Reviews from

in the past

What a strange entry. I remember booting up this game and my jaw hitting the floor because of how incredible it looked. The fidelity of Hogwarts castle was impressive and the voice acting is very convincing. This is an amazingly immersive game that has tons of personality. I remember getting lost for HOURS just tinkering graphics setting and admiring how the reflections looked like on the floors of the castle (definitely a pc gamer thing lol), talking to every NPC and doing every sidequest. Going out of the castle and walking to Hogsmeade village had my inner child crying with joy.

The battle system was also quite fun and engaging. I really enjoyed learning so many spells from the movies. It really has a “git good” dark souls flavor that I love. It does kinda let you go to areas where you’re not ready to go to and be successful anyway. I was loving this game for hours on end.

The thing that kinda irked me in the end, which is almost always what irks me whenever I don’t like and RPG, is that the quests are kind of boring and repetitive. These guys built an enormous world around harry Potter lore and not alot to do in them. The merlin quests are a slog and the main story isn’t all that interesting. I wasn’t able to finish the game because I got too overpowered mid game and no enemy posed a threat anymore. I will def try it again in the future though.

Please disagree with me in the comments lol 🙏🙏🙏

story and quests are midd, found it boring so i dropped it but might pick it up again because i spent 100 dollars on this

picture this....
world hunger ends, war is over, no more racism, all diseases cured, groceries are affordable, rent isn't 80% of peoples income, twitter is a good platform...
Sounds lovely right?

That is what could've been if open world games didn't exist.

If they got rid of 65% of this game and focused more on the combat elements, storyline, animating cutscenes, not copy/pasting sound effects from rdr2 etc it could've been good

OK so I don't like JK Rowling or Harry Potter, I decided to try this game out because it was free, and ironically despite all the weird warriors for this game I'm one of the few that actually did.

This game was good but the longer you played the more the cracks would show. Like there were cool things like being able to decorate your own room and Hogwarts being so alive but then...well.

So the story is written very oddly and I think it wanted to be too many things and couldn't really be any of them. If you want the most basic example of this that really embodies the entire experience: So at one point you meet a character that passively talks about how, at another wizarding school, they don't use wands. They use their hands. When she came to Hogwarts, she had to change to using a wand. Now, probably completely irrelevant, here's a fun fact: most witches and wizards (even Voldemort) cannot use magic without their wands. One of the most basic spells both in the game and in the movies is expelliarmus, which expels wands from opposing magic users' hands (it does more than that but this is the purpose it's often used for).

Think about that. Just think about it for a second.

The game has tons of weird mental "huhs" that are frankly indicative of what the original series was (badly written), but also it generally just doesn't feel good. You're framed as this hero fighting against the evil goblins when the game, immediately, as the game starts, explains what happened to the goblins and why they're doing what they are. They are also the first enemy that you're capable of mercilessly murdering with regular spells just because. And you're supposed to be the good guy.

Now if the game actually acknowledged any of this it might have been fine but it simply paints the antagonist as bad despite the fact that almost nothing he does over the course of the story is unjustified, so by the end if you think about it for more than a few seconds you feel really weird about what you just experienced.

Also this game does not know how to do death.

Furthermore, that decorating rooms thing I mentioned? It is cool and that it's introduced later in the game is something that I like, but what it is is...well, kinda boring? And they tie some idle mechanics too it which are completely unnecessary. When the reward for something is a decoration for a feature you don't use then the task ends up feeling a lot less worth doing. The animals are cute but I wish you could do more with them.

There's a slave den in this game. This is presented without any negative connotations, and at times I think this game is worse than Rowling's original work in terms of how it presents certain things.

If it seems like I'm mostly complaining it's because yes, this is a game that is kind of fun initially but the fact that I and like, the rest of the world forgot it existed almost right after it came out says a lot despite its scale. The boss fights are bad and weirdly disjointed (do NOT get me started on the final boss), there are some puzzle sequences that just make me wanna end it, the warnings for what you can deflect and what you can't can be really difficult to tell apart sometimes, especially when a lot's going on at once, the killing spell is treated like something there's a big choice behind learning but it's actually just kinda useful and there's no drawback and no one judges you for it despite it being like, the worst thing canonically. Also it's buggy. There are a lot of bugs and me mentioning this at the end is largely because it's not super buggy but like.

To wrap this up I guess, there's this boss fight near the end of the game where you fight this big creature. It's not a good boss fight. Anyway, once its health was almost all the way down, it charged and. Disappeared.

Poof. Gone. And I was soft-locked, had to load my save and do the whole fight over again. Waited a while too, no idea why it happened.

Hogwarts Legacy, ladies and others.

