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Joguei quando tinha gamepass e achei sensacional o visual, lore e tudo do jogo, pretendo voltar e zerar esse belo jogo

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Cogito Ergo Sum

I played this game, albeit a few months late from its release. Although, from what I’ve heard, there was still some work needed to refine certain edges and optimize everything, so in the end, I can’t complain since I had the best experience right from the start. Let me give a spoiler warning right away so I can speak freely.

With Lies of P, it was practically love at first sight. From the initial screens, this game captivated me with its meticulously crafted environments and evocative atmospheres. So much so that throughout my entire playthrough, I kept thinking, “Wow, I don’t want this to end!” I truly immersed myself in the world and the story presented in Lies of P. Only in the final section, the Alchemists’ Island, did I feel a bit of heaviness—a segment that might have been slightly drawn out and could have been trimmed a bit.

The game is more linear compared to other Souls-like titles, for better or worse. Personally, I would have preferred more choices, especially in the order of progression. Perhaps the option to tackle more challenging areas right from the start. I believe that was the initial idea of the developers based on how they set things up. It almost seems like they reconsidered during development and made changes. I’m referring to the fact that Geppetto essentially acts as the quest-giver, and the Krat Hotel serves as the central hub.

The gameplay is one of its strong points in my opinion. The difficulty is well-balanced—overall not too high for a Souls-like game. Only three bosses really gave me a significant number of attempts. But what I loved was the sense of progression in terms of abilities. As you continue the adventure, you genuinely feel yourself improving. After defeating a boss that initially challenged me, I often thought, “I can’t wait to face it again in future runs and take it down more easily.” Additionally, I enjoyed the weapon crafting mechanic—it adds a lot of possibilities and encourages experimentation. Although, at some point, I settled into my preferred setup. In my first run, I didn’t get to test the Legion Arm much. I unlocked all of them, but I rarely used them. I couldn’t quite integrate them into my playstyle, which is a bit disappointing, but I’ll explore them more in future runs.

The graphics are generally good. Playing with all settings maxed out is a visual delight—both in terms of textures and effects. However, I’m puzzled by how poorly the models and textures of human corpses scattered on the ground were done. Seriously, they look quite unappealing and lack definition. And i can't understand the reason.
In any case, it’s a game that captured me and made me passionate about its events and characters. So much so that right from the start, I began theorizing and evolving those theories as more details emerged. I understood many things, but some remained elusive. Indeed, I’m certain that playing through it multiple times would be beneficial, especially for revisiting various documents and dialogues with the added context of a deeper understanding of the story’s direction. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a solid recommendation. For a significant portion of the game, I was there, fueled by enthusiasm, ready to give it a solid 9 out of 10. However, upon reflection, I realize that would be a bit excessive. Nevertheless, the material is all there, and the foundations are strong enough to support a sequel that addresses the issues and fully hits the mark.

One of my favorite gaming experiences and my favorite Soulslike. A combination of Bloodborne and Sekiro was bound to win me over. It’s so amazing how so many people were extremely excited, but weary because of soulslike games past as well as this being from a new studio and they blew everyone’s expectations out of the water.

The world design, lore, soundtrack, combat, and characters are all immaculate and so well made. It was entirely unexpected this would actually improve upon Fromsoft’s combat and game design. From the weapon system with its combinations of weapon heads and handles, rally system but having to block for it to work, markers on the map/level layout for side quests, and more there were so many nice additions. Krat is so well designed and atmospheric that I love just looking and walking around. It’s one of my favorite gaming locations. The soundtrack is beautiful and I love being able to play vinyl in the hotel.

I loved a ton of the bosses, namely Laxasia, King of Puppets, Andreus, and the final boss. Most all of the bosses had amazing designs, lore, and movesets and had a high difficulty.

I love how this has a more in your face story similar to Sekiro. I can’t wait for the dlc/next game teased in the endings and to replay the game and try and platinum it. Highly recommend this to anyone!

Does enough to stand out on its own in regards to its heavy-handed Bloodborne worship with some fun combat and intriguing world design, but lacks the special 𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘩 of the FromSoft games it draws from---I particularly found the boss fights (and there are many) boring and frustrating more than thrilling. Still, I did have fun with my 70+ hours spent with it.

Easily the best soulslike, not actually made by Fromsoft. Has a great atmosphere and art direction that reminds me of a more steampunk version of Bloodborne. The weapon crafting system is well done and provides nearly limitless build creativity. With that said, the combat is far from perfect, the weapon durability system is pointless. Like Sekiro, the game is mainly built around parrying attacks, unlike Sekiro, the parry feels unintuitive and inconsistent, and many enemies lack any kind of pattern or rhythm to their attacks, making the process of figuring out parrying timing more a matter of guessing than anything else. There are also some intense difficulty spikes that can prove frustrating even to Souls veterans, and later levels will just throw a conga line of mini boss enemies at the player to artificially pump up difficulty. Overall, great first attempt, look forward to whatever Neowiz works on next.

