Reviews from

in the past

So, uh, this is strange. I played the definitive version of this game on another console earlier this year, but it really didn't feel like the definitive version because it was on very inferior hardware. Either way, I still had fun.

Feels old and outdated, especially systems

It's alright. I'm hearing that the "remake" is better, but this is a standard 3D collectathon that doesn't really bring too much to the table. Having a combination of 2D and 3D levels was a cool idea, but everything else feels pretty average. Extremely easy and was probably made specifically with a very young audience in mind.

crash bandicoot knock off, it's good and enjoyable but does not have a soul

Eu ainda vou fazer o 100% dele, mas esse jogo tem uma game play bem ruinzinha comparado ao new super lucky's tale, mas vale a pena jogar. Gamer Tag (nome no xbox): xTiuJow557

It seems truly difficult to put together a quality 3D platformer lately. They sure did try.

100% of achievements unlocked; 99/99 clovers collected. Super Lucky's Tale is an enjoyable 3D platformer, certainly no Mario but it holds up well against the recent crop of second-tier platformers that we've seen over the past year or so. Generally the levels are fairly easy, but if aiming for 100% there are a few sections offering a decent challenge, and there's a nice variety in both the platforming scenarios and the world themes. A notable criticism is that at times the jumping isn't as responsive as it should be (e.g., when pushing up against a vertical surface), but once you know what to expect with this it's generally manageable. Overall I doubt that anything here will be especially memorable, but I had a good time playing through Super Lucky's Tale - oh, and this was also my first experience with Xbox Play Anywhere, which is undoubtedly an excellent feature and a definite positive of buying digitally - even if buying physically remains my preference.

A game so bad, they had to release a "New" version of it, instead of patching the original.

In between my Tears of the Kingdom sessions, I've been finishing up achievements for Super Lucky's Tale. I was reminded of how torturous the game can be. You have to really negotiate with the camera. Like a flaky friend, you'll be chilling with the camera in one level, and then wondering where the heck they went in the next.

Ultimately, it's a totally forgettable 3D platformer. Look elsewhere for mascots, Xbox.

Plusy: świetne sterowanie, przyjemność z rozgrywki, idealny czas na przejście gry
Minusy: zachowawczy styl poziomów, niezbyt wiele umiejętności głównego bohatera

By far one of the weirder, if not the weirdest, Microsoft exclusives. Seriously, you think about Xbox and it’s hypermasculine shooters like Gears of War and Halo that come to mind. This though? This is a kid-friendly throwback to the collect-a-thon 3D platformers of the N64 era, right down to the limited ability to move the camera. Professional critics and regular gamers alike are pretty dismissive of it because of that, and I don’t really think that’s fair. Super Lucky’s Tale may be pathetically easy, save for some sloppier level design near the end and a strangely difficult final boss who even gave me a bit of a fit before I could take him down, alongside sporting an incredibly childish theme in an effort to appeal primarily to the youngest players among us, but it is genuinely good at what it sets out to do.

It’s not perfect by any means. Stomping on enemies’ heads is always an annoying process thanks to hard it can be to judge how high that double jump will actually take you, sometimes resulting in you receiving damage yourself instead. Yet, there are some truly worthwhile ideas here. I loved how each world acts as a hub with its own individual stages with set goals to complete, rather than being wide open zones full of challenges or tasks that need to be hunted down. It nicely streamlines everything so there’s no guesswork when it comes to figuring out where you can grab another collectible in order to unlock the next area. The included 2.5D sections and silly puzzle minigames also add a nice amount of variety. 

Simply put, if you enjoy 3D platformers, you’ll (probably) like this.


Super Lucky's Tale (2017): La descripción de irrelevante. Es entretenido, sí, y agradable de jugar, pero demasiado sencillo, y que no innova en absolutamente nada. Me lo he pasado bien jugándolo, pero sé que si no lo hubiese hecho tampoco me habría arrepentido. Insustancial (5,95)

jogo de plataforma bem simples e fácil ideal para crianças pequenas, mas é um pouco sem criatividade na gameplay, o 100% foi um saco.

It's not bad by any means but it's so... Simple

Fun and cute enough platformer but lacks any real bite to leave any real mark. Not helped by the occasional dud level and wonky camerawork.

