Reviews from

in the past

This is one of those games that I really want to like. I’ve tried nearly a dozen times to get it to “click” and it never does.

I always bounce off of it and I’ve never entirely understand why.

Sure, the platforming is precision machined but maybe the fact that the game is too forgiving with its checkpoints leads to a lack of stakes or tension for someone like me that isn’t going to go for every strawberry.

I also think the levels might be too long and that the game forces you to spend too much time in individual biomes.

The story’s presentation, at least early on, may also be a bit too sappy and not engaging.

Idk. I know people really love this game and what I’ve played of it is fine. But it’s lacking something crucial.

Good OST, though.

transfem mountain climbing, truly one for the ages

Não sou o maior jogador de plataformers do mundo, mas posso dizer sem medo algum que esse jogo é sensacional em todos os quesitos. Cara, a gameplay disso aqui é linda, extremamente fluida e responsiva, e as mecânicas são todas simples, mas isso de nada impede de serem excelentes. A trilha sonora é muito boa também, passa exatamente a vibe que cada capítulo quer transmitir. Além do mais, recomendo para todo mundo, só um aviso: você vai morrer. Pra caralho.

Celeste foi um jogo que me cativou desde do começo, as músicas e a vibe que o jogo passa é uma delicinha, jogabilidade simples, de poucos botões, ainda assim, bem feita. Porém, algumas fases são um inferno KKKK.
Conforme o jogo passa, você percebe o amadurecimento da protagonista, você percebe que a montanha é só uma metáfora, que a escalada, é vencer uma fase ruim, é finalmente conseguir falar quando o tempo todo você só tinha um nó na garganta, é fazer as pazes consigo mesmo.
Eu me indentifiquei com o jogo, e no final eu não aguentei e desabei em lagrimas KKKK.
Enfim, um ótimo indie e que vale seu tempo pelo o que entrega.
Obs: Lena Raine sabe muito de músicas.

So good i almost became gay.
Peak gameplay and a fun, little relatable gremlin to care for whoose story is genuinley so, captivating.

My favorite game of all time. I love everything about this game and think its insanely creative and a ton of fun. I also love strawberries mmmmmmmm.

gave me carpa l tunel. good game

Fuck you this is better than any other 2D platformer

My favorite game of all time. A super satisfying and versatile platformer with a ton of hidden mechanics to minimize frustration and hidden movement capabilities to widen its potential. Also has a very charming art style with amazing music, one of my favorite soundtracks. It's very accessible for a variety of skill sets as well, thanks to its assist mode, which I'm always happy to see in games.

I first played on Switch, but I also have this on Steam, where I've used mods (which are very easy to handle) to play so much more of this game. It's really amazing, especially with mods, highly recommend.

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I beautiful game about mental health and the trans experience. As that's what this game is, a trans woman making a game and not realising her own projection onto the protagonist.
This game has been replayed and 100% by me multiple times, with another replay I'm in the middle of as of the time of writing this. Easily my fav 2d platformer

What a wonderful little game !!

Platforming felt smooth and satisfying, and the story was really endearing and heartfelt. It really made me feel good about myself.

The music is also absolutely wonderful.

Not many issues, only that it was too short, but I understand why it was so short.

I played this on a Steamdeck OLED.

Mekanikleri çok güzel bir platformer oyunu. Level design olarak iki seviye dışında beğendim. Yan hedef olarak koydukları çilekler zorluk seviyesi ve ek içerik olarak çok iyi planlanmış. Hikayesi güzel bir metafor içerse de basit. Tüm seviyeleri bitirince seviyelerin b sideı açılıyor, sonra da c side. Ben tüm çilekleri topladım ve 8 b sidea kadar oynadım. İleride oyunu tamamen bitirmeyi düşünüyorum. Hikayesi a side bitince bitiyor.

An extremely well made and polished platformer with incredible depth

Absolutely incredible platformer. One of the best I've ever played. Really challenging, even the regular base game. The level design is outstanding, every chapter brings something new and refreshing, always keeping you on your toes. The gameplay also blends really well with the story, which is a heartwarming and cute tale about learning to live with yourself.

Plus the soundtrack is fire. Can't go wrong with this one.

