Reviews from

in the past

"I am trained in gorilla warfare...I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words."

-a Super Monkey Ball 2 veteran

There's a reason why Super Monkey Ball got a sequel. It did extraordinarily well on the GameCube, and this essentially acts as a deluxe version of the first game. It even has a story mode, but story mode was effectively a training mode for challenge mode/main mode where you clear levels sequentially and have a limited number of lives. The party games/minigames are also very engaging in this game. I am giving this a perfect score because this may actually be one of the best GameCube games you can get. Although this game might not be in my personal favorites list, or at least not within the top 20 or so, I think it deserves the praise it gets. It's a very simple to understand game but has increasingly difficult stages that require tons of focus and dedication to master.

Not as good as the first game in my opinion but still a solid ass game that I’ve had a lot of fun with over the years. I didn’t like the level design in this one as much as in the first game, and actually find this game to be much harder. This game has really awesome party games though and story mode that makes it shine.

Classic game to play at college parties and kick ass.

There is something timeless about this game. I've played it to absolute death, over and over. I've done some of these levels hundreds of time but there's something about Super Monkey Ball 2 that just keeps bringing me back. It's the perfect blend of smooth, fun platforming and visual appeal. That isn't to say that there aren't bullshit levels (Switch Inferno.), but the core experience of this game is phenomenal, and Super Monkey Ball the series really peaked here.

This is the game that is the most better than it has any right being.

Never gets old. Quintessentially fun.

losing a race of this game against one of my dumbest friends was the hardest loss ive experienced in life even if it made it so he wasn't the ugliest person in the world anymore.

Had so much fun playing this game as a kid, such a unique concept for a game.

Perfectly designed. A game that encourages you to think outside of the box with each level and is infinitely replayable as a result. Also has some of the most charming music, characters, and visuals of the era. I'd recommend playing with an actual GameCube controller if you're able to because the notches on the analog stick help out tremendously.

I think the level design here isn't quite as good as in the first game, but this has so much more content that I couldn't possibly score it lower.

Creative platformer where you control the map instead of the character to reach goals. Tight controls and great soundtrack.

While the story mode may have some bad gimmicky stages, it is still very fun and challenging. The mini-games make up for any shortcomings as monkey bowling, target and billiards are GOATED for real. Amazing music as well. Last good monkey ball game

Takes everything the first game did and does more with it. More levels with more difficulty, more party games to play with the homies, a story mode that while a bit nonsensical is quite entertaining, this game has it all. The visuals and soundtrack are absolutely off the charts here fr fr. Absolute must play on the nintendo gamecube

Nearly perfectly executed sequel in every way. There's not a single flaw I could find that could bring this game down lower than a 10/10. Levels feel more focused and fun to run through, the added party games are a great side dish to the main game, and the story mode makes for a great introduction to the difficulty of the main game with infinite tries. Oh yeah, there's also WIDESCREEN SETTINGS?? You SHOULD play this game whenever you get the chance to. This is peak SEGA & Amusement Vision right there. (psst, also play F-Zero GX...)

craziest SMT game I've played

One of the GameCube's best and most unlikely hits, Super Monkey Ball 2 has great single-player levels and supremely entertaining multiplayer modes.

i feel like this one had worse multiplayer and better single player than the first.