A great soullike game.
Simple story with a little bit twist here and there.

primeiro uma indagação: por que o pinoquio eh sempre um twink em suas adaptacoes

segundo: otimo jogo. atmosfera LINDA mundo LINDO . muito bem otimizado combate muito foda também.. joguei bastante antes de jogar sekiro então foi muito foda jogar um jogo baseado em parry pela primeira vez !

MAS nem tudo sao flores.. depois de um tempo o jogo acaba ficando bem repetitivo e os bosses sempre tem uma segunda fase """surpresa""" depois de um certo ponto no jogo.. entao acaba que estraga os momentos que deveriam ser uma surpresa de verdade ? eu acho..? a ultima area do jogo eh desnecessariamente grande e eu so queria que o jogo acabasse logo..

masss no geral ! otimo jogo. recomendaria com certeza foi um respiro de ar fresco depois de jogar todos os dark souls !

gra bardzo fajna ale nie cos co mnie zlapie za serce i nie pusci. swiat zamkniety, takie call of duty tylko ze souls like zamiest fps. bosy fajne dobrze sie walczy, fajne warjacje broni, fabula taka o. mimo ze sie dobrze gralo to nie mam checi zeby zagrac w ta gre jeszcze raz, duzo sie dzialo ale zamkniety swiat sprawial ze nie czulem sie wolny kazde podejscie wyglada identycznie, nie ma roznorodnosci przejchodzenia gry. w ds1 mozesz isc i robic co chcesz, mozesz miec bron +15 zabijajac asylum demona jako jedynego bosa. po prostu takie dark souls w korytarzu z paroma dzwiami, 1 lokalizacja byla taka troche ukryta ale nic w niej w sumie nie bylo, ani bosa tylko plytka do osiagniecia i bron. osiagniecia no jak to w souls like zbieranie rupieci.

Interesting environments but minimal story, generic souls like gameplay

a dificuldade desse jogo é brutalmente justa(não deixa de ser difícil)

o primeiro souls-like não fromsoft que vi dar tão certo, o jogo é muito bem feito, trilha sonora impecável e direção de arte linda.

tendo um combate puxado para algo mais pro ritmo, lies of p lembra bastante sekiro, só que com uma pitada a mais de dificuldade.

a historia do jogo talvez seja uma das melhores historias contadas de souls-like, tendo mensagens até que sensíveis e outras que podem te deixar pensativo, a ambientação ajuda muito nisso também.

admito que quando vi o trailer a primeira vez não botei muita fé em um jogo do Pinoquio, mas digo com calma que essa reimaginação sombria é feita com muito carinho.

miglior souls like al momento. belli i personaggi, le ost e anche il lato artistico. bello che puoi scambiare lama e manici della armi. un po' troppo lineare e alcuni boss non del tutto riusciti

Apesar de ser soulslike, tem muita personalidade, uma história muito interessante e uma grande variedade de gameplay

Os cenários são simplesmente fantásticos, ambientação desse jogo é muito bem feita.

it was a wonderful exprience
it has some new mechanics compared to the traditional soulslikes and these new mechanics were fantastic
for instance weapon repair mechanic was really good especially when weapon was getting damage from decay status
boss fights were well designed and (almost) balanced and beautiful
the only flaw was that physical interaction with the weapons and objects like walls when objects were preventing you from atacking and that was annoying

-Is deep but the mechanics of weapon building and character creations feels a mile wide but an inch deep.
- The more interesting part is the parry system and the combat which feels rewarding and punishing at the same time. Easy to play and hard to master.
- I could not care about the plot or the world even though it should be interesting.

bastante god para no ser de fromsoftware y está optimizadisimo

to triste, minha sanidade mental nao tankou o nameless puppet

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Awesome game ! One of the best souls games I've ever played, might even rank this above Dark Souls 3 honestly. The only complaints I have with this is that the door guardian is a shit gimmick boss and whoever thought they were cooking by adding him into the game needs to be hit with a hammer, also what the hell is the wish cube for that shit sucks and I barely used it. Other than that, the story is great, the voice acting and characters are pretty cool too! Shoutout to the PS5 for these incredible graphics. I love all of the mechanics and things that change up the gameplay like the custom arms and the P Organ skills, there really is a lot of variety in your builds and I never felt forced to respec for boss fights. And the boss fights (other than the piss shit door guardian idiot) are really good and well designed for the most part. Laxasia might genuinely be one of my favorite boss fights in a game EVER. Her moveset was so fucking cool and she was so hot I want her to beat the shit out of me irl.

