Reviews from

in the past

It's a short game, a long movie, and maybe six hours to platinum. It's not particularly good and it's not particularly bad. Would have preferred something more engaging with werewolf action. 2015 Average Game of the Year.

The problem isn't the length of the game, it's that it does nothing well or interesting during that length.

A fairly short and boring game but it was an easy platinum trophy and I already owned it.

Kinda garbage, but there were some real fun moments. I liked the shorter length of the game and the world was fun.

this game is bad at everything that isn't graphics

Infamous: Second Son died for this.

Great game, underrated gem, best AAA PS4 game.

It's a cute tech demo, the story is definitely rushed and unfinished tho.

This game has some really cool ideas and looks gorgeous and I know they won't ever make a sequel but they totally should, dammit. There's enough cool stuff (plus a cliffhanger ending) that it deserves to be given another shot.

First and foremost the game looks incredible. Also it actually has a pretty interesting and unique concept and there are a lot of good ideas spread throughout it, that being said most of them are just executed poorly. It's far from the worst game ever, but it's not exactly a good one either. Overall my biggest problem with the game is the extreme over-usage of QTEs. If they ever do follow through with the sequel I'd definitely still play it though.


what if the 1% truly were a secret race of reverse vampires who are literally feasting on the lower class? baby, the order 1886 says just maybe they are.

and it says it with a completely straight face. no shed of irony and playfulness. and i can see how, if you're coming to a piece of fiction that clearly has so much of itself steeped in an absurd genre premise, maybe you want something more like devil may cry.

but what i appreciate about the order 1886 - beyond the fact that it might the single most expensive looking game i've ever played, like it still looks better than just about any game made since - is that it's the inverse of uncharted. almost identical gameplay and camera. maybe order 1886 is a little heavier, a little more meaty and visceral. maybe it's gunplay is a whole level above anything naughty dog have managed to pull off. but instead of taking the real word and adding in quips and the supernatural, the order shoves you in to an alternate steampunk history full of werewolves (who you knife fight) and then removes all the genre personality. it winds up feeling like a story about real people in a lived-in world where things matter as opposed to just action movie archetypes parading through a pirates of the caribbean movie set. it also has two NPCs who show their dicks.

i like uncharted a lot. but gaming is full of uncharteds. it doubles down on uncharteds every day. sony in particular would spend the following years making technically impressive and visually pretty yet soft-hearted open world checklist games that go on and on (see: spidey, horizon, days gone, tsushima). where are the punchy, poe-faced linear narrative games? where are the games that have the balls to show you some dicks every few hours, interspersed between werewolf knife-fights? there is no AAA gaming equivalent to deadwood. this ain't that either. but it's sort of close, and was definitely a step in that direction. shame it's basically the black sheep of sony's ps4 first-party lineup. gaming would be marginally better today taking notes from this.

This one is just ok.

I feel like so much of the discourse during release was surrounding it's price and it's length. When you set those aside, the game itself is just ok. Not terrible. Just an ok cinematic third person shooter.

It's still a shame we never got a sequel.


there's a potentially really cool story to be told here which is a shame as it doesn't look like it'll be told. average gameplay that's saved by being relatively short and doesn't feel padded out.

Um dos graficos mais bonitos do PS4, uma pena a historia ser tão curta

This is a very short game, it's story can be finished in a day actually. That being said I enjoyed my time with this game. It's third-person shooter gameplay is pretty solid and the game is graphically gorgeous, it's only real issues in my opinion are the unskippable cutscenes and the fairly predictable story but I believe a sequel could very well be great given what this game gives it to work with.

Creio que foi o quarto game que finalizei no Playstation 4. História muito boa mas que esbarra no pouco tempo de gameplay.
Hoje em dia, para jogos que são tão caros, o mínimo que se espera deles é uma longevidade digna e um efeito replay ainda mais digno.

De toda forma é um ótimo game e que merece uma sequência.

A ambientação é uma das mais legais que já vi. Gráficos inacreditáveis para a época. Porém medíocre e limitado em todos os outros aspectos.

This stings a bit because there was a lot of potential found in this game. The Order 1886 starts off relatively strong despite many things going against it. The aspect ratio, motion blur, stupid film grain, and obvious game engine trickery meant to cover up glaring flaws in its systems are only the tip of the iceberg.

The Order 1886 - outside of its bog-standard gameplay loop - introduces a litany of writing-related issues that completely crumble a narrative that helmed a strong start. It only takes a few chapters of this game to really show its true colors; a derivative "cinematic" game that takes gameplay structures from Gears of War, melding it with a Victorian-era story, full of fantastical elements that weirdly clash with each other, while additionally ripping off the general plot format and even whole scene ideas from popular films.

The Order 1886 has no soul, and that's what stings about it. There's nothing that really screams passion outside of the visuals, and even then, they're presented at a major cost to technical performance and ugly post-processing effects ala Killzone 2.

Pretty graphics, way too short though. Worth $5 I paid tho.

I wanted there to be more with this game, but I thoroughly enjoyed the little time the game affords to you. The story, the characters, and the setting were all incredibly well done. My largest complaint is that the story is much too brief. In addition, the forced stealth sections in this game were maddening. It's a shame we might never get a sequel. This is one setting that definitely needs additional games.

Creative story but it's short (Galahad is super hot)

The fact i remember nothing about this game should detail enough about why its not worth your time. Short and lacking in finese for a game that was meant to show the power of the PS4.

One of the most egregious examples of wasted potential--the setting, art direction and lore set up this amazing world, and 90% of the gameplay is just shooting Peaky Blinders guys!

I bought this for $7 back in 2015 so finally being able to delete it off my hard drive in 2021 feels good! I realized this was my third time trying to play through this game—the first ten minutes are so incredibly slow and awful, but I was actually starting to enjoy myself until everything after the airship level.

The shooting feels nice, it’s got a good shotgun, and it looks fantastic. But it feels like a PS3 game with ps5 graphics—I hated how blurry the depth of field is and how muddy the colors are. The game should’ve been called Gallahad Needs Glasses! Almost ragequit during the insta-fail stealth section in the garden. Awful, abrupt ending and terrible monster combat.

This game feels like a tech demo in a good way. I would like this game more if they cut out most of the bad cover shooter gameplay because the quick time events and walking sim exploration are good.

Incredible looking game. Gameplay and story are about as bland as it gets, but the game looks fantastic, and the setting is cool as hell. The short length wasn't great.