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in the past

Just a super solid game, with the mission stucture and the arena's presence making it one of my favorite AC games, I just think it's super solid!

More AC1 which isn't a bad thing but I do think it is a bit weaker than the first game. Arena mode is a great addition that gives you more options for progression. There is a more personal story but not like it's all that engaging or impactful. I prefer the mystery and moral ambiguity presented in the first game. It is also very linear with less mission variety.

doesn't do much more than provide a short but sweet selection of levels and introduce the arena mode.

This review contains spoilers

Armored Core PP is very much a DLC of the first game in a separate disc form. I enjoyed this more than the original game for a few reasons. Firstly, the story. This has a completely contained and easy to follow story throughout. Another Raven named Sumika is trying to bring down the Doomsday Organization, who is working on Project Phantasma. We work with her to bring them down and also develop a rivalry with Stinger, an AC who works with the DO. We fight stinger many times and slowly chip away at the org until Stinger merges with PP. We have a fight with this and destroy it. Sumika thanks us for the help and says she may work with us again in the future. This was much easier to follow and actually had both named characters and ones we can see in game. I was much more motivated due to this and wanted to win. It was relatively short, but I expected this going into it. As for gameplay, whoo boy. I became much more adept with the gameplay of the 1st gen and cleared through the story without problems. There were no major updates for the gameplay itself, though the game added many new parts. This was easy for me as I migrated my AC from AC1 to use, up until the final fight. This fight was HARD, and I could not figure out what to do. It had two attacks, a giant light AOE and rockets. The AOE was easy enough to dodge, but the missiles I could not consistently dodge, no matter how hard I tried. Combine this with his huge AP and it was a nightmare. I attempted this for about 45 minutes, on my final attempt I died. BUT, my Karasawa beam (my beloved) hit and killed him. I was ecstatic and so glad. The story was good, but they introduced the arena in this add-on. 49 fights to go through at any point and losing costs us nothing. This was so much fun to go through, though the flying ACs were annoying to fight due to the controls. I was able to wipe the arena fairly easy, but some gave me trouble (Jester and Gepard were nightmares until I chose the 3rd map, thank you guide). The #1 arena match was actually relatively easy as well. Overall, a massive upgrade in both story and features, though the controls hold it back.

The main story is hilariously thin and the arena's top half is CBT-tier even with a really busted build. You basically have to pick garage for some of them if you didn't Human Plus in AC1, or else they will glide around at mach 5 and be the hydrogen bomb to your coughing baby.

A great expansion and personally, an overall improvement from the original game in terms of story and characters

Instantly better than the first. You actually have to build and plan for the fights. Most notably the arena has ACs that will smack your ass for taking Karasawa.

Igual de solido que el primero, y bastante agradecido por la nueva variedad de armas.

PD: Stinger se la come

I completed the expansion with a 99% build of the game and an absurd optional taken from it. That's all it offered me and what this disappointing expansion has to say: just an optional. The levels are ridiculous, there are cutscenes and a rival that does nothing but get beaten from the beginning to the end of the game. It set out to be more cinematic, but in the end it just comes off as awkward.
Everything it has that is enjoyable comes from AC1, and what it adds, excluding the arena, is to be discarded. It is forgettable, silly, a task without infamy or praise from a technical point of view. However, since I wanted to immerse myself in this experience because of the supposed references, I deserve to suffer this disappointment.

pretty fun though a little short, and very unbalanced. i had absolutely zero problems with every encounter in the game until the final boss which i had multiple attempts on with multiple different guns where i literally ran out of ammo without missing any shots and still didnt kill it, until i just used the finger which killed it in a few seconds.

More of the same post-AC1. If you really want to go back and play all of these games, I'm sure you'll like Phantasma just as much as AC1, but I don't see any reason to burn through all of them knowing that there are plenty of QoL changes down the road for the series!

This is an improvement on AC1 in nearly every way. Not as many missions, but they're much higher quality, and also longer. You can even import all your mech parts from the first game if you want. Solid entry.

