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As far as weird lil games to play on a friday night with a gummy so you can unwind from your work week games go this one is real nice. Was definitely confused when I switched over from the main game to the Katamari Damacy inspired add on, but that may be related to the aforementioned thc infused gum drop.

I have been obsessively checking the Mouthwashing steam page to see if a release date has been announced. I played this in hopes that it would satiate me a bit but i feel even more impatient. The thing with cryptic/esoteric games (and art in general) that I like is that when it resonates with me, it feels like they're reading my damn mind. This game just speaks my language and I can't wait to get a more substantive experience from these devs.

this game is beautiful and gross and funny and sad and just a whole lot in under an hour. definitely unique and worth your time if you like fish but hate fishing

Only the real ones picked down.

Leshoid gives it a: Cool
Beaten on the 5/05/23

Most philosophical fish game ever.

How Fish Is Made is by far one of the most unique indie horror games I have played in recent years.

This game was one I had in my steam library for a while, but ended up not playing because I had thought it looked boring. After now venturing out and playing a bunch of indie horror games, I decided to finally play this one, and I was shocked that it was as good as it was.

The aesthetic is extremely good, the PSX aesthetic blends well with the grimy, gritty sewer system you are in. Everything feels gross, and oily. And it does all of that so well.

The DLC for the game is by far the grossest part of it, but it essentially just is a teaser for the developers next game, Mouthwashing, which I will be playing when it releases.

Really good game you should check out.

Overall: 8/10

اللعبة مملة نوعا ما وما فيها شي مميز يذكر لعبة عادية تصميمها مناسب فكرتها غريبة حواراتها جيدة.. لعبة عادية جدا واحسها تجربة جميلة بالنسبة للعبة مجانية قصيرة جدا

Short but insanely cool experience. I don't really get what the story was trying to tell, but the ambience was so cool it completely sunk me in during the entire duration of it (it's short, but I have ADD so that's quite an achievement.
The low poly and rusty gore along with the funny silly fish make it an incredibly memorable experience.

my official first foray into little bitty games was a great experience! despite being kinda messy and strung out (even at like 20 mins of material) i got quite an emotional response from it...the central conceit of an arbitrary and unknowable choice lends every little quirk of design a thudding weight, and in the end i felt...victorious in my unwavering conviction

i also played the expansion, which felt less inspired but certainly on the cusp of something profound with its more violently consumptive nature...i find myself dwelling on the inherent themes that come with the mechanics of a game, which i'm certain is something a lot of these smaller works will focus informative and promising start to this journey!

Tengo tripofobia el videojuego
Dev deja los porros el videojuego

Certainly has fish, but probably not the most compelling narrative (if it's trying to tell one). It's free though so perhaps worth looking at anyways for an under 30 minute playthrough.

How Fish is Made isn't just your typical video game—it's a transformative odyssey through the labyrinth of existential inquiry that left an indelible mark on my soul. From the moment I plunged into its immersive universe, I sensed that I was embarking on an extraordinary voyage.

The game's narrative unfolds like a symphony of philosophical musings, interweaving threads of existential pondering, moral quandaries, and the relentless pursuit of purpose. Every decision I made felt consequential, as though I were sculpting not only the fate of the characters, but also my own philosophical outlook.

Visually arresting, every pixel seemed to pulsate with the essence of the game's spirit, beckoning me to contemplate the intricacies and wonders of existence. The soundtrack, haunting yet enchanting, echoed the game's themes, stirring emotions deep within my core.

However, what truly distinguishes How Fish is Made is its ability to provoke introspection. As I navigated its depths, I found myself grappling with existential dilemmas, confronting my deepest fears, and ultimately, unearthing layers of myself I never knew existed. It's rare for a video game to possess such profound transformative power, but How Fish is Made transcends the realm of mere entertainment—it's a catalyst for personal evolution and self-realization.

Even now, long after I've completed the game, its lessons reverberate within me. How Fish is Made isn't just a game; it's a philosophical voyage—a magnum opus that has forever altered the course of my life. It's more than an experience; it's a revelation—a masterpiece that will continue to resonate with me for years to come.

One of the neater creepy microgames I've played.

Este es un caso extraño para mi, porque mientras lo jugaba se me ocurrian varias cosas sobre lo que estaba haciendo y a la vez creo que no es correcta ninguna, o al menos no en su totalidad.

How Fish is Made es un juego gratuito que en muy pocos minutos de duracion te mete en la piel de un pez que parece metido en una especie de maquina de procesamiento donde nada mas llegar otro pez te hace saber que al final de ese viaje tendras que escoger entre ARRIBA y ABAJO, sin darte ni un solo dato mas. No es una decision especial para ti, todos los peces deben hacerlo, y no sabes cuales seran las consecuencias de lo que escojas.
Por el camino nos encontraremos otros peces, y cada uno nos dira su opinion sobre la decision, mostrandonos varias maneras de abordarla.

Si todos somos peces en una maquina de procesamiento ¿de verdad tenemos eleccion? ¿importa siquiera que escojamos? ¿hay alguna diferencia entre escoger entre cosas que desconoces? ¿es algo que queremos escoger nosotros o se nos impone escoger?...

Esas son las preguntas que me he preguntado yo, y puedo ver que pueden salir incluso mas cosas si sigues haciendo lecturas, pero la realidad es que no tengo ni respuestas para ellas ni de si esas son las preguntas que queria plantear el juego.

Añadir tambien que hay una expansion que esta menos enfocada en lo narrativo pero que coge el gameplay de Katamari y esta muy curioso tambien.

Tuve la oportunidad de jugar este juego hace tiempo, y volviendo a él, repito mucho de lo que ya dije. Es un ejercicio simple de nihilismo, llevado a un aspecto de la industria humana especialmente siniestro, y a fin de cuentas, es poco más que una excusa para que le autore comparta su completo nihilismo ante la vida. En sus mejores momentos, este juego se siente como un exabrupto terapéutico, un grito de rabia convertido en píxel. Esa rabia puede ser muy poderosa de sentir, pero necesita menos ironía auto-impuesta.


I already played this game a while ago, and going back to it, I'm getting mostly the same. It's a simple exercise in nihilism that's using a particularly sinister aspect of human industry, and in the end, it's more of an excuse for the author to share how little value they find in life. At its best moments, this game feels like a therapeutic outburst, a cry of rage turned pixel. That rage can be very powerful to experience, but it needs less debilitating irony.

queria un juego rapido para completar durante el almuerzo en el trabajo y cuando llegó ESA parte tuve que dejar de comer. durante el resto del dia