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in the past

Way better than the first game. It went from a clearly Sonic inspired game to more of its own thing. However, the combat and the bosses were a joke. The only good thing was the gameplay, where my only complaint is that sometimes you get lost in these huge levels and don't know where to really go, but that's fine. The story was ok too, kind of generic Anime story.

Just kinda forgettable, especially after playing Spark 3. It's a fun game, but lacks polish and some... spark. Can't really say it's worth playing when the third one exists.

this game would be good if most of the levels didn't hurt my eyes

You ever have a diamond in your hands that plunges in beauty due to tons of small cuts? That's spark 2. The basic go-fast gameplay is pretty fun, with alot of options for mobility, shortcuts etc. But the lack of visual clarity harms the game a ton. Whether its getting lost in levels, getting hit because of hard to see/know about hitboxes (EG a laser still hurting you as the particles dissipate, the flame hitbox extending upwards past where it visually is), or the bosses demolishing you since you have barely any time to know/react to their attacks, leading to most fights being a spamfest where you mash the parry and dash button. Soundtracks pretty good at least.

I was surprised to find out that the entire game is played as Fark. I wasn't aware of its previous name, but hey I think it still works as a sequel. The gameplay is pretty good. I like My only complaint with it is the feeling of the homing attack doesn't feel quite as smooth as I want it to be. The level design becomes way too simplistic as moments as well. Showing this game off to a fellow Sonic fan was a hard time LOL

Pretty decent but 3 is the better version of it

Unlike the first game in the series this one is a clone of 3D Sonic, and it does gets a lot of things right. The platforming stages have a good sense of speed and variety, especially the later half of the 14 stages. Playing through these stages is a lot of fun and it’s impressive how they nailed this totally different gameplay style.
The Kirby style power absorption is back but relegated to the background which was disappointing to me. That ties into the biggest issue with the game which is the combat, the bosses are all essentially the same mindless combat loop. None of the power ups change the combat in any meaningful way, and the bosses don’t change enough to force you to make up and strategy beyond punch and block.
Fun game if you are into 3D Sonic, just don’t expect anything groundbreaking (I couldn’t even tell you what happened in the story).

Overall good game, great soundtrack, not so great level design, overly forced combat, bland bosses, terrible menu system and stupid story.
With Spark 3 having all its stages, this game is just obsolete now, unless you want to catch up with the story.

A breezy 2 hours. An easy recommendation. A giant, impressive feat for a one man team to have accomplished. It doesn't really get all the way there on the physics—the range on the homing dash is just a tad too short to feel right—but the fact that it gets this close as a one man team is nothing short of impressive.

The only real problem with Spark 2 is that, well, Spark 3 is just the far better game. The full realization of the design. Every element polished to a mirror sheen. The game that actually matches its AAA studio competition.

So is Spark 2 worth playing? Absolutely if you want to track the developer's growth. It was really satisfying to play through the entire series and see this artist grow as a game designer from piece to piece. Seeing the design fully realized in 3 is only boosted by having played a similar game design in 2.

On its own, without that interest? Maybe skip ahead to 3, which contains all of these levels as a post-game bonus. Again, no knock against 2, but... when you have the option of playing these in a better game engine...

Dislocating itself from the shadow of the blue hedgehog, Spark 2 instead focuses on the secondary antagonist of the first game. Intense gameplay, music, and story make this one of the best Sonic-inspired games you'll ever have the pleasure of playing.

A game!! For a followup to Spark 1 I never understood a full-on 3D platformer. And ngl I kinda wish they stuck with their old formula? When I wasn't struggling with the controls I was shredding bosses in 40 seconds... A weird one for sure

^Snippet review from my Twitter thread

I remember never being fond of this game when I first saw it a few years back. It was only until now that I decided to finally give this game a fair shot.

Has my opinion changed? Not really.

There's one thing for sure: the game's super fun to control. It feels nice blasting through stages and carrying all the momentum you can build up. What doesn't feel nice is struggling to keep my balance on these winding and convoluted highways that the game loves putting me on at max speed.There were more than a few times where I flew off, and, because I was upside-down, just fell to my doom (which sometimes took 30 seconds to actually die???).

Aside from the platforming, the combat was honestly lackluster. None of the abilties feel any different from each other when approaching an enemy; you just mash X and go to town, sometimes hitting LB to parry whatever counterattack your enemy throws at you (if they don't die in one hit, that is). With this, I was able to simply destroy every boss in less than 70 seconds each, getting every gold and almost every platinum time medal for the boss stages exclusively. Not even the final boss put up that much of a fight.

Speaking of the final boss, good god the story... I feel like this game takes itself a little too seriously at times. I often just laughed at all the things happening with characters I hardly even had time to get to know. Did I mention this game is only, like, 2 hours long? I could'a sworn Spark 1 was longer...