Making every mission story focused creates an incredibly tight experience that improves upon Armored Core 1 in every way. I give this game the highest recommendation. I’m sure it’s made even better by transferring your data from the first game, but while I played the ps1 games in order, I did not ever transfer my saves.

Man that one mission in the snow field is just too hard

An excellent expansion, with it's only major flaw being a lack of innovation. Perhaps that is a little harsh, but, while I did enjoy my time with this, by the end I've now tired a little of the standard combat in the PlayStation 'Armored Core' games. 'Project Phantasma' is easily more enjoyable than it's jumping off point though, and if you wanted more it will deliver greatly with a much more consistent array of levels, each more structurally interesting and layered than most of which consisted the original 'Armored Core'.

The narrative as well is far more put together, with better established, endearingly one dimensional characters like Sumika and Stinger, the latter of whom makes for some excellent boss encounters. It's still the same campy fun, though this time more coherent and dressed with more interesting missions. There is some very funny dialogue which gave me a nice giggle but I feel like it'll be a while before the plot and characters of these games really become appealing to me beyond this very 'video gamey' acknowledgment. Still, nothing wrong with that at all, but the almost eerie desolation of FromSoftware's environment work here does a sound enough job of putting me on level with the series' 'corporate death-valley' world concept that I find oddly intriguing in ways that make me feel as if it's a idea worthy of more than this.

The greatest success of 'Project Phantasma' is most definitely the inclusion of 'Arena' mode. Fighting other ACs was by far the most fun of the first entry and having a dedicated mode where you can contend with a hefty, diverse playlist of enemy AC fights in maps of your choosing which wont punish you for failure is not only great fun in a vacuum, but is bolstered by a satisfying leaderboard vertical progression climb and economic incentive, which makes it easier to have a stable means to getting new parts for your mech, encouraging experimentation. I didn't look up any recommendations for parts this time and while I stuck stubbornly with my tetrapods crawlies because I am bloody terrible at these games, I changed up my weapons and arms significantly more because the Arena not only demanded I do so, but lovingly handed me the wares I wished for.

On a final note, by no means is this review to suggest that 'Project Phantasma' is lazy. Not at all, even if it is mostly more of the same, additions like the Arena on the macro scale gives a change in pace and structure that does the game many favours even if it all still plays the same. On the micro scale, little things like how there's a small commitment to even the Arena maps having little gimmicks like being able to blow up warehouses that act as cover show that 'Project Phantasma' is made from great passions and learned experience from 'Armored Core', however it isn't an essential development. I have great confidence in recommending this to those who enjoyed the other 1997 game, but otherwise this doesn't do all that much. Good fun! Excited for Generation 2 :)

this game is rlly easy if you just finger your enemies

This is more of an expansion for AC1 and it's pretty solid by having an actual story going on with a bit of rivarly, it also introduces the arena mode in which you work your way to the top by 1v1 up to 50 opponents with scaling difficulty, this mode gives some neat rewards in the virtue of mech parts and credits.

overall this is was a solid 4 hour experience that had probably one of the hardest final boss I've seen which is surprising because the rest of the game isn't as brutal as I thought it would be.

8/10 become one with Phantasma.

It's really short but the missions are much better designed than AC1's and there's actually kind of a story this time, with 2 actual characters, which is cool

Also Dark Rider is a fucking bitch

more of whats good is never bad, which is exactly what this game is. for those already familiar with the first game, you can use a mouse injector to have mouse aim and still brute force the karasawa, except for the last boss, i had to change my build twice but it was tons of fun even i sacrificed cool mech legs to make a dps tank to kill phantasm, at the end you even get a cool pink mech GF

Está bien, no mucho que decir, la historia se me ha hecho más interesante que la del juego base, se nota mucho que está pensado para jugar con el save del anterior juego y está mucho más divertido así.

is an expansion and feels like it , not as iconic as the first one but still a good time if you use your AC1 savefile

Honestly. Too short. Ham-fisted story. The other two are better.

I'd have rated this 3 stars, because the story is a lot less interesting than the first game and levels feel a lot... grindier.

