Reviews from

in the past

Mul-T go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Not a fan of this one. Items are either really good or just awful so when you get to the higher levels of difficulty (which in this game means every single enemy becomes a bullet sponge) you're either killing all of them in 3 hits or doing 2 damage per bullet and getting killed by something offscreen. Every run just seems to boil down to if you are an unkillable glass cannon or if your run is dead, since skill never feels impactful.

Still, characters are very well designed and feel different from eachother enough to make every run feel and play different. Music is also very good, props to the composer.

It's relatively fun and pretty addicting (got 70 hours in before I got tired), but I wouldn't say it's particularly "good". It's just ok, and I feel that it could be better.

this game is fun as hell to run through with friends and, though i hate to keep saying it for roguelike reviews, has the most replayability out of any roguelike i've ever played bar none. there are so many different item combinations you can get in this game with about half of them completely breaking it from the inside out, the game becoming absolutely insanity by about the 8th stage, given you continue that far. great fun with friends, just wish it was a liiiittle better optimized so there wasn't so high a risk of crashing and losing an hour(s)-long run

I've never been much for rougelikes, I enjoy them and understand the appeal but I can never stay hooked for long. But literally fuck all of that Risk of Rain 2 is so freaking badass and addictive that no matter how much I may die or get mad, I just cant stay away. The game is gorgeous, all the characters are unique and fun, the items and the stacking system lead to insane combinations that can completely change the game, and on top of all that it's multiplayer. Risk of Rain 2 is a game everyone should play, it is so good.

Often think about what was either a Steam review, or steam forum post where someone complains about how the game doesn't have LITERAL rain-themed game elements.

My main desire is for the game to have some sort of "Turbo Mode" to increase the overall game speed. I think especially in the case of RoR2 something like that would be kinda kickass; this isn't so much a problem now that there's an end goal to speedrun towards, but the fact that games can stretch on for hours often makes me feel like I should be spending my time playing something else, AS GOOD as this game is. Only need two more achievements for 100% on the current patch!! I'll let that speak for how much I like this game.

Very fun roguelike with extremely pleasant visuals. A ton of content and customizable difficulty for players who wish for an easier or harder time (presented as both an actual difficulty choice, as well as artifacts that modify gameplay mechanics, which double down as a form to offer replayability).

All characters feel unique and play wonderfully, overall while the agency the player holds over the rng is a bit too small for my taste (particularly in shorter runs), it's still a super addictive game that i might still slowly works towards 100%ing

feels amazing to play, i am terrible at it but holy shit it's good

Best roguelike game I've ever played. Playing it with mods makes it even better. Artifacts in the official release were the icing on the cake.

We don't deserve this game, it is FUN, and the soundtrack slaps. Great overall style as well.

Me encanta lo bien que han hecho el paso de 2D a 3D, es de los tipicos roguelike que te pasas la noche jugando diciendo "Venga un run mas", ¡Encima coop!

played for a long time and then lost because of a glitch

It's like someone had the idea to make a Diablo like game, except it's a roguelike and it's actually fun to play. I like picking Loader and flying around the map one shotting things. Fuck yeah.

i need my bustling fungus

So much of action gaming is about power accumulation and Risk of Rain 2 is about pushing that conceit to its extreme by only placing one limit on your potential: how much nonsense your machine can handle before it crashes. It's compulsively compelling for a time but is let down by an optional final boss that encourages overly specific builds and the lack of a bookmark feature that makes doing an endless run too much of a commitment.

Having a whole ass difficulty setting that just laughs at the player is a genius meta joke about the fact that the game is fundamentally broken and the devs will forever laugh at you for actually enjoying it.

you can commit genocide on various alien races

risk of giving me a heart disease 2

12/09/2020 Kinda boring


I have played this for 25 hours now, about 22 hours with friends and the rest alone. Playing solo is absolutely the worst way to engage with this game. Whereas the original Risk of Rain was a solid single-player experience, even today, Risk of Rain 2 simply isn't. Stringing together insane combos with your friends (Engineer turrets + Razor wire + Hellfire tincture + Bustling fungus + Mired urn – just drop a shield around your turrets and sit back and watch bosses die in 4-5 seconds) is fun, compounding the complexity of your 'setup' the more people you play with. The gunplay and abilities themselves are rarely that engaging and multiplayer is more often than not just a fight for loot between friends rather than a cooperative effort. None of your abilities are made for co-op. You can't help a friend out of a tricky situation with a support ability, you just have to throw yourself into the line of fire and hope the minions focus you. It's the sort of mindless fun that is great when you are around people you like playing video games with, but it falls apart completely when its gameplay mechanisms are judged on their own merits.

I will still continue to play this with friends – I love stealing their loot and blaming it on the boundless eagerness of my innate 'entrepreneurial spirit' and drop not-so-subtle references to Atlas Shrugged – but I can't imagine ever booting this up to play it solo again.

pretty fun (especially when modded)

This game is the best roguelike that I've played. It gives a phenomenal sense of progression even though there's no actual progression other than characters being unlocked and unlocking items. Not to mention the atmosphere, visuals, and soundtrack are amazing, immersing you in this world. This doesn't mean the gameplay is anything to scoff at, as it's one of the best parts of the game itself. Pick this game up if you're looking for a good time.

- Side note: this game hasn't even left early access yet (leaving soon), meaning there's still so much more to come.
Edit: The game's now out of early access, and they've doubled their team. Super excited to see what they come up with now. Since it came out of early access we've gotten a phenomenal boss with new items and balance changes. The game's in a great place and you should definitely get it.

One of my favorite roguelikes.

I really enjoy multiplayer even though I have to play with randos and there's always one person who flies through grabbing literally everything so it's sort of weird and lopsided at first. There's the one person who has 15+ artifacts pretty early on and the rest of us each have a single crowbar or something. But eventually everyone catches up and it's a good time.

It's really fun when you have a lot of artifacts and you're dummy-powerful so I like to go it alone on the easiest difficulty (because I'm a wimp) and see how far I can go. I've seen other people talk about how much they dislike playing solo but I love it so I guess if you're like me and you have no friends and don't mind doing stuff by yourself, don't let those people scare you away from giving it a try? But maybe only if it's on sale. And also you can't get mad at me if you don't like it.

This game fucking SLAPS

I can't wait for the new dlc to come baby

literalmente é um dos juegos já feitos.

Played it for maybe an hour and had a good time. Might enjoy it in multiplayer, but it didn't seem compelling enough for me to be excited for that.

I think I have found my favorite rogue lite