It's a fun platformer clearly aimed at a younger audience, where the complexity and difficulty is tailored just for that. There's nothing really bad about it but nor is anything noteworthy.

good platforming introduction for pre-schoolers and people with no gaming experience except for candy crush.

For everyone else: Don't...

A lovely platformer, not too complicated or challenging, perfect for people new to the genre

This one kind of lost its purpose when it stopped being a VR exclusive. The sequel is far superior.

Very simple, generic, yet charming platformer. It's a mix of 3d platforming which reminds me a lot of Spyro the dragon, and 2d platforming which is reminiscent of Donkey Kong Country. There are some creative levels, though there isn't anything here that sets it apart from any other platformer. It's very bland in that way. It's quite well made and fairly easy, so I think the game is well suited for children, but adults won't get a whole lot out of it.

Sometimes, I forget this game even happened. I wanted it to be good so bad because of my love of 3D platformers, but was so bland. I heard New Super Lucky's Tale was much better, but I was just so burned from this one that I never cared to try the "New" version.

This game seemed very promising awhile back when I first heard about it. Seen the trailers and gameplay, it seemed like it would be Xbox's 3D Mario, which would be great!--as Nintendo seems to be totally against allowing Mario games on any other platforms besides their own.

Upon playing this, it was fun at first but was quite frustrating.
First of all, it just isn't fun to play. You move at a very slow speed with very weak jumps, and unfortunately there is no mouse support for directing the camera at all.

Second, some levels are just straight up unfinished or partly broken. If I recall correctly, some levels required for you to collect X amount of coins for a collectible--however, said level was 10 coins short for achieving this. I needed to find a workaround that had me die on purpose just to gain this.

And if you like to finish a game, regarding achievements. Then you're not gonna like that the game has one achievement that requires you to have 99,999 coins. Coins may be everywhere, but as I said, your character is so slow and it would take me about 700 coins for every 5-7 minutes just to get closer to this achievement's goal.

I don't even understand as to why this game is listed on Steam... I thought Super Lucky's Tale and New Super Lucky's Tale were two entirely different games... but sadly, New Super Lucky's Tale is basically this game but as a finished product.
Do not purchase this game.

Glad to know AS I FINISHED IT that "New" Super Lucky's Tale is but a remake.

The original is passable. Cute and entertaining enough that I won't abandon it in the post-game, but has a feeling of a $15 indie game at most, not something that Microsoft marketed once. Graphics are a bit janky, the controls are floaty, but every level is short and unique enough so it's worth playing if you want that sort of game but have played most other alternatives.

Me incomodei muito com o direcionamento de camera ruim em terceira pessoa que acompanhava o personagem, me prejudicou muito! Porém o jogo tem uma história fácil e simples de ser entendida e cumprida conforme você vai passando as fases. A ambientação dos cenários e muito fofa e o Lucky também.

This is essentially Microsoft trying to replicate the collectathon genre but failing and making it a babies game.

Entretenido, buen juego incluido en Gamepass para jugar en familia.

Don't let the kiddy aesthetic and sound turn you away. This game is actually...okay yeah it is easy, but it's pretty competent. Lucky's moveset is simple but you're given enough to work with to have a good time. Not only that, but its levels are creative too. I was really a fan of the 2D levels, the ones in the Yeti World (Watermelon and Mountain) in particular, but some 3D levels like the Carnival were great. Not every 3D level was a winner but there was none I outright despised. Even if there's one you dislike, the levels in this game are varied enough that something better may just be around the corner. The music isn't anything I'd put on my phone, but it still carried me through the adventure with a smile.

The world's all smiles, and it even gave me a few audiable chuckles. There aren't that many games where the enemy's attack pattern spells out "LUCKY STINKS!". But Lucky doesn't stink. He isn't changing anything in the platformer genre, but he's a great time and if this were my first platformer I know I'd like it a lot.

(I played the improved version of this game, New Super Lucky's Tale, but I chose to discuss the original game instead since the changes are still close enough (added DLC plus tweaks to the camera and controls) to be the same game. If you are interested in this game, the New version is your pick. I highly recommend playing CH1P levels in the game's postgame world, Foxington as well, as those put all the game's mechanics to the test.)

é muito fofinho lembra spyro adoro
Eu amei o game Lucky é uma fofura
o game lembra muito games de 64 adoraria ver um demake dele so por curiosidade <3 que pena que n existiu na minha infância