Lies of P
Hours: 37
Spoilers: None
It is of no surprise to anyone that I dabble in a little Dark Souls. Some say, I partake in a little Sekiro. So when I am hit square in the face with a game in similar genre to those with the main focus being Pinocchio set in a steampunk industrial world, you bet your ass I was going to platinum that baby.
In a market of difficult boss battles and dodge rolls to make, how does Lies of P stack up against the competition?
If you have not been under a megaton load of rocks, then you have probably experienced souls of dark origin and Lies of P doesn’t do TOO much difference. The main focus is extremely hard boss fights with a massive desire to parry every single movement your giant foe lays down on you. As someone who absolutely sucks major ass at parrying, this took me a while to get used to but thankfully the game is designed to gradually build you up to tackling it’s perfect parries resulting in later enemies being parry sluts and the earlier game enemies being more slow builds that help you parry within an inch of your life but enough to keep you going. P, the main protag is equipped with a giant mechanical arm that can be swapped out for different variants. You will be able to blast electricity with it, shoot fire, hell, even have an entire damn explosive parry shield. This arm essentially swaps out your spell and sorcery. There is no magic in this game, only the feeling of magic when you perfect parry a boss and watch it fall to your knees and BEG to be brutally stabbed with a powerful attack.
Aside from the typical fanfare of being obliterated by big bosses, you also have a fun mechanic in the realm of making choices (God forbid you don’t do enough in your life already) involving the wonderful world of telling the truth or lying your nose out! Which leads into the narrative and the gameplay elements that affect it
Have you ever questioned if you are a puppet or a human? I do everyday I watch the news and even half believe some of the nonsense they are spilling. Aside from that, in Lies of P, you will come up with the decision to either tell the truth to characters or lie. A simple rule is placed into puppets, they cannot lie. So when you, as the main character, do lie to people, your humanity is increased so you have the potential of becoming (oh yes) A REAL BOY!
The plot centres around this concept, are you human? Or are you dancer? Which then proceeds to take you on an electric journey of finding out the entire puppet society has gone ballistic and you need to figure out why they are killing humans that enslaved them…..geez, I wonder why! It’s not for the reason you think though and I do believe that is the strongest part of Lies of P for me.
The narrative is really strong here and kept me wanting to find all the lore pieces of newspaper, vinyl recordings and cyphers to figure out wha happun.
I do believe the game lands it’s narrative really well and I am satisfied with where the characters all end up. This game does indeed have multiple endings, which does leave the question, what is cannon? DLC and a sequel has been announced, so only time will tell.
Do you think about Nikola Tesla a lot? Is this MY Roman Empire? I often wonder about the world we would live if he was the one that took off in the tabloids of the time. Lies of P essentially gives you that world. Large gothic locations, steam trains, monorails, electric powered enemies. The atmosphere of this game is something else and is constantly breathtaking in every are you explore. From the high heavens to the lower subway systems. You will be left wondering why the hell Edison had to be victor. It offers an incredible look into a world purely ran by mad science and electricity beyond our wildest dreams.
Lies of P is an incredible game in the umbrella of Souls games and offers to be one of the best in the genre. Between its fantastic narrative, parry combat and atmosphere, you will always have something to look forward to each and every hour.
I played through the game twice for the platinum and feeling how much I had improved was such an immeasurable experience.
If you are even remotely into Souls games or have a fetish for being pounded into the pillow of your beg, then I would strongly recommend this twisted take on not just Pinocchio but various fairytales/bedtime stories.

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Títere anônimo desgraçado!!!

I feel crazy with this one. I keep hearing people calling it the first soulslike to rival From Software’s games, and… I just don’t see it? This still was a very mediocre experience. Yes, this is probably the only soulslike that comes close to doing things that Fromsoft are doing in their games at their level, but that says more about the priorities and quality of most other soulslikes than of Lies of P’s good qualities. Mind you, this is an okay, competently made game, with an interesting idea for a narrative, but it’s not even close to Fromsoft level. It feels like a retread of everything I have seen in From’s games, but on a smaller scale and in a less interesting way. There’s the regenerating health from Bloodborne, there’s the prosthetic arm from Sekiro, there’s modular weapons mechanic that’s reminiscent of Bloodborne, there's a gothic Victorian city from Bloodborne. But unlike those games, this game doesn’t have some kind of idea upon which everything is built. It isn't focused around parrying like Sekiro, or aggressiveness like Bloodborne, or RPG customizability like Dark Souls. It tries to do all those things a little bit, and ends up doing all of them mediocrely.