I love the mechanics of this game and how magic works. The transportation system is so smooth and the map is beautiful and the exploration is so fun. I think they made a mistake by making it rated T instead of M and adding more mature themes. The story is so shit. It feels like I'm playing a game for little children let alone teens. Giving it more depth and more maturity could have saved it

i've come to bear such bad news. terrible tidings. hogwarts legacy is straight up boring as hell.

still better than valorant

I had the most fun exploring and not playing the story if that says anything. Combat is hella fun

A ambientação do jogo é fantástica! mas somente isso não me segurou por muito tempo. desisti do jogo antes mesmo de aprender a voar com a vassoura. achei um pouco cansativo, com uma historia que não me convenceu muito... já fui um grande fã de Harry Potter, creio que se eu jogasse esse título há uns 10 anos atrás, certamente eu jogaria até o fim com muita vontade

Hogwarts Legacy delivers everything a fan could desire. The detail in Hogwarts is mesmerizing, making exploration truly captivating. The combat is inventive and enjoyable, and the systems for taming creatures, crafting potions, and decorating the Room of Requirement are all highly entertaining.

However, the story is quite basic, and the choices lack depth. Your character essentially has no personality, which detracts from the narrative. Once the game leaves Hogwarts, its quality significantly declines. While the outskirts, Hogsmeade, and the Forbidden Forest are marvelous to explore, venturing further into the open world reveals lackluster landscapes with underwhelming activities.

Initially, open-world activities are fun, but they gradually become repetitive and bloated. The rewards for these activities could be improved; for example, completing 100% of the game, including all Merlin Trials and the Field Guide, offers no significant reward, which is disappointing.

Despite these flaws, the game excels in capturing the fantasy of being a Hogwarts student. The attention to detail within the castle is superb, and it's clear the developers put a lot of love into this aspect. They should have focused more on this rather than the more generic open-world elements. For Harry Potter fans, this game is an extremely fun and immersive experience.

pretty fun game but the open world can be a bit of a slog

All in all, just a really fun game. The combat really carries the game especially with all the repitition by the end. Chaining different spells never got old even when fighting the same enemies over and over agian. This game is very close to 10/10 but two things hold it back. The first is that the story doesn't center around hogwarts enough. Most of the game takes place in generic fields or dungeons and not in Hogwarts. They made perhaps the most spectacular structure in video game history with Hogwarts but didn't use it for gameplay other than a collectathon. The second issue is that there is no weight to player choice. The main character is too generic and doesn't ever feel like a real person. No parents, no backstory, no past life etc.

This is like a cool Disney ride through Hogwarts and it's neighborhood. You can see the sights, creatures, and references to your favorite moments from Harry Potter... and that's about it. The combat gets boring within like 3 hours, the story is honestly just an excuse for you to visit the aforementioned cool sights. The open world is RIDICULOUSLY bloated with shitty open-world collectibles. Overall it's nice enough of a time for me to recommend it, especially if you are into Harry Potter, but this game overall is really nothing special.

Um jogo excelente visual, artística e "sonoramente". É possível ver a paixão dos devs pelo mundo de Harry Potter. O combate é divertido; a gameplay, apesar de repetitiva em diversos momentos é legal, mas o que realmente peca são diálogos sejam eles em momentos "???????" ou usando a câmera por cima do ombro pra mostrar o personagem falante, ou simplesmente opções de diálogos que não mudam nada, considerando um "RPG".

They got the world spot on and that's all that matters

Also can JK Rowling just keel over already so I can be a Harry Potter fan without feeling like shit

Ele pega certos elementos de The Witcher 3 e por incrível que pareça, de jogos da Lego também, de TW3 pega um pouco a questão de fast travel, poções, fraqueza e formas de derrotar os inimigos, mas de forma bem reduzida visto que tem apenas 67 tipos de inimigo no jogo contando com variações, da Lego pega muito a lógica de gameplay, aquele lance de desbloquear habilidades pra passar por certas partes e interagir com objetos, coletáveis e puzzles.

Esse foco em coletáveis faz o jogo parecer um collectathon de tanta coisinha que tem pra pegar, não chega a ser irritante pq tu sempre ganha xp, também tem os desafios que é um sistema bem bosta, é literalmente um passe de temporada sei lá do Fortnite, por exemplo, tu encontra um número de itens e isso libera uma peça de skin, nem pra ser um equipamento com status, as quests secundárias são assim também, tu tem que rezar sempre pra recompensa ser dinheiro ou outra coisa útil pq normalmente é só item cosmético, criança e fã cego da franquia deve ter amado isso, mas como não é o meu caso achei bem tosco.

A questão dos coletáveis acaba gerando um foco em exploração, principalmente dentro de Hogwarts, que apesar de ser um jogo mundo aberto tu passa metade do tempo dentro da escola, que diga-se de passagem, não é uma escola, é uma masmorra labiríntica infernal, puta que pariu, não atoa tem vários fast travels dentro do castelo, é impossível tu andar 5 metros lá dentro sem se perder, apesar de ser irritante acaba que conceitualmente é interessante.

