Reviews from

in the past

Wonderfully difficult game with compelling artwork and story and levels that make me want to keep pushing forward for however long it takes me to conquer Celeste mountain.

will never get the Real Experience because i played this with all the accessibility modes on but still a beautifully crafted game with a modern classic soundtrack. though it is one of the only good games out of the depression games trend of the last few years

I can see this is a very very very tightly designed platformer but something just didnt click with it for me

Jogo de plataforma desafiador. Pode ser bem difícil as vezes, mas faz parte da essência dele. Recomendo demais

A mechanically fluid platformer with a surprisingly emotionally gripping story that integrates into the gameplay perfectly

Probably one of the best platformers released in the last decade. C-sides were one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in a game. Also trans people are cool :D

Love the story, but I'm getting older and pixel perfect jumps just require me to play the same screens over and over. Not as fun as it used to be.

Merecia mais reconhecimento, é um dos melhores plataformas que eu conheço

obrigada por me fazer não desistir de viver

Didn't put in the effort to do C-Sides or anything in Chapter 9 without assist mode, but the rest of the game I thoroughly enjoyed. Such a fantastic platformer.

It's not a bad game but I just hate games that make me rage so much man, it's just not fun

Eu nunca vi um jogo com mecânicas de plataforma tão bem feitas.

диалоги пиздец там, вы читаете хоть придурки, это для 15 лет пезд игра

Huge respect to a game that's so intricate in designing perfectly crafted challenges, but also willing to go "yeah actually if you don't want to do all that you can just get infinite dashes and invincibility". More games should realise that adding assistance for less skilled players doesn't actually diminish the challenge for others.

I think this game is objectively a masterpiece but to be honest you lose me after the regular game's content. I'm not here for precision platformers and as soon as the game is done it immediately devolves into the exact kind of constant retry grind that I cannot stand. I think the game would have been fine if it ended at the credits with no postgame story content.

best game i've ever played, i play it again everynow and again

Игра которую нет права игнорировать в обсуждении платформеров

still have several golden strawberries to get


This game is wonderful from the start to the end, and it just keeps getting better, perfect gameplay that keeps presenting new concepts without being overwhelming, challeging but fun difficulty, amazing characters and a story that will problaly make you cry like a booboo baby and beautiful messages that are genuinely life-changing. This game changed my life for the better and im eternally grateful for it, if you never played it, give it a try, i swear its worth a shot, and if you already played play it again some time lol (im gonna replay it on pc now that i have the steam version and try to 100% it)

literalmente salvou a minha vida