And the overall quality of the game is not on a very good level. Level design is unimaginative and too formulaic, writing and voice acting feels stiff and boring, art direction is unimpressive, combat is just okay. Final nail in the coffin of my playthrough was bosses - they are so focused on being crushingly punishing and difficult, that it stops being fun. Lies of P overall is focused on precision on the player's part way too much. It’s like this game doesn’t understand its own inspiration - where in Dark Souls hard difficulty was there to cloak players in a dreadful and suspenseful atmosphere, there it feels like the bosses are hard just for the sake of it. Like the game feels pressured to have bosses that are harder than that of its competitors, just for the sake of it. Of course, it’s good to make a game that focuses on different things than your inspiration. But this game doesn’t feel like it focuses on anything in particular, or like it has any certain vision. It feels like Lies of P game design is purely reactionary to its contemporaries in the “soulslike” genre and “git gud” culture that’s formed around them.

By the time I finished writing this I feel like maybe I’m focused too much on comparisons to From’s games and being too reductive, but I think this game justifies it - it's just too derivative and too stale. I find nothing of note to say about its positive qualities except that it’s just a competent videogame.

Alguses kuulsin läbi Asmongoldi, siis laadisin flac soundtracki alla ja see oli väga hea, siis mängisin. Varem olin demot ka mänginud, siis tundus väga raske aga lahe.
Üks suur raske osa mänguga harjumisel oli perfect parry süsteem, mida ma polnud kunagi varem suutnud üheski mängus teha. Nüüd sellega õppisin isegi päris hästi ära ja see oskus tuleb kindlasti teistes mängudes kasuks (Sekiro).
Asmongold vist läbi ei mänginud ja ütles et üli hea see pole. Ma tulin siia pärast DS1-te ja ma ütleks et kasutasin dodgemist üpris hästi ära, kuigi nii kasulik see polnud kui DS mängudes.
Üks suurim miinus mängus oligi see combat, mida vastased vahel tegid, kus tõsteti relv, siis hoiti mingi ebamäärane aeg õhus ja alles siis löödi. Mind ausalt öeldes see väga ei häirinud. Aga mind häiris see kuidas mõned attackid vastastel tundusid väga ebaloomulikud. Nt jalad ei liikunud aga suur relvahoop maagiliselt liigutas teda korralik 5+ meetrit ettepoole, teleportis attackiga minule lähemale ja sai niimoodi pihta ka.
Naljakas on see et ma kasutasin TERVE mäng ühte relva (v.a mingi esimene ~20min). Ei tundunud OP ja hea moveset ja range oli. Mingeid muid abistavaid itemeid ka ei kasutanud, mis oli paljuks kasutamiseks mõeldud.
Graafiliselt UE4, fps üli hea, tekstuurid tsipa udused, aga võitluses tähele küll midagi ei pane. Muidu ilus. Nii suuri mastaape nagu Elden Ringis oli siin polnud, aga arhitektuur oli äge ikka. Imelik et nimega asukohtades aega ütles (nagu rainy morning nt). Maailm oli üldse ilus ja vastased huvitavad, oli loomingulisust kasutatud. Mul oli mäng kuidagi tume, aga gammat ma ka ei vahetanud. Panin monitori eredamaks kui mängisin.
Heli oli väga hea, muusika ka.
Storyle ma nii palju tähelepanu ei pööranud, nüüd lõpus olles vaatasin paari videot. Tegelt oli parajalt arusaadav, aga samas ka natuke müsteeriline. Otsuste tegemine dialoogides oleks võinud mängu rohkem mõjutada, ainult lõpus juhtus midagi muud. Mina ei viitsinud lõpus Geppetto pojaga võidelda nii et andsin oma südame talle.
Mängu fookuses oligi mõte, et mis teeb inimesest inimese ja kas mingi animatroonik saab muutuda inimeseks, kui tal on tunded ja emotsioonid jm. Ja veel, et kui vajalik on valetamine, kas seda peaks tegema jne.
Ma ei mänginud seda suurte portsudena, pigem proovisin iga korraga ühe bossi võrra väh. edasi jõuda. Nii veniski üle paari kuu. Nüüd tahaks küll DS2-te edasi minna.

This game reminded me of when I was 8 and woke up, and my bedsheets were wet, and my parents asked why, so I told them that the cat had been there earlier, so they got mad at the cat and I changed pants and went to school.

un po' di cose che non vanno ma buon souls like

pinocchio the italian killing machine with a heart
very pleasent soulslike

26h 25 min to beat at lvl 96