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While harking back to some rather cool elements from the classic RE games, Revelations acts like the same old action-oriented entries to the series; that's fine and all, but the mish-mash of ideas leads to serious tonal inconsistency, and the gameplay really isn't that fulfilling.

Expectations have to be tempered correctly since this is a port of a 3DS game, but with it running on the same engine as its predecessors, I can't see an excuse why this thing is as flavorless as it is.

The story is pretty dull and inconsequential for the most part to the series going forward (as far as I've experienced so far), voice acting is ATROCIOUS as well as the writing, bosses are extremely poorly designed and a pain to get through even on easy, the gameplay is fine but needs serious retooling in the menus to get it feeling half-decent, and while we still get that familiar level-design from before, the backtracking elements feel nowhere near as good as they did in RE 1 or 2, instead rehashing the same areas over and over and over again to make the game a serious chore to finish.

Again, the game is fine, overall, but not great. If you can put up with some strange design decisions, and the fact that you're playing a port of a mobile game, essentially, you might get something out of this. As it stands, here, I cannot stand the extremely frustrating aspects of this game and I will never see myself returning to it.

A welcome return to classic-style horror action. A return to the classic formula with a creepy, stranded ship as one of the best settings in the series.

Pretty rock-solid! I had a good time playing it.

The best resident evil for people who have trouble sleeping

Never played this game until just the other day, but I thought it was solid, here are some of my thoughts on it.

The graphics, voice acting, cut-scenes and overall production value of the game surprised the hell out of me for it originally being a 3DS game. There was probably close to 2 hours worth of cut-scenes, all the dialogue was voice acted (and pretty well might I add) and the character models and world textures looked pretty damn good for the time this game came out.

The story shows the rise of the BSAA and reminds me of a James Bond film, with all the backstabbing and espionage, pretty decent and some interesting plot twists, but the villains and new characters (Aside from Parker, he was cool) introduced were very lackluster and unmemorable, the Chris and Jill sections are definitely the highlights of the game.

Level design was honestly really good! The layout of the Queen Zenobia gave me major Resident Evil 1 Spencer Mansion vibes and it also has a very metroidvania style too with some good usage of backtracking and hidden secrets.

The combat and shooting mechanics are very smooth and fluid and a lot of fun and I really liked the gun customizations which gave incentive to explore the map more (Though once you get the rifle and some mods you essentially break the game and it becomes too easy) one game mechanic I hated though was the scanner because it just felt so unnecessary. You have to use it in practically every single room to find hidden items and scan enemies to get green herbs, but it just becomes a chore and felt like such a handheld touch screen gimmick.

This game was also the first to introduce Raid Mode which is a fun co-op mercenaries like mini-game where you replay different stages of the game as various characters and clear objectives while fighting waves of enemies, you can also upgrade your weapons and unlock special new ones only available in this game type. I played it for 4 hours straight, it's a lot of fun.

Enemy designs were very bland and boring because almost everything looks the same, but the bosses looked cool and the actual fights were really fun too, especially the final boss, that was top notch and one of my faves in the whole series so far.

All in all I enjoyed RE Revelations and it impressed me in some ways due to originally being a handheld game and still having some pretty big production values that make it look closer to a 360 game. It has great shooting mechanics, killer level design, a solid story and fun bosses, but it's brought down a bit by a typical annoying touchscreen gimmick, boring enemy design and unmemorable characters (Aside from Jill, Chris and Parker) still I'm happy I played the game and would recommend it to hardcore RE fans or anyone who wants a solid action game.

The only real good thing about this game is that Jill and Chris are in it. Am I supposed to really care about these other characters? I mean they aren’t all inherently bad, but I’ve just always had this strange off-vibe when it comes to this game in the Resident Evil series. Everything is just really, weird. There are things they did get right but for every right there are 3 wrongs. The enemy design isn't anything special. Regarding the “return to form” people usually say, in some aspect this can be that. I can see the attempt, but it’s still not exactly executed properly. It’s very annoying that when you shoot the full clip of your gun, it doesn’t automatically reload so you’re just stuck there pointing your empty gun. The scanning device is a dumb mechanic. I don’t necessarily think this is a “bad” game, but it definitely could have been much better. It is cool that they bridge the gap between 4 and 5, and I’d say this game actually enhances 5 so there is that.

!!! [Minha opinião] !!!
Estão preparados pra ver eu chupando o pau desse jogo? beleza

Como esse jogo é separado dos numerados principais, eles tiveram mais liberdade criativa na hora de desenvolver esse jogo (sempre bem-vindo) então eles decidiram fazer algo diferente: Usar o livro de Divina Comédia de inspiração para o jogo com plot twists.

