Reviews from

in the past

came for the gods, stayed for the fishing

Probably one of my first roguelike games, and turns out I like them. lol

This game does almost everything perfectly. The story is interesting and emotional, the graphics are absolutely stunning (seriously, I consider it to be one of my best artstyles I've seen in a game), gameplay is highly responsive and dynamic.
However, it is a roguelite, which is not something I enjoy. Nonetheless, I had a blast playing through it.
The ending is great but the epilogue is bad!

only so many times I can go thru the same floors with the same enemies and the same bosses and the same weapons and the same everythings. for something so lauded I expected some variety. I'm sure some bozo will tell me "umm actually curse, there's six billion lines of bespoke artisinal stone baked dialogue" but you can blow it out your ass if the whole thing's contingent on slaving away in the metalayer currency mines for hours on end

every room seems to go on forever man. imagine if in isaac or monolith you cleared a room and then it filled back up with the same shit five more times. what the fuck guys? you have like four enemies per zone, you don't need to rub it in. is the expectation that I'm basking and luxuriating in these encounters? I'm not. I'm bored before I hit the third floor

maybe it gets better once I suck up to every NPC and collect all the gizmos and upgrade the weapons and upgrade the dungeon and upgrade the shop and upgrade the trinkets and fill out my pokedex, but I'll never know. I fuck with greek mythology when it's about cronus eating his kids and perseus cutting heads and severed testicles goin in the sea, but I don't think I'm the target audience for this kinda snarky post-tumblr young adult stuff. I'm glad folks like jacking off to it, I guess?

probably beats playing it!

Extremamente divertido e desafiador. Consegui derrotar o Hades pela primeira vez com 12 tentativas de fuga usando as manoplas com algumas bênçãos do Poseidon e outras da Atena. Estou marcando como completado após a primeira derrota de Hades por não saber se há um final definitivo para as próximas fugas, ou se irá se estender indefinidamente.

This review contains spoilers

O melhor rogue like já feito.

Voltei pro meu save que já tinha visto o final da história principal (Fugir 10 vezes) pra tentar chegar no epilogo e aquecer pra sequencia do jogo e simplesmente viciei completamente, 25 horas em 3 dias, fiz basicamente tudo, faltou só upar todas as lembrancinhas pro nível máximo.

Loop de gameplay é sensacional, mesmo continuando com uma arma só todas run você faz uma build diferente, com forças e fraquezas diferentes e isso é muito bom.

Só achei o jogo um pouco fácil, mesmo voltando enferrujado e colocando o foguinho de dificuldade no 16 pra conseguir a conquista, não foi um desafio tão grande.

Não lembrava o quanto a dublagem desse jogo era boa, um dos pontos mais altos.

Foi ótimo rejogar Hades, e nas férias volto pra terminar de platinar

“Este es el último intento de fuga que hago y lo dejo” Eso dijiste hace 5 horas.
Después de jugar Returnal no quería volver a jugar un Roguelite porque no esperaba encontrar uno a la altura. Ahora, jugado Hades, no quiero jugar otro Roguelite porque no sé si estará a su altura.
Porque Hades es un juego difícil, pero sobre todo es adictivo. Con una jugabilidad sencilla pero que funciona, hace que cada partida sea única y sea el jugador quien deba adaptarse a las circunstancias y al entorno. Me encanta. No existe la planificación más que la arma que hayas elegido al principio.

Quizás el único “pero” que le pongo, es que cuando lo dominas puede llegar a ser algo repetitivo. Pero para cuando te pase eso habrás disfrutado una buenísima experiencia.

Nota final: 9

Now I like men, women, everything in between and outside of them and snakes

I know relatively little about Roguelikes, only Dead Cells so far, but I was in the mood for a new one and since Hades 2 is coming out soon, I picked Hades.

The artistic side of the game is great. Everything from the art style to the music and character artwork has such a unique charm. The fact that they chose this particular setting fits fantastically. The big focus on story is an interesting spin. The core gameplay is really fluid and always feels very fun. There is relatively little frustration, most challenges can be mastered after a few attempts and so you always make progress. All in all, a great experience.

But... I'm probably making myself a bit unpopular with this, because the game is otherwise so universally loved, but I think it has too little content. It was my own mistake that I wanted the platinum trophy. Because it becomes an unbelievable grind. A grind that the game absolutely cannot support. You run through the same few rooms over and over again. No alternative routes or much variance between runs. The biggest variety comes from the few different weapon variants and boons of the gods. That pretty much burnt me out and took a lot of the fun out of it. I wish I hadn't played on platinum... But that's more my fault.

