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in the past

This is 3 tricks pony: a buggy “endless runner, a glitchy puzzle game and a meta adventure. More than just a 'meta' commentary on what a video game is, I feel like the game pays homage to the flash games of the early 2000s. It plays quickly, and even though some phases may feel a bit redundant (the puzzle part, in my opinion), the game doesn't lack charm or ideas.

Like an early Inscription build expect the core mechanics aren't fun.

It's a short experience that pulls a few neat tricks but doesn't carry enough emotional weight to feel like it worth the slog.

I'm pretty sick of meta games shutting down on me, few games are doing something clever with it. I hope the upcoming sequel has something new to say.

Pony Island
Graphics: 2/5

Story: 2.6/5

Gameplay: 2/5

Soundtrack: 1.5/5

Bugs(0= None ; 5= Unplayable): 0

Fun factor: From the beginning to half way through the game 2.4/5, The end game 3/5 (asmodeus and ahead)

Characters: 1.7/5

Final thoughts: 2.3/5 (2.5 in backlogged), By no means this is a bad game, it is pretty short with only 2 hours on average to beat but can get a little boring, the puzzle's for the first 3 times were cool, but then they just became a pain in the ass, not that they were difficult, just that i wanted to see more of the story, the parts were you play as the pony are ok, nothing much to talk about it. I wouldnt say i'd drop this game since it is pretty short, but definitely the interaction with asmodeus made it all worth.

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Así es gente, el diablo sabe usar C#, me parece mejor obra que Inscryption hablando obvio de los juegos de Mullins, no se spbreextiende mucho y es una historia interesante que para mi hace bien lo único que hacia mal Inscyprtion y es la sutileza de no contarte todo, esta mrd de que controlamos un alma de mas de 3 siglos es tan woah con los momentos en 3d en definitiva ame el juego no le daré 10 de 10 porque quieras que no es un juego super repetitivo pero a nivel narrativo ufff jugarlo. pd: Desinstalad el juego (es parte de l experiencia)=

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The ticket ending was fking great

the game actually killed my dog but i didn't like that dog so its ok

So after finishing Inscyprtion, and not really wanting to start anything major until Final Fantasy Rebirth comes out, I figured this would be a nice little follow up game. Something I've had on my backlog forever, and with the freshness of how fantastic Inscrpytion was in my mind, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to play this.

What followed a pretty uneven experience, but definitely something that would lay the ground work for the brilliance that would be ahead.

First of all, lets start at the top. I finished this game on Steam Deck, and this was NOT an ideal place to play it. The game controls really poorly on that, which really isn't on the game, and it even warns you to not be stupid and attempt to do that. Some better control options would have been appreciated though.

The game itself is interesting. The puzzle segments were okay, though overused, and the arcade bits were fun. I wish there was a bit more playing around on the desktop, and using creative stuff like that in the game to do cool stuff t here.

The ending is pretty great, which I won't go into detail, suffice to say, I think Daniel's strength might be ending his games on a high point after two now.

Overall this was fun in spurts, frustrating in others, but the ending makes me overall positive on it. Cool to experience, once is good enough though.

Enjoyable trippy time. Fun pony arcade gameplay, fun logic puzzles. Doesn't overstay its welcome.

Pretty cool game tbh. Disregarding my rating of this for a hot second, I would actually say that I liked its game play, narrative and aesthetic well enough. I just didn't find it very engaging or really latch on to it's game play loop, mostly because I'm just not a fan of arcade style games.

La estética y atmósfera es increíble. Le sobran puzzles, pero la historia y el final me gustaron.

The game is not about ponies, for sure, I guarantee, don’t even start playing otherwise...

Игра не про пони, точно, гарантирую, даже не начинай играть иначе...

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I'd almost guarantee that I if I had played Pony Island closer to when it came out, I'd have a fonder perspective on it. Instead, I just think about all of the somewhat neat 4th wall breaks, including one that is genuinely terrific, (you know which one), is other games that have done them better. Still, even if the puzzles are easy and the main gameplay is pretty lame, intentionally and unintentionally, I think it's presentation and short length prevents it from being a 'bad' game.

Game #2 of 2024, January 3rd.

Очень хорошая игра, несложные головоломки, и очень крутое ломание 4-й стены.

I really enjoyed this game despite the pony gameplay being really dull. But the narrative was fun, the puzzles made me feel smart and there's a fourth wall break that made me momentarily think a friend I hadn't talked to in months was hitting me up on thanks for that? Totally not bummed. Maybe its a sign to initiate the conversation myself.

Game was short and sweet, played it all in one session. The final core challenge was easily the highlight for me, really really enjoyed it. Shame most of the game was side scrolling pony action with the same few enemies over and over. Really brought down the enjoyment. Good parts real good tho.

Where the fuck is pinkie pie

Excited to see what they do with the sequel, this was a good start and Inscription was great

Cute little experience, does some fun things with the fourth wall. Gameplay and puzzles became a bit annoying and repetitive but the game's quite short, so not too much of a problem.

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not killing jesus was unironically the hardest part

I vaguely remember going into some kind of fugue state and throwing myself into this game until I'd completed it. Very fun, lots of minigames mixed with platforming, more meta stuff.

Small yet very good. One of the only games who actually scared me and made me like the feeling and want more

En su momento no me imaginaba de qué iba el juego. Eso me sorprendió para bien y por eso se recomienda.