Reviews from

in the past

My hands are bleeding and are now shaped like falcon claws.


the only ok game bennett foddy has made

I got 100.1 metres and am a national hero now. I made my country proud.

most overrated developer of all fucking time

You gotta hold W and O, and then Q and P, and keep alternating rhythmically. This makes him run, you can thank me later

Just realized this was made by Bennett Foddy years before I ever knew that name. Weird.

But, yeah, it's almost a funny prank to make someone play this without them knowing what it is, but that humor lasted about 5 minutes back when this was new. But still, we all got a few good laughs.

played the mobile version of this back in the day to kill time and it definitely was good at that. Having to coordinate each leg muscle to make a person run is fun both in a gamey way where finding the proper rhythm to make the dude run is key as well as a "whoa humans are pretty cool" kind of way as this is something that anyone with functional legs can do without even thinking about it so that's kinda neat. it's simple enough that I could recommend giving it a play, even if it's a 5-minute one.

made it to 62 meters before he faceplanted. younger me would be proud.

The Dark Souls of walking simulators.

100 meters done. A fun hour of learning little ways to lurch forward consistently/systematically. Brutal plot twist halfway through.

It perfectly executes its idea so maybe I really should give it 5/5 after all.

I got 13.2 metres, I think I can safely list this as mastered.


the little “eh” when u fail has never left me

Dumb little flash game based on it being infuriating. I did manage to beat it tho!

games like this are the reason me and my peers learned nothing at school

Remember when everyone lost their minds over this flash game like 10 years ago?

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I made it 12.3 Meters. How do you control it? Uhhhhhhh he's fit and he can't walk. It doesn't make sense. (He now takes the keyboard, saying he's going to type a tutorial:) do wwwww qwqwqwqwqwqopoooqwqwqwqwqwwqqoooqwqwqwqwq

PC's Shadow of the Colossus