Reviews from

in the past

>available for free from Blizzard's website
>still need a fucking key to authorize once you have it downloaded
>have to download
fuck off

It was a million times better than 3, but to me that just means it took slightly longer to get bored. These kinds of games are definetly not for me.

you would think with a name like the dark wanderer they wouldnt just let him wander through towns like that huh

there are two kinds of diablo 2 Enjoyers. folx who make a blizz sorc each ladder reset and rush through the entire thing to partake in the exciting activity of opening chests in LK or running Mephisto over&over so that they can finally get that epic green dunce cap that gives +2 to all skills (none of which are applicable IRL, sadly), all while proclaiming this is one of the bestest games ever. and then there are epic dudes (like me!) who play the likes of chargedin or berserker on HC and don't defile their baller plate armor with TAL & ETH, who know that the first game is better because Geglash has nothing on mah main man Farnham.

Help! Help me! Die! Time to die! Die! summons 6 thousand skeletons and 4 golems on top of you

Another game that I perhaps look upon with robustly thick nostalgia-tinted glasses. I adored the first Diablo game and this felt like an improvement in every way. Back when Blizzard could do no wrong, this got repeated play-throughs with every character, multiple times.

I don't actually remember if I played it

I clogged the Secret Cow Level portal by guiding all the cows to the incoming side and the whole server got pissed at me for derailing their fun, game is a masterpiece.

the vibes are immaculate but I've come to realize that this genre is just not for me, I feel like I could just do cookie clicker while watching vampire hunter d or something and get a similar experience

Warscheinlich der beste Diablo Teil aber Diablo an sich is Müll ausm Biocontainer.

Would not recommend it to play now due to the lack of QoL but an absolute beast of a game, another game that defined a genre and I don't believe anything supplant though that Path of Exile has been trying and I absolutely have more hours in it.

100% understand why this is considered peak Diablo. Micro transactions ruined the franchise.

ARPG of my childhood alongside titan quest, most likely one of my favourite games of all time.

cookie clicker got a pretty cool revamp wow

In terms of production value, it is extremely good- everything, from the enemy design, to music, skills and environments has a lot of care. The pre-rendered graphics give it a visual identity that not even the new games can match. The amount of ways to build the characters are great, but the absurd amount of inventory management takes you away both from the action and the ambience, as you keep teleporting to sell junk and upgrade. Its also extremely annoying that you can only reset skills a single time, so you can't try different builds, thus the game ends up getting repetitive by the third act as you can only do the same strategy for everything. Even though relatively short, I had to force myself to complete the expansion.

And the variety of locations as opposed to a single dungeon are cool I guess, but I miss the sense of progression and more focused design Diablo 1 had. Since the enemies respawn every time you load a save and most quests are extremely straightforward I had no desire to explore whatsoever. And for all the time you spend returning to villages, they all feel very superficial too.

Still, if you want to feel like a powerful necromancer and send an army of skeletons kill everything there is probably no better game.

got half way into the game and understood the repertoir, honestly i'm not a grindy person to these kind of games and this seems to be mandatory with these titles, i might change my mind one day but as its stands, it just aint for me, who knows, i might end up finding a mod that makes it more fun for me.

When I got to the desert I realized I wasn't even close to finishing the game and it filtered me

Thanks to Plugy I've wasted majority of my 2020 playing this game with the infinite chest space with a Necromancer (now level 56), now playing the OG game with small inventory space with a Paladin wasted my 2022 hours, 10/10 would play again with Dimmu Borgir/Any raw black metal playing on the background being true kvlt af on Norway

The soundtrack still give me chills, absolute exp of classic rpg

coto matamoros hizo maraton de esto antes de ver al diablo.

Back when Blizzard actually made video games.

So much fun. This game shines best with multiplayer

Algumas boas quality of life em cima do primeiro jogo, admitidamente eu tenho preferência pelo estilo mais dungeon crawler do primeiro jogo, onde você tem apenas o hub principal e dungeons pra entrar, o segundo jogo já começou a ir pra um lado mais "MMO", mas ao menos ainda tem mapas aleatórios, dos quais gosto bastante.

Os inimigos continuam bizarros e a direção de arte incrível, só talvez um pouco mais fácil que o primeiro, mas uma experiência muito divertida e recomendada de se ter solo ou com amigos.

Diablo 2 is an isometric RPG that I decided to revisit after years since the last time I played it. I played it quite a lot when I was a kid and tried out the many different classes. But it wasn't until my teens that I knew enough English to actually play through it.

For context for the rest of the review, I replayed the game this time in multiplayer and with the expansion "Lord of Destruction" installed. I was pleasantly surprised that, at the time of this review, connecting to others in multiplayer is still as easy as it ever was. Using the expansion for this playthrough was also a nice addition because of the life of quality features and extra items available. So much so that for any future replay I would always install the expansion.

This playthrough was made with me playing as the amazon class, focusing on spears and javelins, and my friend playing as the necromancer, specializing in re-animating skeletons.

The game does not wait for action to happen and is as easy to learn and get into as a player. What can be harder for a player, especially a new one, is the many options one can build their character. It gives the impression that each character has more viable builds than it actually has. The game's biggest flaw in my opinion is how locked the different classes are to certain weapons and skills to be efficent in late game. Not a fatal flaw but I personally prefer more free options in character building. That is why I enjoy playing the amazon class for its options of using both ranged and some melee tactics.

The game is divided into 4 acts and we managed to do one per session of about four hours before feeling tired of the game. There is a simple and very addicting game loop but can feel repetitive after a while if played for too long in one session.

The isometric graphic style shows the intriguing environments and vast array of NPCs. The mood is dark, and dreary and complements the fantastic music. It really draws you into the experience. Even if you focus more on the said experience than the story behind it. The story is more of a catalyst to get the game going than the game driving the story forward, at least in this playthrough. Perhaps it was due to the multiplayer sessions distracting from the story.

Throughout the game, it never felt too hard and we rarely felt like the game was challenging. In the beginning, we even felt like we were over-leveled. We mostly focused on drinking potions, fighting mobs returning to town, and selling items from our far too-small inventory.

This changed in the third act though and we started to get in trouble with the higher leveled enemies. As an amazon, I felt like I could get easily overwhelmed by mobs as the amazon lacked good splash damage attacks at that point. The necromancer friend who had focused on creating their own mob of minions now started to face troubles from enemies who had area-of-effect attacks. This problem lasted all the way to the final boss and became a slogging match.

I did thoroughly enjoy the game from the first act to the last. There was never a boring moment and even if a bit constraining, I loved micromanaging the details in my character's build. The gaming experience of this game is just as good as when I played it when I was a kid and I will play it again at some point. I don't know if a replay would be in this original version or the remastered version "Diablo 2: Resurrected" released in 2021.

This game is a classic and one of the greatest when it comes to older RPGs. If you enjoy an aesthetic and lootheavy character-building RPG, then I recommend at least one try of this game.

Best Diablo game by far, a true classic

It lets me flood the screen with skeletons to fight the forces of evil. I'd say that's worthy of a good score.

gave irreplaceable damage to the arpg genre that will have it's stay for 24 years to come