Reviews from

in the past

child me loved this game, i really need to replay it as an adult

This right here was the game and version that got me into the series. The graphics, while a bit dated due to their nature, are very charming. While the party composition is a bit more limited compared to the GBA and PSP versions, the augment system helps shake things up a bit. There are some things that are there to challenge veterans and certainly filtered me for a bit when I was younger. I think this version is worth playing, but mainly if you are already a fan of this game and want a new way to experience it.

Still a good game because it's FF4. The art style just isn't my cup of tea.

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How many times can this game pull the "kain was brainwashed" bit and get away with it

Final Fantasy IV pode ser debatido como o jogo mais importante da franquia, ao menos dentro dela mesma, mesmo com diversas entradas, cada uma sendo muito única, o IV ainda é mantido vivo em todos. Inclusive o meu título favorito da série e o mais recente quando estou escrevendo isso, o Final Fantasy XVI que usa o IV na intenção de subverter diversos dos seus plots como o tema de irmandade dentro do jogo, que de forma análoga cria uma história de redenção para Golbez/Clive onde ele aceita a verdade por trás de seu passado obscuro e da sua relação com seu irmão, o final de ambos os jogos tem diversas semelhanças em plot, não quero entrar em spoilers pesados de ambos os jogos, mas para além dos paralelos nos jogos mais recentes da franquia, o IV cria a base de uma história mais dubia e cinza, refletindo sobre o maniqueísmo inicial da franquia e ainda assim mantendo essas bases dicotômicas na relação entre bem e mal. É um jogo que acima de tudo explora humanos como humanos, como seres complexos que são ambíguos, e explora isso abordando temas como colonialismo, genocídio, preconceito, luto e acima de tudo redenção, Final Fantasy IV é sobre mostrar que não somos definidos por onde nascemos, é um de nossos traços, sempre estamos abertos a mudanças e precisamos dessas mudanças sejam elas felizes ou tristes.

O 3D Remake eu considero uma excelente forma de experienciar esse clássico, além de diversas melhorias de qualidade de vida, ele ainda tem uma direção muito apropriada para as cenas do jogo e a dublagem ajuda muito nisso.

[47 hours playtime] Cant tell if the story was 'better' than FFIII. Almost reached lvl 99 for the first time, but alas everyone finished about lvl 85

the augment system sucks purely because it doesn't tell you you need to spend precious resources on party members you know will leave permanently to get the necessary upgrades to beat the game so you basically need a guide, also the 100% took me 3 playthroughs and farming a DOZEN items with 0.4% drop rate...on very tough enemies that require a special consumable item to encounter so fuck that shit

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The challenge of this game is often more frustrating than thrilling, but when it's thrilling--it really shines. I loved the animated cutscenes, how they brought such life to the characters, a few of which I came to love so dearly, like Rydia and Cecil.

So much of that is forgotten, however, when the random encounter rate is particularly outrageous and when I think of the very existence of the final dungeon. It was so grueling that I was reluctant to pick it up and finish it--and funnily enough, the final boss is laughable in comparison to the sadism of the dungeon, even if I got sweaty toward the end of the fight.

The necessity of grinding is what bogs down this game; of course, knowledge of the augment mechanic makes it easier, but figuring out how to obtain the most valuable augments, or even knowing that they exist, basically forces you to consult a walkthrough. Their importance isn't stressed enough because they'd make certain boss fights like cakewalks--but this requires you to know that they even exist, like I said. How I would've loved to have Bluff on Rydia, for example... then there are characters that leave the party for good, but it's impossible to know this without spoiling yourself, making you wonder whether using an augment on a character is a waste or a boon (and spoiler alert: teaching Cid Counter was one of the worst things I did).

But no, why wouldn't you use all the greatest augments on Cecil? Seems like common sense, right... but then there's a weakness, that an OP Cecil makes the other characters functionally useless, or at least not as vital, aside from Designated Healer Rosa.

The active-time-battle system drags especially at the beginning when you're at low levels--the meter fills dreadfully slowly. I found myself doing other things while just waiting for my characters' turns.

I had some incredible moments with this game--Mt. Ordeals in particular, and the flashback scene with Golbez--but my God, I would not repeat either the Tower of Babil or Lunar Subterrane.