To summarise, it's still a really great game, but I played it far longer than would have been good for me.

I am not a huge fan of rogue-likes but this is one I came to love. The gameplay is quick and addictive and though you might always be going through the same levels over and over, it just never gets boring.

And all the weapons are so unique and fun to use that I actually find it hard to choose if not for the +20 bonus for gems that activates for random weapons.

My favourite part of the game is for sure the story however. Assisted heavily with how great and funny the writing it is, with some really good characters, Zagreus included. Its hard to say much without spoiling but I just love the whole vibe of the story and it just so good.

Overall amazing game that totally deserves it reputation. I cannot wait to try out the sequel!

my favorite part of this game is killing women

repetitve (dont tell me to use different weapons)

Most addicting gameplay loop , when you get that particular combo of upgrades on that specific run , its orgasmic.

Supergiant can't miss. It's literally impossible. Great game and a must play rogue-like. Beat Hades twice and glad I did.

This game is weird to me, I enjoyed beating it but the game kinda feels off. The game is filled with a lot of unlockables and unique dialogue but the game itself doesn't really have enough variety in gameplay for me to actually enjoy spending time to actually experience all of it. It also didn't help that I didn't enjoy using any of the weapons aside from the gun weapon.
I enjoyed beating the main quest but I don't really have much motivation to unlock or see anything passed that

I played so much of this game within the last few years but it kept corrupting my save data so now I just have to replay it again. Definitely one of the best roguelikes though.

Greek god make me hot and sweaty.

vai ter personagem gostoso assim la na casa do caixaprego kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

My opinion on this game hasn't really shifted the last log, but with the release of sequel I got reminded about the presentation (for me, this is the best looking game ever made, as of now) of this game, so I decided to give it another try. Despite all the flaws and problems I have with this game, I missed getting addicted to a video game, and I'm glad Hades allowed me to do that. Finished the game on 32 heat, and I don't know if I will continue 100% it. It can be fun to jump back to it from time to time. It's a very versatile game, aspects of which can be appealing to practically everyone. Giving it 3 stars, because after all it's still a very fun game and above average video game that's coming out as of late.

Finalmente finalizei a história principal do jogo que se tornou meu favorito antes mesmo de eu completar. Foram quatro anos até eu reservar meu tempo pra finalmente terminar (eu sinceramente não sei porque demorei tanto, porque resisti tanto a jogar, era só jogar). Foi esse jogo que abriu bastante meu prazer por jogos, e também me deu a melhor experiência de game até hoje, e acredito que estará no topo pra todo o sempre. Todos os detalhes desse jogo são extremamente encantadores, soundtracks tão explêndidas, cenários, artes, personagens, combate, jogabilidade, tudo é marcante. Ainda irei finalizar até o Epílogo, e sei que só vou amar ainda mais esse jogo que já é meu maior favorito.

A very polished hack and slash roguish game, but almost to a fault. The combat gets repetitive with lack of enemy variety, and a lot of the times the boons are just... there instead of synergizing.

There's a lot of artificial busywork making the game more grindy: heat levels not giving boss rewards from lower heat levels, only one dialogue from a character per run (if the character isn't arbitrarily missing from the hub world), a quite mismanaged dialogue queue. Supergiant owes me a public apology for how they made the last fist aspect unlocked. I haven't touched the game since I beat it, so I was probably only playing it for the story.

tem como fazer carinho no cachorro

The game is beautiful and the amount of lore and dialogue is insane. The gameplay is so fluid and it feels so rewarding to get good at. I like that there is actual dialogue with the bosses and boons so it feels like you're still progressing through a story while just playing through runs.

Once I started playing I couldn't stop, super addicting. loved everything about it from the style, gameplay, characters music and story. played this on the steam deck and I feel like I loved this game even more due to playing it in handheld. haven't played much rogue likes but this is definitely my favourite.

finished just In time for Hades 2!

Honestly good... but people calling it GOTY of the year it came out are exaggerating hard. Its just good. not GOTY good

Just reached credits and wow this game blew me out the water. The gameplay, story, presentation, everything was just top notch. I wouldn't be surprised if I'll have another 50 hours soon. Top tier rogue like.

All time favorite, its hard finding flaws in this, even after 200 hours