Reviews from

in the past

Der er få spil der har været så stor en særinteresse for mig som enter the gungeon var i en periode. Absolut fænomenalt

Pretty fun with a lot to explore. Fun to just find random goofy shit every round. Makes you want to keep coming back.

Im 20 hours in, havent beaten floor five, and this is one of the best indie games of all time

Nice rogue-like, but I think Isaac just spoiled me to the point where it's very difficult for me to enjoy any other game in the genre. I really appreciate the game's charme though.

Enter The Gungeon is very committed to its puns. Intrusive or not, it's quite charming, though a little unremarkable at times.

One of my favorite roguelites that I enjoy returning to from time to time. Its aesthetic and wacky sense of humor are very enjoyable, the gun systems especially with later added synergies are fun to play around with and optimize in different ways. It's extremely difficult, especially later on, but feels so good and tightly controlled.

A person must understand that sometimes a gun is not a gun.

Sometimes a gun is
a rubber ducky
or a frog that shoots bubbles
or the spine of some alien creature
or a banana
or a barrel that shoots fish
or a bullet that shoots guns that shoot bullets
or a fake AK-47 that's actually a noodle (?)
or a demon head
or a shovel
or a boxing glove
or just a gun, actually
or a pea shooter that sucks
or literally the fucking letter 'r' (in lowercase)
or a wood beam (huh?!)
or a baloon gun
or a teapot

Probably the most time I've ever put into a roguelike. So much stuff to do, so many different ways to do it.

180 Hours
My Favorite game of all time, never to be dethroned.

juegazo muy chistoso. Muy buen roguelike o lite o dislike

el mejor roguelike q he jugado (solo he jugado 1)

RNG based gun action with very underpowered and overpowered guns.

just kinda boring, I really don't see the appeal here

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

Soy bastante principiante en esto de los rogue-lites, pero sé que Enter the Gungeon es un gran referente del género. Y después de jugar durante 10 horas, entiendo por qué. Enter the Gungeon es un juegazo que lleva muy bien el género. Ahora voy a hablar en profundidad del juego así que, empecemos.

En Enter the Gungeon, tendremos que explorar las Armazmorras, unas dungeons de toda la vida solo que tienen como temática (intentad adivinarlo) las armas. Se dividen en varias recámaras, y en cada una hay diferentes enemigos, tipos de sala y jefes. Jugablemente es una locura. El sistema de combate es sin duda lo mejor, teniendo en cuenta que han hecho un sistema de apuntado que funciona muy bien para ser en 2 dimensiones. Al sistema de combate se le añade la profundidad de objetos (tanto activos como pasivos) y de diferentes armas (algunas muy graciosas por cierto) que hacen cada run realmente única. Los enemigos y bosses de las mazmorras (aunque me quedan muchos por descubrir, sobre todo jefes) están bastante bien y tienen maneras muy diferentes de combatirse, por lo que acabas haciendo estrategias para cada enemigo o boss del juego.

El diseño de mazmorras del juego me encanta. Están se crean procedimentalmente (o en idioma normal, aleatoriamente) haciendo todo tipo de combinaciones. La progresión en estas también se siente muy natural, teniendo muchos tipos de salas que se van desbloqueando poco a poco y haciendo que cada run pueda tener algo de importancia, desde encontrar un nuevo NPC o conseguir un nuevo objeto que no habías visto nunca. El hub principal (que se llama la Brecha) también está bastante bien, aunque siento que es un proyecto muy a largo plazo (como todo el juego en realidad) pero que se siente muy bien al avanzar un poquito.

Audiovisualmente, está muy bien. En el apartado gráfico, el juego tiene un estilo artístico muy bonito, que aunque sea pixel-art (algo que ya tenemos sinceramente todos muy visto) es muy bonito, con un diseño de personajes, enemigos y zonas espectacular y animaciones bastante buenas también. Y la OST del juego es una pasada. La verdad que tiene temazo tras temazo y me ha sorprendido mucho en este aspecto.

