Reviews from

in the past

Thank you this is a very nice apology gift for what you people did with Postal 3, I'll still never forgive you for even letting Postal 3 be released into this world making even worse than it already was but hey thanks for the new game.

As good as Postal 2. Sucks that Yiannopoulos is in the game though :/

Coming back to a joke game that you've made over a decade ago, updating it, and giving it an expansion pack that's possibly better than the original is a power move that I can't help but respect

"You know, I suppose I misjudged you Al Quaeda boys. You guys aren't so bad after all. Guess I'll be on my way now. Oh, and sorry about that whole 72 virgins thing not working out for ya!"

Kinda linear, but takes some pages out of vanilla Postal 2's book. Good job, RWS!

overall im going easier on this game then I would

the devs cared enough about their franchise having a shitty third entry they made dlc for their old game to retcon it and make an overall pretty fun if not repetitive expansion on postal 2, more or less the same a postal 2 with new weapons that were ok, it was making fun of itself more than postal 2 did.

maybe if i didn't jump into it right after postal 2 I would have had more fun, but if you want to play more postal 2 then this is it

Paradise Lost is, in my opinion, just worse than Postal 2. The humor took a hit and went from being crude satire straight into... toilet humor and weed jokes. The new gameplay additions like dual wielding and some of the new guns are definitely welcome, there are some actual half-decent bosses in there, but doing another lap across the map I know by heart with superficial changes to some locations just felt tiring near the end. I don't foresee doing a replay of this anytime in the future, if even at all.

i like postal 2 and this is more postal 2 but wackier but also it crashed on me pretty much every 10 minutes so i stopped playing

The ending of Postal 2.

It's ok? What were you expecting really, it's more Postal 2. More chores, more days, more weapons and a new revamped map. Same map as the base game, tweaked a little just enough to call it something different.

The humour this time takes a wacky approach. I would have wanted something more in line with the dark jokes and tones from base Postal 2. It's, kind of innoffensive now for better or for worse.

postal man hears about this "gamergate" thing from a thread on /v/ and starts calling anthony burch a cuck on twitter dot com

had to lookup a walkthrough to find mission items at least twice throughout my playthrough but this was a fun romp

it retconed postal III so this is good

deliberately offensive posturing that has the ultimate effect of a weak, wet fart. RWS are creatively bankrupt gamergaters which explains a lot.

When you come back from the dead to say how much you hate women because your shitty sold-off crash grab didn't work that you almost forget that Tim Schafer is a hack fraud to you because, uh, (flaps my hands around a little bit).

Somehow improves on the original formula and takes everything what made Postal 2 a good open world immersive sim and gives even further freedom, the map is a lot of fun to explore and the factions really do add a lot to the experience

being able to beat the shit out of Yiannopoulos is pretty based too

slightly inferior to the original Postal 2 but still really fucking good

Postal 2'ye olan sevgimi çoğunluğu bu ek paket sayesinde olduğunu düşünüyorum. Ana oyunun sonunda gerçekleşen bir takım olayın ardından oyuna yeni bir hafta daha ekleniyor. Bu haftada gerçekleşen olaylar ana oyunda gerçekleşenlere göre çok daha iyi tasarlanmış. Ana oyunun Apocalypse Weekend kısımlarında biraz tatsızlık gelmişti ama Paradise Lost öyle bir geçti gitti ki benim için ana oyunu bile arkasında bıraktı. Ana oyun içerisinde dünya gündeminde gerçekleşen olayları çok dalgaya alırken Paradise Lost'ta çıkan Postal filmi mi dersin Postal 3 mü dersin öyle ana oyunda bağlanan bir sürü şaka dönüyor. Komedisi cidden ana oyuna göre daha üst seviyeye çıkmış. Oynanış zaten aynı vurup geçiyorsun. Postal 2'ye bayılıp aşık olduysanız yada sonlarında benim gibi soğumaya başladıysanız Paradise Lost'a bakın.


Maden sekansı hariç ana oyundan daha çok eğlenceli. real postal 3 ve 4 (ve muhtemelen 5)

Casi tan bueno como el juego base, la única pega es que junta lo bueno de postal 2 con lo malo de apocalypse weekend y termina siendo un juego decente con algo de padding le he bajado nota por crashear con excesiva frecuencia

everything ive ever asked for. infinite replayability. i love this plotline so much

what can you say, it's more Postal 2. I like the apocalyptic setting I guess
the gamergate shit is pretty cringe but because it's Postal you can blow up the major cameo and piss on his corpse so who's to say if it's bad or not

I'm sure that for Postal fans this must've been great, but I couldn't wait for me to finish this DLC, I found it really boring. Same as the weekend DLC.

Back to Regretting Nothing. Other then the final part drags a little bit.

a brilliantly stupid ending to my favorite shooter ever made. an absolute labor of love that does something a little different than the original by having more restricted areas, but greatly expanding on the content and atmosphere of each area. here are a few of the improvements:

- cowboy western shootshoot bangbang
- six shooter bitch booter spinny revolver
- adorable gun monkeys
- terminator 2 shotgun
- corey cruise
- ninja wife bossfight
- dinosaurs
- deliberately screwing with the og secret paths and hidden items as to confuse me
- more metal music (hell yea bruther)
- Milo Yiannopoulos decapitation
- extended uwe boll/zach ward piss take
- ebola cows
- oopsie we put a satanic seal where your house used to be teehee
- bruce willis

the list goes on. paradise lost RULES. absolutely recommended for fans of all things needlessly crass and violent.

Even though it was released in 2015 (released 12 years after Postal 2), Paradise Lost is perfect for fans who are looking for a fresh new coat of paint for Postal 2!