Reviews from

in the past

Not for me. But the mechanics are tight as heck and it's incredibly fun watching speedruns of this.

best platformer ever, gameplay and game feel way better than any other platformer (think SMB, SMW, SM64), best story, best OSTs, best replayability, best accessibility

Um jogo sobre auto conhecimento e aceitação, desafiador e acolhedor. Pode ser difícil em algumas partes, mas n deixe isso te impedir de alcançar seu objetivo.

Celeste is the closest to a perfect game that I have ever played. It has a rare combination of story and gameplay that each are some of the best I have experienced in gaming.
In terms of gameplay, how momentum is used in the game feels right; there’s no other way to describe it. Every chapter adding a new platforming "gimmick" kept the game fresh for the entirety of the main story, and the extra content extends upon your knowledge of the game's mechanics to perfectly craft more advanced levels for you to figure out how to traverse, then maneuver through yourself to lead to a very satisfying feeling of the progression of your skill. The postgame felt fresh through its entirety due to the difficulty of puzzle solving and platforming within it.

This is a game everyone should play (the main story really isn't that hard at all), and the more experienced of us should definitely carry on to the postgame chapters, which I found to be an even better experience than the main game.

still have several golden strawberries to get

will never get the Real Experience because i played this with all the accessibility modes on but still a beautifully crafted game with a modern classic soundtrack. though it is one of the only good games out of the depression games trend of the last few years

Really love this game, I am a huge fan of platformers and just 2d games in general, this is my 2nd favorite platformer/2d game right next to hollow knight. This game really excels at its storytelling and soundtrack. Really great stuff.


Words can't describe how amazing this game is from a narrative and gameplay standpoint. The narrative about battling mental illness took me out of some of the darkest slumps of my life. The gameplay imbued with determination gave me hope to keep going, and the game captivated me for hours on end. Truly a masterpiece.

Amazing game, and my favorite platformer. I need to replay this and try out all the stuff added since I last played (I have not played Farewell yet, don't judge me).

que arrecho que arrecho que juego tan arrecho

A mechanically fluid platformer with a surprisingly emotionally gripping story that integrates into the gameplay perfectly

In my opinion, THE best 2D platformer to release in years. Creative level and art design, while consistently providing the player with a challenge with every step.

This game is everything I want in a platformer. The strawberries look juicy and shiny; I must collect them all.

Gameplay : 11/10, Le meilleur platformer auquel j'ai joué. Des mécaniques variées et des niveaux parfaitement conçus.
Musique : 10/10, Les musiques sont juste incroyables.
Visuels : 10/10, Du magnifique pixel art, qui est parfait pour la précision que demande Céleste en plus.
Lore : 10/10, Une magnifique manière de traiter des sujets aussi compliqués que la dépression, l'angoisse le deuil etc...
Jeu : 10/10, Parfait sur tout les points, un niveau de précision impressionnant tout un étant un véritable voyage introspectif. Sublime.

I don’t have a ton to say even though I thought so much about what this game felt like. Madeline was one of the most relatable characters in fiction for me. Her anxiety and the way it is personified was so similar to my own feelings and what it’s like to be always fighting yourself. Putting yourself down, going into depressive ruts, racing thoughts in a bad headspace, and trying to fight back against it all. I just appreciate being able to resonate with a character and story so much. It clicked on so many levels. When Madeline begins trying to cope with a panic attack, and Theo gives her the feather to practice her breathing…it was almost EXACTLY a scenario I’ve been time and time again. Omori was great for representing this too, but Celeste made me feel so much less alone. I felt understood. So thanks Celeste. I’ve been at an incredibly difficult point in my life and this was nice to experience.

Got all strawberries & hearts (ignoring goldens) in main chapters, just got stuck on Farewell and never finished it

Merecia mais reconhecimento, é um dos melhores plataformas que eu conheço

Really nice and fun game. Controlls and platforming felt really nice. level design, artstyle, and music were really nice too. Very Good Game would recommend!

never wanted to break my control so badly 🥰

Huge respect to a game that's so intricate in designing perfectly crafted challenges, but also willing to go "yeah actually if you don't want to do all that you can just get infinite dashes and invincibility". More games should realise that adding assistance for less skilled players doesn't actually diminish the challenge for others.

It is a really good platformer, but I also think it is a bit overrated.

literalmente salvou a minha vida

it's peak
haha get it

Probably one of the best platformers released in the last decade. C-sides were one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in a game. Also trans people are cool :D