But man, that one jungle level, skulking through the bushes with that music playing in the background... that was a real highlight for me, enough to push it half a star further!

This is essentially the Opposing Force for Half Life as this is to AC1. Missions are much better, though in shorter quantity. Story is a lot more concise and actually pretty entertaining, too. All the new parts introduced are kind of awesome, especially the final part acquired from the Arena which is just a complete melter to anything it touches.

Speaking of Arena, Arena! This is the first time it appeared in true form and its quite good! Very basic, but the fights are fun, the maps are varied, and some fights are completely fucking bullshit! (Pale Rider is quite literally just insane)

Good entry!

This game tells you that there's an option to import your save from the first game, but that's a lie.... Isn't an option, it's a must 'cause is almost imposible to finish withouth it and you would get your ass wipe out of the existence at the new arena mode

Despite of that is a good experiment for what was going to be the next game and the story take a more personal approach... not sure how to feel about your Jerid Messa rival

at the time I thought it was better than AC1 but as time went on I was a bit soured by how a lot of the content in this one felt a bit lacking with a lowered mission count and not very interesting arena application compared to later entries. it's still a fine game just not a favorite

Just beating out Verdict Day in the vote for Armored Core With Most Awkward to Abbreviate Subtitle, Project Phantasma is the second game in the series and it is... middle of the road. It's not the AC game that most could have been an email, but it probably could have been an email. In fact it would absolutely be DLC today, with only a handful of new parts added and a story clocking in at maybe three hours (not that most other games in the series get far past the 8-12 range, counting just the main story).

Said story is considered sort of... an oddity. It has more... it's more of an... it has A Character. Like a persistent supporting one who's relevant to the plot. That's more than the other very early games, or at least the others never really show up on screen. Sumika is another Raven, though, and you occasionally co-op with her. That said, the main impression the story gave me was of something more... Saturday Morning than the usual Armored Core fare. It's a very straightforward, self-contained conflict against a single antagonist, who is also probably the most Generic Cartoon Supervillain character in the series. He even has kind of a catchphrase, which is pretty annoying. (Ha ha, get it? It's like the thing!) But hey, the voice actor is having fun with it. It's just not exactly the darkly camp political commentary or high-melodrama real robot anime tropes the rest of the series might get you used to: a bad man wants to build a scary robot to take over the world, so you shoot at him until he dies, and also, a lady is there. (I'm not marking this as spoilers.)

It must be said that by far Project Phantasma's biggest contribution to the series, if not exactly a unique draw, was the Arena. Basically just a series of standalone, optional AC duels in which you climb a rankings ladder one opponent at a time, it's an instant-staple game mode that didn't exist in AC1; the concept of Ravens being officially ranked was just there for narrative flavor, despite the rankings getting an entire main menu option. It honestly feels a little wrong that the Arena started here. Not, like, morally wrong, it just sounds Incorrect. I mean, the very next game is the one that's actually about the Arena. PP doesn't mention it in the story at all, as far as I can remember; it's kind of such a random Thing Off to the Side you could be forgiven for assuming it's nondiegetic, up until you play Master of Arena.

I will also point out that the reward for beating the final arena opponent is one of the funniest weapons in the series--the FINGER, a hand-shaped five-barreled machine gun with absolutely obscene DPS that also burns through ammo faster than any weapon in the game. That might almost balance itself out if not for the ammo capacity being 3000. Yeah, Fromsoft wasn't really big on constant balance tweaks yet at this point, but this thing got nerfed into fucking oblivion for the next game.

Mission design is... fairly solid, for the early series. I'd call it more even than AC1, if not necessarily better; it's possibly debatable which game has higher peaks, although I'm leaning 1, but 1 for sure has lower valleys. PP is a very Safe kind of game compared to the two it's sandwiched between. I don't recommend skipping it, but neither do I really recommend not skipping it; it's just, Some More. Take it or leave it.

Anyway, the next game pops the fuck off.

É pior que o primeiro mas adicionou umas coisas boas