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É a dlc que tem os chefes que decidiram como seriam os chefes da fromsoftware no futuro, provavelmente meu único problema com essa dlc é que é meio curta mas nada que 4 chefes incríveis não faça e puta merda o manus no ng++ é simplesmente uma desgraça.

Dando a mesma nota que o jogo completo, bosses muito legais, principalmente o Artorias

Has some really cool bosses and areas but was dragged down my those stupid mage enemies that shoot those dark fireball things. They were harder than the bosses.

The cinematic of Gough shooting down Kalameet was PEAK . Can't believe I beat Kalameet first try lol. Artorias took 6 and beat Manus on the 2nd attempt, thank god for that pendant. Can't imagine the fight without it. The DLC was definitely the peak of DS1 though. The music, atmosphere, and vibes of the garden sanctuary and woods were so good. With the yellow storm cloud filled sky above you. Gas. Thank you Miyazaki.

Это изумительное DLC можно описать кратко так: если бы я не знал, что это дополнение, я бы и не заметил. Настолько оно органично вплетено в основной сюжет и высококачественно сделано. Боссы тут, говорят, одни из самых сложных и интересных во всей игре. Моему перекаченному персонажу они дались достаточно просто, но битвы с ними были действительно крутыми. Особенно с Арториасом, Путником Бездны. Если вы прошли всех боссов в Dark Souls, кроме финального, и чувствуете, что вам эта игра очень нравится, то пройдите сначала дополнение, а потом отправляйтесь к Гвину, Повелителю Пепла, поскольку дополнение нельзя начать отдельно, а после концовки основной игры сразу начинается новая игра+

I got to Artorias, experienced peak and then didn't do anything more than that after beating him.

Artorias of the Abyss is a phenomenal DLC pack that is pretty much everything a DLC should be. It has 2 great levels, even compared to the phenomenal ones in the base game, and 4 awesome bosses that push the players skill beyond what the base game wanted from the player. As someone who's first souls game was DSR (and has it tied with TOTK as my favorite game OAT), I never actually played the dlc until I 100%ed the game, as I didn't even realize it was bundled in with the remastered collection. My character was like NG+6 and I made a very smart decision in having like 60 points in VIT and 30 in strength, making me extremely underpowered and not even being able to get past the second boss. However on subsequent playthroughs I went through the dlc in the intended ng cycle, and came back later once I learned the bosses' movesets to my knowledge of them in the base game and managed to finish it up on my original character. My only real gripes with the DLC is that the final area has one sorcerer in an annoying spot, making me take a hidden shortcut on subsequent runs to kill it as I attempt the final boss, and that of the 4 phenomenal bosses, the first intro boss (sanctuary guardian) is a bit of a let down, and I don't have much personal attachment to it or get much joy from besting it. Still a great DLC pack, but definitely some gripes which hold it back from being one of my favorites in the game.

I got gangbanged and dmc'd by Manus

rip in piss won't miss

Artorias is my idol (I killed his gf lmao)

DLC fod@, como toda DLC deveria ser...

Finished Dark Souls Remastered like a month ago, I even platinumed it.
In all my 50hs of the game I never came across any info on the dlc area.
There wasn't even trophies for it so I completly frogot it even had dlc.
But now after randomly watching a stream yesterday I remember it indeed had dlc. So I looked at a guide for how to enter it (imposible to know otherwise) and finally played it.
It took me less than 3 hours to fully complete it, so kind of dissaponitng.
There are some cool lore bits of information and the bosses are decent, but the areas are just reused areas from the main game and the finale after beating the final boss is a nothing burger.

The first ever DLC made by Miyazaki led FromSoftware. A DLC that manages to remedy the problems of the base game by introducing two of the greatest bosses in the entire series and deepening the lore greatly.

This begun the age of FromSoftware.