All in all, this game is mediocre. I highly recommend the first one over this.

also lol the game takes a lot from adventure 2 like holy shit

I played the first Spark game last year, and found it incredibly average. The sequel on the other hand has greater highs... and lower lows. Where the first game is a 2D platformer cross between Mega Man X and Sonic, this game is much more inspired by Sonic Adventure, although with some elements of later Sonic games; I was reminded of Sonic and the Black Knight at times. The biggest problem is the translation of the mechanics to the new dimension. The first game had a good mix of Sonic-like platforming with more melee combat. Attacking enemies meshed well with the movement. This game has the same sensibilities except you're in 3D space, which raises a huge problem. Any time you're faced with an enemy you can just... jump over them. This game is incredibly floaty and the enemies have too much health and are too numerous to really be interesting to fight, so I think pretty much every player is going to simply run past everything after the first few levels. This is the big flaw in this game; so much time was spent on enemy combat which is more fun to just skip. The platforming itself is decent, although it can be a bit difficult to control at times, and some aspects (any loops for example) will often lead to your death. Finally, there's the plot. This plot is incomprehensible. Spark the Electric Jester isn't even in it, you play as a sort of Metal Sonic/Shadow clone who just bumps into various Sonic series stereotypes that all hate you for some unexplained reason. I really can't put into words how terrible the plot is; the first game's plot was confusing, but this could've been in Greek for how much sense it made.

This is both better and worse then Spark 1. You are put into hallways where you can dodge enemies. In the original game you would want to battle enemies cause they can sometimes drop health drops. In the sequel the enemies can just be walked past and you will have all of your health bars which is more then in the original. The Story is bad, the music is sometimes reused. the bosses are easier, the shield mechanic is broken. At least it's fun to blitz through the stages and the Edgy power up keeps your momentum with the triple air dash.

Speedrunning was always one of my favorite ways to return to my favorite platformers. Replaying levels to build a perfect route and then executing through it always had a zen-like flow. Spark the Electric Jester 2 is one of those games that perfectly embodies that feeling.

The movement really is the highlight here. You have the speed and momentum of Sonic Adventure with the movement options of Mario 64. Because you're so agile, speeding through platforms and finding hidden routes feels intuitive.

What doesn't mesh as well with the platforming is the combat and exploration. The game is designed in a way where you either blitz it to the end or fight to earn a score while exploring at a slower pace, If you take too long, all your points are forfeited. Although making a route to execute a score run can still be fun, it feels at odds with your progression.

Fighting regular enemies and bosses generally locks you into a one-on-one fight that usually boils down to mashing your attack buttons and timing parries, making most encounters feel repetitive.

Maybe I thought the combat heavily detracted from the rest of the game, but when the credits rolled around I felt like I had to play through it again, twice. Even if there was no sequel, I'd be fine with Spark 2 being its own thing with the flaws it has. It's not faultless, but it could absolutely be worth your time.

Cleared on October 11th, 2023

Spark the Electric Jester 1 is a 2D platformer that takes inspiration from the Sonic games of the Genesis era while putting its own set of mechanics, and while I wasn't a fan of its physics, I thought it was a well made game. Spark the Electric Jester 2 decides to take the franchise into a 3D direction inspired by the Sonic games of the Dreamcast era, and it's unironically better than all of the 3D Sonic games, but how?

The answer is simple. The developers had a vision of what makes a good Sonic game in general with high speed action, momentum, and precise platforming and translated it into 3D something that Sonic games hasn't been doing too hot with as of late, and while Sonic Frontiers is positively received, it's not quite at the full potential of what the series could do. Maybe that day will come, but until then, Spark the Electric Jester 2 fills in the gaps just fine.

Despite the title, it does not star Spark himself and he doesn't even make a physical appearance in the game, and the spotlight is taken over by his robot clone, Fark. So remember that Fark side story in Spark 1? Well, it's actually non-canon, and in its place is the story for Spark 2. Not that it's a big deal, even in Spark 1 the game warns you that this is the case, but it's something to point out.

Unlike the previous game, the game takes a more serious tone with a greater emphasis on story and makes attempts to be more dramatic with the villain having a more philosophical belief, plot twists, and a gritty atmosphere. However, I didn't really think it was anything that special to be honest. It's fine, but it's just there to be a reason why things happen in the game.

As for the game itself, it translates the Spark the Electric Jester gameplay style from the 2D games onto 3D while strangely having a better sense of momentum than the 2D games do. You have what you would expect from a Sonic style 3D platformer which includes high movement speed, homing attack, and a means to wind up speed and go faster, but here, not only can you wind up speed in the ground with Jester Dash, you can also do it in the air to propel yourself forward which gives you greater aerial mobility, but if you feel like you might overshoot it, you can just use the Dash button to get a short distance in an instant and in the ground, it's useful for dodging attacks.

