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Really good rouge like. cant go as crazy as like ROR2 or Isaac but the gameplay loop is very fun and has a good bit of replayability with weapon variety and different builds can make the same weapon feel just as unique. I kinda lost interest after beating the main story and getting most of the upgrades doe.

People usually stick to their favorite genres when pursuing the hobby of gaming, with the occasional dipping of their toe in another genre if something about a particular title intrigues them. Hades is this for me when it comes to the roguelike genre, with what I feel is a stronger emphasis on presentation and storytelling compared to its contemporaries.

You play as Zagreus, who's constantly trying to escape from Hades in order to reunite with his biological mother, Persephone. Very straightforward premise that slowly unravels over the course of your escape attempts. As you get to know the characters that populate the world of Hades, you start to notice the themes of separation and miscommunication. Much of the cast is characterized by their separation of someone important in their life, and how through miscommunication, or even just hiding information, they've perpetuated their current status. Zagreus is very empathetic to their plight, seeing as how he himself wants to reunite with his mother, and so does whatever he can to set things right. I get the feeling I'm missing out on a lot of additional context by not being overly familiar with Greek mythology. Those who are much more familiar with it probably get a lot more out of the stories being told here. Regardless, it's a really enjoyable story with characters you really like. If I had a complaint, it's with how slow some of these stories can progress. You only get the chance to talk to characters once per run, and their dialogue is somewhat randomized, so it could take hours before a story can make any meaningful progress.

The gameplay loop is the most important thing they had to get right, seeing how often you'll be going through the same locations, and thankfully they nail it. Early on you'll be struggling to make it past certain areas, but as you progress and upgrade Zagreus' abilities and unlock new weapons, you'll eventually be able to do large parts of the game in your sleep. But it isn't just about getting better skills and weapons. One of the skills the game will teach you is identifying what boons and weapon upgrades you receive are worth getting or not. Certain boons pair well with certain weapons, and certain gods synergize very well with one another. Being able to identify the ideal synergies is the difference between a frustrating run and an absolute cake walk. If there's anything to criticize, is that the Hidden Aspects you get can be pretty underwhelming. I get that they probably didn't want them to outshine the base weapons you get, but some of them feel particularly bad to use.

The music can best be summed up as a hybrid between traditional Greek instruments set to rock arrangements. I can't say there's any game that comes to mind that mixes the two, so it results in a unique and memorable soundtrack. Not only that, but they actually have the songs exist diegetically, thanks to Orpheus and his muse Eurydice. I'd also like to shout out the song "It's In the Blood". Not only is it an absolute amazing track to close the base game on, but it also does an excellent job of tying the main themes of the game in a nice bow.

Hades does a lot of things really well that appeal to be people that maybe aren't as invested in the genre. I know it worked on me, and I don't think my 90+ hours in Hades is going to translate in me playing other roguelikes, but who knows. All I know is that I thoroughly enjoyed all the time I put into Hades, and look forward to when Hades II finally makes its way out of early access.

Although defined as a roguelike, it does a lot different from other titles in the genre. The ongoing story, characters and events changing after every run (even if you fail) makes the player want to keep going, even if sometimes, the gameplay can be repetitive if you play it too much. Other than that, great game!

Hades is an artistically gorgeous game in every aspect. The visual style is beautiful, the soundtrack is stellar, and the way the narrative ties into the gameplay is very clever. It's a super addictive game in a non-predatory sort of way, too. I don't think I've ever experienced a game before that offers such little content in terms of the number of set pieces that it utilizes, yet makes up for it with an insane level of depth that keeps revealing new layers, even after dozens of hours in. I could not recommend this game more.

Absolutely astonishing art direction, deep and well voiced characters forming meaningfull bonds at a very pleasing pace through the story, topped of with "spammy" but amazing rouge-li(k/t)e gameplay with just enough complexity.

This game is so immensely solid it makes it look effortless. What the fuck. There's so much here and all of it is so good and well made. Literally everything, all of it is. What the fuck.

GREAT game. Wish it had couch co-op.

I'm not a frequent roguelike guy this shit bangs hard though. I don't think I've ever had more fun with all the little dialogue notes, realizing new stuff is available, etc.

Only complaint is the touch controls sometimes do not respond, in a way that I haven't seen with other well-made mobile games.