Como me queda mucho narrativamente que ver (aunque puedo decir que los personajes que he visto me han gustado mucho y que el humor aunque a veces sea un poco absurdo, está bastante bien) termino la reseña diciendo que Enter the Gungeon me gusta muchísimo. Es típico juego que es bueno tenerlo instalado siempre por si acaso no tienes nada que hacer y te apetece echar un par de runs. Si te gustan los rogue-lites, es un must-play y si no, empieza con este que te lo vas a pasar en grande

I tried very hard to like this game, but I never could. I found the game to be very stingy with drops and resources. And that it was generally just too demanding for how little it was willing to reward.

I lost interest when I played a floor without getting hit and without spending any casings only to come up one short for the shortcut I was trying to unlock.

Came back years later and just could never get into it again. Roguelikes are an uphill battle for me anyway, and the margins on this one were just too tight.

Fun with friends,
Hides the pain away

A parody of Isaac wrapped in hardcore and bulethell, worthy.. worthy

Пародия на айзека в обертке хардкора и булетхелла, достойно.. достойно

Super fun and very replayable

Tenho lembranças muito boas com esse jogo. Esse foi o único jogo que tive coragem de platinar


Note: This log/entry is about my time with the PS port but I have hundreds of hours on the Switch version

Frankly I will never forgive this game for being my gold standard of what other roguelikes need to live up to because I'm confident nothing else will top this for me. I love other Roguelikes (Dead Cells, StS, Dicey Dungeons) but Gungeon is the peak for me

Also mg biggest gaming flex is that I got "Lead God" on my 5th run of the Playstation version

EtG is a peculiar title for me to collect my thoughts on because it's simultaneously a lot of things i hate about art and corporatism while also being kinda just fun to play.

the gungeon "series" has no particularly important continuity or overarching lore, it is a vessel for you to shove "references" into (1-1 things from other media, sometimes changed enough to prevent an issue of copyright from coming into play, sometimes unadapted), similar to the setting of Dead By Daylight, and while i think it has a little more going on in terms of substance, Dead Cells makes me feel the same way. if there's anything cool in Gungeon, you can bet your ass there's a trivia bulletpoint on the fandom wiki somewhere that tells you how it's actually just from another piece of media as a derivative. i do not like this very much, and i am not at all a fan of getting keys jangled in my face so that i get the pavlovian response of "oh, like a car! i see!" and clap.

on the flipside, though, this is genuinely a fun roguelike that has a lot of design decisions that i think are rad and fun, simultaneously being difficult with genuine resource management most of the time while also being willing to give you a god run for the lulz from one or two pickups, which is something i think other roguelikes attempt to strike a tenuous balance of which can ultimately make them feel unsatisfying, middling, or oddly consistent for a roguelike, with Risk of Rain 2 coming to mind.

i feel bad for getting attached to any characters in particular, i think some are cool though in simultanea i know it's either a basic checklist trope quota or it's a pull from another piece of media. comparing it to a roguelike i don't even particularly like playing, Isaac, which while occasionally containing references, goes in & goes hard for its setting. i remember a ton of things about Isaac even though when it comes to the question of "would you play this again? even if someone forked out like 50$ for you to do it, would you actually have any fun playing it?" i would answer "no." in regards to isaac, but yes to gungeon. it's strange.

overall i don't know how to feel about it. i would agree with someone dismissing it as "mid", though wouldn't disagree with someone saying "it's quite good". i don't entirely regret getting 100% on it because i did have fun, but i also bring up Gungeon as an example of what you should never do with your setting unless you are completely devoid of passion and love for planet earth. yet it's also not a game like Blazblue, where i can say "some parts of this are genuinely some of the sickest things ever created and the rest of it blows ass", because it is not a game of "best evers", nor is it necessarily a game of "worst evers", it just purely goes neutral in all things. peculiar game. soulslike.

Really good rougelike. I never got into it as much as I know a lot of people did, but its very fun.

What all rougelikes should aspire to be. My only complaint is that I wish there were more game to play.

Good Gungeons great rouglike

Good-ish roguelike with a fun theme, cute (if too-numerous) references, and cool weapons/items. Unfortunately, it's not that fun to play. Hostile to beginners with a weak/non-existent learning curve and way too much restarting/retreading, even for this genre. Seems pointless way before it should. Kind of a shame as it feels like it's close to something special.

justo con el issac de los mejores roguelite

imagine if you entered a mine instead, and all you could see was coal