Reviews from

in the past

Kafa siken ansiklopedi gibi oyun kurallarını öğrendikten sonra zevk alınabilir iyi bir oyuna benziyor ama ben öğrenemem.

Está lleno de bugs, y algunos DLC no están bien equilibrados.
Pero me encanta el mecanismo procedural de historias, que no sólo te da objetivos a corto plazo, sino que también te permite mezclar la Estrategia con un juego de Rol. La personalización de unidades es fantástica para mejorar y diversificar a las unidades que desbloqueas, y las distintas facciones tienen mecánicas únicas y muy interesantes.

Tengo MUCHAS ganas de un Endless Legend 2 que pula todos los fallos, equilibre las facciones y el progreso tecnológico. Tienen muy buenas ideas y deseo verlas bien pulidas.

This game is so unbelievably addicting, one of the best 4x experiences ever made.

There is so much genuine variety in playstyle between the different factions in this game. The quickest 270+ hours I've ever had taken away from me.

I had a lot of fun on this game for the weekend when it was free for a limited time and now I can't stop thinking about it. It is a great with a lot of love to it and where it has many features seen in Civilization and Fallen Enchantress, this game overcomes that with taking those ideas and improving upon them greatly.

Each faction feels different and not the same with slight variations. Many of the factions have lots of boons and weaknesses that complete this difference as well as special abilities unique to them. I had a lot of fun playing as the Necrophages. That being said, the game feels even more fresh when as you play, you get quests from your own faction that evolves with interesting story to it that can unlock unique hero units and buildings.

I find that all the new DLC that have been added over the years simply shows how the developers behind this game continue to work hard and love both their game and the community that love it.

If you're looking for a 4X game with a bunch of complex ideas that don't trip over each other then you should most certainly consider this game.

Edit: Love the mod support for this which often adds not just races, but also extra mechanics that add to the base game and makes the DLC worth the actual pricing.

I don't know what it is about this game, but I went from very excited to over it in record time. I'm a big fan of 4x games but this one just ended up losing my attention very quickly.

It may have been combat, or just how uninvolved in the game's proceedings I felt. Felt kind of like a 4x games for people who don't actually want to play a 4x game to me.

very lovely 4x game, a breath of fresh air at the time. reminded me of fall from heaven 2 back in civ iv

One thing that never really clicked with me and Civilization was that many factions felt similar with some small bonuses to certain playstyles. Endless Legend though resolves this by having fewer factions, but the ones there play very different. It makes picking each faction a very different play experience, though many are limited to a single playstyle. My only major gripe is the timeframe limitations. You have a hard date before the world ends and it can be a bit annoying to not let things play through to conclusion.

I feel like the experience was a bit less tight than Endless Space, especially on release. It was fun, but something didn't grab me as much as the Endless Space games. Good original set of races though, VERY inspired selection.

They really weren't joking when they called this "endless"

Sweet Jesus, the map. Those cliffs. That sprawl. Every shimmering detail. The irresistible combination of hard geometry and alien fecundity.

Then I realize that ‘moss pearls’ and ‘ruby cactus fields’ are just fancy names for money and science bonuses. Faction differences are compelling, but there’s something so samey and familiar about the mid-game slog.

It’s still just Civ.

Nothing is more gripping, turn for turn, than a good 4X game, and yet they leave me feeling so vacant and wasted afterwards. The whole experience lacks some essential shape, and satisfaction never arrives. As the endgame peters out, I’m just spent.

Beautiful game with amazing ideas - too bad that the combat completely blows.

This game is awesome, and my favorite 4x not called Civ. Lots of really cool ideas here.

Neat game but got bored of it fast.

The gameplay didn’t keep me interested as long as a lot of 4X games, but the setting and visuals are great

Kind of mid 4X4. I've finished like two campaigns.

Although I can't say the game offered me a ton of replayability, it is definitely one of the best looking 4X games ever, and also has a unique setting that I love returning to.

This is one of those games I buy because I get really excited about a genre and only play once or twice. if you can convince a group of people who probably have civilization 5 or 6 to play this over civ then I bet it could be a really fun time.

This is my favorite 4X game, and possibly my favorite game of all time. The ENDLESS universe has inspired me greatly, and Endless Legend is without a doubt my favorite entry in the series (shoutout to Endless Space 2, though!).

There are a dozen or so unique factions (each with a wildly different playstyle from the others) and a whole bevy of options for customizing the map and game settings. There's always something new to try, and there are tons of mods on the Steam workshop as well. I will never be done playing this game.

I highly recommend downloading the community patch!

Something that really stands out to me is how much lore there is, and how well-crafted it is. Amplitude has even created a canon map of Auriga to play on, if you want the REAL experience. Also, the OST is simply superb. I honestly could gush for hours about it, but it's best you just go listen to it yourself!

Mi clásica historia de amor-odio con los juegos 4x. Los engancho obsesivamente y luego los repudio.

Das Spiel hat (vor allem mit den DLCs) eine Menge Komplexität, was aber auch etwas den Reiz dieses Spiels ausmacht. Als ich mir damals das Spiel geholt habe, spielte ich es wie besessen mit meine Freunden. Es macht viele Kleinigkeiten besser als Civilization. Zudem ist das Worldbuilding und die Charakterisierung der Fraktionen unglaublich gelungen. Quests geben auch neuen Spielern etwas, worauf sie sich konzentrieren können. Es hat dennoch ein paar Ecken und Kanten, zum Beispiel ist die Steuerung von Kämpfen etwas indirekt und beim Ausrüstungssystem wurde etwas übertrieben.
Ich habe endlos Stunden in dieses Spiel investiert und bereue keine davon.

Possibly my favorite turn-based 4X game, with Endless Space 2 up there as well. I really love these Endless games.

Un buen juego para estar de rato en rato. Hay razas con sus particularidades que hacen que las cosas sean entretenidas y visualmente se hace atractivo ese look fresco respecto a los Civilization, pero cuando uno rasca a partir de esa superficie se encuentra un juego que si bien tiene miga entre facciones también está profundamente desbalanceado con respecto a según qué facciones.

What if 4X, but gorgeous, and smartly crafted? Get the expansion too!