Reviews from

in the past

Super fun, all characters are incredible, and the story is AMAZING. As expected from Supergiant, in love since the first minute.

Rolled credits after picking it up and putting it down several times since release. Always a pleasure and each time I picked it back up wondered why I didn't play it more frequently. With 2 on the horizon I got a little more consistent with my sessions. Even though credits rolled there's more unlockables and character interactions to see. Hades 2 entered early access today and I plan to keep dipping into Hades while I await the full release of 2. Bastion was one of my favorites and this was a cool spiritual successor. Looking forward to the sequel!

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Truly one of the hardest choice games ever. My ass has to pick between Aphrodite my beloved or Dionysus my boy, my homeboy my straight up king.

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This game is fuckin peak. IIRC this is the first game I played after building my first pc, either this or Paper's please. Not sure if it has a true ending but I have met Zagreus mom couple times. This game fuckin peak cant wait for Hades 2

Crack if it were a video game. Once the goal shifts from "how the hell do we escape?" to "how many different ways can we escape? :)" it's damn near impossible to put it down.

Awesome game with great battle mechanics plus near infinite dialogues and challenges. I LOVE Greek Mythology in the first place, so I've really enjoyed the game and I can't wait for the sequel !

Fast, fun and great music

De los pocos casos en que gameplay e historia molan uno igual que el otro

One of the best games I've ever played

I don't like rogue likes or roguelites, but I love Hades. The most bisexual game ever penned. God's bless

"completed" this masterpiece for the zillionth time in anticipation of Hades II. after 200 hours I'm ready for new characters, stories and locations. especially that third one because as much as I love this game, those four and a half regions really do get repetitive after a while.

Played on both PC and Steam Deck, amazing game. Good story, interesting characters. Good soundtrack. I can't recommend it enough.

Perhaps one of the best roguelikes of all time.
Would recommend to anyone who likes roguelikes, or even greek lore.

Truly a remarkably fun game. It hooks you in with easy-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay. Then, it provides you with small drops of story that come as you engage with the roguelike elements. It's a great first roguelike for people interested in dipping their toe into the genre.

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This game is such a interesting take on Greek myth and how it forms Zagreus story when he is such an obscure character in Greek myth itself. Super Giant brilliantly was able to turn Zagreus from a minor myth into an heartfelt and engaging myth of love, family, and persevering through hardship no matter the cost and ultimately being the god of blood. The games combat is so well made and is one of the only roguelikes I LOVE as it integrates storytelling into it beautifully. The weapons as are so fun to use with the Twin Fist being my favorite to use with the spear coming right behind. How each run is different and offers new and engaging aspects and boons to use makes the game always fresh and never a bore to do. Dying is never a bad thing either as there is so much to do in the House of Hades and I would never be angry if I died but instead just say "oh well, at least I can upgrade/build [insert thing you can upgrade/build] now" so that was really nice. This does have to be one of the best games I have ever played to be completely honest and I will stand proud to say that. Also everyone is just so hot in this game like what the hell... Dionysus, Nyx, Thanatos, and Megaera are the first to come to mind LOL. Play this game even if you don't like roguelikes, It might change your opinion like it did mine! I can't wait for Hades II now. DEATH TO CRONOS!!!!!!!

havent played this game in a while but I felt the urge to give my opinion on it:
Amazing visually, musically, writing and character wise. But as an actual roguelike this game is just meh.

People who say this is their favorite roguelike probably haven't played a lot of them.

zag and i have the same reaction when thanatos shows up

The only roguelike game I've played and it's one of the best. Well deserved praises during its year of release. I have hours upon hours on this game and it hasn't felt repetitive at all. Dialogue and combat mechanics are super engaging.

damn why's dad gotta be such a dick

Amazing game. A heartwarming story, fun gameplay and phenomenal art makes this game a must play.

incredible stuff. the tightest and most well-tuned roguelike i've ever played, paired with the incredible art, music, and vocal performances typical of supergiant.

My girlfriend is okay that I slept with Megaera and Thanatos but drew the line when I wanted to sleep with Dusa

The best roguelike i've played. Everything about this game is absolute incredible. 10/10