"Thou art strong human, surely thine kind are more than pure Dark"

Deaths: 5

The perfect DLC for an amazing game. The boss fights are amazing my favourite being Artorias. The areas are kinda weak with the enemies being annoying and the town being kinda confusing even on the many replays I have done but still enjoyable.

If you play Dark Souls 1 do yourself the pleasure of playing the DLC it is really that good.

this is like the best part of dark souls 1. artorias was soooooo cool

Marvelous DLC just like Bloodborne and DS3 ones

berserk reference but fuck that stupid bitch ass dragon and the abyss

Si hay una cosa que me ha gustado de este DLC, es que sabe llegar en el momento perfecto. Es como un pequeño rayo de luz en la absoluta oscuridad que es la segunda mitad de Dark souls. Tras varias localizaciones soporíferas y bosses poco inspirados, "Artorias of the abyss" te recuerda porque te enamoraste de Dark Souls en un principio. Vuelve a mostrar esa “chispa” en su diseño de niveles pese a no ser tan excelente como los momentos iniciales de este. Es imposible pedirle tanto de todas formas.

Por otro lado, "Artorias of the abyss" ha conseguido transmitirme una sensación de la que había oído hablar, pero que yo no había sido capaz de experimentar en Dark Souls. La famosa sensación de superación que invade tu cuerpo tras intentar demasiadas veces una pelea contra un jefe y derrotarlo finalmente. No se si es que la zweihander está rota ,o ya tengo demasiados rpgs a mi espalda, pero ningún boss me había costado más de 3 intentos a lo sumo. Sin embargo aquí es diferente. Se nota que tenían más libertad sabiendo que es un contenido totalmente opcional. Y clavan esa sensación con bosses como Manus, Kalameet o Artorias.

En definitiva, "Artorias of the abyss" consigue encapsular la esencia de Dark Souls en un punto en el que poco a poco el título estaba perdiendo su carácter. La recupera con algunas de las mejores batallas contra jefes de todo el título. Es un DLC brillante.

Nobody was ready for Atorias! From Software really nailed the movement of bosses at this point!

Not much I can say about Artorias of the Abyss that I haven't said about Dark Souls. Knight Artorias, while being a bitch at the end, was a pretty fun fight though.

Essa DLC tem os melhores Bosses do jogo e a lore de Oolacilee é muito foda. A primeira DLC de muitas que a fromsoftware (Miyazaki) iria vir a cozinhar.


essa DLC simplesmente tem os melhores chefes do jogo, tem uma história bacana e apesar de sua duração ser relativamente curta (tu zera dentro de umas 4 ou 5 horas dependendo do seu nível de experiência com outros souls) é muito bem feitinha.

OBS: pra quem tiver interessado em fazer a platina desse jogo e não quer fazer NG++ pra pegar as outras titanites slabs, essa DLC dá slabs extras e elimina a necessidade de ter que fazer outra run pra pegar as conquistas de armas.

Does well to add to the base game. There's some interesting level design that is pretty short but intricate enough, as well as some of the best bosses in the game (mostly without annoying runbacks.) It's pretty annoying the steps you must go through to reach this DLC, but the thing itself is a solid addition to one of the best games.

expectations on this were high, and yeah, i get it, but it's definitely not perfect. the areas are generally well designed, though i think royal wood is kinda dumb to navigate. the bosses are where this dlc really shines anyway. 3/4 of them are basically the best bosses in the game. artorias is electrifyingly good, manus is fun as long as you have the pendent, and kalameet is the only dragon fight in the dark souls trilogy I don't absolutely despise! he's actually really fun to fight! fuck you midir! the one boss that's a miss, though... lord. I hate sanctuary guardian so fucking much. actual dogshit boss. anyways old hunters clears lol, but this was kickass.

Easily some of the best content in the game. This dlc adds some really interesting lore to the world of Lordran, along with one of the most iconic fights in the franchises history - the titular Artorias. The additions to the world are colourful and really interesting except for the last stretch, but overall some really good areas.