Я уже говорил тебе, что такое безумие? Безумие — это точное повторение одного и того же действия, раз за разом в надежде на изменение. Это... есть... безумие... Когда впервые я это услышал, не помню, кто мне это сказал эту хрень, я — бум — убил его. Смысл в том, окей. Он был прав. И тогда я стал видеть это везде, везде, куда ни глянь, эти болваны... Куда ни глянь, делают точно одно и то же. Снова и снова, и снова, и снова, и снова, и думают — сейчас все изменится. Не-не-не-не, прошу, сейчас все будет иначе. Прости. Мне не нравится, как... ты на меня смотришь! Окей? У тебя проблемы с головой? Думаешь, лапшу тебе на уши вешаю? Вру? Пошел ты! Окей? Пошел на хуй! Все в порядке... Я успокоюсь, братец, успокоюсь. Смысл в том... Ладно. Смысл в том, что я тебя убил. Уже. И дело не в том, что я ебнутый, усек? Фьююють... Это как вода под мостом... Я уже говорил тебе, что такое безумие?

We aren't going to get a game like Hades from anyone else. The game does so much to the roguelike formula that make it great, although its biggest contributions don't even really affect gameplay. I do feel like the gameplay gets stale after a little while but I still made sure to beat Extreme Hades before putting it down.

De los pocos Roguelike que me han gustado :) Fluidísimo y muy, muy bonito. Y eso que es un género que no me gusta demasiado.

One of the best rogue likes out there

"Estamos sempre fugindo de onde pertencemos"

Para cada mensagem existe o modo que essa mensagem é passada e a finalidade da mesma, videogame é uma mídia que constantemente utiliza de uma narrativa pautada em violência, justamente por ser uma mídia mais ativa, essa limitação sempre foi algo que moldou os padrões e gêneros dentro da mesma, Hades usa do conflito geracional e violento dos deuses, da morte, e parricídio, para falar sobre descoberta, separação de relacionamento, e amor familiar, envelopando tudo isso em um rogue-like, é incrível como todas essas narrativas conversam dentro do gênero quase como se o gênero fosse criado para dar vida a essa história, e seus sistemas diegeticamente conversam sobre toda essa ludonarrativa de Hades.
Ele se apodera da típica narrativa mitológica grega que conta sobre tragédias e homicídios, para mostrar que para cada ato de violência existe alguma conversa não finalizada e um coração não afagado, e mesmo que doa, buscar fugir é melhor que o conformismo de acertar a perda inevitável.

Não sou de jogar roguelike mas até que me diverti jogando. O jogo não me pegou, mas não posso deixar de citar que é um jogo exelente, pela, hist´ria, personaagens, dialogos e jogabilidade. Não cheguei a completar o final verdadeiro simplesmente por que eu já não estava animado, não quero forçar terminar o jogo pelo tempo que sera gasto. Mas tá ai, um ótimo jogo de qualidade.

Boring action game. Please stop calling it a roguelike, or even roguelite. The only similarity to Rogue is that it's procedural and run-based. It's not turn-based or tile-based and certainly doesn't have permadeath.

One of the few games I've played that gets worse the more you play it. I absolutely recommend it up until you've won a run for the first time but to 100% the game from there is very tedious and the game just doesn't have enough variety for all the runs it asks of you to actually be fun by the end.

One of supergiant's best, second only to transistor.

jogo difícil da porra, o zagreus é gostoso e eu quero dar pro hades

How are you gonna get a perfect game in terms of gameplay, characters, art, story, mechanics, endgame content, voice acting, music, and then dip

Jogaço da porra, um jogo perfeito pra ficar repetindo várias e várias vezes, trilha sonora perfeita

JOGARALHAÇO, muito viciante a gameplay da sempre vontade de voltar e tentar de novo, a arte do jogo é fabulosa da mesma forma que a construção de fases é perfeita. O fator de geração aleatória de salas é muito bom pois não da nunca a sensação de repetição. Talvez o único ponto negativo (que eu espero ver melhorado em Hades 2) é o desequilíbrio entre as armas, na minha experiência algumas armas apenas pareciam naturalmente mais fracas que as outras (arco e escudo por exemplo). Enfim é jogaço e vale a pena ser jogado.
Obs: Levei umas 30 runs pra conseguir derrotar o boss final então não se preocupe se achar que nunca vai chegar longe.

Genuinamente me encantó todo y me encariñe mucho con los personajes y pues eso.

Es un juego con una estética superior. Ademas, es un roguelike muy pulido y entretenido para dedicarle muchas horas. El sistema de progresión es excelente.

It’s kinda mid tbh. I get the hype around it and it’s a joy to look at, but the story got kinda stale after a while.

Foi legal, mas não me prendeu pelo estilo de movimentação. Vou tentar de novo depois.

A fine, if completely too easy, roguelite. I had a decent bit of fun with this one and the art was incredible, but after beating it I had absolutely zero desire to go back.