O jogo se passa antes de Resident Evil 5, quando a BSAA fazia pouco tempo que havia sido fundada e era apenas uma ONG, Jill Valentine junto de Parker Luciani, são enviados a uma missão enviada pelo diretor da BSAA para salvar Chris Redfield e Jessica Sherawat que haviam sumidos do Radar há 24hrs, aparentemente suas últimas localizações eram em um barco abandonado no meio do mar mediterrâneo. Não vou dizer mais que isso, já que faz 1 ano desde que eu joguei o jogo então não vou lembrar de tudo pra falar sobre a históriaKKK mas ela É MUITO BOA, cheia de reviravoltas e 100% fechadinha.

Sobre a gameplay, ela é bem simples, bem similar ao RE5 porém podendo desviar e correr automaticamente, mirar enquanto anda e etc.

Bosses ameaçadores (principalmente o último), atmosfera PERFEITA com level design feita no ponto, o que faz o Queen Zenobia ser bastante marcante para qualquer um que tenha jogado o jogo, e alguns considerando até a melhor parte do jogo.

Na minha opinião, os personagens são a parte mais fraca do jogo, acho o Parker carismático, Quint & Keith forçam muito a barra, mas são legais vai, Jessica é chata, mas isso é proposital claro, se ela foi feita pra ser chata, e consegue ser, tá fazendo um bom trabalho.

Gameplay perfeita pro jogo, trilha sonora extremamente marcante, história incrível, conteúdo extra (modo raide) impecável, mas o grind é real, atmosfera e ambientação estupenda, campanha muito divertida de se jogar com o equilíbrio perfeito entre ação e pausas e fator replay bastante alto, personagens ok.

Meu Resident Evil favorito.

Resident Evil Revelations started out as a 3DS game. Since then it's been ported to both PS3, Xbox, WiiU, PS4 and Switch. Just know going in this was a hand held game. Cause even though I played it on the 3DS first it still blows my mind that it could run this.

I really like the atmosphere of this game. I love the TV show vibe they give it with the previously on sections and the constant cut always to other playable characters in different times. The majority of the game takes place on a ship called the Queen Zenobia. This is a great location. The music and backrounds really add the feeling of death and dread. I know a lot of people may be put off by the games cheesy story but I really like it and it's characters.

Gameplay is kinda like a reserved RE4/5 where the big difference is that weapons can be upgraded and customized. It has more RPG elements integrated into the single player. The game also comes with an online multiplayer game called Raid mode where you play various stages trying to kill all the enemies. You can level your character and customize their weapons in a loot based mechanic. It's even integrated with for in-depth stats and downloaded content. It's a really cool thing. Really helped me through some of the tougher areas. The final stage Ghost Ship takes place through the entire game, its that big.

I've beaten the game now about a dozen times and 100% Raid Mode twice now. It's a great game and I always enjoy playing it even if it is more of a budget game. I enjoy it much more than some of the later entries.

Platinum # 21

En 2012 la gente realmente estaba desesperada y hambrienta por un RE clásico como para considerar esto un triunfo y un "regreso a sus raíces". Que fuera hecho para portátil no debería ser motivo para bajar los estándares, este juego es una mala mezcla de los RE clásicos y los de acción que no satisface a nadie. Además tiene una historia y personajes totalmente olvidables. Al menos me hizo reír mucho que el compañero de Jill (cuyo nombre ya olvidé) se parece mucho a Dayo.

Good mobile adaptation of the old formula, but I'm not a big mobile fan. Played with MKB just to break this game over my knee.

If all of the missions were good as the first one was, this game could easily be among the better resident evil titles. It's still an enjoyable RE title with a lot more action though

Sin ser nada excepcional, sería injusto no destacarle como ese primer paso en lo que ha sido el renacer de esta saga. Mezcla lo más típico de los juegos clásicos con las novedades del 5 y el 6 con relativa solvencia.

I don't really know what too say about this one. It sure is not a bad game. It really feels good to play it, because there are a lot of great ideas like the process of healing or changing between weapons or grenades.

It has a quite interesting story but I don't really like it. For me it has nothing to do with the other Resident games and it feels more like a spin-off than a main entery.

It is still an enjoyable game with a good atmosphere. Not more. Not less. I really miss the horror.

Was really clearly limited by being a handheld game. The areas are much smaller than any other Resident Evil game I've played but I don't have an issue with I actually really like the boat setting. But the game has all these sections where you're not playing as Jill and they're not good. The game cuts away from it's most interesting feature far too often. So many of these sections are just uninteresting areas filled with way too many monsters. Also even though the game short it feels like it goes on too long towards the end with a really ill-advised series of water levels. I don't expect much from Resident Evil plots and there were still a lot of hilariously cheesy moments but overall the story was a little too serious to be as entertaining as other games in the series. It's a decent little action horror game, it probably works really well on the 3DS, but I wouldn't recommend it over any other post 4 RE game.