One of the more interesting quirks of Spark the Electric Jester 2 is that it's more than just a 3D Sonic game where you move fast, homing attack your foes or maybe spin dash or boost into them and move on; it also acts as a Beat Em Up game where you can mash the light and heavy attack button repeatedly for damage although other than for the fun of it and for getting the high score, this isn't really something you'll find yourself doing often aside from boss battles (more on that later).

The Jester Powers make a return, but the benefits you reap are more subtle this time around and there aren't as many either. The good news is that you can carry 3 at a time + the default.

Electric is the standard and thus makes it seem the most underwhelming, but it does have the niche of allowing you to attack while moving as the others you force you to stop, so if there's a weak grounded enemy in your way and you need to keep moving, this would be the best power-up for that situation. It's 3x charge up attack is a hard hitting projectile.
Edgy makes a return and this time Fark is the one with the power. It's a great power-up for mobility as you can triple-jump by charging the heavy attack and dash three times while in the air which allows for great air control. It's 3x charge up attack is a screen nuke.
Plasma is based on the Sword power-up from the last game and allows its heavy attack to act as a projectile, and on top of that, charging the heavy attack lets you move faster and act as a third jump as well.
Hammer makes a return, but it doesn't offer any mobility benefits, but the damage output it has is quite impressive, making it a potent power-up in combat.
Biker is a new one and much like Plasma, the charge-up lets you move faster on a bike, but the speed boost is in burst and damages foes in its way. It's useful as another means to gain momentum without having to use the Jester Dash in the Ground.
Power Armor is another new one and it allows your dash to become a glide by holding the button.

The level design is really good. I don't know what the differences are between Very Hard (the difficulty I played) and the others, but I thought the levels had a reasonable challenge and when it counts, it knows how to test your ability to use the game's mechanics. Some parts are just a road with no obstacles for high speed action, but it doesn't feel automated and you have to actually steer Fark so he doesn't end up falling off. There are also speed boosters that act as a crutch for 3D Sonic games, but I didn't think they were overbearing here, and I remember one segment that used it to their advantage where it would force you in a circle and you need to jump at a perfect time just to get out of it while being able to advance forward.

The boss battles in this game are not too bad either although once you understand your parry window and their attack patterns, the boss fights can seem easy although in the difficulty I played, this could be seen as risky as they also deal a high amount of damage, so if you slip up, that's going to be really bad. That aside, it's not really a big deal if you lose, you just have to start the boss fight from the beginning.
It's also really cool that many of the boss fights have vocal themes with three of them being in the game. One of which was already in Spark 1, another used for 3 boss fights, and one more used for the ultimate final boss. It's no Crush 40 or anything, and maybe in comparison it may seem amateurish, but it's a good effort to match the Sonic Dreamcast style soundtrack the game was going for, and when you got epic level themes like Planetary Stripes to back you up, I say it was an effort well done.

And from what I'm told, Spark 3 is supposed to be even better, and to think I had such a blast with this game that I was willing to say it's better than any Sonic game I have played, and I'm not even a Sonic hater.

Pretty charming and good effort to make something like a 3D sonic game. Although I think it lacks visual clarity for where things are. I also wish the game had some more spectacle to make levels more memorable.

Continuing my Spark Journey. While Spark 1 was an offbrand 2D Sonic, Spark 2 goes the 3D Sonic route.

Spark 2 does an admirable job of capturing the energy the Sonic Adventure games had. Unfortunately, I found the controls a bit too loose and slippery for my liking (3D Sonic games also have this problem sometimes). This made the more precise platforming segments later in the game pretty frustrating. Having the ability to use the shoulder buttons to nudge Fark left and right while running like in later 3D Sonics would have made a huge difference for me.

Even with all that aside, this is still a pretty impressive effort for a game where the lion's share of the design is made by a single person. Looking forward to Spark 3.

spark actually isn't in this one

Something of the middle child of the trilogy, this lacks the polish of the first game (which as a 2D platformer benefited from developer LakeFeperd's experience making all those Sonic fangames) or the third (which benefited from his experience making, well, Spark 2) but brings enough to the table to still be worth a look.

This is a very clear send-up to the Adventure-era Sonic games, with the open, shortcut-friendly levels of Adventure 1 and the more industrial atmosphere and grittier (if tongue-in-cheek) storytelling of Adventure 2. Levels are meant to be both exciting and replayable, with resident Metal Sonic stand-in Fark's rocket-like speed and equally impressive agility lending well to speedruns. A medal system, with 2 each based on time and scoring, even encourages this, though of the two sets i really only bothered with the time medals.

