER than the original. At the time I am reviewing this, there's no way to speed up the text scroll speed like there is in the original. Given how chatty this game is, that's a real problem.

Levelling up is significantly slower. When you levelled up in the original, your HP and FP were instantly filled. Now, it ticks up slowly. It acts like you were at zero, even if you were full.

The game runs at 30 FPS, whereas the GameCube version ran at 60 FPS. I assumed that better tech specs meant better performance, but I guess not. The graphics are way too glossy for the tone the original was trying to convey. I HATE the remixed music. Thankfully you can turn it off with a badge that is cheap, but I would prefer to have it in the options. So we have a worse looking, worse sounding, worse performing game that wastes your time compared to the original that costs more than the GameCube game originally did. I say wait for a price drop, or better yet, emulate the original. Don't incentivize Nintendo to cut corners like this with their own history. I haven't seen such a botched remake out of this company since the Diamond and Pearl remakes on Switch.

This is one of the only two RPGs that indie developers have played in their entire lives.

Have not played it enough but I think nintendo fans are insane for saying 30 is fine for this game, I actively think it hurts the game and makes the combat worse, the tension is gone from battles and it just feels like I am playing baby first turn based with generous qte, I will be fair and say their was nothing they could do to help thois, the switch hardware is dso dogshit getting to stable 30 was probs the best thing the game could have done.If you can I recommend 60fps mod on pc or just wait for switch 2.

What an incredible experience so far so many memorable and silly characters, especially Vivian omg, also the combat is making this likely my favourite RPG of all time :))

This is perhaps the least valuable remake of all time.

better than the original no doubt but still just alright

THIS is how you remake a game. Not that doggy ass washed up $210 three part cash grab worse than the original in all the important ways by Square Enix (FF7R)

I finished the game now, and it was a great remake. There are some changes that felt unnecessary or worse than the original like the slower text speed and 30fps rather than 60fps, but the fast traveling was a much needed improvement that I think bumps this game up to a 9/10 from an 8/10. Also, coming from a PC gamer who loves playing games in 1440p and 144fps, the 30fps drop isn't a big deal for turn based games like this tbh. Definitely a better remake than whatever the fuck Square Enix has been cooking with the dumpster fire that is the FF7R trilogy.

The only negative to this game is the dialogue speed. Everything else is perfect.

Emulate this on Dolphin with a HD texture pack, or use yuzu or ryujinx. Don't give nintendo $60 for literally the same exact game that runs at half the framerate as the original.

It's a remake of my least favourite game of all time but they restored trans Vivian so I'm obligated to give it a 2/10 instead of a 1/10

Great remake of one of the greatest games of all time. Not sure how I feel about the remixed music though. Also the Peach parts are cringe as fuck. 10/10 game

We're finally past the "dark" era of Paper Mario games, and I'm all for it! Sticker Star.... :(

meu irmão em cristo, faltou o básico que é a possibilidade de aumentar a velocidade do texto e acelerar as animações de batalha, de resto ainda é peak indiscutível

I think this is a pretty solid remake but I have some nitpicks

-30 FPS everyone has talked about it initially I didn't think it'd be that bad but it actually is slightly annoying especially when you put the games side by side
-changing the Boo's from bunny ears to cat ears. Okay I admit this is a me thing but why???
-The text speed is abysmally slow, I'm not sure they did this because of some background interactions? but they coulda just made it so it's slow only for that and maybe not for every dialogue box?

The good.

-The music is fantastic, t hough it does sound a little Fire Emblemyyy??(I'm pretty sure it's the same composer and this isn't really an issue just wanna mention it)
-QoL to the backtracking. This personally never bugged me but it is nice to save a couple of minutes on the backtracking, It made Chapter 4 extremely fast. I think if the textspeed wasn't so slow it'd be signficantly faster than the original.

In Conclusion: This is a pretty solid remake, I hope 64 gets the same treatment but please please don't skim on the FPS

Those crazy bastards did it, they somehow made peak even better!

my first time ever playing this game and i waited on a remake for years, and i loved absolutely everything about this game

Twenty years later and these devs still haven’t realized turn based combat is boring as shit

God easily the best mario RPG its so fucking good

Holy shit it's almost like faithfully recreating one of the best RPGs ever made in the style of the most visually and sonically appealing game in its series makes an already peak game even more peak or something who could have thunk it?

Yeah, I loved this. I loved the beautiful new visuals, I love (just about) all of the brand-new music, they added a handful of quality-of-life features that improve the game in the few places that it suffered from, and they also added a couple of brand new bosses at the end that are really tough and enjoyable to fight!

The only major thing keeping this from the 10 that it was SO CLOSE to is that while this remake did improve the backtracking issue, it didn't... fix it. Chapters 4-7 are still LADEN with backtracking that gets very tedious and dates this game that otherwise could have passed as a brand new game. That combined with the fact that this remake is a bit slower than the original, running at a consistent but noticeably lower 30fps compared to the original's 60 and having a slower text speed than the original. That latter point isn't a huge deal, and most of it can be fixed with a patch or you can just wait until the next console releases and this thing can run at 60.

Either way, I am so happy this game is finally getting a second chance with what is pretty handily the best way to play it and on modern consoles now too. This is pretty much the only chance we have at Paper Mario going back to being a turn-based RPG series so i hope all of yall put your money where your mouth is.