Em um ponto do jogo acontece um lance meio The Sims, tu monta uma base que tu pode craftar coisas e ter uma fazendinha, sim dá pra ter uma fazenda num jogo de Harry Potter, isso tudo é até interessante, mas é bem mal feito, mas o pior é o fato que a partir disso vários baús e prêmios dentro do jogo que davam dinheiro e roupas agora também dão decoração, enfia decoração de casinha no olho do cu cara, vai se fuder, 80% dos baús só tem isso quem que teve essa ideia, tu vai numa passagem secreta ou passa por um puzzle pra ganhar o que? Ganhar a poha de um espelho, ganhar um quadro, ganhar uma mesa, vsffffffffffffffffffffff.

Parece que eu odiei o jogo, mas o combate por incrível que pareça é bom, conseguiram fazer bem um TPS dinâmico com cara de RPG, apesar que bruxo fazendo rolamento é algo que me ainda não colou comigo, mas dá pro gasto, mas o que me incomoda no combate é em feitiços como expelliarmus que tu só pode usar em duendes com machado, outros inimigos segurando arma ele não funciona, tem vários feitiços que só fazem efeito em um ou outro tipo de inimigo, sinceramente é bem irritante.

Um collectathon bizarro com skin de ARPG genérico e um bom combate TPS, essa é uma boa forma de definir esse jogo medíocre.

Why are my teenage wizards dodge rolling? I must've missed the book "Harry Potter and the Soul of Cinder"

It took me way too long to complete the storyline of this game simply because I spent every second completing every side quest I came across. By the time I reached the boss battle, I was so insanely overpowered that I knocked that bitch into oblivion

no sex no drugs no murders flop

Rien à faire en dehors du château et une fois la découverte finie on s’ennuie !!!! Bestiaire trop petit mais bon gameplay ! Voilà c’était mon analyse ça vous a plu ?

This game was enjoyable and nostalgic due of the Harry Potter series, but I doubt it would have been as popular without the film series' support.

Overall, unless you're a huge fan of the Wizarding Worlds, the game is very repetitive and, to be honest, quite easy. Even though you have so many spells to choose from, the fighting and action tends to be the same over and over again, the bosses are easier than some of the creatures you find around the world, and you can pretty much predict where the story is going.

The game was enjoyable, but I believe the story focuses mostly on the ancient magic aspect rather than the going to school aspect; the lessons you attend are so limited and meaningless, serving only to provide you with a spell to use. I think this was a missed opportunity.

The minigames were enjoyable but short. The flying minigame had only three levels, which was quite frustrating since I struggled to fly at first but eventually got quite good at it! Summoner's Court had a lot more levels, but it still finished quickly, sadly.

I did enjoy playing the game, and I don't want to just trash it because I see myself coming back to it in the future, and I'm still trying to platinum it, but I do believe there were parts missing in this game that would have made it the perfect game that didn't focus on the main Harry Potter story we already know! If you haven't played it yet, I highly recommend it.

Se pra avançar na história principal você obrigatóriamente tem que fazer as missões secundárias, talvez elas não sejam tão secundárias assim

Open world is pretty, but kind of empty and I wish more of the game took place in the castle. However, whipping around on your broom is fun and the spell casting is a blast, especially trying out different combos on enemies. Customization is nice as well with the Room of Requirement being a bright spot. Overall, a good jumping off point for HP open world games that is hard carried by HP being a fun world/universe.

I'm obsessed with harry potter and i could not help myself to finish this game
BORING characters and boring exploration. Only good thing is the castle.
Exploring outside does not give you any reward and literally every chest is a fucking piece of clothe that looks goofier than the previous one.
extremely childish and awkward dialogues and the main character (us) is fucking CRINGE, this game needed meaner responses.
boring side quest and i couldn't care less for any of the characters in the game
like 10 hours in or sth i can't go any longer

Really better than it has any right to be from a studio that hasn't attempted anything at this scale.

Solid story (nothing too deep here), good puzzles, and surprisingly captivating gameplay for a magic-focused title. However, this game really shines in its world-design, while exploring Hogwarts it's really impressive to see how much detail, and small-mini puzzles and hidden areas are crammed into the world. Anyone who's a completionist or exploration-focused player will really enjoy what they've put together here.

Highly recommend picking this one up regardless of if you've paid attention to the Harry potter series beforehand.

Muito bom jogo, recomendo para os fas da franquia e também para os que não são.

Esse jogo consegue representar o mundo de harry potter fielmente, fazendo com que o jogador realmente se sinta em um filme, trilha sonora impecável, ótima dublagem e lindos gráficos (Xbox series s)

porém há pontos negativos que merecem ser destacados. A exploração de mapa é extremamente repetitiva, história é razoável, o combate as vezes pode ser confuso, e para aqueles que forem fazer o 100% eu lhes desejo boa sorte pois é muito entediante.

arranca muy bien y muy arriba, pero se va cayendo a los pedacitos, al final para terminarlo lo sufri un poco, lo senti bastante repetitivo, lo jugue ni bien salio y la verdad la optimizacion era un ASCO. ojala haya cambiado, siento que pudo haber explotado más.

the hogwarts castle looks really cool. that’s the only thing i liked