Things aren't perfect; again the game lacks polish, the levels lack memorable backdrops or sequences and can start to blend into each other while the bosses are a joke (unfortunate when the first game had some excellent ones). That said, there's still a great time to be had with Spark 2, and the series only goes up from here

best sonic adventure game that isn't a sonic adventure game

I've heard nothing but good things about Spark 3, but I wanted to play Spark 2 first since it's been on my radar. It's a little short, only 3-4 hours at most, so it doesn't overstay its welcome. I didn't go for 100%, but even after a full playthrough it feels like theres so much stuff I'm missing. The story is intriguing, but you'll be a little lost if you don't know anything about Spark 1, but you can still follow well enough, even if there's a lot going on, and it can be a bit "anime" at points (WHICH IS AWESOME). Can't wait to see how spark 3 expands upon the formula and continues the story

The best 3D Sonic-like game other than Spark 3! This game is so darn fun that I am genuinely curious how a Sonic game on par with this has not been made. Levels are unique and so well thought out. Combat is simple but gets the job done and doesn't get in the way. Graphics are also simple but work well with the high speed gameplay. And you do go pretty darn fast in this one, but rarely lose control or feel like you're on auto pilot.

My biggest problem with this game was the story and character designs. It takes itself too seriously and just comes off as overdramatic and unnecessary. Character designs felt weird to me as well. They lack a certain amount of cohesiveness, and all kind of feel like the creator's OC's just thrown into one game because they looked cool. Ultimately though, this is just personal preference and the game remains extremely fun and replayable.

NOTE: If you have not played Spark 2 yet, I would suggest picking up Spark 3 instead, as it also contains all of the levels from 2, as well as some gameplay improvements.

Fair warning: I played this game on Normal so if that invalidates everything I'm about to say, please let me know.

Spark 2 feels remarkably like one of those videos you'll see on Twitter where someone is showcasing this game they're working on where you just move very fast and that's about it. The levels are super fun for taking, at most, 3 minutes to complete. Unfortunately there's only like 15 or so of them. There are enemies and collectables scattered around the levels, but I was generally going way too fast to even consider stopping and grabbing most of the collectables. I think I only fought 3 enemies in the stages and that was because I was forced to in order to progress/beat the stage in the routes I went. The levels themselves are laid out more like a 2D Sonic game than a 3D Sonic game, which some people might adore. Personally, I'm more of a 3D enjoyer, but even then the levels were still fun. I just wish they were a tad longer because I'm not really the kind of person to go back and try to beat my times for the sake of it. If you are, you'll probably love this aspect.

The combat is. uh. I'm not really sure why it's here. Like I said, 99% of the enemies in the game are completely inconsequential. The majority of the combat is on boss fights which, at least on Normal, consisted of mashing the attack button and pressing shield when they were about to attack to take 0 damage and build more damage multiplier. Even though the combat existing confounded me, it still felt pretty good to actually hit things even if it was just a mash X simulator.

The music is great. I don't really have the vocabulary to tell you why it's so great, but it felt like it captured a lot of different things that people love about Sonic music.

Game only took me 1.5 hours to beat and I got it for Christmas so I'd say it was worth it for me.

Weirdly, going back to Spark 2 after finishing 3 made me enjoy and respect both games a bit more. 2's level design definitely takes its time to find its footing and the non-space level themes are pretty weak, but there is some fun stuff in there, despite the fact that a lot of the time you can just simply opt to not play the game. I generally think they nailed 3's physics, but I will say one thing I would have carried over from here is how much more momentum you maintain when running up and along walls by default. 3's jester dash momentum was also sorely missed.
In particular, I wanted to point out that I think the bosses are much better and more memorable here, and because the parry behaves a differently it gives the combat a much more interesting flavor suited to janky yet unique high speed battles (compared to 3, which feels like it wants to be more of a straight character action game at times). I definitely had a newfound appreciation for that.
Maybe I should go back to Spark 1 now... One day. lol

Minhas altas expectativas não foram atendidas. Spark 2 faz o salto pro 3D mas com isso deixa pra trás quase tudo que tinha de Kirby e faz o combate "esquipável" e esquecível, até nos chefes que duram no máximo 1 minuto. A história não engrena até o final e é mal contada por cenas que não funcionam muito e que só prestei atenção por causa do jogo anterior, e o pior, a gameplay não é precisa e desafiadora como no 1, e sim bagunçada e imprecisa (EU ODEIO LOOPS SEM PARAPEITO).
Infelizmente não tive a vontade quase urgente de rejogar como foi no anterior, o que me deixou triste, ainda mais por ter zerado numa tacada só. Esse jogo não deixa muita marca, mas continua sendo competente e entregando vários momentos divertidos pros fãs de Sonic Adventure e continua valendo a pena. Só o que eu joguei da demo do 3 eu gostei muuuuito mais!

Skipped the first one (wasn't feeling it), this one's fun as hell, and has some pretty raw moments too, especially the bosses. Sure, it has some flaws, such as how you can ignore all enemies in levels, but the levels themselves are really good.