Ooooh, this one. I had an RE marathon in 2020, and Revelations seemed interesting enough - I distinctly remember people lauding this as a "return to form" back when it came out, though I'm now convinced that the franchise was sunk into such a blur of an action-fest, that anything remotely resembling survival horror was seen as a breath of fresh air. Brace yourselves, I have a lot to talk about this game.

I... really didn't like Revelations. It really, really wants to evoke the classical REs and in some, very brief moments, it kinda succeeds: getting to the ship's main hall is a great moment, and I remember thinking "ok, this is it, this where the game actually begins". Nope. Here's the thing:

• No inventory management. No no, instead you get a limit of 5 herbs you can carry (can't combine them, don't get any crazy ideas), and a limit on how much ammo you can carry on each clip. This game drowns you in resources, BUT you can't pick anything up because you're most likely full. So you have to leave a lot of stuff on the ground because the game decided you can't have them. In the classic games this supposedly evokes, you could just run back to an item box and dump stuff there to make room for a new item. Here, if you're full and wanna get the ammo, you need to... spend the ammo already on you. It's "resource scarcity" by artificial limitation, and it is utter crap.

• There's "item boxes". Though not really. They look like them, but it's just for changing your guns. Not a huge deal, but it's just another example of this game pretending to be like classic RE.

• Puzzles, heh. Instead of a stone to move a statue to get an amulet to open a box to get the key to the other side of the room, complete with ridiculously convoluted contraptions that should not be in a cruise ship, it's just go this way, kill a bunch of enemies, maybe a boss, get a key, go back and open the door.

You know, just like RE4 and 5, but... without the fun action. You know how satisfying it is to land a headshot in RE4 and 5? Forget that, gunplay is now super unsatisfying and lacking any oomph. The enemy designs are all incredibly boring. And the first boss, good lord. It's like the tight corridors of RE1's mansion, but now with infinitely respawning enemies (literally, they don't stop coming until you kill the boss) and a bullet sponge of a boss! Also, forget about killing enemies to get money to upgrade your weapons. That gameplay loop was too much fun I suppose.

The game also punctuates the already boring Jill sections with amazingly bland corridor-fests with other characters. Think of the most drab third-person shooter, and here it is. I actually youtube'd the rest of the game, and found out there's a turret section later on. I'm not really surprised come to think of it.

Man I haven't even talked about the scanning mechanic, the most pointless thing I've seen in a while. I still don't understand what they were going for.

The best way to describe this game, is that it feels like a random mid-budget third-party company attempt at replicating Resident Evil. A bootleg in other words. It completely fails at being a survival horror, it completely fails at being an action game. Nobody wins here. I am completely baffled that people can find real enjoyment at ANY aspect of this game. When I dislike a game, I can usually see "yeah ok, I get why you'd like this"

I'm drawing a blank on this one. It has a modestly high metacritic score, and it's sitting at a generous 3.2 average here in this site, and I honest to God have no idea why.

If you actually like this game, I urge you to reply to this review explaining to me why that is. I'm legitimately curious.

Oh, and the story is stupid. Not fun stupid like RE4 or 5, just dumb really. RE6 is the better game, just saying. That one is a disjointed mess, but it can at least be a fun action game at points.

I like the story of this game and the plots, the new characters Jessica and Parker(only them because the rest sucks) are very good and I would give anything to see them in future games in the franchise, the enemies and bosses are very different but they are very scary and everywhere that if the game goes on (the ship) has a very well-built horror atmosphere and in a way reminds me a lot of the Spencer Mansion from RE1 Remake.

Mano, por que ? Tinha um ótimo potencial, mas fizeram um lixo de jogo.

Revelations was pretty serviceable as far as RE games go. Doesn't stand on the same level as 4 or 5, but significantly better than 6.

Sin duda un paso en la dirección correcta respecto a cómo iba la saga, pero generalmente bastante mediocre.
La zona del principio está ok.
Me ha dado más sustos la IA teletransportándose que el juego en sí.
Too much water.

Resident Evil Revelations is a piece of history. A bridge between the newer entries players lap up today, and the tightrope the series once balanced on in order to reach a wider audience. That being said, is it a particularly great game? No, not really. Apart from a few stand out moments and the co-operative “raid mode” which is to blame for the ludicrous amount of hours I put into the 3DS original, it’s a hard sell for anyone but a die-hard resi fan.

This is actually a fun RE action game even if the enemy variety is quite shit. Doesn't outstay it's welcome.

Not a huge RE connoisseur, but i did have a good time with this one. Nothing remarkable, but very nice.
The exploration is very nice, the shooting is good enough and the scan mechanic was quite nice.

Would recommend to everyone.

A pesar de las limitaciones técnicas de su versión original (3DS), mantiene muchos de los elementos que hicieron grande a resident evil 4