Reviews from

in the past

The only real problem with this game is that the second stage fucking sucks and it's, well, the second stage. Actually a great arcade-style platformer if you're willing to give it a chance and don't just run screaming from how hard stage 1 is.

this game is really fucking hard but it's very satisfying to play and it grows with you as you get better. nearly a perfect game in my opinion.

I honestly would never have beaten this game if it wasn't for the save points and the rewind feature that the switch version provided. I honestly think this game series is far too demanding when it comes to beating it and while I do love the platforming and the approach you take with each weapon, it's just too hard. Honestly in a lot of ways this game is kinda like the shmup version of a platformer. Take one hit and you lose all your abilities and the next one you die. Not to mention the dread loop that you have to go through just to get to the final boss, which despite everything I did. The game is still very skill based, and I'd love it if I simply had all my abilities even if I got hit once, but for what it is, definitely better played via emulators.

I highly recommend you to play the restoration hack on this one because of the frequent slowdown.
Overall great game.

Was so weird it removed being able to throw vertically, and nerfed some of the weapons. But it's still an amazing game in my book, and has some additions of it's own. Like the double jump, crossbow and bronze/green armor. Overall I think it's better than it's predecessor, and is so many things to me. It'll always be a top 5 game for me, and my favorite Capcom game.

Tie me up in bed and force me to play Ghouls 'n Ghosts babe

Played and completed many times since 1994. Probably my favorite episode of the whole Makaimura series,

A lot of my Castlevania review is applicable here. Super Ghouls n' Ghosts is a punishing game with a great loop that never makes death feel discouraging.

Levels have specific rhythms that are a lot of fun to learn, and maybe I'm a sicko (spoilers: I am) but the mandatory second loop is my favorite part of the game because you get to apply all you've learned into a "new" run. I'd liken this not only to repeat playthroughs of Castlevania, but to search-action games, or titles like Resident Evil, where executing more efficient runs just feels good. It helps, of course, the Arthur is a lot of fun to control. Jumps are very tight, impacts on enemies feel great, and powerups have good utility and are fun to use. Getting knocked out of and building up armor is also a really charming way to track health, and is just as iconic to me as Mario shrinking down or Sonic spewing rings.

Super Ghouls n' Ghosts is easily accessible today through Switch Online's SNES library, but it doesn't take much resourcefulness to find it by... other means. Whatever your choice of platform may be, if you're looking for a solid, challenging game, you can't go wrong with this one.

This game is pretty good but let's be real I'm never gonna actually beat it lmao

game’s too hard to be this cool

I just love the way this game looks and sounds and feels like a Super Nintendo game. The SNES is by far my favorite console, and I love it the way old film nerds like Golden Age Hollywood movies, you know? Those kinds of graphics and that kind of midi score just evokes something in me the same as a grainy black and white image of two beautiful middle-aged people bickering in Mid-Atlantic accents.

It’s common knowledge by now that I almost always play with save states or rewind so I don’t really care about the difficulty, but even with those I’ve played this game enough times where I actually think I got better with practice, something that will never happen with the NES original no matter how often I play that one. And also it’s common knowledge by now that you have to play any GnG game twice. You get to maybe be mad about that for the first one on the NES, but not for this one. Just get the bracelet and go back to the real boss and stop bitching. I mean, you also have to wait a really long time at the DMV, but if you don’t know that by now then what are you going to do, write them an angry yelp review about it?

Wonder if there are more games in the series, would love to see an evolution of this.

Hard but very fun experience

Falls on the gotcha side of hard too often to easily recommend. Satisfying and tight, but god

O que é Dark Souls comparado a esse jogo?

It's an alright platformer but honestly the jump, controls and weapons feel to constricted to really make this super enjoyable.

Platformers with bad platforming shouldn't exist, but unfortunately they do. This game was a relic in 1991 and it's basically rotted at this point. Props to them for letting you have unlimited continues I guess, but that doesn't make it any more fun. I guess I can see some sort of brutal enjoyment one could get from mastering this game's shitty controls and ruthless enemy placement and level design, but I am not one of those people who could find such fun. This is just a lousy game to me. 1/6

unfortunately not quite as great as the original ghouls 'n ghosts. the relative lack of offensive options is perplexing, the double jump feels gimmicky (and much of the platforming that accompanies it is frankly just bad), the autoscrollers go on for way too long, and the slowdown is unbearable at points. beneath all that, though, it's still ghouls 'n ghosts, and ghouls 'n ghosts is good.

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Why I gotta beat it twice

Insane leap in quality over Ghosts 'n Goblins. It's slightly easier, a lot more fair, and most of all actually fun. Not to say it isn't still ruthless though, notoriously so, but you have unlimited continues, difficulty settings, powerups, can set how many lives you have, etc etc. Point is, it's a lot more manageable than it looks at a glance.

There are a couple gripes too, namely having to do it over again, which is a bit of a staple in the series I'm guessing. You do actually have to do it twice to complete it this time, the loops are different bc only the second one lets you reach the final boss. Was not too thrilled about that, but I wasn't particularly upset either because I was mostly enjoying myself. Still, I find it unnecessary. Another more minor thing is the jumping, as funny as it looks, is really awkward sometimes, and there are points with pretty precise jumps you have to make.

Would not recommend Ghosts 'n Goblins probably ever unless jokingly, but if it really does interest you, I'd at least play this instead first. You'll have a notably better time.

Actually made it to the end only to realize the game expects you to do it TWICE.

I did not do it twice.

you learn the girls measurements when you win

This game is bullshit but like... fun bullshit? this is like hollow knight level hard but for the 90s. Still haven't beat the first level cuz I didn't know i could double jump for half an hour.

This game likes to waste your time but the level design is built around that and the timer is nice enough that it doesnt give you an aneurism. Name scheme sucks tho cause when i was looking for which version of ghouls to play people kept saying snes version and no this is a completely different game stfu

The controls are still stiff, but 2 jumps help fix that. The weapons are great with 2 armor upgrades to collect now. The stages are diverse and provide a great challenge. The music is fanatastic and fits the atmosphere perfectly. The slow down is absolutely horrible in stage 3, but thats early Snes for ya. The fun factor is at an all time high, you need to play through this if you love a good challenge.