Sat thinking for a minute like "what could i say about Celeste that hasnt been done already" "what would i say that's New to the site thatd offer some perspective" and then I stopped thinking like that, because why should *i give up just because other people were able to do some shit? why should i* go without a word?
Yea in 2018 I played half the areas of the 1st site of the mountain and iiiiiiiiiiii.. couldnt do it, i thought to myself "oh wow another meatboy inspired game, yeah nah i cant go through that bullshit again"
I wasnt ready for all that, not ready for a whole nother mountain in my life

But fastfoward to NOW, and ive scaled so many in my life now that this point I feel nostalgic
I feel this fond tinge of pain and sadness but also happiness because I know where im headed in life. I love the music, the pico8 version of this game, I like the cast and I like pretty much every level theming bracket thats thrown at you

My favorite in particular was DEFFF when feather stuff was being introduced, so fun. The final stretch of this game is some of the most uplifting shit you could ever take in too, and i STILL have content after the fact to indulge in with 64 and etc

which is good because i love the gameplay so much, to the point where i even had assist mode at the ready for if i felt like id need it.. but something happened! id die so many times on the same part and not even toggle assist mode, i think because i wanted to prove it to myself that i could do it
but also with a couple things id be easier on myself if i needed a little help along the way with making a jump on something I didnt understand

And then that led to somethin FUNNY happening where I cheesed through 1 section and then i felt insane guilt, and looked up how someone did it on youtube, then i saw how it was simple and i was overcomplicating it! and then i went to see if the game would let me organically head backwards AND IT SO DID!! so then I beat it, not to get to a marker or a strawberry but just For Me

and I picked this game back up For Me, and I think its a beautiful and everlasting testament to personal growth for me and been an unsung favorite that I didn't even realize clicked with me in a way I wasn't ready to stare in the face yet 6 years ago. Seeing that flag was one of the most cathartic things ive felt this year because it felt like I just recapped the emotional run-around ive been having all that time ago. To everyone that may suck at platformers, or maybe you just genuinely cant stare down the mountains in your own life, or to those that died on the climb that cant even continue if they wanted to.. i feel for all of yall, much love <3

Radtastic game. 100% it and still love everything about it. Tight tight tight gameplay and I appreciate the inclusion of content outside of the main path (Core, B/C sides) where they don't pull their punches with level designs and tech.

- 14 hours played

The music alone deserves 5 stars. Let alone the charming pixel art style, tight platforming, great level design and surprisingly poignant storytelling. I loved climbing this mountain. I just wish my own mental health problems came with the ability to air dash.

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Celeste is another game I decided I had to play because I had heard its music before, which apparently is a massive indicative for a good game. It is visually beautiful, very responsive and fun to control, I really loved it.

I played this game when we still had movility restrictions limited to the neighborhood, the christmas that everyone stayed at their own home. I wasn't as present on Discord as before, but after going on my phone to remind the people Iove that I do, Dani and I hoped in Discord and I believe this is one of the games we played.

I loved the depiction of mental health problems, the natural way in which Theo talks about it, and the sincere dialogue between Madeline and the other part of her. At first it sounds artificial, forced or cheesy, but after not a lot of thinking I realized it's just genuine talk.

Trans rights.

Theres nothing you couldnt find in other plataform games, but in celeste everything is almost made perfectly

It's the greatest platformer of all time plus Madeline is a t-girl icon

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Real talk this game helped me through a genuine panic attack a few years ago.

But uhhhhhhhhhhhhhm I didn't rlly cry that much womp womp but trans ppl are really cool so extra points for that.

Platformer perfection

Also god damn it's hard

Celeste was a pretty enjoyable platformer with an intriguing narrative. It got me hooked from the start with the crazy old women HA HA HAing at me.

I will admit I got more than angry at times with the precise platforming but once I'd figured out how a room needed to be done I was pretty quick to get through it and ended with 1290 deaths in 6.2 hours. Pretty good going I think.

In terms of story, I found it interesting enough with how Madeline experienced panic attacks, learnt to deal with them, and eventually tried to put her past behind her.

Definitely would recommend for people who either want a difficult platformer, a decent narrative experience, or both.

interesting game but i suck at precision platformers so i get tired and angry :(

Eu precisava desse jogo na minha vida

Very good, but the difficulty gets annoying after playing for a long time.

desafiante, con buena movilidad y una historia que engancha, 10 de 10 y es un obligatorio a jugar