Reviews from

in the past

Não sabia que mulher trans davam Double Jump, Ok esse jogo é simplesmente arte e o puro cinema eu gostei muito das mecânicas de Double Jump e perto do final do jogo podendo da literalmente mais um Double Jump agora só falta passar do capítulo Extra

This game is simply amazing. It helped me clear up so many things that were cluttered up in my head.

One of the best platformers of all time. Excellent story. Amazingly fine tuned controls. Very clever way of customizing challenge around collectables.

(Last played in 2020) I have at several moments declared this my favorite game of all time. I played Celeste very early in my gaming journey, and its difficulty could have easily proven prohibitive, but it didn't, because encouragement is baked into every aspect of it - from the story to the loading screen tips to the very existence of its comprehensive Assist Mode (which I didn't need to use but how wonderful that it is there!). The game felt incredible to finish. Madeline and her mental health journey mean so, so much to me and they always will.

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am girl now

Celeste is maybe most iconic for its creator, Maddy Thorson, using the game to come out and transition, to mild outrage from anti-woke chuds and celebration among queer gamers desperate for icons in a dude-heavy landscape. It is not the first queer game by a trans developer, nor is it the most outwardly queer game. However, prior landmark queer games are largely dialogue-heavy adventure games or visual novels, or the comedy short-form experiments of developers like Robert Yang or Nina Freeman. Celeste takes advantage of a gap in the market – a game aimed directly at the heart of the speedrunning hardcore gamer community. Anyone who’s ever watched Games Done Quick knows just how overwhelmingly queer the speedrunner demographic seems to be – Celeste manages to combine queer aesthetics with a gameplay-first design, executing a precise shot at a previously unfulfilled niche. It’s become a landmark “most important” game for that reason – thankfully, it’s a great example of where “most important” and “most fun” meet.

More on my site.

enrolei tanto pra zerar esse jogo pqp, mas achei o jogo muito bom ta

goated game, please play it

Melhor jogo que já joguei, sérião.

Nem tem muito que eu adicionar, jogue e você vai entender o que eu to falando

the artstyle is what drew me to this game in the first place, then i took a look at the speedrun community and then i wasn hooked, the pace and movement of the games is in its own league. as a whole the game has like 1-2 issues but that isnt what im writting about, its is an indie game master piece.

Not a bad looking platformer, but definitely not my cuppa tea. Only managed to get to chapter 2 before I let the dark half of me win...

melhor jogo indie que ja joguei

I’m so shit at games so it really rules that everything about this one encourages you to just do your best and keep trying. I’ve beat it a couple times now. Thank u Maddy!

Great challenging platformer that keeps things fresh every chapter both in gameplay mechanics, story, and character. Pixel art looks great!

The greatest platformer I have personally played. I was so consumed with how good this game felt to play that even after 100% it I needed more. It wasn't till I speedran the game down to under an hour that I was satisfied. Please give this game a chance, it supports all levels of players with one of the most accessible set of settings for difficulty you will ever see.

Fun little platformer which can be completed in a sitting

One of the best platformers out there. The way it utilizes the mechanics makes it endlessly fun, and there is a plethora of extra content such as collecting the strawberries, doing the B and C sides, and collecting the Crystal Hearts. None of these feels like padding and all of it is fun.

The story is also really good, and the only reason I'm not talking about it as much is that the gameplay is just THAT good.

The singular complaint I would have to squeeze out of me is that I have too much of a skill issue to get the golden strawberries, but it's not required for the platinum so it's fine. Just gives the hardcore gamers more stuff to chew at.

Mods such as the Strawberry Jam also adds endless content, so if you want even more, I would suggest playing that.

Really, it's just awesome. Go play it.

I won't lie, I died about 2,000 times, but the game is so good that I could die another 8,000 times.

Virtually perfect execution of an extremely simple concept, hard to believe this game didn't already exist

Words cannot describe the pain I've went through to finish those dreaded b-sides. Celeste is a legendary game, I would like to believe in the future people will still compare it to newer platformers, It's so good it feels underappreciated sometimes even though it won best indie lol. Also the soundtrack is insane

muy bonito muy chulo la dificultad me ha hecho sudar a veces pero me ha encantado

Solid game, nothing much to write home about it