Reviews from

in the past

A 15 minute point and click lovecraftian adventure about a priest searching for the Eden.
If you are into this kind of stories check it out, it's free.

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you can satisfy your urge for carcinization with this video game

Interesting game that explores Christianity in a Lovecraftian way with an unpleasant (in a good way) visual style and atmosphere. However, while I think that the concept of the story is captivating, its development is too abrupt and needs more time to expand itself in a more natural way because, in its current form, it feels rushed.

A lackluster experience that offers some extremely basic gameplay and somewhat interesting world building but ends at an incredibly unsatisfying point.

i loved every second of this. it's beautifully written, with amazing visuals to compliment it. discover the beginning of time. i just wish it was longer! an existential horror gem, very lovecraftian.

While short as fuck, Water Womb World is one of those games that instantly click with me the second I boot it up. Words don't do it justice, just play the game and let the all encompassing nothingness of the deep sea wash over you.

Very atmospheric horror game. I liked it a lot.

The Yames vibe, translated to a much more game-like structure. I am simply waiting for more.

the gameplay is kind of irritating, and I'm unsure of what the narrative is trying to say, but wow do the visuals build this uneasy throbbing mood

The gameplay is a little irritating, the fish sometimes move very quickly, but the imagery and atmosphere is great. There's a lot of horror games with religious themes and horror games about the deep ocean, but this is the first time I've seen them combined, which is neat! It's free and it lasts 30 minutes, go play it.

a atmosfera desse jogo é muito boa, é claustrofóbica e suja, é assustado as criaturas desse jogo, e todo o questionamento de Deus é tão bom, amei.

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The sacred bootyhole

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Maybe I was too high to figure out what was going on, but idk. God is crazy and I don't want to eat coral.

a more spiritual enlightenment than anything the Catholic Church can offer

A biblical themed underwater narrative adventure, the story is a bit too obtuse for its own good.

i saw this cover and i felt like i was tripping because with an inattentive eye this looked like dummy by portishead cover art so yeah i wanted to try this out

not that much to see here it can be completed in 5 mins and it was kind of a let down i expected more by the initial concept and the game itself just felt kind of cheap and didnt scare me that much but notably im not that easy to scare when its about horror stuff maybe its because i watched every single horror movie in my adolescence but yeah

again not much here to discuss + the scariest shit here is that theres actually people with this kind of over religious and fatalist mindset and thats actually terrifying to me as an atheist

i mean i guess i liked it for what this is

also that title is a fucking trip

an excerpt from the wikipedia page: "Water Womb World is typically regarded as an "unnerving" experience."

by whom ?

Fun little existential horror game. Hoping maybe for a full-length remake with more exploration. Love the artstyle and the atmosphere.

premio con la sufficienza quella che in sostanza è una buona idea e niente più, il gameplay non è che sia povero quanto piuttosto direi essenziale. Punta e clicca che trovo il suo punto forte nell'estetica, la diciamo trama è un topic interessante ma che in una ventina di minuti chiaramente fornisce solo qualcosa di abbozzato

I selfishly wish this was longer(like when you want that extra cake slice you know you shouldn't), but I think the mystique would wash away(heh) if it was. I love everything Yames has put out, but Water Womb World might be my favorite.
The theological musings of the protagonist that border on delusional behavior coupled with the unease every corner of the game seems to exude...SO good.

Uma curta experiência, mas bastante atmosférica e interessante. Não tenho tanta familiaridade com esse tipo de jogos, mas esse aqui me deixou extremamente interessado em conhecer mais do trabalho do Yames e jogos similares.

To start: play this game , it's free and lasts 30 minutes.
One of the weirder titles i played, it managed to fill me with the same sensations (not emotions!) that some really good short stories. Sensations mainly of discomfort; but also of wanting to now more; but also of not wanting to. And ultimately, you cannot know more about this world, so i was left to wonder on what i just experienced, on the sensations, more than on the "lore", and i still remember this game after years, so... um, definitely give it a try!

Entre esto, The Well y Vía Negativa, empiezo a considerar a Yames une artista de pocas temáticas y muchas ideas. Donde el primer juego tanteaba con los elementos de una novela gótica clásica, y Vía Negativa trata de presentarse como una versión retorcida del sacrificio de Job, Water Womb World es, a mi parecer, la obra suya que más reconoce sus raíces lovecraftianas. A decir verdad, hay historias en los Mitos de Cthulhu que se leen prácticamente igual si excusas el componente religioso.

Como ya he dicho, creo que Yames es un poco de piñón fijo, pero mientras la estética y la presentación me entren, estaré dispuesto a excusarlo. Y aquí lo que me ha entrado es la interfaz de PC-98 que lo impregna todo. Con todo, hecho en falta un poquito más de variedad.


Between this, The Well and Via Negativa, I'm beginning to see Yames as an artist with few themes but many ideas. Whereas the first game tinkered with the tropes of a gothic novel, and Via Negativa is like a twisted version of Job's sacrifice, Water Womb World is the one work of his that sits closer to Lovecraft. Truth be told, there are stories in the Cthulhu Myths that read pretty much the same minus the religious component.

As I said, I think Yames is a bit of a one trick pony, but as long as the aesthetics and presentation suit me I'll be willing to play. The PC-98 interface is what did it for me this time, but I missed some variety in the end.

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met god shes coral

Dio Cristo quanto cazzo sono veloci. tento di camperare su sti' stronzi, ma DIO mi punisce